The Heroes of Olympus The Endless Quest

Fangirl521 posted on Apr 07, 2015 at 12:41AM
So this is an idea I had by seeing that other people were writing fanfiction I decided to write my own, but I'm still gonna read the others, and I promise I'm not gonna steal any ideas. Unless it's like a character that I suggest or something (I have only given one suggestion to anyone at this moment and it was a character, and they are going to be my main character in the story) I wanna have the main character have a little group she goes on quests with, but I thought maybe it'd be fun if I got some suggestions. You can suggest as many as you want, you just need the following requirements:

Character Name:
Godly Parent:
Nickname (if you want, totally optional):
Back story:

And just in case you wanna match with my character or something, here's her info:

Character Name: Amber
Godly Parent: Athena and Apollo
Nickname: none
Appearance: long brown hair, storm grey eyes,
Personality: very smart, friendly, courageous/brave, quick-thinker
Back Story: she was born when the Gods first found out that Kronos may come back (they somehow found out 15 years before it happened but did nothing about it). Apollo told Athena they may need another god or goddess, and he went to her because she didn't get pregnant, she had head babies. Her birth was hidden from Zeus and when she got to Camp she was passed off as a daughter of Athena. She was given to an orphanage and adopted by two loving parents, who never told her she was adopted. When she found Camp she was happy but shocked and was claimed by Athena as soon as she stepped into Camp, and the only person who knows she is a goddess beside her parents is Chiron
Age: 15

p.s. we really don't need many gods/goddesses, I honestly don't really think we need another god/goddess, so pleas only give one godly parent. I'm not trying to be mean, but I made this character forever ago and that's just the way she is, and if people don't like that I'm the only one with a goddess character I'll just make her a demigod but it'll wreck my storyline
last edited on Jun 10, 2015 at 08:33PM

The Heroes of Olympus 194 replies

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over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great!!! Im sorry! I forgot about your computer..... I hope it gets fixed! And I love your post!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Also, here's just a small tip about the story... if you like Peter, don't get attached to him... he's not gonna die. At least not yet, if at all, but just don't attach to him in any way...
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
WHAT!!! Ok then I just read that again..... I kinda freaked out for a sec......
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
I said he's not gonna die...
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
I had to reread that but I know and postify plz!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Another chapter for you lovely people! :D So glad to have people liking my story

Holly says “Amberana?”
Apollo says “her full name. But it seemed a little strange to call someone Amberana, so we just made her Amber.”
Naia gets down on her knees and looks at Amber’s feet, and Holly and Peter follow. In unison they all say “Lord Amberana…”
Amber laughs and says “guys, stand up. I’m not like an Olympian or anything.”
Holly says “neither is Janus but you did it for him.”
She says “because I was hoping he’d save our lives.”
Apollo says “Chiron is sending a quest to look for you all. We can’t bring you to Camp, they’ve already sent people.”
Amber says “So they have to stay here until they’re found?”
Athena says “that could be forever! No one finds the same place twice in the Labyrinth...”
Amber says “you want me to just leave my friends for dead? Not gonna happen.”
Zeus says “see, it’s not a choice. I could just make it easy and kill you right now, but your parents insist upon me giving you a chance.”
Amber says “I’m not leaving until they do.”
Apollo says “Amber, please just come peacefully. Zeus isn’t very forgiving.”
Zeus says “Athena, Apollo, gather your daughter and meet me on Olympus. With or without Peter.”
Peter says “and there it is again!”
Zeus turns to his son and says “I only did what was best for you.”
Peter laughs and says “you only did what’s best for me?! You’re joking, right?” He turns to Amber and says “I’ll get them out of here, I promise.” He turns to Naia and Holly and says “I’m leading now, let’s go.”
Amber says “I’ll see you soon.”
Holly runs over and hugs her, and Naia hugs her again.
Amber turns to Peter and says “get them out of here or I swear to your father I’ll kill you.”
He says “don’t let my father kill you or I’ll kill him.”
She laughs a little and says “goodbye Peter…” she walks over to her parents and says “let’s go…”
Athena and Apollo each put one hand on one of her shoulders, and they suddenly disappear.

They appeared in a place where everything was white and looked like it had been there for thousands of years.”
Apollo said “welcome to Olympus.”
Athena said “welcome home…”
Amber looked around and said “is this actually happening? Or am I just having a really realistic dream?”
Athena laughs and says “you’re awake.”
Apollo says “we must go to the throne room.”
Amber nods and they lead the way. When they get there, there are ten people seated, including Zeus, and he looked very angry.
Someone gets up and approaches Amber. It was a female, obviously a goddess. She said “you are Amber?”
Apollo says “Artemis go sit.”
The goddess ignores him and says “are you Amber?”
Amber nods and says “Amberana, goddess of curiosity.”
The goddess nods and says “Artemis, goddess of the hunt.”
Amber bows and says “Lord Artemis.”
Artemis laughs and says “you don’t need to bow, you’re a goddess too. Welcome to the family.”
Amber nods and says “thank you.”
Artemis says “any chance you’d want to join the Hunters?”
Apollo says “Artemis!”
She says “sorry, sorry…” she goes back to her seat.
Zeus says “Athena, Apollo, please take your seats.”
They nod and go take their seats within the half-circle of chairs with the gods.
Zeus says “Athena and Apollo took it upon themselves to secretly create a goddess.”
A goddess who was sitting right next to him says “finally, no more demigods.”
Zeus says “Hera we’re not done with demigods. Now, as I was saying, we are here to decide whether or not to kill her or allow her to be a minor goddess.”
Athena says “please father, I beg of you, let her live.”
Zeus says “all in favor of letting the girl live?” He stands, and he is the only one. He sits down, sighs, and says “all opposed?” Every god stands up, except him. He says “fine, she may live.”
Amber says “thank you, Lord Zeus.”
He says “if you keep an eye on Peter. I can tell what opinion he may give in to, and I don’t like it.”
She nods and says “thank you, Lord Zeus. I promise, I will keep him safe.”
He says “if you fail in your job I will have you killed.”
She nods and says “I understand. I will keep Peter safe.”
He says “make sure he doesn’t fall to the wrong cause.”
Athena stands and says “I understand exactly what you mean and I can promise you she is not going to let him fall to your father.”
Amber says “I would never let Peter join Kronos.”
Zeus says “good. Now go, protect my son, young goddess.”
Amber nods and Athena says “is it allowed for us to communicate with our daughter, now that you are aware that she is a goddess?”
He nods and says “minimal communication will be allowed for you and Apollo. But only with this one.”
Both, Athena and Apollo stand and walk over to Amber.
Athena hugs Amber and says “I’m already proud of you…”
Amber laughs and says “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
Apollo says “not yet, but we know you’ll do great things. You’ll have your own story to tell. Your own legend. The people will know your name.”
Amber smiles and hugs her parents and says “I should be getting back to the Labyrinth.”
Athena says “see, there’s one thing wrong with that. Sometimes, it takes a while to get out of the Labyrinth. Even for gods. With our magical way, it still takes time.”
Amber says “so…?”
Apollo says “it took us four days to get out of the Labyrinth with our magical way. Your friends are already out. Back at Camp.”
She says “who’s alive?”
Athena says “you’re not going to like where Peter is…”
She says “oh my god.”
Apollo says “Zeus didn’t realize it was too late to protect him from Kronos. He fell to the wrong side. He’s with them now.”
She sighs and says “I’ll try to get to him. They can’t kill me now.” She smiles, and continues “and I will never lose faith in curiosity.”
Athena smiles and says “a mix of the future and wisdom, curiosity. You are definitely our daughter.
Amber smiles and hugs her parents and says “I’ll see you both soon.”
Athena says “focus on your destination and you will appear there.”
Amber closes her eyes and focuses on the Big House. She slowly vanishes away from Olympus, and appears at the Big House.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great!!! And does Amber like Peter because for some reason I think that.......... Anyway I loved this chappie!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Just wait... you'll see. Want me to post another chapter?
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here, extra-extra long, just to move the story along...

She was walking out of the Sword Arena with Percy, and she saw something appear outside of the Big House. Naturally, she ran over to it, her dagger drawn. She saw it was Amber. She hugged her sister and said “AMBER!”
Amber smiles and said “I’m here Annabeth, and I’m better than ever.”
She says “what happened? No one ever told us what happened, we were just told you were at Olympus. Naia said you should tell us.”
Everyone from the camp crowded around them.
Amber said “spathi tis sofias!” Her sword appeared in her hand. She took the tip and made a huge gash across her arm.
Annabeth screamed “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
Instead of a lot of red blood, there was a little gold Ichor and the wound healed itself almost immediately.
Annabeth said “what?”
Amber laughs and says “tell the two godly parent joke again.”
Annabeth says “imagine if you had two godly parents.”
Amber smiles and says “I can’t imagine reality.”
Annabeth’s eyes widen. She says “you mean you’re a-”
Amber interrupts “goddess? Yep. And it’s not Amber, it’s Amberana.”
Chiron comes galloping up and says “did they tell you?”
She nods.
Chiron turns to the surrounding campers, which was all of them. He says “all hail Lord Amberana, goddess of curiosity! Daughter of Athena and Apollo!”
The entire camp erupts in cheers. Annabeth falls to her knees and says “Lord Amberana.”
Percy, Holly, and Naia follow her.
Amber says “you don’t need to bow down like I’m Zeus or something, I’m still Amber.”
Annabeth says “I thought it was Amberana?”
She says “tomato potato.”
Annabeth says “its tomato-”
Amber interrupts “I know what I said.”
Annabeth laughs and says “did you hear about Peter?”
Amber nods and says “Kronos.”
Annabeth says “you’re not the only one.”
Amber nods and says “I know…”
She says “you liked Peter, didn’t you?”
Amber sighs and says “no, stop saying that!”
She says “Kronos has a body.”
Amber says “you kidding, right?”
She shakes her head and says “Luke Castellan…”
Amber says “oh my gods… I’m so sorry.” She hugs her sister and says “it’ll be alright. He’s not worth crying over.”
She says “he was like a brother to me…”
Amber says “I know, and it’s gonna be tough, but you know what? You don’t sit there and mope about it, you get up and do something.”
Annabeth nods and says “let’s do something then.”
Amber says “we need to wait until there’s something to do.”
Annabeth sighs and says “fine…”
Chiron says “Lord Amberana?”
Amber turns to him and says “yes?”
He says “I’m sorry to say, you cannot stay in the Athena Cabin.”
She says “but I was told to come back to Camp.”
He nods and says “yes, you were. But a god cannot stay in another’s cabin.”
She says “so then what am I gonna do? Live on Olympus?”
He laughs and says “I was suggesting we build a cabin.”
Amber says “I’m not an Olympian, I don’t get a cabin. Besides, gods don’t sleep in their own cabins. Even Dionysus doesn’t.”
He says “because that’s where his children are… but you don’t have any children, so you could sleep in a cabin.”
She says “I’m not deserving of a Cabin. I’ll probably just stay on Olympus.”
Chiron says “the offer will stand.”
She says “thank you Chiron.”
He nods and slowly gallops away.
Percy says “so, Lord Amberana, how’s it feel?”
Amber says “make me mad and I wipe out the whole camp. Got that, Jackson?”
He laughs and says “got it, got it.”
She says “seriously, I could wipe out this whole Camp in less than a minute.”
He says “I believe you! I believe you! Gods, calm down!”
She laughs.
Naia stands and says “permission to hug the goddess?”
Amber laughs and says “permission granted.”
Naia hugs Amber tight, then everyone hugs Amber.
Annabeth said “no wonder you were always so good at archery…”
Amber says “I wonder what mom said when she heard the joke.”
She laughs and says “probably ‘how did she know about that?’”
Holly says “I wanna speak to the goddess.”
Amber says “I’ve got a name…”
Holly says “I want to speak to Amberana, goddess of curiosity.”
Amber says “every sentence you say to me from now on is gonna have the word goddess in it, isn’t it?”
Holly laughs and says “correct, goddess.”
Amber says “I will wipe out this while camp right now in less than a minute.”
Holly says “sorry…”
Amber says “I’ve got to do some things, I’ll come back later.”
Annabeth says “where are you going?”
Amber says “to see my foster family, tell them I found my real family, and that I’m mad they never told me the truth about being adopted.”
Amber closes her eyes and slowly disappears.

Once they returned from the Labyrinth, Naia was moved into the Poseidon cabin with Percy. She thought he was a pretty funny guy, so she assumed it’d be a good experience. But she couldn’t stop worrying about Amber. Then when Amber suddenly appeared she was really happy. Once she vanished away Annabeth turned to Chiron and said “we should build the Cabin. Before she returns.”
Chiron says “but she does not wish to have a Cabin.”
Annabeth says “that’s only because she doesn’t think she’s worthy of it. Maybe if we build the cabin she’ll think she’s a worthy goddess.”
Chiron says “well I would have to ask Zeus…”
Naia says “then it’s no use, he doesn’t like Amber.”
Chiron says “I am aware, but the daughter of two major Olympians should get a cabin.”
Annabeth says “you go ask Zeus, I’ll start designing it.”
Naia laughs and says “Architect Annabeth to save the day.”
Annabeth laughs and nods.
Chiron says “alright…”
Annabeth nods and runs off to the Athena cabin, probably to start planning the Cabin.
Holly approached Naia and said “in honor of Lord Amberana I’m gonna go do some archery. Wanna come with?”
Naia nods and says “sure, sounds good.”
They go practice for a while, Naia getting really good at it.
After a while, Annabeth comes running up. She says “Zeus agreed and I’ve got it designed, we need to start building!”
Holly says “wouldn’t that be a Hephaestus Cabin job?”
Annabeth says “yeah, but we’ll need extra help to get it done before Amber comes back. Zeus even approved my design.”
Naia says “whoa…”
Annabeth nods and says “so come on let’s go!”
They all run over to the Cabins, where there is a plot on the ground next to Cabin 12. Annabeth turns to Charles Beckendorf, head of the Hephaestus cabin, and says “we’re gonna need some celestial bronze, some one-way glass, stone, and a child of Hecate.”
He nods and runs off.
Naia says “child of Hecate?”
Annabeth says “to enchant the one-way glass… Hecate is the goddess of magic.”
Naia says “what’s gonna be done with the one-way glass?”
Annabeth says “so she can see the camp without having a window, and so no one can see in. I’m gonna have it enchanted to not break. And it’s gonna be on the front only, so it’s gonna look really cool. Then I’m gonna have them enchant it so that wall just looks like the rest of the Cabin.”
Holly says “that’s amazing.”
She says “only the best for my favorite sister. She’s gonna love it.”
Naia says “I be she will. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”
Charles Beckendorf comes running up and says “we’ve got everything you suggested, and there are three Hecate children waiting for you in the Hermes Cabin.”
Annabeth says “thank you Beckendorf.”
He nods and the entire Hephaestus Cabin starts the construction of the Cabin.
Annabeth says “I’m gonna go get the Hecate children, help with the construction. And in a while, go to the Big House and wait for Amber, don’t let her see it until I come running.”
Holly and Naia nod and run over to where they began constructing the cabin.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great post!!!!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's more... have you heard from olympianglory lately? She hasn't been on for a few days, as far as I can tell...

She returned back to Camp a few hours later, to the Big House. Holly and Naia were there. Naia says “hey Am…”
Amber says “you’re gonna call me Am?”
Holly says “Ana?”
Amber says “how about just Amber…”
They nod and Holly says “suit yourself…”
Amber says “I miss anything?”
Naia says “you missed your daily archery practice four days in a row, let’s go practice.”
Amber nods and they go over to archery. Naia was actually really good at it, but not as good as she was.
After a while, Naia said “I bet you could give your father a run for his money in archery. And Artemis. And the Hunters.”
Amber laughs and says “you challenge Artemis, I’ll challenge Apollo.”
Naia laughs and says “it’s on.”
Amber says “alright, come on. We’re gonna go to Olympus.”
Naia says “you’re serious?”
Amber says “yeah, why not? I was just there.”
Suddenly Annabeth comes running up to them. She says “Amber!”
Amber says “wanna see Naia challenge one of my aunts at archery?”
Annabeth says “which aunt?”
Amber says “Artemis.”
Annabeth laughs and says “are you gonna challenge Apollo?”
Amber nods.
Annabeth says “I do wanna see that, but I want you to see something first.
Amber says “it can’t wait?”
Annabeth says “just come!”
She sighs but goes. Annabeth leads her to the Cabins.
Annabeth says “notice anything different?”
Amber looks around, and eventually she spots it. A small cabin, made of stone, with a celestial bronze door. She said “oh my gods…”
Annabeth says “I know you said you didn’t want a cabin, but you deserve it. You’re the daughter of two major Olympians. Plus, I designed it.”
Amber laughs and says “can I go in?”
Annabeth says “I’d be hurt if you didn’t!”
Amber laughs and runs over to the cabin, Annabeth following her. She stepped inside, and it was amazing. There was a bookshelf filled with books, and when amber took a look around, she could see out of the front of the cabin. She said “oh my gods…”
Annabeth says “one-way glass. You can see out, no one sees in. And since you’re the goddess of curiosity, I filled the bookshelf with mystery books, so you’d be curious of the ending. And over here” she walks over to a closet and opens it. Inside is a large, silver bow with a full set of arrows beside it. She says “a gift from your father. The cabin isn’t much but it’s-”
Amber interrupts “perfect.” She looks at her sister and says “it’s absolutely perfect.” She hugs her and says “thank you so much.”
Annabeth smiles and says “my pleasure, I got to design something.”
Amber laughs and says “you’re the best.”
Annabeth says “c’mon, it’s time to eat. We’ll get you some ambrosia and some nectar.”
Amber nods and they go to the dining pavilion.
Chiron comes galloping over and says “did you see the Cabin?”
Amber smiles and says “it’s perfect.”
Chiron says “Annabeth designed it herself and took it to Olympus for Zeus’s permission.”
Amber says “seriously? Zeus let me have a Cabin?”
Annabeth says “it took a little bit of persuading, but eventually he said yes.”
She says “I’m surprised, I’ve already failed him.”
Chiron says “how could you possibly fail him you’ve been a goddess for three hours.”
She sighs and says “the deal to keep me alive was that I protect his son, Peter. Now he’s with Kronos. I’ve failed the king of the gods, and when he finds out I’ll be killed.”

He was standing in a room with his new master, Kronos. In the form of Luke Castellan. He remembered Amber telling him about Luke, and he missed her.
Kronos said “one of my strongest warriors… It has been such a short time, but you’ve developed so much. You will make me proud when we storm Manhattan, I can tell.”
Peter, on his knees says “master? May I just ask one simple request?”
Kronos says “a simple request, yes.”
Peter says “well, back at Camp Half-Blood, I met this girl. Highly skilled, very loyal. If I could get her to our side we’d be unstoppable. May I go and retrieve her?”
Kronos says “how long do you expect to need?”
Peter says “maybe a few days?”
Kronos says “and you promise she’s an excellent warrior?”
Peter says “she’s a daughter of Athena but she shoots like Apollo. She’s highly curious and not scared to take risks. With her, we’d be unstoppable.”
Kronos says “very well. You may have a maximum of five days. Go back to Camp Half-Blood and attempt to retrieve the girl. But you have no more than five days to return, with or without the girl.”
Peter says “thank you master.”
Kronos says “you leave now…”
Peter nods, stands, and leaves.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great post! And poor Peter he is either going to die or go into hiding when Percy, Annabeth, Amber, Naia, and Holly kick there butts,
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Postify if you can again
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Alright, here's your post.

She sat down with her brothers and sisters at the Athena table. She got some nectar and ambrosia, the only things she could eat. She sighed and said “I’m gonna miss people food.”
Annabeth laughs and says “I’d kill to be a goddess.”
Amber says “then you could get an amazing cabin designed by one of your best friends and your favorite sibling.”
Annabeth says “it is a dream of mine…”
Amber laughs and says “being a goddess isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”
Annabeth says “nothing can kill you and you can do almost anything…”
Amber says “I never said it doesn’t have its advantages…”
Annabeth laughs.
Something taps on Amber’s shoulder, and suddenly all activity and conversation in the dining pavilion stops.
Amber turns around, and Peter is there, looking down at her.
She jumps and says “spathi tis sofias!” Her sword appears in her hand. She says “I should just kill you now…”
He says “let me explain!”
She says “you went over to Kronos. That’s all I need to know.”
He says “they took over my mind! I swear, it wasn’t me.”
Annabeth says “don’t trust him, Amber.”
Amber drinks a small cup of nectar, eats a small square of ambrosia, then says “look, Peter, I can easily kill you.”
He says “Amber I’m sorry. They mind-controlled me and made me do those things. I’m really sorry.” He turns to the people of the Camp and says “I owe you all an apology.”
Naia says “you are not forgiven!”
Amber says “Peter you joined Kronos and you expect us to just welcome you back like nothing happened?”
He says “look I’m sorry-”
She interrupts “sorry isn’t good enough. I think you should leave.”
He says “Amber please…”
She says “I’m a goddess now, I’m not very forgiving.”
He says “Amber…” he looks at her in the eye.
She says “n-no… I won’t forgive you.”
Annabeth says “Amber, stay strong.”
Amber says “Peter I think you should leave.”
He sighs and says “well I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out sometime…”
Amber looked at Annabeth.
Annabeth said “Amber don’t give in.”
Peter said “I promise, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it, they possessed me.”
Amber says “I… I can’t…” she turns and runs off to her cabin.

Annabeth ran after Amber. She said “Amber?”
Amber just kept running.
Annabeth said “you did good. If that was Luke I would have melted the second I saw him. As long as he wasn’t Kronos…”
Amber sighs and says “I can’t forgive him. I want to, but I can’t.”
Annabeth says “I know the feeling. Just stay strong, don’t give in.”
Amber sighs and says “did he leave?”
She sighs and says “I don’t know, I left at the same moment as you.”
Amber says “why won’t he just leave me alone? He’s already hurt me enough.”
Annabeth says “you knew him for one day, I knew Luke for several years. When someone you care about joins Kronos it hits you really hard and there’s no escaping it.”
Amber sighs and says “I know. I just need to get away from him.”
Annabeth says “let’s go get Naia, you and her can challenge Apollo and Artemis, like you planned.”
Amber laughs and says “let’s do it…”
Annabeth says “there we go!”
Amber leads the way back to the dining pavilion. They get there and find Naia.
Annabeth says “so I hear you’re going to challenge Artemis?”
Naia says “will they even let me on Olympus?”
Amber says “as long as Zeus doesn’t know, it’s cool. They love demigods.”
Naia laughs and says “alright.”
Amber says “follow me…” She leads them to her cabin. She grabs hew bow from Apollo and says “special usage…”
Annabeth says “let’s go…”
Amber grabs both of their wrists and closed her eyes. Suddenly they faded away, and were on Olympus.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
1) Stay strong Amber!
2) Peter stop being like that!
3) I hope they beat Artemis and Apollo
4) Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
So glad you like it :) I think your story is a little better though... here's the next chapter:

Amber said “you guys wait here, I’ll check for Zeus.”
They nodded so she went to the throne room. Zeus was not in there, but every other god was.
Athena said “ah, Amber! Is everything alright?”
Amber says “hi mom… yeah, everything is fine. I’d like to speak with my father and Artemis?”
Apollo and Artemis stand and Apollo says “is something wrong?”
Amber says “I was at Camp practicing archery with one of my friends, and my friend Naia would like to challenge Artemis, for Naia is very skilled. And in turn she has asked I challenge you.”
The twin gods look at each other, laugh for a second, and Artemis says “deal. Zeus shouldn’t be back for a while…”
Amber says “I’ll go get her.”
A god says “Naia? As in, my daughter Naia?”
Amber says “if you are Poseidon, yes.”
Apollo says “I see your friend gave you the special bow. The arrow pouch is enchanted, it never runs out.”
Amber says “it’s awesome. And my sister Annabeth designed the best cabin for me.”
Athena smiles and says “I suggested the one-way glass… so you could be curious about what’s happening outside, but not actually have to get up and go.”
Amber laughs and says “thanks mom…”
Artemis says “go get your friend, I wanna see how this plays out.”
Amber laughs and exits the throne room. She goes over to Naia and Annabeth and says “the gods are so chill when Zeus isn’t around. Even Hera was being polite. Well, silent would be a better word, but still…”
Annabeth says “good enough for me.”
Amber says “we’ve got a while until Zeus gets back. Annabeth, mom’s in there.”
Annabeth smiles and Amber adds “and Poseidon.”
Naia says “let’s go!”
They all go inside the huge throne room.
Poseidon says “Naia?”
Naia says “father?”
Poseidon smiles and says “good to see you’re doing well.”
Naia smiles and says “thank you father.”
Athena smiles at Annabeth and says “hello Annabeth.”
Annabeth says “hello mother.”
Artemis says “let’s start this archery competition…”
Naia says “I need a bow…”
Apollo says “not a problem.” He puts out his hand and a regular camp-style bow appears. He hands it to her and says “there you go.”
Naia says “thank you Lord Apollo.”
He nods and says “you can even keep it, we have hundreds.”
She nods and smiles. Artemis says “so who shall start?”
Apollo says “ladies first…”
Amber sarcastically says “thanks dad…”
He laughs and says “you know what I mean.”
Artemis puts out her hand and there are two targets across the room.
Amber says “whoever gets more in the center in one minute wins. Ready… go!”
There was rapid fire from both of them for one minute, until Annabeth yelled “ONE!”
They stopped. There were plenty of arrows in each target, but Artemis had more.
Naia says “I knew I was gonna lose.”
Artemis says “don’t hate the player hate the game.”
Everyone laughs.
Hera says “see? This is what happens when we inbreed.”
Athena says “it is nice… but we must continue having demigods. We need them, and they need us.”
Hera sighs and says nothing.
Apollo says “Amber? Please step up to the target.”
Amber steps up and says “you’re going down.”
Everyone laughs.
Naia says “same as for me and Artemis…”
Artemis says “ready… go!”
Rapid fire from both of the gods for a whole minute, until Naia yells “TIME!”
Amber says “wow, it was definitely close.”
Apollo says “I wasn’t even going easy.”
Amber says “I didn’t expect you too.”
Artemis counts the arrows. She says “oh my…”
Apollo says “tie?”
She laughs and says “not a tie, Amber won.”

Naia starts laughing. She says “Amber beat the god of archery at archery?”
Apollo laughs and says “good job Amber.”
Annabeth says “Amber against Artemis!”
Artemis says “alright…” she steps up to the target.
Amber says “let’s go.”
Apollo says “ready… go!”
The rapid fire starts again and continues until Athena says “MINUTE’S UP!”
Both goddesses stop their shooting. Apollo counts the arrows. He says “I think we gotta give our title to Amber, she’s gotta be the true god of archery, she won again.”
Everyone laughs.
Athena says “that’s my girl!”
Everyone laughs again.
Apollo says “wish I could give you the title Amber…”
Artemis says “any possibility you’d want to join the Hunters?”
Amber says “tempting offer. I’ll consider it.”
Hera says “oh my, Zeus is coming. Children, hide!”
Poseidon brings Naia to hide behind his throne, Annabeth behind Athena, and Amber behind Apollo.
A second later Zeus appears in the center of the room. He sees the target and says “let me guess, Apollo and Artemis were at it again?”
Artemis says “yes father…”
He laughs and says “3,000 years and still no winner…”
Artemis says “I’ve told him that I’m better but he still doesn’t believe me.”
Apollo says “that’s it we’re going again.”
Zeus says “fine, have your competition I’ll come back after you stop bickering.” He vanishes.
Amber, Annabeth, and Naia all step out from behind their parent’s thrones.
Athena says “great work you two…”
Apollo says “you should get back to Camp before he comes back.”
Athena says “visit again sometime please, you’re very entertaining.”
Naia laughs and says “gladly.”
Amber says “I’ll come by tomorrow. Maybe I’ll bring a different demigod with me.”
Hera says “or no demigod…”
Apollo says “Hera, it’s gonna happen.”
She sighs and says “fine… but I still don’t like it. Besides, what are you going to do about your daughter? Are you going to ask the 15 year old to make demigods?”
Every god in the room, in unison, yells “NO!”
Apollo says “if I catch her with her own demigod within the next ten years she’ll never hear the end of it…”
Amber says “I’m not having any baby demigods!”
Everyone laughs and Athena says “we’re just teasing you. Go on, go back to Camp before father comes back.”
Amber nods and says “bye mom, bye dad.”
Annabeth said “bye mom.”
Naia said “bye dad.”
All of the gods say goodbye, and Amber brings them back to Camp.

Naia and Annabeth go to their cabins, but Amber goes to sit at the beach. She sits down on the sand and looks out at the water.
Someone from behind her says “rough day?”
She turns around, and it was Peter. She says “huh, they didn’t kick you out?”
He says “Kronos possessed me. Since I’m the son of Zeus they wanted me for what I could possibly do. But I found a way to trick them, I’m free now. I’m still Peter.”
Amber says “you’ll never be the same Peter.”
He says “and you’ll never be the same Amber. You’re a goddess now. You’ve even got your own Cabin.”
She says “you’re different. You went to Kronos.”
He says “because they took over my mind. How can I get you to believe me?”
She says “I don’t think you can. You lost all of my respect.”
He says “it wasn’t me.”
She sighs and says “I want to believe you. I do. But I just can’t.”
He sighs and says “I knew it’d take some work…”
She says “Peter just stop. I will kill you. I don’t care what your father does to me.”
He says “my father? Zeus? You’re serious. What, did he tell you to watch me because he doesn’t care enough to do it himself?!”
She says “Peter this is what I was talking about. If you don’t respect the gods and their decisions, you don’t respect me. Zeus wanted to talk to you, to help you with things. But caring for their demigods made the gods unable to focus on their duty, so Zeus had to make a law prohibiting them from seeing their children so the world wouldn’t fall apart.”
He says “what about all the unclaimed? All the children whose parent doesn’t care enough to even claim them.”
She says “you don’t need to worry about them. You were claimed already. You just need to focus on you.”
He says “can I focus on us?”
She says “what? What do you mean? There is no us.”
He says “that’s part of why I came back… when I first saw you I liked you. And we jumped into the Labyrinth, and I almost lost you. I don’t wanna lose you again.”
She says “you should have thought about that before you went with Kronos. Before you sided against the gods without hearing the story behind their behavior. Before judging us without even knowing what we go through.”
He says “you don’t have children, it doesn’t apply to you.”
She says “I don’t care, I don’t refer to the gods as them anymore, I refer to them as us. I am one of them now, whether you like it or not.”
He sighs and says “would you seriously kill me?”
She says “I say that to my friends as a joke. But you, yes. I would really kill you if I had to.”
He sighs and says “please don’t kill me.”
She says “then get out of my sight, get out of my Camp, get out of my life.”
He says “is that what you want?”
She says “it is.”
He says “I can’t believe I came all this way just to be shot down.”
She says “sorry. Welcome to reality.”
He says “I came here just to see you. I could have gone into hiding, but I came back for you.”
She says “you should’ve gone into hiding.”
He sighs and says “so I’ve got a no to the question I never asked.”
Amber says “you don’t get to ask any questions.”
He says “well I was gonna ask you out…”
She looks off in the distance and says “I-I can’t.”
He says “I’m still the son of Zeus. I’m still Peter. I’m still me.”
Amber sighs and says “you’ll never be yourself again.”
He says “I can still be me. They just controlled my mind with evil spirits. I’m mad at Zeus but I’m not gonna try to kill him.”
Amber looks at him and says “you promise that’s the truth? I’ve already got goddess stuff going on I don’t need guy trouble piling on there. If you’re lying to me, it’s a no. If you’re telling me the truth then I will hang out with you. One time. No more…”
He says “seriously?”
She nods and says “just don’t tell anyone.”
He nods and says “how about we spend some time together training tomorrow and we call it a date?”
She laughs and says “just the once…”
He says “it’s getting late you should go back to your special cabin.”
She nods and says “alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He nods and she goes back to her cabin and falls asleep.

it's pretty long... and if anything is confusing, just ask me and I'll gladly clarify
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Peter is still the same right? I mean evil....
over a year ago olympianglory said…

I'll Fight
All that im after
Battle scars
One Life
How far we've come

And err, not to be rude, but when its a female you do Lady, when its male its Lord
So you were kinda saying Amber was a male....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Omg, I never realized that. I'll fix it in chapters to come... Thank you for telling me, Olympia

And PiperMclean7732 yes, you will fins out that Peter is still evil, in a few chapters.

Also, I'm throwing in a new character:

Name: Riley (I'll throw in a last name maybe twice in the story)
Godly Parent: Ares
Appearance: short brown hair, blue eyes
Personality: kind, funny, really strong, when he gets mad he'll beat the crap out of someone (it's one of the only ways he relates to his father)
Back Story: He went to the Manhattan Public High School. He befriended Amber at a young age, and about a year to a year and a half before she disappeared to Camp they began dating. He became really worried about her after she disappeared. After she found out she was a goddess she went to visit him and told her everything. His father left before he was born, and his mother was a very caring lady
Age: 15

p.s. one of the characters (besides Peter) is gonna seem like a b**** for a few chapter after a few more posts, I won't say who, but I'm just warning you. They're gonna be fixed after a bit, but for about 3 or 4 chapters they're gonna be a b****, but it's about the development of the character. Here's a hint: it's a female. I will not tell anymore, but you're more than welcome to guess. And if you have any suggestions for the story, just send me a message
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago olympianglory said…
aww hell naw!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
aww hell naw what?
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Oh no! Either Holly or Naia!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
It is one of them, you'll have to wait and see... Here's the next chapter, the b**** will be revealed in just a few more chapters

When Peter woke up in the morning, he thought ‘I’ve got her exactly where I want her… my master will be so proud. Maybe I can even get her in early. I promised him a demigod and I’ll be returning with a goddess! He’ll be so proud of me.’
He got up and went to the dining pavilion, getting bad looks from all of the campers.
He thought ‘is it because I work for Kronos?’
He ate a small amount of food, then went over to Amber. He said “hey.”
She rolled her eyes and returned to a conversation with her sister Annabeth.
Peter said “hey, Amber, I’m talking to you.”
She continued to ignore him.
Annabeth said “if she doesn’t wanna talk to you, she doesn’t wanna talk. She can easily kill you in two seconds. She can wipe out this whole Camp.”
Peter says “just one minute?”
Annabeth says “no, she doesn’t wanna talk to you. She doesn’t wanna look at you. She doesn’t want anything to do with you. You’re guilt-tripping her into things she doesn’t want and she doesn’t want to handle it.”
Peter says “how am I guilt-tripping her?”
Annabeth says “just leave her alone…”
Peter says “no, I wanna know what I did.”
Annabeth says “she told me that you said you came all this way and it seemed like you tried to make her feel bad so when you asked her out she’d feel so guilty she’d say yes.”
He says “that wasn’t my plan, I was telling her the truth!”
She says “well she doesn’t want it in her life.”
Peter says “she agreed to go out with me.”
Annabeth says “because she was guilty! But she told me all I need to know, and she doesn’t wanna go out with you.”
He says “and what exactly did she tell you?”
Amber quietly whispers “I’ve already got someone…”

When she awoke that morning the first thing she did was go get Annabeth. She woke her up and said “I need help. Like, really bad.”
Annabeth sits up and says “what’s so important?”
Amber says “Peter spoke to me last night and asked me out and he said a bunch of things that made me feel bad because he came all this way just to see me and so I said yes but I can’t go out with him what do I do?”
Annabeth says “Amber, calm down. Now sit down and tell me what the problem is.”
She says “can we talk in my cabin?”
Annabeth nods and they go to the Amberana cabin.
Amber shuts the door behind them and says “last night after we got back from Olympus I went to sit at the beach and Peter followed me. He said that he came all this way to see me, I’m the only reason he came back, and a bunch of other stuff like that. Then he asked me out and I felt really guilty so I said yes, but I can’t go out with him.”
Annabeth says “I understand that but why would you say yes?”
She says “he promised me he was possessed but I still didn’t trust him and I don’t know why I said yes and I can’t go out with him.”
Annabeth says “is there a reason other than Kronos?”
She nods and says “I-I’ve got someone back home. I never told anyone here because I figured I wouldn’t be safe going back but I found out I was a goddess so I was gonna bring him here and see if he could see through the Mist. I know he’s not a demigod but there’s a chance he can see through the Mist.”
Annabeth says “well what’s his name?”
She sighs and says “Riley.”
Annabeth says “I’ll go with you to get this guy later. For now just don’t speak to Peter, don’t look at him, try not to acknowledge him.”
She nods and says “let’s go to the pavilion. I’m hungry.”
Annabeth says “one hidden feature I forgot…” She goes over to the closet with the special bow, and opens a small door, and there’s a box. She says “emergency Ambrosia.”
Amber says “that’s awesome.”
Annabeth nods and says “now let’s go eat.”
They go and sit at the Athena table.
Annabeth says “you’re sure you wanna see if he sees the Camp?”
She nods and says “yeah, I’m sure. Maybe by some wild chance he’s a demigod.”
Annabeth says “you never know…”
Someone from behind says “hey.”
She rolled her eyes and returned to her conversation with Annabeth.
Peter said “hey, Amber, I’m talking to you.”
She continued to ignore him.
Annabeth said “if she doesn’t wanna talk to you, she doesn’t wanna talk. She can easily kill you in two seconds. She can wipe out this whole Camp.”
Peter says “just one minute?”
Annabeth says “no, she doesn’t wanna talk to you. She doesn’t wanna look at you. She doesn’t want anything to do with you. You’re guilt-tripping her into things she doesn’t want and she doesn’t want to handle it.”
Peter says “how am I guilt-tripping her?”
Annabeth says “just leave her alone…”
Peter says “no, I wanna know what I did.”
Annabeth says “she told me that you said you came all this way and it seemed like you tried to make her feel bad so when you asked her out she’d feel so guilty she’d say yes.”
He says “that wasn’t my plan, I was telling her the truth!”
She says “well she doesn’t want it in her life.”
Peter says “she agreed to go out with me.”
Annabeth says “because she was guilty! But she told me all I need to know, and she doesn’t wanna go out with you.”
He says “and what exactly did she tell you?”
Amber quietly whispers “I’ve already got someone…”
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great post!!!!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Thanks :)
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's the next chapter

Peter said “what do you mean you’ve already got someone?”
Amber says “I’m sorry Peter…”
He says “sorry changes nothing.”
Amber chugs down a cup of nectar and says “I’m ready when you are Annabeth.”
She stands and says “I’ll skip breakfast, I’ll have a big dinner.”
Amber says “alright. Let’s go.”
Peter says “where do you think you’re going?”
Amber says “to get him. I’m gonna see if he sees the Camp.”
He says “if I ever meet him I’ll rip his throat out.”
Annabeth says “Amber would kill you before you can touch him.”
He laughs and says “if you bring him here I will kill him.”
She says “not before we kill you. Go back to Kronos, you pathetic excuse for a child of Zeus.”
Peter says “what about your promise to my father? This breaks it.”
She says “are you blackmailing me?”
He says “maybe I am.”
She says “I’m going to Olympus. To tell your father.”
He laughs and says “what’s he gonna do about it?”
Amber says “you’ll see. Come on, Annabeth.”
Amber grabs Annabeth’s wrist and disappears, and they appear outside of the Olympian throne room.

Amber said “you stay here, I’ll go inside.”
Annabeth nods and Amber goes inside. She kneels before Zeus and says “good day Lord Zeus.”
He says “Lady Amberana… how can I assist you?”
She says “your Kronos-crazed son is trying to blackmail me.”
He says “Kronos-crazed?”
She says “when you made me come to Olympus for you to decide whether I live or die, it took four days to get out of the Labyrinth. Kronos’s people found Peter, and he joined them. I failed you, my lord.”
Zeus says “this was before you promised to protect him?”
Amber says “yes, it was maybe a day or two, maybe three or four.”
He says “you are excused from that duty.”
She says “thank you, my lord.”
Athena approaches Amber and says “what did that boy do?”
She says “he came back and asked me out and I said yes because he guilt-tripped me, even though I already have-”
Athena interrupts “Riley, I’ve seen.”
She says “you have?”
Athena says “you don’t think I watched my own daughter?”
She says “so you know the story?”
Athena nods and says “I know all of it. From how you met to your first date to-”
She says “mom!”
Athena laughs and says “sorry, sorry…”
She says “I’m going to bring him to Camp, see if he can see through the Mist.”
Athena nods and says “come back later please?”
She nods and says “where’s dad?”
Athena says “Zeus thought it was time he looked for someone to have another demigod…”
Amber says “alright. Tell him I’ll stop by later please.”
Athena nods and says “good luck Amber.”
She nods and goes outside to Annabeth. She says “all set. Let’s go.”
Annabeth nods and says “where to?”
She says “first, to get you some mortal food. Do you like donuts?”
Annabeth laughs and says “I’m not hungry. Besides, you got mortal money?”
She says “I’ve got some drachmas.”
Annabeth says “use one in public, I dare you.”
She laughs and says “let’s just go before my dad gets back.”
Annabeth nods and Amber grabs her wrist and they disappear.

it's a little shorter than usual...
over a year ago olympianglory said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Thank you, Olympia :D
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Cool!!! I love it!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Another chapter...

Amber grabbed her wrist and they appeared outside a house.
Annabeth asked “is this it?”
Amber nods and says “this is it. I came to see him yesterday while you were building the cabin but it just felt strange.”
Annabeth says “did you tell him?”
She nods and says “that’s why it felt strange. After I told him we just talked like we normally would but I never mentioned taking him to see it.”
Annabeth says “well ask him if he wants to go.”
She nods, takes a deep breath, and knocks on the door. It opens a minute later. It was a middle-aged woman. She said “ah, Amber! How’ve you been? We haven’t seen you in forever!”
Amber says “hello Ms. Poacher (the randomly chosen last name for Riley’s family). I was here yesterday, I guess no one mentioned it. Is Riley home?”
She nods and says “please, come in.” She looks at Annabeth and says “and who’s this?”
Amber says “this is my half-sister Annabeth.”
Ms. Poacher turns to Annabeth and says “what a unique name. Hello Annabeth.”
Annabeth says “hello…”
She says “please, come in.” She leads the two of them inside, into a huge living room. She says “I’ll go get Riley for you.”
Amber says “thank you.”
She nods and goes off.
Amber says “I’m sorry if you feel awkward.”
Annabeth says “it’s better than being attacked.”
Amber says “ain’t that the truth.” She sits on a couch, and Annabeth sits down beside her.
After a minute a guy comes walking down the stairs. He had short brown hair and blue eyes. He said “hey Amber.”
Amber stood up, hugged him, and sat back down. She said “Riley this is my sister Annabeth, the one I told you about.”
He turns to Annabeth and says “hey Annabeth, I’m Riley.” He reaches out his hand, and Annabeth shakes it.
Amber says “so I came because I wanted to talk to you about something. Remember I told you about the place I go to? Camp Half-Blood?”
He nods and says “yeah?”
She continues “so I wanted to know if you’d possibly have interest in coming and seeing if you can see it. If you can it means you can either see through the barrier between mortals and magic, or you’re a demigod.”
He says “and I just need to look?”
She nods and says “just looking.”
He says “alright. Let’s go.”
Annabeth says “there’s this guy named Peter, he may try to kill you.”
Riley says “what?”
Amber says “yeah, a guy may have asked me out yesterday…”
He says “now I’m gonna kill this guy.”
Annabeth says “Kronos is probably already on it.”
Riley says “wait, that’s the guy who went to Kronos?”
Amber nods.
He says “now I’ll definitely kill him.”
Annabeth says “how did he remember all this?”
Riley says “I wanted to know about what’s happening in your world so I got some paper and took small notes about everything she said.”
Annabeth says “you’d better pray to the gods that he isn’t an Athena child.”
Amber says “she would have told me…”
Riley says “there’s a chance I might not even see anything, right?”
In unison, Amber and Annabeth both say “possibly.” The look at each other and laugh.
Riley says “is that a demigod sister thing?”
Annabeth says “no it’s a random, creepy, unison thing.”
Everyone laughs.
Riley says “I’ll go tell my mom I’m going out for a bit.” He gets up and goes into another room.
Annabeth says “whoa, he’s nice.”
Amber says “he’s like, the best guy ever. He cares about me and what’s happening to me, and he didn’t freak out when I said I’m god.”
She laughs and says “correction, a god.”
Amber says “tomato potato.”
Riley walks in and says “still saying that?”
Amber laughs and nods.
Riley laughs with her and says “my mom said I’ve got until noon.”
Amber says “that’s plenty of time…”
Annabeth says “Amber can get us there in like ten seconds.”
Riley says “seriously?”
Amber nods and says “I can disappear and re-appear in places. I’ll bring us right outside the boundary.”
He nods and says “alright.”
Amber grabs his hand, and Annabeth’s wrist, and fades away and re-appears at the Camp Half-Blood sign.

When they appear at the sign Amber lets go of Annabeth’s wrist but she holds onto Riley’s hand. Riley says “oh my god…”
Amber says “what do you see?”
He says “I see a huge building. It’s blue. And fields of strawberries. And a few more than 10 other buildings a little further down…”
Amber says “you’re a demigod! Or you can see through the Mist. But since your dad is long gone I’d say demigod.”
He says “so I can come here?”
She nods and says “it’s safest for you. I’m sorry about this next part but the monsters are probably already on your trail.”
He says “it gives me an excuse to stay.”
She says “let’s go in…” she turns to Annabeth and says “have Chiron meet us at the Big House?”
She nods and runs off.
Riley says “it’s a good thing I wrote all that stuff down. Now they’re not your problems, they’re our problems.”
Amber smiles and says “let’s go inside, I’ll show you around.”
He says “I gotta head back by noon though. Connor is coming back from college.”
She says “I haven’t seen Connor in forever!”
He says “you should come.”
She says “seriously?”
He says “if a monster comes you’ll help me kill it. Besides, you’re practically family.”
She laughs and says “sure, I’ll go.”
He says “great. Now let’s go in.”
Amber leads him over to the Big House and says “so Chiron should be here any minute, so he’s gonna help you out a little.”
He says “you’re not gonna stay?”
She says “I would but I promised my mom I’d go up and visit.”
He says “I wanna meet her.”
She says “my dad will be there too.”
He says “fine by me…”
She says “okay then…”
Chiron comes galloping up. He says “Amber, is everything alright?”
She says “yeah. I found a demigod.”
Chiron says “claimed?”
She says “not yet, but maybe soon…”
He turns to Riley and says “what’s your name?”
Riley says “I’m Riley.”
He says “well Riley, welcome to Camp Half-Blood.”
Amber says “I’m gonna show him around.”
Chiron says “can you also get him armor and a weapon?”
She nods and says “I’ll take care of it.”
He nods and gallops away.
Amber says “we can deal with that stuff later. How long is Connor gonna be at your house?”
Riley says “couple hours probably, he’s just stopping by.”
She nods and says “we’ll get your stuff and get your weapon and armor after he leaves then.”
He nods and says “so we’re off to Olympus?”
She nods and says “maybe your parent will claim you.”
He says “claiming is having your godly parent recognized, right?”
She nods and says “you caught on fast.”
He laughs and says “let’s go.”
She does the disappearing thing again and they appear outside the throne room.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Yeah!!! I love this story!
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Alright, here's your postification

After they got back to Camp Annabeth ran for Chiron. She sent him to the Big House, then went to find Percy.
When she found him he said “come to the sword arena… there’s some pretty scary stuff happening.”
Annabeth nods and follows him. When they got there, Peter was fighting Clarisse, and Peter was winning. He pushed his sword against her throat and tried to grab at her spear but she moved and reached for his sword.
Percy said “one fight for five minutes.”
Annabeth said “he must be pretty mad…”
He says “any idea what happened to him?”
She says “I have an idea, but it may not be right.”
He says “what is it?”
She says “he asked out Amber, and she said yes, then told him she had a boyfriend.”
Percy says “pathetic way to get out of it, making up a guy.”
Annabeth says “no, he’s real. I just met him. He’s really nice. His name’s Riley.”
He says “maybe I’ll have to meet this Riley.”
She says “if you get him away from Amber…”
He laughs and says “claimed yet?”
She says “not to my knowledge. Hey where’s your sister?”
He says “over at archery.”
She nods and goes to archery. She picks up a bow and stands next to Naia. She says “hey.”
Naia says “hi.” She shoots an arrow and hits the center.
Annabeth says “did you see Peter and Clarisse?”
She says “yeah, I was there when it started. Something about Kronos maybe… I heard ‘not my fault’ but that was it.”
Annabeth nods and starts thinking.

They appeared outside the Olympian Throne Room. Amber said “wait here, if Zeus is here we can’t go in.”
Riley nods and she steps into the throne room. Only 11 seats are taken.
She steps back outside and says “alright, come in.”
Riley walks inside the throne room.
Athena says “hello again Amber.”
Amber says “hey mom.”
Apollo says “hey Amber.”
She says “hi dad.”
Athena says “this must be Riley?”
Amber nods and Apollo says “Riley? Who’s Riley?”
Athena says “her boyfriend.”
Apollo says “her what?!”
Amber says “yeah… about a year, year and a half.”
He says “you never mentioned it once at Camp.”
She says “because I knew it was too dangerous to go back as a demigod, with monsters and stuff, but since I’m a goddess I went to visit him.”
Athena says “a wise decision…”
Apollo says “hey I drive the sun every morning.”
Everyone laughs and Riley says “Lady Athena? Lord Apollo?”
They both look at him.
He says “I am Riley Poacher. Yet to be claimed.”
Athena says “yes, hello Riley.”
Apollo says “hello…”
Amber laughs and riley says “what’s so funny?”
She says “I beat both the gods of archery at archery yesterday.”
He laughs and says “that should make you the new god of archery.”
She says “that’s what my dad said but it’s not exactly like that…”
He says “a lot of godly paperwork?”
She laughs and says “I don’t even know exactly…”
Athena says “we do appreciate you stopping by but Zeus should be back any minute. Come back later, without a demigod please.”
Amber nods and says “Riley, let’s go back to Camp. Goodbye my fellow gods and goddesses.” She grabs Riley’s hand and focuses on the Big House, and they appear there.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great postification! I enjoyed it!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Here's another chapter...

After Peter beat Clarisse at sword fighting he decided to go for a walk around Camp, try to take his mind off Amber, and think of what to tell his master. He walked around for a while until he was near the cabins and he heard a familiar voice say “these are the cabins. Only the Olympians get cabins, but Zeus made an exception because I’m the daughter of two major Olympians.”
Peter looked and saw Amber, standing with a guy. He decided to walk over, and kill him. He approached them and said “hey Amber.”
She ignored him and continued on. He decided to make this guy just leave her. He said “I’m still waiting for that date.”
Both people stop and stare at him.
The guy says “date?”
Amber says “I can explain. He was guilt-tripping me, then he asked me out. I wasn’t really gonna go out with him but I just needed to get away from him. This is the guy who went to Kronos.”
The guy says “so you agreed to go out with him to get away from him?”
Amber says “he said stuff like ‘he came all this way to see me’ and ‘I’m the only reason he came back instead of hiding’ and it made me feel really bad so I wanted to think of a way to let him down easy but I didn’t have any ideas so I just agreed to hang out with him I never called it a date he did!”
The guy looks at Peter and says “you gotta be Peter.”
Peter says “how do you know my name?”
The guy says “my girlfriend told me. Keep in mind the ‘my’ part.”
Peter says “what’s your name?”
The guy says “Riley. Yet to be claimed.”
Peter looks at Amber and says “you’d better pray to your family that he doesn’t get put in one of the two cabins you’re in.”
She says “someone would have said something, we were just at Olympus. Now if you can leave I’m showing him around…”
Peter looks at him and says “does he have a weapon?”
Amber says “Peter!”
Riley says “yeah, I got something.” He pulls out a small stick from his pocket.
Peter laughs and takes out his dagger and hits the button twice, so it becomes a spear.
Riley takes the stick and snaps it, and it becomes two twin swords.
Peter thought ‘oh schist’ but didn’t dare say it out loud. Instead he said “why don’t we go to the Arena? Winner gets to date Amber.”
Amber says “that is not happening.”
Riley says “I’m not too confident in my skills yet and I would never bet Amber. But I will fight you…”
Amber says “so, do I have any say in this?”
Riley says “come on, you can watch.”
Amber looks at Peter and says “you are an idiot.”
Peter says “I told you that I’d kill this guy.”
Amber says “Peter just go. Go away.”
Riley says “I’ll fight. But I’m not betting Amber.”
Amber says “we gotta go, like, now. It’s just about noon.”
Peter says “what’s at noon?”
Riley says “my older brother Connor is coming home from college.”
Peter says “you coming back here?”
Amber sarcastically says “no I’m just gonna leave an untrained demigod in the mortal world.”
Riley says “I’ll fight you later…”
Amber sighs and whispers to herself “pathetic…”
Riley turns to her and says “let’s go.”
Amber says “goodbye Peter. If you’re still here when we come back I’ll kill you.”
Peter says “not before I kill him.” He points to Riley, who somehow mended his two swords into the stick again, and puts the stick in his pocket.
Amber sighs and says “you can work this out later.”
Riley nods and says “let’s go.”
Amber grabs his hand and they disappear.

Naia hadn’t seen Amber all day, so she decided to try and find her. She looked at the archery station, her cabin, the Big House, she wasn’t anywhere. Naia assumed she’d be at Olympus, so she just let it go. She figured she’d be back within a few hours, so she went to hang around with Holly. She found her at the Cabins bickering with one of her brothers.
Holly said “am not!”
Her brother said “are too!”
Holly said “no I am not!”
Naia laughs and says “so what’s happening here?”
Holly says “he’s calling me stupid.”
Naia laughs and says “you two work this out I’ll come find you later.”
Holly says “wait don’t go!”
Naia says “I can’t hear you I’m already walking away!”
She walks over to the sword arena. She saw Percy was fighting Peter so she watched until Peter won.
Percy said “hey Naia, you wanna turn?”
Naia laughs and steps up to him. She says “you ready to go down?”
He says “are you?”
They fought for a minute, until Percy won.
Naia said “damn…”
Percy laughs and says “arrogance isn’t very good for you Naia.”
She sarcastically laughs. Since it was about noon they went to the dining pavilion to eat, and Amber still wasn’t there. After lunch, Naia went to practice archery for a couple of hours.
A couple hours after doing archery Amber came running up to her.
Naia said “where in Hades were you?!”
Amber laughs and says “I went to go visit some people.”
Standing right behind Amber, Naia saw a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Naia looked down at the ground.
Amber said “I’ve got to go to Olympus to see my parents… I’ll be back in a few hours.” She turns to the guy and says “this is Naia, daughter of Poseidon.”
The guy nods and turns to Naia. He says “hey Naia. I’m Riley.” He reaches out his hand, and Naia shakes it.
Amber says “now I’m gonna go to Olympus.”
Naia nods and says “see you later I guess.”
She nods and disappears.
Riley says “I hear you’re skilled with a sword?”
Naia nods and says “yeah…”
He says “mind if I ask you to prove it?”
She laughs and says “sure. Let’s go to the Arena.”
He nods and follows her to the sword fighting arena.
When they get there, Holly and Annabeth are fighting. Naia walks up and says “go Holly!”
That distracted Holly, so Annabeth put her dagger against Holly’s throat and took her sword.
Annabeth said “thanks Naia.” She sees Riley and says “hey Riley.” She turns back to Naia and says “I’m gonna go do some archery.”
Naia nods and says “I’m gonna fight Riley.”
Annabeth turns to Riley and says “good luck with that.”
Riley takes out a stick, snaps it, and the halves become swords.
Holly says “I wanna see this.”
Riley and Naia fight for a minute, until Riley has Naia’s dagger under his foot, one of his swords at her throat, and another at her head.
Holly says “whoa…”
Naia says “someone finally beat me.”
Holly says “have you seen Peter fight today? Something got him really mad I guess.”
Riley says “the Zeus kid?”
They nod.
Riley says “why don’t you two fight, I’m gonna go take a look around.”
Naia says “want me to come with you?”
He says “no, I’m fine. But thanks. I’m just gonna clear my head.”
She nods and he walks out.
In an awful impression of Naia’s voice, Holly says “you want me to come with you?”
Naia says “shut up.”
Holly laughs and says “you’re totally crushing on the new guy!”
Naia sighs and says “maybe a little…”
Holly laughs and says “I heard Amber agreed to go out with Peter.”
Naia says “no way! Seriously?”
Holly nods and says “I heard from Selina, who heard from Beckendorf, who heard it from Percy, who heard it from Annabeth, who heard it from Amber.”
Naia laughs and says “that’s a lot of people.”
Holly says “Naia this is serious. Peter is bad news and we need to make sure Amber knows that.”
Naia says “she knows that. Maybe he said something?”
Holly says “I don’t know.”
Instead of fighting, they spend the next hour gossiping about stuff happening in the Camp. After a while they both totally forgot about Amber and Peter.
A couple hours later Annabeth came running in and said “you’re missing dinner!”
They jumped up and ran to the pavilion. When they got there Amber was at the Pavilion. She had three empty cups in front of her and a plate that looked like it had ambrosia, before it was eaten.
Naia walked up to her and said “where have you been all day?!”
Amber said “hello to you too…”
Naia says “seriously, where were you?”
Amber says “visiting family.”
Naia says “did you see Mr. D?”
Amber nods and says “called back to Olympus. Won’t be back for quite a while.”
Naia says “yeah!”
Amber says “go eat, we’ll talk later.”
Naia nods and goes over to the Poseidon table with Percy.
She turns to her brother and says “hey…”
Percy says “hey.”
She eats her food, then goes right to the Poseidon Cabin and falls asleep.
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Awesome chappie! 😀 And P.S. Selina is actually spelled Silena so yeah!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Sorry, I never knew exactly how to spell it and I can't remember it for the life of me... I'll post in a little while
over a year ago olympianglory said…
:D Pure :D
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Yeah Ima waiting for the post
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Sorry I wasn't on for so long, I spent the night at my friend's house last night... here's a chapter

When Amber came back from Olympus she decided she wasn’t going to tell anyone about her and Riley just yet. Except Annabeth, because she already knew, and Amber knew she’d never tell someone else’s secret. She went to the dining pavilion for dinner and had a little run-in with Naia. But other than that, it was fine. After dinner, she got up and went to go sit at the beach. She heard footsteps pretty far behind her, but she didn’t bother to look at who it was. Someone silently came and sat down beside her.
They said “you alright?”
Amber looked up and it was Peter. She said “go away.”
He says “are you alright?”
She says “I’m fine I just come here for quiet.”
He says “why’d you lie to me?”
She says “because you were saying those things and I felt really bad, and I just didn’t know how to tell you no.”
He says “so instead you got my hopes up, then you say you’ve got a boyfriend and run off to find him?”
She says “I was gonna tell you. But then you said you like me, and I just couldn’t figure out how to say it.”
He says “just because you’re with this guy doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop liking you.”
She says “Peter, please?”
He says “I’m gonna fight for you.”
She says “there is no fight. If you liked me you should have found me about a year and a half ago, before Riley did.”
He says “I’m not giving up.”
She says “don’t hurt him. Please.”
He says “why not? You’ve hurt me. He’s hurt me. It’s a cycle.”
She says “you think this is easy for me?”
He says “well you aren’t exactly doing much. I’m not giving up that easy. I’m gonna fight for you.”
She says “I’m never going to date you. Whether I had Riley or not, I wasn’t gonna go out with you.”
He sighs and says “I’m running out of options here…”
She says “there’s no options. Alright? I just don’t feel that way about you.”
He says “I bet I can change your mind someday.”
She says “you won’t. When I see you I think of Kronos.”
He says “they were controlling me!”
She says “whatever happened, nothing’s gonna change my mind.”
Without saying anything, Peter leans forward and kisses her.
She throws him in another direction and slaps him. She says “are you insane?!”
Before he can say anything, someone has him pinned down.
Amber sat there and watched as she saw Riley beat the crap out of Peter.
She said “Riley! Stop it!”
He ignores her and says to Peter “who the hell do you think you are?!”
Peter moves his head so he doesn’t get punched in the face and says “Peter Johnson, son of Zeus. You’re just an unclaimed.”
All of a sudden something appears over Riley’s head. It was a glowing symbol. Amber studied it for a minute then said “a sword…”
Riley said “right, thanks Amber.” He took the stick out of his pocket.
Amber takes the stuck and says “not what I meant. Look up.”
He looks up and sees the symbol.
Amber says “Hephaestus is a hammer, Dionysus would’ve said something earlier, Zeus is a lightning bold, Poseidon is a trident, if you were Hermes you would’ve stolen something already, that only leaves Ares.”
Peter says “you think this pathetic thing is a son of Ares?”
Riley punches him in the face.
Amber says “Riley, come on. We’re going to Chiron.”
He punches Peter one more time, then stands up. Amber runs with him over to the Big House, the sword still clear above his head.
Chiron came galloping up and said “ah. Welcome, son of Ares.”
There were a few surrounding Campers, and they all cheered.
Chiron said “go get your things from the Hermes cabin you’re moving in with your brothers and sisters.”
Riley nods and runs off.
Amber returns to the beach, and Peter is still lying there, his nose bleeding and his left eye swollen.
He said “you here to beat me too?”
Amber says “you’re lucky I don’t kill you now.”
He says “where’s your boyfriend?”
She says “moving into the Ares cabin.”
He sighs and says “so that’s it? It’s over just like that?”
Amber says “I’m not gonna go out with you.”
He sighs and says “I’ll just tell everyone where these bruises came from.”
She says “I’ll kill you.”
He says “I can’t believe I left for you.”
She says “I knew you believed in Kronos!”
He stands up slowly and says “of course I believe in Kronos! I can’t stand my father! I came here to bring you so we could be together on the winning side. But now you can lose for all I care.”
Amber says “I’d never join Kronos. Riley can go run off to Kronos, and I wouldn’t. Or Annabeth, or Percy, or anyone else. I’d never do that.”
He says “Amber you’re on the wrong side…”
She says “then I’ll be a loser.”
He says “last chance.”
She backs towards everything else and says “before you go back to Kronos?!”
He says “last chance to come with me.”
She comes up with a plan. She sighs and says “fine… let me get my stuff, I’ll be back in a minute.”
He smiles and says “see?”
She turns and goes towards the Cabins, but instead she goes to the Big House. She runs inside and says “Peter is going to Kronos!”
Everyone who heard stops and runs outside. Including Chiron. Everyone runs to the beach, where Peter was waiting. Amber yells “TRAITOR!”
Suddenly, everyone attacks him. He yells “AMBER WE GOTTA GO!”
She laughs and says “I don’t know what’s funnier, these people attacking you or the fact that you thought I’d actually go with you.”
He says “you tricked me!”
She says “guilty as charged.”
He says “I trusted you!”
She says “well that was your mistake. Now leave!”
He jumps into the water. Naia and Percy chase after him, and everyone else leaves. Amber went to her cabin, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Naia woke up early the next morning, despite having chased Peter around Camp for an hour the previous night. When she woke up, Percy was still asleep, the usual. She got up and went to the dining pavilion for breakfast, as usual. She saw Riley sitting at the Ares table. She walked over and said “you got claimed?”
He nods and says “last night. I guess you didn’t hear. It makes sense, my mom loves action movies, action, all that stuff.”
She laughs and says “wanna practice in the sword arena after breakfast?”
He nods and says “sure.”
She goes back to the Poseidon table telling herself ‘it’s not a date, it’s not a date.’
Naia saw Amber come and sits at the Athena table.
Naia returned to her waffles. She burnt some of her food for a god of her choice, so she burnt it for Amber, just to change it up a little.
Amber smiled, stood, and says “whoever just burnt food for me, thank you.”
Naia laughs and says “you’re welcome.”
Amber sits back down, and Naia eats her food. After she finished she goes over to Riley and says “ready?”
He nods and stands up. They go to the sword arena.
Riley says “crap, Amber has my stick.”
Naia says “excuse me?”
He laughs and says “my weapon. It’s a stick I snap and it becomes the two swords. She took it.”
She says “do I wanna know why?”
He laughs again and says “probably not…”
Amber walks over and says “I thought I saw you come in here.” She hands him a stick and he says “this it?”
She says “try it.”
He snaps the stick and nothing happens.
The three of them laugh, then Amber hands him another stick. He snaps it and it becomes two swords. He says “thanks.”
She nods and says “I gotta go to Olympus for a bit, we’ll train when I get back.”
He nods and says “sounds good.”
Amber nods, looks at Naia for a minute, then disappears.
Naia wondered what that was, but decided not to ask, because she didn’t know if she wanted the answer. She drew her dagger and said “you ready?”
Riley says “I was born ready.” He readies his two swords.
Holly walks over and says “we got a battle going on? Daughter of Poseidon and Son of Ares?”
Riley nods and says “tell us when to charge.”
Holly says “go.”
Naia and Riley run at each other and fight for a minute, until Naia made Riley drop one of his swords, so he took the dagger from her hand and pointed his sword at her head.
Holly laughed and said “Riley wins.”
Riley laughs, hands Naia her dagger, and goes to retrieve his second sword.
Holly says “why does he get two?”
Riley says “because I’m just that awesome.”
They all laugh and he comes back over and re-forms the stick by pressing the swords together.
Naia says “you’re gonna need to teach me.”
Riley says “it’s all in having two swords.”
Naia says “I gotta get a second dagger. Or at least trade mine for a sword.”
Holly says “you can’t. You get what you get and if you don’t like it take it up with Hephaestus and have him make you something else.”
Naia says “never mind…”
They all laugh.
Naia says “I’m gonna head over to archery…”
Riley says “maybe I’ll come with you, I can’t do this all day.”
She says “okay…”
Holly says “I’m gonna go do some demigodly things.”
They all laugh and she goes off, leaving Naia and Riley. They go to the archery station and Naia tries to teach Riley how to shoot.
Riley says “this is complicated.”
Naia says “not after you understand how to do it.”
Riley says “but I don’t understand.”
Naia sighs and says “you’re gonna need a better teacher. No one taught me, I just did it.”
He says “wish I could be like that…”
Naia says “Amber is the daughter of one of the twin gods of archery.”
He says “I know, she told me. And her mother is the goddess of wisdom.”
She nods and says “yep.”
He says “your father is Poseidon, right?”
She nods and says “my brother is Percy.”
He nods.
She spends another hour trying to teach him to shoot, with no progress.
He says “sorry, just naturally bad at this.”
She says “Amber’s gonna have to teach you. I feel really bad for her right now though, so I’d give her some time.”
Riley immediately says “what happened to her?”
She says “she agreed to go out with Peter the other day, and turns out his idea of a date is taking her to join Kronos. After he promised us all he was possessed.”
He says “she wasn’t going to go out with him. She told me.”
She shrugs and says “the world will never know.”
He says “she told me she wasn’t going out with him.”
Naia says “alright, alright. Why does it latter so much?”
Riley says “I uh, just don’t like being told lies, so I’m telling you what she said.”
She nods and says “alright, then she wasn’t gonna go out with him.”
Riley says “better.”
She laughs.
Holly comes up and says “can I take some time with Naia?”
Naia says “he can stay.”
Riley laughs and says “it’s fine. I’m awful at this anyways, I was gonna do something easier soon anyways.”
She says “you sure?”
He nods and says “I’ll see you later.” He goes off.

there, it's really long to make up for the chapters I didn't post... and has anyone realized who I meant when I said there was gonna be a b****? It's not exactly obvious, maybe 1-3 more chapters...
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
I havent realized who the b**** was but it is either Amber, Naia, or Holly?
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
If u can post again today? Please!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
1) I will not tell you who it is, but I will tell you this: it is one of your three guessed
2) sorry, I didn't see your post until just now. I'll post:

Holly said “are you two a thing or something?”
Naia sighs and says “no…”
Holly says “you should totally ask him out. It doesn’t always have to be the guy.”
Naia says “usually it does…”
Holly says “just give it a shot.”
Naia sighs and says “fine, later. Just don’t tell anyone, please.”
Holly nods and says “of course. Just don’t forget about me and Amber.”
Naia laughs and says “how could I?”
Holly says “well it’s 11:00 and one of the only people you’ve spoken to is Riley.”
Naia says “fine, I’ll work on it.”
She laughs and says “you’re a piece of work.”
Naia says “so are you!”
She laughs again and shoots an arrow. It hits the target, but not in the center.
Holly points to it and says “Amber would be ashamed.”
They laugh together and talk for a while, then they go to lunch. Amber still hadn’t come back. After lunch Holly went over to the Poseidon table, and Naia was the last one there. Holly said “you should go do it now.”
Naia says “now?”
Holly says “just get it out of the way. You didn’t eat, you’re nervous.”
Naia sighs and says “I’ll do it later.”
She says “you better do it before someone beats you to it.”
Naia sighs and says “I’ll do it before dinner.”
She nods and says “come on, let’s go practice for a while.”
Naia nods and they go to the sword arena. They practice there for a couple hours until Naia says “I’m gonna go ask Chiron if he knows where Amber went.”
Holly says “she went to Olympus.”
Naia says “she’s been gone for hours.”
Holly says “so?”
Naia says “I’m doing it.”
Holly sighs and says “fine.”
They go to the Big House and Naia says “Chiron, where’s Amber?”
He says “I’m not sure…”
All of a sudden Amber appears there. Naia runs over and hugs her and says “you’re alive!”
Amber laughs and says “in case you forgot, I sort of can’t die…”
Naia laughs and hugs her tighter.
Amber says “you’re acting like it’s been years.”
Chiron says “I’m just trying to get a count, since there’s only a few days left in the summer. Are and of you planning to go back to the mortal world to go to school?”
Amber says “I might…”
Naia says “scent’s too strong, gotta stay.”
Holly says “nope.”
He nods and gallops away.
Amber says “you’re seriously not gonna go to school?”
Naia says “my scent is way too strong.”
Amber says “I wish you could just come with me…”
Naia says “me too… wanna go do some practice?”
Amber says “I would, but I’ve gotta go meet Riley.”
Naia felt a little jealous, and said “can I come with you?”
Amber said “um, I guess? I guess I can’t think of a reason why not.”
Naia said “unless, you want to be alone?”
Amber said “it’s fine, come with me.”
She nods and follows Amber to the sword arena.

3) if you haven't figured out who the b**** is by now you should get it in the next 2 or so chapters
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Great chappie!
over a year ago olympianglory said…
Is it Naia? Or Holly?
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Can you postify? Again? Preferably before 7:00 p.m. because I won't be here to read your amazing fanfiction! I have soccer!
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
Crap sorry, I didn't see your post, I fell asleep. But here, I'll post now. And you'd better be able to tell who the b**** is by the end of this post, if you don't get it by then, just ask me and I'll explain

They went up to Riley and Amber said “hey.”
He turned, saw her, and said “hey.” He saw Naia and said “hey Naia.”
Amber said “ready to practice?”
He says “I guess…”
Amber says “something wrong?”
He says “no I’ve just got a lot on my mind…”
Amber says “we can practice later if you want…”
He says “yeah, that’d be best. Thanks.”
She nods and Riley said “hey Naia, I wanna talk to you.”
Naia looked down and felt her face go red. She saw Amber stare at her for a minute, then walk away.
Naia said “what’s up?”
Riley said “did Amber tell you about what happened yesterday? With her and Peter?”
Naia says “no, she didn’t tell me anything. Is there a problem?”
He says “no, I just saw something I wish I could un-see.”
She says “what was it?”
He says “it’s nothing, I’ll talk to her about it later.”
She sees Holly walk into the arena, and go across the area, but look at them.
Naia sighed and said “can I ask you something?”
Riley said “yeah, sure.”
She took a deep breath and said “I know you’ve only been here for a day, but I like you. I know it’s kind of strange, the girl asking the guy, but do you wanna go out sometime?”
He said “oh. Oh gods, I didn’t see that coming.”
She says “if you don’t wanna it’s alright.”
He says “look Naia, I’m sorry. I don’t feel that way about you. I’ve actually got a girlfriend.”
She says “if it’s a mortal, then you can’t be with her anymore. It’d be dangerous, and you’re basically vulnerable to die here at any time.”
He says “no, it’s not a mortal. It’s actually an immortal.”
She says “wait, what?”
He says “she told me not to tell you, but I think now I have to. Amber is sort of my girlfriend…”
Naia says “alright. I can’t believe she wouldn’t tell me that.”
He says “I don’t know why she told me not to tell anyone. I’m really sorry. You’re awesome, don’t get me wrong. But I’m with Amber.”
She says “is it because she’s a goddess?”
He says “Actually, we’ve been going out for about a year and a half. Before she even came here. We were together in the mortal world, and she suddenly disappeared without an explanation. She came and found me a couple days ago and brought me here so we could be together…”
She says “that’s nice. Sorry to put you in the awkward position. Friends?”
He says “friends…”
She says “I’m gonna go train with Holly, I’ll see you later.”
He nods and says “bye.”
She goes over to Holly, tears clouding her eyes.
Holly says “I don’t suppose those are tears of joy?”
She says “he’s got a girlfriend.”
Holly says “he can’t be with a mortal.”
She says “no it’s” she wipes a tear from her eye and says “it’s Amber.”
Holly says “oh gods… is it because she’s a goddess?”
She says “actually, they’ve been together for about a year and a half. She brought him here so they could be together. They were together way before she even came to Camp.”
Holly hugs Naia and says “I’m so sorry…”
Naia hugs her and says “I think I’m just gonna go sit in my cabin.”
Holly nods and says “you want me to come sit with you?”
She shakes her head and says “I just need to be alone for a little while…”
Holly says “you sure?”
She nods and goes to the Poseidon cabin. She sits on her bed, curls into a ball, and starts crying.

Amber was outside the Big House talking with Annabeth when Riley came over. He said “hey, can we talk for a minute?”
Amber says “sure…”
Annabeth says “I’ll come find you later.” She walks in the direction of the Athena cabin.
Amber says “is something wrong?”
Riley says “remember when you introduced me to Naia?”
She says “yeah…?”
He says “so she uh, don’t get mad at her for this. She kind of sort of just asked me out.”
She says “Naia? The daughter of Poseidon? One of my best friends?”
He nods and says “that’s the one.”
She says “oh my gods…”
He says “I told her no, and I told her I’m with you, but I didn’t want to keep it from you.”
She says “where’d she go?”
He says “I don’t know. I came to find you right after she walked over to her friend.”
She says “which friend? Holly?”
He says “yeah, I think.”
She says “I appreciate your honesty. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go yell at one of my ex-best friends.”
He says “don’t leave your friends just because of this.”
She sighs and says “if I said something I could have avoided this. She never would’ve done this if she knew.”
He says “I just wanted to tell you.”
She says “are you alright? You seem a little… down about something.”
He says “yeah, just something on my mind.”
She says “what is it? I won’t tell anyone.”
He says “it’s stupid…”
She says “I bet it’s not stupid, just tell me…”
He says “it’s just about that Peter guy…”
She says “oh my gods. Never mind, that is stupid. I promise, I’m not gonna run off to Peter. Alright?”
He says “I know, I’m just being dumb.”
She laughs and says “yes, you are. I’m gonna go talk to Naia, I’ll find you later.”
He nods and she runs off to the Poseidon cabin and knocks on the door.
Naia opens it, her eyes red. She said “what?”
Amber said “can I come in?”
She says “I don’t want you to but if you must.”
Amber says “what’d I do to you?”
She says “I can’t believe you.”
Amber says “is this about Riley?”
Naia sighs and says “I don’t think you should be with him.”
She says “mind telling me why?”
Naia says “you’re a gods damn goddess! You’re never going to die! He is! Zeus can call you back to Olympus forever with a simple word! You could just randomly leave him, just like you did when you came to Camp.”
She says “is that what you think of me? You think I just date guys who I can’t be with forever and push them off when they die and never think about them again?”
Naia says “someday, that cabin is gonna fill up with demigods.” She points to Amber’s cabin and says “and they’re not gonna be Riley’s. How do you think he’s gonna feel then, his girlfriend having children with random people? Sitting, watching from Elysium, too hurt and/or upset to find a ghost girlfriend?”
Amber says “I’m not having any demigods! I’m not going to ever have a single demigod! And I understand I can’t be with him forever, but I just want him to be happy, so if being with me makes him happy then that’s what’s gonna happen!”
Naia says “but what if he dies? Huh? What would you do then? Carry on with everything? Forget about him? You can’t die! You’re going to get over him eventually, and everyone here is going to die, and there’s nothing you can do about it so just leave Riley, leave Camp, just LEAVE!” She slams the door in Amber’s face.
Amber says “I had no idea one of my best friends had such low opinions of me. Maybe I will go.” Tears falls down her face, and she starts walking towards her cabin.
Riley runs over and says “what’d Naia say to you?”
She says “she told me that I should break up with you because I’m immortal and eventually you’re gonna die, and she told me to leave Camp, and just to leave in general.”
He says “I never meant for this to happen.”
She says “it’s a good thing. I’m figuring out who is actually my friend. Naia is definitely not my friend.”
He says “I’m really sorry.”
She says “it’s not your fault…”
He says “is there anything I can do? I really hate seeing you upset…”
She says “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think there is.”
He hugs her and she starts to cry.
She says “I thought she was my friend. I can’t believe she’d say those things.”
He says “I know… I know… you want me to talk to her?”
She says “not specifically. You can still be friends with her, but I just can’t.”
He says “you expect me to be friends with someone who said that to you?”
She says “you don’t have to base everything off of me. You’re free to make your own choices.”
He says “I know, and that is my choice.”
She says “alright…”
He says “maybe Naia isn’t as nice as she seems…”
She says “I should’ve seen it…”
He says “hey, it’s not your fault…”
She says “but what if she’s right?”
He says “are you being serious?”
She says “she is right in a way. Someday you are going to die, whether I like it or not. And someday, I am going to be expected to make demigods. And it’s not like I can just somehow die, it doesn’t work like that. Someday, I am going to lose you. It may be easier if you were with a demigod, or no one.”
He says “wait, are you breaking up with me?”
She says “no, I’m just thinking about if she may be right.”
He says “she’s wrong. Just don’t worry about it.”
She says “I think I’m gonna g back to school, get out of Camp for a while.”
He says “wait, that’s an option?”
She nods and says “you don’t have to go if you don’t want to but I think I’m gonna.”
He says “if that’s an option, I’m going.”
She says “you sure?”
He nods and says “I’d miss our mortal friends.”
She laughs and says “I’m just afraid of being called back to Olympus. Imagine a god coming in and saying ‘please excuse Amber from class for the rest of the year, her Olympian god parents want her to move back to Olympus to keep her out of the war with a titan’.”
He laughs and says “I’d definitely wanna be in that class.”
She laughs and says “it’d be the most embarrassing thing ever.”
He says “it’d be the best class ever.”
She laughs again and says “I hope that doesn’t happen. I’d never go back.”
He laughs and says “maybe I’ll give your father some extra god money…”
She says “do that and I’ll break you.”
He laughs and says “how’re you gonna eat nectar and ambrosia at a school?”
She says “nectar looks like juice, I’ll ambrosia is a foreign food.”
He says “if anyone asks to eat a little?”
She says “no one touches my food…”
He laughs and says “you always split food with your friends.”
She says “not anymore I don’t.”
He laughs and says “this is gonna be an interesting year.”
She laughs and says “I may wanna tell my parents I’m gonna go to school.”
He says “mortal or immortal?”
She says “yes.”
He laughs and says “alright, you go off then. Be free.”
She laughs and says “I’ll see you in a bit.”
He nods and she disappears.
over a year ago olympianglory said…
over a year ago PiperMclean7732 said…
Naia is the b****! Oh no!