The Heroes of Olympus OK, I've awed over my last Percabeth picture...

girlybella posted on Feb 19, 2011 at 09:40PM
OK that's it.

Anybody else gonna help me break in to Rick Riordan's office and steal his copy of SoN?

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
hahaha well I would go, but hey I'm busy... *hands letter about how to break in* *smiles innocently* nah but I'm sure you'll do fine without me *wink! wink!*
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
What's the pic? And, I'll sit this one out, but I call second to read it! Though this is From his blog:

"Finally, an update on The Son of Neptune. I have a complete manuscript and am working my way through the revisions. Understand: complete does not mean readable, not even close. I have a lot more polishing and reworking to do, and then there will be even more revisions once my editor goes over it, but I’m confident we’ll get it to you on time in October. When we have an exact release date, I’ll let you know. And nope – no hints. Sorry! It’s way too early for that."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago girlybella said…
I bet his unreadable is our work of art. :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I wanna read it soo bad!! Wheres his office?!? We could borrow it!! Read it and return it a few days and everyone is all happy:)
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Yah! Like a library!!! What was the pic , girlybella
over a year ago girlybella said…
Oh just a bunch of random ones other people posted. :P
Those two could be eating puppies together and they'd still be cute. :O
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Yep, agreed.:)
over a year ago girlybella said…
Hey guys...
I'm writing a story. XD
So if you mind checking out what it's going to be...


over a year ago wisegurl said…
Kay ill go check it out:)
over a year ago crazypegesus980 said…
got u ;)
RR could give us the first chapter though.
over a year ago girlybella said…
Yeah, but I'm in the mood for some ALL OF IT MWHAHAHHA! Besides, I bet the first two chapters won't come out until summer.

Booo. Oh well.
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
big smile
Well last time the first two chapters came out on the summer solstice... I bet that's going to happen again seeing as the book is going to come out in October again. (I was told [can't remember who told me] I shouldnt read them, I'd be going crazy for four months...they were right haha!) right now, I'm torn. I want the whole book RIGHT NOW, but I also want something to look foreword to:)
over a year ago PERCYJACKS0N said…
count me in i've broke in to my Neighbours house like every saterday No jk ;)
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
i am so helping were dose he live come on people we need that book.

ps:they may be printing it now so we might find each of us a copy there.