The Heroes of Olympus The Travels

ConnerandTravis posted on Apr 11, 2013 at 12:52AM
WAIT: Before you say anything, I promise I will continue this forum

Plot: Basically a dude goes back in time to save his mother and girlfriend

Leo Valdez(R.R)
Piper McLean(R.R)
Annabeth Chase(R.R)
Percy Jackson(R.R)
Jason Grace(R.R)
Micheal Jackson, a.k.a Alex Matthews(Mine)
The gods.
Other O.Cs

Credit goes to R.R.

Some music will be posted. Some will be country because I like that kind of music

Raterd: E for Everyone

The Heroes of Olympus 4 replies

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over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Chapter 1:

My name is Michael Trevor Jackson and this is my story on how I saved the world like my father. I live in the year 2037 and I am 16 years old I live in New York. I am a demigod, son of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. I am part of a resistance. Its called the Demigods Resistance, DR for short. I am the leader. The only reason is that because of my father, Percy, is the god of heroism. My mother didn’t accept the offer because she knew I wasn’t dead that night. The night that monster came through and knocked me unconscious. She believed that I was alive, while my no-good father strongly believed that I wouldn’t come back and joined the gods. I came back though and my father turned his back on me, but not on my mom. He believed that I was a devil child, one to die by his own stupidity. But my mother doesn’t believe him, she always believes me and cares for me, but she got captured by the same monster and she was killed.One day I’m going to prove my dad wrong. Maybe today is the day, who knows?
“What’s today’s plans?” I asked my right hand man, John Crocker.
“You’re going to Olympus sir, while we survive.” He answered.
“Is today the day for saving the world?” I questioned.
“Yes sir.“
“Call me Mike and how will I be traveling?” I chuckle a little.
“How do you want to travel si.. I mean MIke?” He asked.
“Helicopter, John. It’s time I go visit my father. It’s the least I can do.” I smile a little.
“I would like to visit my mom.” John said a little wistful.
“I can’t go without my right-hand man now can I?” I asked, rhetorically. “Come on, you can ride shotgun.”
A few minutes later, we’d arrived at Olympus.
“Stick near me John and whatever you do, don’t wander off. It’s easy to get lost.” I sigh, looking at the Olympus doors. “If you do, take this.” I tossed him an earpiece and put in mine. “Can’t keep the gods waiting.” I push open the doors, John following closely. The gods were there. Twelve of them, sitting in their thrones. I looked at each one, the names popping up in my head automatically, Aphrodite, Hermes, Demeter, Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Ares. I stopped in front of my father’s throne. Ever since Dionysus, the god of wine and parties faded, Percy took his throne. I saw out of the corner of my eye that he was looking at me. I continued walking. I walked up to Zeus. “I’m ready.”
“Kneel Michael!” Percy’s voice boomed. I calmly turn around and look him in the eye.
“I will never kneel to you.” I sneer. “You should never tell me what to do. I could walk out of here. I don’t care about saving the world. I care about saving my mom and my girlfriend.”
“You will kneel to the gods. Your friend is kneeling to his mom.” He gestured to John who was kneeling in front of Aphrodite.
“I don’t have to do this. He’s only kneeling because his mom actually cares about him. Unlike you, who thought their only son was dead.” I calmly reason. “Now, let me do business with Lord Zeus, Jackson.” I turn back to Zeus.
“Michael Jackson, you are to travel back in time to destroy the monster. You shall protect Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, and younger Percy Jackson.” Zeus said, sternly. “You will be transported in the year 2015. You will be out of your uniform and into-”
“Trendy clothes that year!” Aphrodite sang out.
“Thank you Aphrodite. You will also have your sword with you. Do you have it now?”
I take out my sword. “I always have it. Besides, it always reappears in my pocket.”
“Good. Any questions?”
“How old will I be?”
“Same age.”
“Alex Mathews.”
“Who will be my godparent? If I can’t say anything about the future, and I can’t be un claimed because of your oath. I can’t be un claimed if I’m 17.” I asked, my mom side kicking in.
“I will.” Zeus agreed. “Do you agree?”
“Transport me and I’ll save the world.” I smiled charmingly. I ran my hand through blond hair. I took a quick look and saw that John was standing off to the side and my dad was smirking. Then I saw absolute blackness.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Awesome. You better continue this one. XD
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Chapter 2:
I woke up minutes later. in a odd place.Nothing seemed familiar.
“Oh geez where am I? John are you there?” I mutter.
“Just me.” A voice answered.It seemed familiar to me. “I’m not a John or a boy. Are you awake?”
“Who’s me and yes I’m awake. Why would I be talking if I was asleep?” I asked, rubbing my mouth. I wiped away drool a bad habit that I formed from my dad.
“My name’s Annabeth Chase.” The girl answered. “Sorry, you talk in your sleep. You are?”
“Great I drool and talk in my sleep.” I muttered. “I’m Alex Mathews.” The name felt foreign on my tongue.
“Great to meet you Alex.” Annabeth greeted.
“Where am I? How’d I get here?” I shut my eyes tight, trying to remember.
“I don’t know how, but you’re at Camp Half-Blood, home of demigods. You were lying unconscious in front of Thalia’s Pine.”
“Thalia’s Pine, I heard about that.” I accidently said out loud.
“You did?” Annabeth asked, confused.
“Stories from my travels.” I covered up. “Here.”
Annabeth looked at me, but waved it off. “Let’s see the camp Alex.”
We were walking around camp, near the volleyball area. Everything was correct from the stories. Right down to the details of the cabins. “Wow.” I breathed.
“It’s amazing right?” Annabeth turned around, her grey eyes sparkled.
Right then a guy about 17 came up to us. He kissed Annabeth. He had sea green eyes and jet black hair. My blueish-grayish eyes glared at him. I cleared my throat and the two broke apart.
“Percy, this is the new kid, Alex Matthews.” Annabeth gestured to me. I looked behind me. No one was there and that’s when I realized she was talking about me. I blushed a little.
“Hi Percy.” I say, a little harsh.
“Welcome to camp, Alex,” Percy said, a little wary. He went to go kiss Annabeth again, but I grabbed her wrist and kept walking.
Percy glared and come after us.
“What’s wrong with you?” Annabeth asked.
“Nothing, just want to see camp.” I said and kept walking, Percy following closely. Annabeth looked behind and gave him a reassuring smile and Percy slowed down. That;s when two boys and a girl came up to us. One of the boys was holding hands with the girl. The boy had blond hair and blue eyes. The other boy looked like he shouldn’t be trusted without adult supervision. He looked elfish and had chocolate brown eyes. The girl had eyes that changed and brown hair that was in a braid. She was so beautiful. I knew who exactly who each of them were. These were the people I had to protect, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez.
“Hey guys,” Annabeth greeted as she yanked away from my grip. “This is Alex Mathews.”
“Hey Leo,” I wave a little.
“How do you know my name?” Leo asked, cautiously.
“Uh, you look like a Leo.” I shrugged. “I have a knack for guessing names.”
“What’s my name?” Jason asked.
“Luke.” I guessed wrong on purpose. Jason’s face deflated.
“No, it’s Jason.” He mumbled. Piper patted his shoulder.
“I’m Piper by the way.” Piper smiled and I smiled back.
“You must be a daughter of Aphrodite.” I said.
“How did you know?” Piper asked.
“You’re very beautiful.” I nodded. “And I’m guessing that Jason is your boyfriend.”
“How did you know that?” Jason tilted his head.
“You guys are holding hand.” Annabeth cut it. I jumped a little. I had forgotten that she was there.
“Don’t we have a tour to finish mom?” The mom part slipped out. Everybody started at me. I went wide eyed and ran away.

over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Whoops...sorry for the caps lock. Post soon dudeeeeeee.