The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune!*!*!*!

PJhero02 posted on Jan 22, 2011 at 06:47PM
The Son of Neptune:

Rated: C

Type: Adventure

Jason- Son of Jupiter
Piper- Daughter of Aphrodite
Leo- Son of Hephaestus
Annabeth- Daughter of Athena
Percy- Son of Poseidon
Chiron- Centaur
Dakota- Oracle
Hazel- Daughter of Apollo
Renya- Daughter of Minerva
Gwen- Daughter of Venus
*Introduced by RR

OC: Donovan- Son of Pluto
Selena- Daughter of Apollo

Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO or HoO series or the characters. They belong to Rick Riordan.

NOTE: If you are going to begin reading this, please do not give up after the first four chapters. I know, they're bad but they get much better, I promise!
last edited on Oct 14, 2011 at 02:38AM

The Heroes of Olympus 500 replies

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over a year ago PJhero02 said…
1. Percy's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself laying in a bed. looking around and saw about 20 other ones in the room. The funny thing was that I had no idea who I was!
"What is this place?" I said to myself.
Not expecting anyone to answer i jumped when i heard a girls voice respond, "The infirmary you idiot! You passed out in the middle of capture the flag. Which we lost by the way..."
I turned my head to the doorway. I saw a girl about my ever old that is. 16? 17? UGH! way can't i remember?!
She had blonde hair and grey eyes. For some reason I felt like I knew someone like her. She was wearing gold armour and a shield on her arm at her side. She wore a sheathed sword on a belt around her waist.
"Who are you and why are you wearing armour?" I questioned her.
She rolled her eyes. "Don't play that game with me, Percy."
Percy...yeah that sounds right. I guess my name is percy.
"I'm not kidding, I don't remember anything! I didn't even know my own name until you said it!"
When she saw how serious my face was she believed me.
"You were never a good actor, and that face was too real. You really don't remember anything?", she asked with a concerned look on her face.
I shook my head. "nothing except for the feelign that i'm in danger here.... Where is "here" by the way?
"This is NOT good. Percy, I can't explain now, we have to take you to lupa."
"Lupa? Who's Lupa?"
"The wolf godess in charge of this camp."
Camp? what kind of camp has campers who wear armour and wolves as concilors?
I didnt' have time to ask because the girl grabbed my arm and started half dragging, half leading me to a big marble building.


When we walked into the room I saw a huge fireplace. It was burning and flames and sparks were flying inside. Big pufts of smoke billowed up the chimney. There were two counches in front of it, in one sat a wolf. She (remembering the girl said 'godess') had red fur and big black eyes. Not seeing her mouth moving i heard her voice say, "Reyna, who is this?!"
"What do you mean lupa? this is percy one of your campers!"
"I assure you that I have never seen this boy! Why are you here?"
"I-I don't know." I mumbled back.
"You don't know? You have obviously used the mist to make my campers think they know you! Why are you here? Where is jason?! How dare you sneek into my camp!"
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted back, angry that I was being accused of all these things. "I just woke up in the infirmary with no idea who I am, where I was, or how I got there! I don't know who jason is but by the look I saw on Reyna's face when you said his name I'm guessing that he was important.
"It appears that you are telling the truth." Lupa said, scanning me up and down. "Because you are a demigod I will permit for you to live here as long as you prove you are worthy. Reyna take him to the battle field and gather all the campers. It is time for Percy....what's you last name?" she asked.
"Jackson." I said without even thinking. How could I remember that?
"Well, Percy Jackson, it is time for your trial."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
(Percy's POV)

reyna led me out of the house toward a huge shack full. when we reached it i saw that it was full of wepons-swords, daggars, spears- and armour. she began searching through the armour looking for somethign my size.
"why do i need this stuff again?" i asked her.
she stopped looking and glanced up at me."what do you think? so you won't get killed! you are going to need this stuff during you trial."
she picked up a broze breastplate and a helmet and shoved them into my arms. "here try these on" they were a lot heavier than i expected. hwo was i supposed to fight with all this on?
"i dont' need these" i told her. i don't know why but i felt like wearing armour wouldn't make any difference.
"of course you do percy! do you WANT to get killed?"
"no...but i just don't need armour."
"yes you do...just go try these on"
"fine, i'll wear the breastplate but not the helmet." i said tryign to compromise.
"whatever." reyna said giving up.


after i had put my armour on she led me toward the battle field where i would be having my trial. we passed a climbing wall, archery station, and pegusi stables on the way. i felt like i knew somewhere very simular to here...if only i could remember where it was.
when we reached the feild there was already a crowd of about 100 other demigods crowding around.
"word travels fast around here huh?" i mumbled to reyna
"it is tradition to watch the trials of new comers. it shows the all they need to know about you. if you are a good fighter and they should respect you, or a joke and they should humiliate you. but dont' worry, if you are really that bad you won't make it out alive in time for the humiliation part."
"yeah...really reassuring."
"it will be strange for all of us to see you fight in a trial. we all feel that we have already seen you do a trial before."
a conch hell sounded.
"son of mercury it is time for your test." reyna said pushing me towards the center of the arena.
"wait, what?! son of hermes? no way am i a son of hermes."
"no, you aren't. youa re a son of MURCURY not hermes."
"no i mean i'm nto either of them. maybe the mist tricked you into thinking that i was but i'm not. i'm sure of it."
"well it doesnt' matter now. we will find out soon enough anyway." reyna began retreating toward the crowd.
"wait!" i shouted after her. "i don't even have a weapon!"
"of course you do!" her voice sounded faint over the noise of the crowd. "check you pocket!"
sure enough, when i reached my hand into my pocket something was there. my hand enclosed around something. i pulled it out. a pen?! how was i supposed to defend my self with a pen?! i didn't have much time to think about it because the crowd straight ahead of me parted and out jumped a 'hellhound' i suddenly began approaching. on instinct i uncapped my pen. i stared in awe as it grew into a 3ft. broze sword. i charged the hellhound know as i swung my sword that it never had a chance.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
hope you guys like it!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Great start! Can't wait till you post the next chapter.
over a year ago partypony said…
yah it was great.
this is just a suggestion. no need to actually do it:
maybe u could slow things down a bit? um yeh, im not sure y but it feels a bit fast to me.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
^yeah i see what ur saying...i really rushed this chapter cuz i didnt' feel like rewriting it after i accidently deleted the original. so this one was very sloppy
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya good story:)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Post again Post again post again!!!!!!!! that was awesome can't wait to find out what happens next!!!!!!!!! amazing!! Typical Minnesotan, amazing in the arts!
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Good story! But why didn't she offer percy a sword?
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
@calypso_-haha i literally laughed out loud!! we are amazing in the arts!
@AltPercyU- she didnt' need to. she knew he already had riptide in his pocket.
@partypony-i will try my best to slow it down...dont' know how well it's gunna go though :P
@wisegurl and poseidon3-glad u like it! :)

i swung my sword just as the hellhound jumped at me. i made a huge gash just above it's nose. but i had barely even injured it. it kept coming towards me. as it jumped a second time, i rolled underneath it's big belly, came up on one knee, adn stabbed upwards. i then quickly pulled me sword out and rolled out from underneath it. if i had gone a second later i would have been smushed under 500 pounds of hamburger meat. it turned to dust. everyone stared in awe as a got up and dusted my jeans off. 'peice a cake.' i smiled to myself. i looked akwardly at the crowd. they all stared back. reyna stepped foward.
"well, i guess the mist didnt' change much. your still amazing ! that was great percy! how did you kill it that fast?"
"he is not done yet" lupa emerged from the crowd.
"what do you mean i'm not done..." i said confused.
"we still do not know how well you can fight against a fellow demigod. the next part of your trial is one on one with another camper. you may use any powers you might have. all magical items are permitted."
"great. so who will i face?" i said. i was just anxious for this whole thing to be over.
"percy, you will face the best swordsman this camp has to offer: Bobby, son of Mars."
'oh great.' i thought 'another ares kid' i had a feeling that i haven't had a good history with the kids of ares. or ares himself for that matter.
"bobby, please step forward."
to my left the crowd parted and a kid walked out. he was tall and muscular; well built. there was no doubt that this fight would be a hard one. he had a smile on his face that said 'i'm gunna crush this kid.'
that made me mad. no way was i gunna let this kid beat me!
"good luck to both of you." lupa said looking at me than bobby. "may the best half blood win."
She walked back into the crowd. another conch shell blared. bobby unsheated his sword. he had an evil look on his face. i smiled back at him. no way was i gunna let this jerk think he intimidated me.
"waht are you waiting for?" i asked him. "let the fight begin."
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
srry it's only part of the chater i;ll post the rest later!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
still chapter 3

bobby made the first move. he ran forward and started slashing his sword. i blocked them all.
"is that all u got?" i asked him. if you get angry u make more mistakes. my plan definatly worked. he began swinging with more force. each time i evaded him. then i counter attacked.
he swung a my head. i ducked under it and sliced his left arm.. it disoriented him just long enough for me to knock the sword out of his hand and disarm him. it cluncked on the ground and i kicked it away. then i put my sword to his throat.
"i surrender." he said weakly. "just let me go."
i backed off.
and what a mistake that was.
bobby rolled backwards and grabbed his sword off the ground. he started laughing.
"this isn't over yet percy! you should know by now that i dont play fair!"
there are only a few things that i hate more than cheating. seeing bobby do that made me mad. i looked at him laughing his evil laugh with a smirk on his face.
"and i'm not gunna go easy on you this time either!" bobby said getting ready to attack.
"yeah? well neither am i!" i felt a firmiliar tug in my gut. all of a sudden a huge wave came up and rushed behind me. i heard gasps come from the crowd. the water all collected and was in one huge ball just above my head. did i just do that?
my instincts took over and suddenly i knew what to do. i brought up my hand and moved it in the direction of bobby. sure enough the water followed. i droped my hand down and the water rushed towards him. bobby was swept off his feet and carried away with the current. he landed in a patch of grass about 20 feet away. the water then kept traveling back to the creek where it cam from.
"HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?!" a voice from somewhere in the crowd shouted.
reyna ran out into the center of the feild staring at me in disbelief.
"i told you i wasn't a son of mercury"
"yeah, no kidding." she said with her eyes wide. "your a son of neptune!"
"poseidon" i corrected her. "i'm a son of poseidon.
"percy, the greek gods are dead. your a son of neptune, god of the sea."
"no i'm not!" i said, angry that she didnt' believe me. "i dont' know how i remember but i'm a son of poseidon."
there was a long silence.
lupa was the next to speak.
hazel, take percy to the neptune cabin. he can stay there until we figure out where he came from. or until he remembers anything."
"yes lupa"
the voice belonged to a beautiful girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. she walked up to me and took my arm.
"c'mon percy. i'll show you where your cabin is."
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
this is pretty much hazel
this is pretty much hazel
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
big smile
oh so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Diana22 said…
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
ooooooooooo cool. love the fighting part! and my earlier comment is soooo true we people from minnesota are just amazing, outstanding and extraordinary in the arts whether they be music writing anything. Apollo blessed us with the arts instead of the warmth!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Piper123 said…
big smile
these chapters are awesome cant wait to see what happens next
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Awesome chapters and minnasotians r NOT talented it the arts.. Lolz
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
We are so we have the best orchestra worldwide! thank you very much! and what to you wisconsins have cheese. and though cheese is awesome the arts are cooler! what do have to say to that? lol
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah i mean really!! u guys can't be good at anythign cuz ur heads are full of cheese!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
^especially if it's swiss cheese cuz then it has holes in it too!!
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
Well I don't like cheese that much so.......... O and btw awesome chapter keep going.
over a year ago percyrulz said…
whats btw
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
by the way
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
when u posting dude really like it btw
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Um pjhero is a girl, but ya post asap!!! I can't wait!!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Yeah, post as soon as you feel u can. Not rushing u at all. I know how hard it can be writing a fanfic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
@funkyguy10- yes, i'm a GIRL
@wisgurl^- thnx for clearing that up for me! :)

everyone else- THNX!

*this chapter is dedicated to Blackjack167 who motivated me to type faster and get this post up tonight! and he also convinced me to add something into my story. Hope u like it!

Chapter 4

(Percy's PoV)

The brown eyed girl lead me away from the circle of campers and toward a cluster of cabins. She was walking fast, her hand still gripping my arm. I couldn't see her face, only her hair swayign back and forth as she walked quickly ahead of me.
"Hey! Slow down! whats the hurry?" She listened and slowed her pace until i was walking by her side. She let go of my arm.
"Who are you again?" I had forgotten her name already.
"Hazel." she replied without looking at me. She kept walking purposefully toward the cabins.
"I guess you really DON'T remember me." Now she was lookign at me. She looked pained. There was a tear rolling down her cheek. She wiped it off and looked away again.
Neither of us spoke for a moment. To break the silence i asked,
"So.. who's your mom?" just assuming that her godly parent was her mother. Probably Venus i thought. She was so beautiful, and the first girl to realyl stick out to me at this camp.
"My mom's an author." she said lookign puzzled. "Why?"
"oh." i said embarrassed that i had guessed wrong. " i just thought that your godly parent would be your mom." I could just feel my face turning a deep red, so i looked away.
"haha! no." Hazel laughed. She looked so natural. Not artificial like all those girls who wear too much make up.
"My father is Apollo"
"Cool, " i said. "You must be really good at archery and healing and stuff then."
"I guess i'm OK"
"What about poetry?"
"No way." she said " i'm the worst poet you'll ever meet."
"i doubt that" i said smiling. i remembered something!
An attractive guy pulling up in a really nice convertable. I was surrounded by young girls all carrying bows. One of them-she looked about 12- seemed to be the leader. The person in the convertable i recognized as Apollo, the god of prochacy, music, healing, and the sun. The car was his sun chariot. he got out and recited a haiku. Or rather, TRIED to:

Green grass breaks through snow
Artemis pleads for my help
I am so cool

"what do you mean by that?" Hazel asked.
"i've met your dad before." i told her "and he couldn't write a good poem to save his life. I smiled remembering the only memory i had of my life.
"Really?!" her face lit up. "What does he look like? Does he look like me? have you ever heard him sing? What does his chariot look like?"
Before i could answer any of her questions we reached a cabin. It was made of grey sea stone and coral. There was a sudden gust of wind and the smell of the sea blew towards me. I breathed it in and instantly felt relaxed.
"The neptune cabin." i said aloud but to no one in particular.
"yup." hazel said. "welcome home>"
I opened the door and walked inside.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
srry it's so short!
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
yes u wen't along with my plan good for u:D
and it's so cool anyone could tell she thought she was Persy's gf like piper :D
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
good that's what i was going for!! that's what they are going to talk about next chapter!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
thank you blackjack for being the only one to comment on my last chapter!! this one is dedicated to u!

Chapter 5
(Percy's PoV)

The neptune cabin was amazing. There were 6 bunks lined up against the walls, each one made of spongy sea rock. I stepped inside and was overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. The walls were decorated with colorful coral, and sea shells of every shape and size. A gurgling spring sat in the corner and the sound of it's water somehow calmed me. I set Riptide down on a table next to one of the bunks and walked over to it. I knelt down in front of it and stuck my hand inside the running water. I felt a burst of energy and would keep my hand in the water all day if nto for hazel still standing outside the door. i turned awkwardly toward her, not sure what to say. She had already done her job, so why was she still here?
-Ummm.. do you want to come in? I asked her figuring it was the polite thing to do even though all i wanted was to be by myself in my new cabin for a while.
She smiled as if that is exactly what she was waiting for me to say and stepped inside. She sat down on one of the beds and looked around avoiding my gaze.
-Soo... I said sitting down next to her.
-How did I know you?
-What do you mean? hazel said now looking at me with pain in her eyes.
-I did the mist manipulate you? Did it make you think i was your friend? or...what?
-You really don't remember, do you?
I could tell she was on the verge of crying
-I don't remember anythign let alone who any of the campers here are. I barely even knew my name! I'm sorry, Hazel, but you can't expect me to remember everything! I told her
-Especially things that never happened. I added quietly at the end
-You're right. She said trying to keep herself from crying
-It wasn't fair of me to expect to much from you. I guess i should explain it then.

srry i have to stop but i will add more later!!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Aww it's so sad poor hazel. I love the story, just found it.
Ps. How soon is this "later" when you'll add more?
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great pj sorry for not posting sooner just found it and its great
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
^sooner SHOULD be by tonight. no promises though cuz i have a report to write.

Thanks to everyone who read it!!
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Can't wait!!! Thanks PJhero02, I will be here for your story, like you were here for mine!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I read this and I instantly liked it post soon can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
AWESOME story PJhero02!!!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
@eyal10- it's ok...there are so many fanfics out there and mine is just one of them!
@Emily- Thanks ur my right hand woman!
@blakerose- ahhhh ur too nice!!! :D
@TheMagicWord- yeah ik, i feel bad for her too!

srry for not posting when i said i would!!!!

The rest of this chapter is dedicated to all of u!!! u guys are awesome!

Chapter 5 continued
Percy's PoV
She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.
-We arrived at camp on the same day. Both of us were 12 years old at the time.
She paused
-You saved my life, Percy. A Fury attacked us just as just before we reached the boarder of camp and you stayed back to allow me to get to safety. None of us saw the fight, so we don’t know how you made it back alive. You had barely staggered across the boarder -clothes tattered, a look of pain on your face- before you passed out. I was scared you had died and left me at this mysterious camp all alone.
-Wasn’t there a satyr there with us? I asked her, wondering what kind of “protector” would leave a young demigod to fend for himself.
-There was. Hazel said, a tear rolled down her cheek and she reached up with a shaky hand to wipe it away.
-But she died in the car crash that occurred only half a mile from camp. Her name was Rose, and she was the bravest faun I’ve ever met. She had been my friend for about a year before she had told me I was a half-blood.
-Did I know her too?
-No, Percy. We met you on our way. We had stopped at a to eat and Rose thought she smelled the presence of another demigod. I told her she was crazy and that there was very little chance that there would be another half-blood in the same restaurant. But she kept insisting she smelled something and scanned the crowd of eaters around us. I paid no attention until she gasped and pointed toward a boy, sitting a two person table with his head lying in his French fries with his eyes shut. That was when I first met you. We walked over to you and nudged your shoulder. Ketchup was smeared all over your cheek, and a French fry was sticking to your chin when you lifted your head sleepily from your plate and yawned. You explained to us that you’d been running from monsters all night and you were exhausted. You had already known something was different about you, so when we asked you to join us you agreed to come without the slightest hesitation.
-So we’re good friends then? I asked her
-Yeah…good friends. I could tell that wasn’t the whole story and as about to ask when she stood up suddenly and headed for the door.
-Well, I’ve stayed long enough. I should be going. She had taken one step out the door when I decided to ask.
-Hazel wait. She stopped walking and turned around to face me.
-Yeah? I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
-Was I your…
-Boyfriend? She asked. The look on her face confirmed my suspicions and I knew the answer even before she choked out the word “yes”, turned around, and ran off.
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
why must he get a girlfriend:(
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
I know that this is the part everyones gonna get mad at hazel but I feel really bad for her. The mist really made a strong story.
Ps. Would u check out my new SoN? I need suggestions and stuff,
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
So good!!!! poor hazel but doesn't mean I didn't like it well I didn't I lovvveeeddd it!!!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
That was great! But how did Percy know the Mist was affecting Hazel's memories? I'm just curious.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
^i didn't really give a reason....common knowledge i guess
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Oh, ok.
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
kk I loved it but the chappies r an bit 2 short
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
@blackjack-but i dedicated it to u! ah wat eva.
@everyone-don't lose hope in Percabeth!! :D

Chapter 6
Hazel’s PoV
I sprint away from the Neptune cabin as fast as I can. I get 10 yards before the tears start streaming down my face. I rush past training campers and instructors, who glance at me quizzically before continuing on. Crying was making my vision blurry, and I was on the verge of blindness when I crashed into the Apollo and threw myself onto my bed. I buried my head in the pillow and ran through what just happened.

I’m such an idiot! Why couldn’t I tell him everything? How I instantly loved those sea green eyes the first time he opened them that day at the restaurant? Our first date, our first kiss. I know I wanted to but why couldn’t I?

Because none of it happened. They are all thought put in my head by the mist. But it feels so real! How could it not have happened?
I cried until I no longer held anymore tears, and fell asleep, my head still lying on my soggy pillow.

My dreams didn’t really help my situation at all.

A camp, very much like the Roman one, appeared. Kids with daggers chased each other through the trees, all of them in bronze armor. It was scary how similar this place was to here. Are these people demigods too? If so, why aren’t they at camp? The scene of fighting half-bloods faded. Then materialized a girl, sitting on a rock by the water. Her blonde hair looked golden, shining in the bright sun. Her grey eyes looked troubled, and I could tell something wasn’t right. She was staring out in the distance, but when I followed her gaze, she didn’t appear to be looking at anything in particular. They were locked on the water.
-Oh, Percy. Please be safe. She sighed. A tear rolled down her cheek and splattered on the paper she held on her lap. It looked like a blue print of some sort of…ship.
She must be Percy’s girlfriend. His REAL one. I should’ve known he’d have one.
The girl took a pencil from behind her ear and made some markings on the paper. The scene dissolved and left me in complete blackness.

-Hazel. Hazel. HAZEL!
I sat up with a jolt, hitting my head on the ceiling of the bunk bed.
-Ouch. I said rubbing my now throbbing forehead.
-Hazel, it’s time for dinner.
-Oh, thanks, Selena.
Selena, my half sister, shines with golden hair and blue eyes. She is beautiful and all the guys like her. But at the same time, I think she is the only other daughter of Apollo I can actually trust.
-are you alright Haze? Your eyes seem kinda…puffy. Have you been crying?
-Yeah. It’s nothing. I figured there was no sense in denying it if it shows.
-It’s Percy isn’t it? She asked looking at me sympathetically.
-Look, I really don’t want to talk about right now, okay?
-Okay…just remember, I’m here if you need me.
-Thanks, Selena.

Grateful to get out of explaining everything to her, I head out for the dining pavilion. As I get nearer, I can smell tonight’s meal. Hamburgers. I enter under the arc and grab a tray. Even though I’m not hungry, I fill my tray with a burger and fries. Then they remind me too much of that day at the restaurant, so I end up throwing them in the trash and sit down empty handed.

My brothers, Aden and Brian are in a heated argument to my right. To my left, Marissa is slurping her pop so loudly, it almost blocks out my brothers. I try my best to tune out of the noise and focus on the setting sun in the distance. It always seems to calm me.

Someone walks into the pavilion and there is immediate silence. I look to my left to see Percy, confidently walking towards the trays and filling one with food. The silence continues until he is seated at the Neptune table and has taken the first bite out of his cheeseburger. Even after that there are only quiet murmurs. I only catch bits of them, but I don’t hear anything to know they’re talking about Percy, and his performance against Bobby earlier.
I’m still staring at him sadly as he lifts his head and stares back. I can tell he feels bad about earlier. I look away and focus once again on the sunset.
It lowers very quickly, and soon it is too dark to see more than a few feet ahead of you. The lights surrounding the pavilion turn on automatically, and mosquitoes swarm around them.
-Half-bloods! Lupa yelled over the crowd.
-It is time for the campfire!
Obediently, the campers started filing out of the pavilion and towards the fire pit. Instead of following the pack, I take a left, and head back towards my cabin. It is tradition that the children of Apollo lead the campfire songs every night, and I had to get my Guitar. (An old, beat up thing given to me by my step dad when I was just 8.)

I take my time tonight, not feeling like singing, and hoping that I can get out of at least half of it. I walk past the climbing wall, it’s spurting lava glowing in the dark. I cut across the sword fighting arena to get to the archery station where I stop. Using a bow and arrow is a skill I inherited from my dad. I picked up one fo the bows left there by an irresponsible camp member. The shape and form of a bow felt good in my hand. Familiar. I threw the sheath of arrows over my shoulder, pulled one out, strung it, and fired at the target. It hit the bull’s-eye like it had hundreds of times before. I repeated this process over and over again, as I had done countless times before. Always the same result. Bull’s-eye. I had come to my last arrow, and was about to shoot it, when someone stepped in front of me. I was so focused on what I was about to do that it took me by surprise. I jumped backwards in shock.

-Percy! What are you doing here?!
-I just wanted to apologize.
-For what? I asked. Maybe if I play dumb he’ll forget about it. I really didn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with him.
-You know…when you ran off earlier…
-Oh THHAAT! That was nothing! Don’t worry about it!
-Hazel, I’m really sorry that the mist manipulated you like that. It was wrong.
-I said it was fine.
-No. It’s not. I feel REALLY bad about it. I wish there was something I could-
I kissed him, cutting off his apology.
Call me crazy, call me a boyfriend stealer, but I couldn’t help it! Plus I didn’t want to hear him apologize for something that wasn’t even his fault.

He sighed.
-Look, hazel, I like you, but you can’t expect me to date anyone right now when I barely even know who I am. For all I know I could have another girlfriend, and that wouldn’t be fair to her.
Gosh why did he have to be so sweet?!
I thought that the only fair thing to do right now would be to tell him about the girl in my dream. But something told me that this would only make him more confused. So without responding I turned around and headed for my cabin. He didn’t try to follow me so I walked alone.


-Hazel finally! Where were you?! Selena ran up to me as I neared the fire. I noticed the flames were lower than usual. The more exciting and cheerful the singing or conversation was the higher they rose.
-Oh, I’ve been…around. I said, trying to avoid telling what just happened.
-Well get out there! You’re the best performer at camp and without you it’s been completely dull!
-That bad, huh? I said smiling.
-Haha, YES! Now go knock their socks off!
-Okay…but I don’t’ have anything planned.
-Just sing how you feel! Play from the heart.
-Yeah, I think I will. Thanks Selena!
I knew exactly what song to sing


I walked on stage and sat down on the chair put out for me. The seats for the campers formed a U shape in front of me. They hadn’t yet seen me come out, but silence as the heard me strum the first chord.

I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

I look up after the first chorus to see that the flames have risen ten feet since I had began. The crowd was singing along and waving their arms back and forth with the beat.

As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you

But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you

The crowd cheered. That in itself made the fire shoot up an additional 10 feet.
I stood up, took a bow, and walked back to Selena who was smiling and waiting for me.
-That was great! She said hugging me.
-You could tell that it really came from your heart.
-Thanks. It sounded like they liked it, so I’m happy.
-Are you gunna stick around for the rest?
-Nah. I’m pretty tired. I think I’m going to head back to the cabin. This time it wasn’t a lie to from explaining. Even thinking about sleep made me drowsy.
I yawned, swung my guitar behind my back, and headed back towards the Apollo cabin.


The girl with the grey eyes invaded my dreams for a second time. Once again, she was looking at the blue prints for some sort of ship. All around her campers were busy carrying boat parts.
-Hey Annabeth. A short boy with elfish features walked up to her.
-Oh, hi, Leo. How’s the boat coming?
-We’re almost ready to start assembling. We just need to get all the parts in order and then we’re off. We should be done by the solstice.
-Great! That’s great news Leo! So we’re on schedule?
-Yeah. So far so good.
-I can’t wait to get Percy back.

PS- u guys are AWESOME!!! i luv u all!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
HA! that long enough for u blackjack?!
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Omg!!! I know I read this when you asked me 2 check on it but I reread it and I am giddy like a fangirl! Hehwhe! Loved it! Über awesome!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
That was so goooooddddd can't wait for the next chapter excited !!!!!! :)