The Heroes of Olympus The Argonauts, SoN, Sequel to Life of a Half-Blood

PenelopeWolf1 posted on May 26, 2011 at 04:07PM
Hey guys! This is the Sequel to Life of a Half-Blood, Roman Legion, SoN.

In this one the Characters

Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon
Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena
Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite
Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus
Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter
Dakota Wilson, Son of Mars
Reyna Lewis, Daughter of Apollo

All go on the Quest to save the world. To defeat Gaea, and to survive on the way.

They have to follow the Quest and the Prophecy that Racel Elizabeth Dare gave. It goes:

Seven Half-Bloods Shall Answer the call,
To Storm or Fire, the world must fall
An Oath the keep with final breath,
And Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

Will they win? or Die trying?


The Heroes of Olympus 83 replies

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over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
cool that you're making a sequel
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
big smile
Chapter 1

"Leo? How's the Argo coming?" Called Jason from the ground below the ship. Jason blonde hair was shaggy and he was wearing a gray t-shirt, black shorts, basketball shoes, and a black jacket.

They had been working on the Argo for the past two weeks nonstop since Chiron, the camp director of Camp Half-Blood, said they had 3 weeks to get it done, and tested. It had been two weeks and they were almost done.

"It's going good," Leo called back."Just needs a few--AHHH!" He yelled.

"Leo?" Jason yelled, alarmed. "What's wrong?"

Leo did respond for a moment (So Jason obviously thought Leo died and was about to go up there) but then Leo yelled back: "STUPID OIL!"

Jason smiled. Then Leo's head popped out from the top of the rail.

Leo looked like a latino santa elf. But instead of looking happy like one, he looked mad. His face was covered with black oil and he had a distinct frown. "Why are you smiling?!" He asked.

Jason just smiled. Then a bright, blond haired girl with warm blue eyes came in wearing a black shirt, a green hunter jacket, skinny jeans, and black converse. Her hair was in a bright blonde pony tail.

"Hey Hazel!" Leo said. Hazel looked up and smiled. "Hey Leo! You have a little something on your face. Here!" She through a rag up to him and he caught it and wiped his face. She then turned to Jason. "Hey Jason, Percy, Annabeth, and Reyna need you." She said with a wink.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going. And hey," He added. "Don't let me come back here with you two kissing."

Hazel's face turned Red and Leo's ears turned red to. Hazel and Leo had been going out for the past few weeks. Ever since Hazel came to camp with Percy, Dakota, Reyna, and Bobby to bring Percy back here and get Jason home to Half-Blood Academy, the Roman camp.

Hazel and Leo were perfect for eachother. Hazel is a daughter of Vesta (Hestia, if your Greek) and Leo is a son of Hephaestus (Vulcan is your Roman) and they were the first Roman/Greek half-bloods to actually start dating, and they set an example to us not to fight all the time.

"Oh don't make us," Hazel started. "Burn you butt,bro." Leo said. "Because we can," Hazel said with a smirk. "and we will." Leo finished with a mischevious smile.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Whatever love birds." He said and turned and ran to where Percy, Annabeth, and Reyna always were. The Training Ground.


"Jason!" Someone called. Jason turned and smiled at the light brown haired girl who was coming at him. She was wearing jeans, a purple tank-top, a black jacket, and black puma's. Her hair was down and had some blond highlights, which was pulled into two low pigtails down on her shoudlers.

"What's up Gwen?" Jason asked, smiling slightly.

"Nothing! I just wanted to say: Good Luck." She grimanced.

"What do you mean good luck?" Jason asked, confused.

Gwen is a Daughter of Venus (Aphrodite for Greeks) and propbably one of the only Tomboyish one's besided Piper McLean who is also a daughter of Aphrodite, but Greek.

"ReynaisbawlingbecauseDakotaleftheri­nth­eAr­ena­int­hem­idd­leo­fth­esw­ord­fig­hts­ayi­ngs­hew­asw­eak­and­tha­the­nee­ded­toF­igh­tso­meo­neM­UCH­str­ong­er,­Son­ows­hei­scr­yin­gbe­cua­seD­ako­tal­eft­and­isn­owf­igh­tin­gPi­per­and­you­kno­who­wmu­chR­eyn­ali­kes­him­...­and­you­ofc­our­se.­She­can­'td­eci­de.­..&­quo­t; Gwen Trialed off and blushed when she saw Jason's face.

"Reyna is bawling because Dakota left her in the Arena in the middle of the sword fight saying she was weak and that he needed to Fight someone MUCH stronger ,So now she is crying because Dakota left and is now fighting Piper and you know how much Reyna likes him...and you of course.She can't decide. That's what I said." Gwen repeated more slow for Jason's sake.

Jason nodded and was angry. "Okay, where is Dakota." He said as calmly as he could muster.

"Why?" Gwen asked, wary because of his voice.

"Because." He paused. "I need to kill him." He finished his face turning red with anger.

"Okay, No. You need to comfort Reyna before she floods the whole place and loses her Prophecy Power and Healing. Got that? GO!" Gwen said and pushed Jason towards the middle of camp where the cabin's were.


"I just don't understand..." Reyna said rubbing her eyes. She had been bawling ever since Dakota said she was weak and left for that Choppy haired Freak, Piper McLean.

"I don't either." Annabeth said, angrily. "Your a VERY strong fighter, Reyna! Better than Percy," Then she added in a whisper. "But that doesn't take much." Percy eyes widened. "HEY!" He said.

Jason came running up with Dakota right after him.

Jason looked surprised and Dakota looked pale. They sat down and Reyna didn't look at Dakota until he said two sentences: "Guys, it's Piper. She's gone."

Like it? Love it? Want some more of it? Lol Thanks! ~Penelope
over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
yes cant wait till the squeal is it gonna be awesome as the life of a halfblood
over a year ago underwater said…
never mind that answered my question
over a year ago underwater said…
and to answer ur it
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
good chapter
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Underwater - Thanks :)) I bet it will b as good as LOAHB :)
Perseus54321 - Thanks :))

Chapter 2

"What do you mean she's GONE?" Annabeth said standing up.

"I mean what I said Chase. She said she'd be right back and she never did!" Dakota said and put his head in his hands.

Reyna stood up with her face read and her hands shaking. "So your STRONG partner left and is gone huh 'kota? Maybe that's a good thing, because that's what you DESERVE!" She yelled the last word and stormed off down to the woods and disappeared behind the hill.

Dakota sat stunned. "What's wrong with her?" He asked. Annabeth groaned and fell on her back. She sat back up. "Dakota. What's wrong with her is YOU. You left her to go train with Piper and she doesn't find that funny or kind. She finds it RUDE, Dakota. Look I'm sorry," She added seeing Dakota's face of Hurt/Anger/surprisedness. "But it's the truth. You need to go apologize to Reyna and we'll go find Piper."

She stood up and grabbed Percy's arm and helped him up. "Come on Percy. Let's look in the woods." She said with pleading eyes. He nodded. "Okay."

Jason stood up to. "I'll go look at the Venus cabin. And No. Not to see the girls." He told Dakota and ran off to see if Piper was at her cabin.


Piper woke up on the ground in the Camp Half-Blood Forest.

"Hello?" Piper yelled into the woods. Her green tank-top was dirty and her arms were cut and bruised. Her jacket was around her waist and her shorts were ripped. Her legs were splattered with dirt and cut and her braided pigtails were coming loose and undone. Her green converse were splattered with mud like her legs.

A rustling made her grab her knife that once belonged to Helen of Troy. "Who's there?" She yelled again.

A giant Bug came out of the bushes. "Holy Zeus, you need to lose some weight." Piper Muttered. She turned around and ran to the tree. She ran up the trunk and flipped down with her knife out.

The creature hissed and pounced. She ducked under it but not before it his her shoulder. she looked at it and it was bleeding like crazy.

She cursed in Greek. She held out her knife to keep it away.

"Back off Mr.Bug thing or else you'll go back to Tartarus." She said and gulped. She heard people calling her name in the distance and yelled back: "OVER HERE!"

She heard running towards them. The bug pounced again and Piper ducked and stabbed it's stomach. It screeched and turned to dust. Piper coughed and stood up just as Percy and Annabeth came through the bush.

"Piper!" Annabeth gasped, rushing forward. "What happened to you?"

Percy came over and gently grabbed Piper's arm to examine her shoulder wound. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry filled his voice.

Piper shook her head. "Let's just say, Gaea isn't giving up."


Annabeth, Percy, and Piper came out of the woods. Piper was limping slightly and wincing.

Jason was talking to a Aphrodite girl when he saw Piper. "Piper!" He said and ran over. "What happened?" He asked.

Piper shook her head. "Ambrosia first, Story later." She said and coughed.

Jason shook his head. "Okay. Come on." He said and grabbed her arm gently and helped her to the Big House.

Dakota and Reyna came over the hill and saw Piper and Jason.

They ran over. "What happened?" Dakota asked.

"Let me get some Ambrosia and Nectar first Dakota. Okay?" Piper said and winced.

"Piper..." Reyna's voice cracked as she looked at Piper all bruised and cut up.

Piper stopped and smiled wearily at Reyna. "Reyna, I'm okay. I just need to get something to eat okay?"

Reyna nodded. "Okay. I'll tell Chiron that we found you and ask for a meeting."

Piper nodded. "Okay." She said.

Jason urged her on. "Come on Piper." He said and took her inside the Big House.


That night all the Roman leaders and Greek Leaders were at the ping pong table in the game room for the council.

For Greek: Percy for Poseidon, Annabeth for Athena, Piper for Aphrodite, Leo for Hepheastus, Nico for Hades (He arrived that Afternoon), Travis and Connor for Hermes, Sure Ellen for Hecate, Miranda Gardiner for Demter, Pollux for Dionysus, and Clarisse for Ares.

For Roman: Reyna for Apollo, Dakota for Mars, Gwen for Venus, Hazel for Vesta, Bobby for Minerva, Jason for Zeus, and some others.

Piper was better than she had been. She wasn't hurting that much and her cut on her shoulder healed.

Chiron and Lupa came in and stood at the head table.

Reyna couldn't read Lupa's expression. Chiron's was worried.

"My pups, let us listen to Piper's story." Lupa said and turned to Piper who nodded.

"Well... You all know who is supposed to go on the Quest, or Mission, for the Great Prophecy, right? Leo, Jason, Reyna, Dakota, Annabeth, Percy and me. Well... I was walking out of the Arena to get another sheath and some Nectar just in case when..." She stopped and blinked. "When I got knocked out. I woke up in the ground and in front of me was...was Gaea." She gulped. "And... She... She told me that we would never succeed. That we would die on the Quest if it was the last thing she ever did... Then... Then she sent a Earthborn after me and I woke up in the Camp Half-Blood Forest. I got attacked again and that's when annabeth and Percy found me." She looked around.

"So..." Travis said. "Gaea is awake and very angry." He said.
"I guess she doesn't want out I <3 THE EARTH T-Shirt then..." Connor Muttered.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Percy smiled a little.

"Guys. We need to stop fighting." said Hazel suddenly. "Piper was attacked. That could mean someone else that goes on this Mission could be next. Romans and Greeks need to get along or else..." She shrugged. "Or else we won't be able to fight against Terra."

Thanks for reading guys!

Questions to answer:

Will another get attacked?
Will the Prophecy lead to Death?
Is Hazel right?

Thanks guys! ~Penelope <3
over a year ago underwater said…
yes two chapters in one day i feel like its my b-day
over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
the son of neptune preview is out heres the site=D
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
good chapter
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
whoa, so cool!!! sorta mysterious too, hehe
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Loved it !!!:DDDD can't wait for the next chapter !!:DDDDD
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 3

And on that happy note everyone went to bed. Gwen helped Piper to the Aphrodite/Venus cabin. Leo and Hazel went off to the Hepahestus/Vesta cabin (They both had 2 share because there is no Hestia cabin... Yet.)

Everyone filed away into the night to their cabins, laughing and talking.

Percy and Annabeth stayed behind.

"So Seaweed Brain." She said, lacing her fingers through Percy's.

"Yes, Wise girl?" Percy replied smiling at her.

"We leave in a week for the Great Prophecy, how do you feel about that?" she said quietly. She smiled slightly.

Percy looked at the moon. "I think," he said, now looking at her. "It's going to be an Adventure that half-blood after us, will never forget."

They leaned in and kissed.

The moon shining brighter, just for them.


Piper and Gwen were walking to the Aphrodite/Venus cabin, in comfortable silence.

Gwen broke the silence first. "Piper, are you sure your okay?"

Piper paused for a moment. She looked at Gwen nad smiled. "I'm perfect, Gwen. Dakota and Reyna made up, Percy and Annabeth are finally okay, Hazel and Leo are Happy, you and Bobby are together, I'm fine with out anyone. It's all perfect." She sighed and looked at the Stars. "Gwen, I'm sorry. It's just... I don't think Jaso nand I will ever be together and...and it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't have someone like me." She looked at Gwen who was trying not to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Piper asked, furious, and trying not to smile.

"BECAUSE Piper! Your beautiful and Jason knows this! Piper, he likes you. A lot! Don't beat yourself up just because he hasn't shown his feeling for you." Gwen said, one hug arm hugging Piper.

Piper smiled and they went into the Aphrodite/Venus cabin.


Leo and Hazel were walking to Cabin 9, their hands intwined together. "Hazel," Leo said.

Hazel looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, Leo?" She replied.

"I really like you and..." Leo trailed off and looked at her, his eyes sad.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Hazel asked. Her tone was worried and soothing. Leo and her had been going out for the past four months. Hazel really, REALLY, liked Leo. She hoped he liked her back.

Leo did somthing that Hazel didnt expect.

He kissed her for the first time ever.

"If I survive this Quest, then I hope we'll be together, longer than just the summer." Leo said and kissed her agian.


Dakota and Reyna were walking down to the cabins.

"Reyna I'm sorry." Dakota said looking at the ground.

"It's fine, 'Kota. Stop Apologizing." She lifted his chin with er finger.

Dakota nodded. "Okay... But I really am." He said.

Reyna nodded. "I know."

They stopped in front of the Golden Apollo cabin. "I'll see you tomorrow 'Kota." She said and went on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Night." She whispered and went inside the cabin.

Dakota just sttod there and touched his cheek where she kissed him.

He walked to the Ares/Mars cabin smiling as he got into his bed.


So did you guys like it? :) ~Penelope
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
good chapter
over a year ago ShaileeBug said…
Good job Penny. :-)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Perseus54321 - Thanks :)
ShaileeBug - Thanks Shaii :)

I'll post more later! :)
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
awww so sweet!!!
over a year ago underwater said…
everyones 2gether except piper and jason i feel sad for them...oh well hehehe
over a year ago ShaileeBug said…
Good Job Penny :-) You will be a great writer one day! :-) <3 Love you. :-)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Jas55jar - lol :)
underwater - hehe.
Shaileebug - Thanks Shailee :) Love you 2, cuzzy :)

Chapter 4

The next day everyone went to the lake where the Argo || Was going to fly into for a landing.

Piper and Leo were by the lake talking in hushed tone and using arm movements like they were arguing.

Hazel and Jason walked over to them and they stopped and stared at Jason and Hazel.

Piper was red in the face and angrily put her choppy hair in a pony tail. She was wearing cut capri's, a orange tank-top, a black jacket and black converse. Leo was wearing a green t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes, his face was pale and angry.

"What's wrong guys?" Hazel asked, her tone worried. She didn't know if Leo and Piper had a thing going on, and hoped not. She looked between both of them.

"Nothing." Piper said, her tone angry. "Leo is just being a giant turd." She walked off towards the boat and climbed up it.

Jason stifled a laugh. "Shut up." Leo said. Hazel sighed. "You are being a turd, Leo." She said and hugged him. "But I still love you." She kissed him and then pulled away. She smiled. "Have a good test run, Leo. See yah Jason!" She ran off to join the other campers.

Annabeth and Rena were on the ship making sure they had everything when Piper stormed on, her face read and her pony tail coming loose. Annabeth rushed over. "Piper, were you attacked again?" She asked. Piper nodded. "Yes. By a big turd named Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus!" She stomped over to the weapons and picked up a knife, looking at it as if deciding how to kill Leo with it.

"Piper," Reyna sighed. "I agree with you. Leo IS a turd, but he's your friend. Don't be too hard on him. He has to leave his first ever girlfriend behind remember? Hazel is the same way. She tried to kill me yesterday with a ping pong paddle!"

Annabeth and Piper laughed. Dakota came in and froze, a smile played on his lips. "I see your all busy laughing. By the way Piper," Dakota said turning to her. "I heard what you said about Leo being a Turd. I second the motion." Then he smirked and went below to check on the rooms.

Percy came in and went over to Annabeth and whispered something to her. She spun around to him and looked shocked.

Piper and Reyna thought she was going to slap him when a new camper came in.

"Erm... Annabeth?" he asked. Annabeth turned to him. "Yes Sari?" She asked, walking over to him. He had to be about 9-10. "Uhm... Chiron sent me to give you this. Oh and Percy?" He said as he handed the paper to Annabeth. "My mom said to stay away from her daughter."
"Let me guess," Percy said his face blushing. "Your mom is Athena?"
"No. Minerva." Then he ran out. Percy smiled at Annabeth as she chuckled.

Jason and Leo came in and Piper turned away from Leo and started to go upstiares to the balcony when Leo grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry Piper." He said. Piper set her jaw and pulled her arm away from him. "I forgive you... But your still afat turd monkey who needs to grow up." Then she ran up the stairs" Leo blushed. They heard a scream and everyone looked at eachother. Leo and Jason were the only ones to act and ran up the stairs.


Piper walked up the stairs and smelled the air. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked and it was dirt like. She spun around and saw Gaea.
"I told you to forget this quest, Daughter of Aphrodite. You and your loved one will not return from this Quest alive." Gaea said, her tone rough like the ground.
She screamed and then heard someone coming up the stairs. Gaea disappeared and Piper slid down to the floor. She sat there when Leo and Jason came up.

"Piper!" Jason panted and ran over. He kneeled down and grabbed her shoulders. Her face was pale and sweaty. Her eyes scared.

"What happened?" He asked. Piper looked at him. "Gaea was here. She grabbed my shoulder. She... She said me and my loved one wouldn't return from this Quest alive."


A half hour later they got ready to test drive the boat. Piper was on the deck steering the sails, all better after she had calmed down. Leo was steering the boat and Percabeth (As everyone now called them) were at the the front of the machines to tell when an island or a enemy was attacking or coming up.

Dakota and Reyna were getting the armor for everyone and Jason was walking upstairs to help Piper.

"READY?!" Leo yelled. Everyone chimed in "READY!"

And they set off for the test run... Then for the real thing.


Thanks guys! <3 ~P
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
great chapter
over a year ago underwater said…
great job
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter !!!!!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Thanks guys! <3 I'll post more later!
over a year ago ShaileeBug said…
Good Chapter Penny :-)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
ShaileeBug - Thanks :)

Chapter 5

"READY?" Leo yelled. He heard everyone yell back: "READY!" He pressed a button and pulled a leaver and they were in the sky.

"Percy, go to the front and make sure we have a good landing in the water." Leo said. Percy nodded and went to the front. "JASON! MAKE SURE WE HAVE ENOUGH WIND!"

Jason called back: "WE DO!"

"Dakota! Check the weapons make sure when I push this button they go out, but don't shoot!" Leo called to Dakota. He heard a Dakota running to the weapons. Leo pushed a button and heard a yell.

"What happened?" Annabeth called. "Dakota got hit with the Cannon! He'll be fine!" Reyna called.

"Percy! Get ready for the water landing!" Leo said, pulling the wheel towards the water.

"Piper! Get the mast and make sure they are tight!" Annabeth called. "Will do!" Piper called back.

They soared over the water. "NOW!" Percy yelled to Leo. Leo went easily into the water and went to land.

Everyone cheered at the dock. Chiron and Lupa came up.

"Good Job, my pups. I think you are ready to go." Lupa said. She was in her wolf form.

She had on her slivery dress, her long white hair followed down her back, and her pale skin glittered. Her eyes were a pale green with a hint of blue.

Chiron nodded. "I agree." He was in his centaur form with his shirt that said: Don't mess with Texan Centaurs. It had a little icon of a Centaur winking. "Heroes, may this Quest bring you joy, and may it bring a save haven. May you save us all, and stay alive." He bowed to them and all the campers, Roman and Greek, bowed back. Hazel ran and gave Leo a huge hug, tears streaming her face.

Gwen came over to Piper and gave her a hug. "I'll miss you, but don't worry, If Jason hurts you, Iris message me. I'll give him a few choice words." Gwen whispered in Piper's ear. Piper laughed. "Okay Gwen." They let go and Bobby gave Piper a hug. "See yah Piper." He said and walked over to Jason while Gwen went over to Dakota and Reyna.

Everyone gave eachother hug and fare wells.

Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Reyna, and Dakota all got on the ship and waved goodbye.

Then they set off for Greece, knowing they had a part to play in all of this, even if they didn't know what it was...


Annabeth and I were looking at the weapons, trying to decide weather or not to get another knife or a hairclip that changed into a sword.

"Hey Reyna?" Annabeth asked. I turned to her. "Yeah?"

"Do you think that we should get the changing weapons, just in case they try to take the other weapons?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Here," I handed her a hair clip. "That's a knife, it should work like this..." I took it and pushed on the edge and it became a knife. Then I pressed the other side and it became a blue hair clip again. "Thanks Reyna." Annabeth said with a smile. I nodded. "No problem. Hey what about this one for me..." I grabbed a bracelet and touched the middle where there was a sun and it turned into a shield. "Yeah, I think so." Annabeth replied.

I smiled at her and put it on. She stuck the clip in her pony tail.


"Leo?" Piper asked, she looked confused. "What's up Beauty Queen?" I replied, smiling slightly. She hit my arm hard. "Ow! That hurt much worse than when you broke your ankle!" Leo said, rubbing his arm.

"Sorry," Piper blushed. "I'm just confused and--"
"We had no idea Piper." Dakota said, smirking. "Dakota, don't make me get out the charmspeak and make you drown yourself." Piper warned. Dakota held his hands up in surrender and went bellow deck to the hammocks.

"So what's wrong Piper?" Leo asked putting on Auto pilot for the wheel. He sat down beside her.

"I just feel confused on how I'm one of the Greatest Half-Bloods." Piper said looking down at the floor.

"Piper," Leo said lifting her chin to make her look at him. "It chose you because your the one who got us out of Boreas Palace before we became Khione's ice sculpture, because you saved me and Jason from killing each other, because you kicked butt opening that cage to save Hera, which by the way was a bad choice."

Piper had to smile at that.

"And," Leo went on. "Because you are the best Beauty Queen ever, because you stay loyal to your friends, no matter what."

Piper sighed. "Thanks Leo." She stood up. "I'm going to go find Jason and kick his butt." She said walking away.

Leo stood up. "Why?" He asked, confused.

Piper smirked. "Because, he needs to learn to stop confiding in you for girl stuff." With that she ran up the stares to the top.

Leo smirked. "That girl is good." He muttered. Piper called down: "Thanks for noticing!" Leo laughed.


Thanks guys! Hopw you liked it :) I will post more later <3 ~P
over a year ago underwater said…
Piper sighed. "Thanks Leo." She stood up. "I'm going to go find Jason and kick his butt." She said walking away.

Leo stood up. "Why?" He asked, confused.

Piper smirked. "Because, he needs to learn to stop confiding in you for girl stuff." With that she ran up the stares to the top.
i love that part =D and i like leo ;)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Underwater- Lol, thanks! I like Leo 2. :)

Hey guy's, I'll post another chapter later 2day or 2morrow because I'm going to my friends house!
over a year ago ShaileeBug said…
big smile
Hii Cuz. Good Chapter!!! :-)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
ShaileeBug- Thanx Shailee :)
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Dezzypoo - Thankie! XD :D
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 6
-The boys room-
Leo, Dakota, Percy, and I were all in the hammocks, talking, when all the sudden we heard one of the girls scream. We looked at eachother and then scrambled up and ran. Leo tripped over his own feet but got up and ran after them.


I woke up to someone screaming. My eyes flew open and saw Reyna over by Annabeth's bed. Annabeth was crying and sweaty. She was gasping for air and her eyes were wild looking. Her blonde hair was sticking up and wet looking.
I got out of bed and ran over to her. "Annabeth? What's wrong?" Reyna asked. She was pale and her blonde hair was a mess.
I heard running and looked up to see Percy, Jason, Leo, and Dakota coming in. Percy was wearing jeans, socks, and a white t-shirt. Leo the same except a black t-shirt. Jason was wearing shorts and a brown t-shirt and Dakota jeans and no t-shirt so his 6 pack was showing.
Percy ran over to Annabeth who was now sobbing. He sat down by her and let her cry into his shoulder.
I sat on the other side of Annabeth. "Shh. Shh..." Percy said. "It's okay... What happened?" He asked me.
I shook my head. "Percy, I don't know." I admitted. "I woke up to her scream. I..." I got cut off by Annabeth gulping and then saying in a very determined voice: "Gaea. She's back. And I'm going to kill her before... If it's the last thing I EVER do."


I was more determined than ever. Ever since that stupid dream from Gaea saying that I was going to die on this quest.

Annabeth was on a mountain. It reminded her of when she was 13 years old and had to hold the weight of the sky... Her dream self Shuddered. Her dream self started to walk up the hill but her legs wouldn't move. Annabeth looked down and her eyes widened.
Her legs had turned into a tree trunk. She looked around and suddenly there was a woman in front of her. The lady had a earthy dress on and her eyes were closed. Her hair was brown like soil.
"Gaea." Annabeth had said.
Gaea smiled. "Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. What a pleasure." She said. Her voice was like a earthquake waiting to happen.
Annabeth just spat on the ground. Gaea smiled and Annabeth gasped. She looked down and saw her hands started to turn into a tree.
"Annabeth... Annabeth... What will we do with you." Gaea sounded amused. She started walking around Annabeth. Annabeth stood still.
Gaea sighed. "Annabeth, darling. Tell me one thing..." Gaea got in Annabeth's face. "Where is Perseus Jackson's Achilles heel?"
Annabeth was taken aback. "His Achilles Heel?" She repeated.
Gaea nodded and Annabeth gasped and looked down. Now she was a tree up to her elbow. Annabeth looked at Gaea.
"I will never tell you... you Tree Freak!" Annabeth said angrily.
Gaea Tsk'ed. "Such a shame... Such a shame..." She sighed and snapped her fingers. Annabeth felt her self become a tree.
She screamed as Gaea walked away laughing.

Annabeth sighed and grabbed some gear. They were abut to land on a island.


I hoped u like it! :D ~P
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
OMG so cool
Dakota has abs-six pack
and I think the island Annabeth is gonna land on is Calypso's
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
AmazingPercy - *sighs dreamily* Dakota is hawt... *Snaps into reality* I mean... Erm... Yeah Okay then... And they mite land on Calypso's island. o.o :D
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chappie !!!!! Ohhhhhhhh can't wait for the next one !!:DDDDDDDD :P
over a year ago underwater said…
Ooh poor Annabeth :( she should of told Percy wat happen so they can do something together
By the way ur doing a outstanding job with the chapters
Ooh great I'm starting to talk like my teacher *sigh
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Blakerose12: Thankie! :D

Chapter 7

I was changing into a my armor when Reyna and Piper ran down the stairs. Reyna had on a blue t-shirt with black jeans and blue converse. She had on her silver armor and her knife Sunkist in her sheath. Piper had on a green t-shirt, and blue jeans with black converse. She had on her gold armor with Katropis in her sheath.
"Kota, are you ready?" Reyna asked, her eyes wide. I nodded.
"Uh, yeah, but why are you out of breath?" I asked curiously.
Piper tried to hide a smile. "Uhm... Well... I don;t think you are." She giggled. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.
Reyna looked away and smiled. Piper covered her mouth.
"Look down Dakota." Piper said and looked away like Reyna.
I looked down and my eyes popped out of my head. My pants had come down.
I cursed in Roman as Piper and Reyna ran upstairs.
"I really need a belt..." I muttered and then a belt hit me on my head. "THANKS REYNA!" I yelled. "NO PROBLEM KOTA!" She yelled back.


Piper and I were still not friends. I still liked liked Jason and so did Piper. But when it came to her being attacked, I was worried.
I walked over to Leo who was at the wheel and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Leo, do you see a spot to land on the island?" I asked.
"Nope." Was his reply. He was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans. trainers, a green jacket, and his armor. He looked tired.
I patted his shoulder. "We'll find it." I said. I walked over to Annabeth who was typing away at the coordinates.
"Hey Annie." I said with a small smile. She looked up and rolled her eyes. "Hey Reyna." She said, her voice tired.
Annabeth had on a orange t-shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, and her armor. Her hair was in a pony tail but was a mess. Her eyes were tired.
"Annabeth, what happened last night?" I asked on a whim.
Annabeth's head snapped up to look at me. Her face was unreadable.
She was about to say something but right then, we were attacked.


I was talking to Jason when the Argo lurched sideways. I started to fall but Jason caught my hand.
"Thanks." I said. He nodded. "Come on." He said and pulled me up so I was standing right. "Let's go see what happened." We ran up the stairs when the boat got hit again.
Jason slipped but I caught him. "Thanks." He said. I nodded and smirked slightly. "Not a problem." We ran up the stairs to find Reyna and Dakota getting the cannons ready, Percy and Leo holding on to the wheel, and Annabeth trying to get the coordinates ready to land with out falling out of her chair.
"Go Piper!" Jason yelled running to help his best friends with the cannons. I ran over to Annabeth to help her. "Piper!" She said, her voice relived. "Type in 74 and 92! Now!" Annabeth yelled over the sound of the cannons. I did as she said.
The boat gave another lurch and Annabeth yelled my name as I was flew backwards out the window.


I was helping Reyna and Dakota with the cannons when Annabeth screamed Piper's name. I spun around and saw Piper fly out the window. "PIPER!" I yelled.
She was holding on to the ledge. "GO JASON! SAVE HER!" Reyna yelled at me. She blinked and I swear I saw tears in her eyes. She blinked again and her eyes were dry.
I ran over to the window and grabbed Piper's hand. "HOLD ON!" I yelled over the wind.
The wind grabbed Piper and blew her to the other ledge, farther down. She screamed.
Then I did the stupidest thing ever. I jumped out the window.

-Still Jason-

I jumped down and urged the wind to float me to Piper. She was holding on, but wouldn't hold on for much longer.
"HOLD ON PIPER!" I yelled.
"I'M NOT GUNNA LET GO AM I?" She yelled back.
Typical Piper, I thought.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arms and the boat gave another lurch as something hit it. We flew through the window, Piper on top of me.
"Thanks Jason." She whispered. "Not a problem Piper." I said.


Me and Percy were holding on to the wheel as best as we could.
"PERCY! LAND IN THE WATER!" I yelled. Percy nodded.
I pulled the wheel down and pulled a lever towards the water. "HOLD ON!" I yelled.
"OH NOW YOU TELL US!" Dakota yelled back.
I ignored him and the boat sped towards the water.
"PULL UP NOW LEO!" Percy yelled and Leo did what he was told.
Then everything went black.


1. Where did they land?
2. What hit the boat?
3. Will they survive the fall?

Thanks guys! <3 ~Penni
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Underwater: Lol, u dnt sound like a teahcer! Thanks :)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
over a year ago underwater said…
gd to no i dont sound like a teacher
and i was wondering is the nxt chapter gonna answer the questions;)!?!?
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Perseus54321: Thanks :)
underwater: Well, yes and no to the questions. You guys can answer them about where they landed. I thought it would be a cool way to see what you guys think is gunna happen :)
over a year ago underwater said…
"this gonna be like hmwk" i mummble
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
It's really good Penelope
1 idk poseidon/neptune palace
2 a monster sea serpent
3 Of course they have to!
over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
my answers are
1)water or land(like an island)
2)venti or one of Gaea's helpers which is obvious and i don't care because im still giving a good answer
3)duh....other wise i'd stop reading ur story right there...i joke... again!!! but seriously if they die im gonna stalk you until u change that part*wink*wink*wink*
even if they die everyone would be doomed
over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
by the way post as soon as you get the time
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Underwater: Haha this is SO not like homwrk XD and Thanks for the answers, and I will :)
AmazingPercy: Thanks :) and Thanks for the answers!
Underwater: Oh and if u stalk me... I have a Nerfgun and a very good aim ;)

over a year ago underwater said…
big smile
well...i'll use my brother as my sheild
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Here's kinda what Reyna looks like:

Here's kinda what Reyna looks like: