The Heroes of Olympus Camp Wars

childofaeolus posted on Oct 17, 2012 at 04:41AM
Hey guys! Some of you may or may not remember me from when I wrote my other stories surrounding my OC Elle.... well unfortunately you're not rid of her yet. In the past my stories have been over-complicated and my characters too Mary-sue ish. Hopefully I've changed that. Please comment!

Title: Camp Wars (may Change)
Rating: C
Type: Adventure, Family/friendship, possibly romance, Humor (occaisonally).
OC personalities: Pollux, Travis and Connor Stoll, Jake Mason, Will Solace, Malcolm, Katie Gardener, Lacy, Michell, Clarisse (more eventually)
OC: Elle, Jacques, Joli, Geoff, all kids of minor gods not mentioned in books.
Synopsis: What happens when Rome marches on Camp Halfblood while the seven are off on their quest?

Disclaimer: I do not own any character or the story in any of Rick Riordan's series.
[b]Hey guys! Some of you may or may not remember me from when I wrote my other stories surrounding my
last edited on Oct 23, 2012 at 05:41AM

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago childofaeolus said…

Hello, Hi, sorry this is kind of not the best time for me to talk to you, because you see I’m kind of under siege. You see I’m Greek and on accident somehow one of our people must have fired at the Romans and they are not too pleased with us. So right now we’re all holed up at Camp Halfblood trying to survive and either negotiate with, or defeat the Romans, whichever comes first. We sent only our best and brightest to Camp Jupiter to try and give off a good impression but that means, now we’re missing our leaders Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, and Chiron and Mr. D are indisposed in a manner of speaking. So we’re all on our own. Our best weapons (over the years swords and the like tend to get a bit damaged) are aboard the Argo II (a ship built by one of our campers, Leo Valdez) which all of “The Seven” (It’s part of a prophecy, I’ll get to that later), flew away in. And you know, that’s fine and great for them, but we happen to be right on death’s doorstep. We won’t survive long enough to rejoice if they manage to save the world.
Hades, we aren’t even organized. After our war with the Titans last year, (woot woot for Greek power!) we started to rebuild and recognize all of the children of minor gods (I happen to be one of them) at camp, so we’ve got nearly every god covered and we are all just getting used to our new arrangements. Most of us are just worried about our friends and family. We already lost so many of them and don't think that we could handle losing anymore. I have a little brother and sister who are only six years old here at Camp Halfblood. Now there’s a chance they wouldn’t reach 7.
Oh, gods I just realized how terribly rude I’m being. I’m called Elvire Colette Tremblay-Lachance. My friends refer to me as “Elle Trick” for short. I hail from Tadworth in Surrey (some people think my accent throws people off considering most halfbloods nowadays are from America), though I’ve lived in Las Vegas primarily for quite some time (My mom moved us there seven years ago when she got a job as the weather girl). I’m 19 years old, and I’ll be 20 on the next winter solstice. I’ve been attending Camp Halfblood since I was 13, when my mother was killed in a car accident, shortly after giving birth to my little siblings: Jean-Pierre and Jeanette (Who both now go by “Jacques” and “Joli” because they liked the sound better). At camp I spent most of my time in the Hermes Cabin. Though, quite recently as my father would have it I’d be sorted into the house of Aeolus. There are always four children of Aeolus to represent the four seasons, My older brother, Geoffroi is Summer, my little brother and sister, the Equinoxes and I of course am winter. If all goes well me and my siblings are set to be immortalized as our Father’s helpers and become representatives of the seasons. (Yes that is different than the winds) When I’m not at camp for half the year, Jacques and Joli attend first grade and I’m a writer, and dance in my free time (that’s not often so therefore I’m not exactly a prima ballerina). I used to be a backup singer, but let’s be honest I’m not the kind of person who likes to hang out in the lounge of a casino (nor am I a world class singer). What do I write about? I would like to write my own poetry book, but I’m stuck writing the death notifications in the newspaper. We haven’t actually seen Geoffroi for some time….. about 6 years actually…
But enough about me! This story is about our miniature World War III. We know that most of the people in charge (praetors or something) went after the seven, so now half of them might be dead and we would never know because uncharacteristically they don’t feel like answering there iris messages, and now the Romans after Camp Halfblood. Right now all of the counselors are in charge and have formed a committee. We all try and use everyone’s talents to first and foremost, get some food (we’ve got a lot of mouths to feed and no new deliveries, you can’t expect us to only eat strawberries for the rest of our lives), then first aid, then weaponry. And after we’re all stocked up. We have Clarisse (head of Ares) in charge of our battle plans. I’m not great friends with her honestly, but I trust her to a degree. I know she wouldn’t screw around in times of war. Our ultimate goal is to reason with the Romans and try to send word to the seven, but first we have to get ourselves a bit of leverage.
Let me paint you a picture of what’s going on.
Romans: Well we aren’t really sure how many there are but there are five cohorts, and we think there’s about 40 Romans per cohort, so there are about 200 active members. Not to mention all of the former members who decided to give a hand.
Greeks: 10 children of Ares, 6 children of Dionysus, 7 (kind of useless) children of Aphrodite, 5 from Demeter, 6 from Athena, 7 from Hephaestus, 5 from Hermes, and 8 from Apollo.
In terms of minor gods we got: 3 children of Aeolus (the four winds and such), 2 chidren of Iris, 2 children of Tyche, 3 children of Hypnos, 1 child of Nike, 2 children of Erebos (darkness and shadow), 1 child of Nyx (goddess of night), 4 children of Hektate (magic, witchcraft the night, etc.), 1 child of Aristaeus (god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing and hunting), 3 children of Harpocrates (god of silence), 1 child of Palestra (goddess of wrestling), 2 children of Aceso (goddess of healing wounds and curing illnesses), and last but not least 1 child of Herse (the goddess of morning dew).
That brings our grand total to…. 80 demigods.
A lot of us are mates from when we were in the Hermes cabin but separation can drive others apart. Right now The Children of Hektate and Harpocrates aren’t on speaking terms, well the children of Harpocrates don’t speak much to begin with, but you get the point. Kelsie (daughter of Palestra) and Clarisse are in a row, with Kelsie constantly trying to find flaws in her plans which of course isn’t helping. Pollux and his brothers (Dionysus) are in a full out prank war with the Hermes kids. I wish I could say that I was being more mature than them but I froze Connor Stoll’s feet together yesterday… Apollo naturally likes to stir the pot so they started to fight with the children of Athena. All the while we are being attacked from the outside by the romans.
And the only groups that can actually get along are that of morning dew, and cheese-making. Good luck to us.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey guys. So this is the first real chapter I suppose. I wasn't going to come back, but I read mark of athena and then I started to think about Ella and BAM! New story. just so ya know, there are some changes to Elle. One, she's British, two No more Gary, three i had to do a reboot so elle and Pollux aren't toghther yet, and lastly No Missy or memoria or April. I just am alwasy trying to Improve and part of that is changing certain aspects of her character. Also she won't have as many abilities as she did last time. Hope you enjoy because for the most part her personality has remained the same! Please comment!!!

PS I have a few pictures of her and some other OC's of mine in the story, If you want to see me post them with some chapter updates let me know.

Part 1

Elle’s Point of View

Elle was one of few morning people. Today however she had a reason for getting up so very early. She, Pollux, and Will Solace were all on a miniature quest. Basically, to find out as much about the Romans and their forces as possible. At the same time a trio of Clarisse, Lou Ellen, and Nyssa were all out trying to steal or destroy their supplies. So she sat cross legged in the big house, a misty orb floating a few inches above her hands. It was a special gift her father had taught her a few years back, Now anything wind could see so could she. She hadn’t actually used this particular trick since Annabeth had asked her to use it to locate Percy. It didn’t work of course. She’d always been better friends with Percy but she still had a great respect for Annabeth.

Elle remembered the day she met Annabeth well. Her father had just dropped her off. She was a sobbing thirteen year old with a newborn in each arm, and an older brother who hated her. They had just left from their mother’s hasty funeral. Her brother would later depart, promising to see them again and that he just needed to lead his own life, but never returned. After that she was really a wreck. None of the Hermes kids wanted anything to do with her, because of her funny accent and relentless crying and always having two upset babies. Until one day she was sitting in the big house and Annabeth saw her in one of her usual fits while trying to calm down her brother and sister who were upsetting eachother with their crying, Annbeth saw her and promptly picked up one of the babies and told her to stop crying, that it wasn’t the end of the world and with time she’d get over whatever was wrong. While at the time they had seemed like harsh words, it caused her to clean up her act. Soon she would no longer be isolated from other campers and quickly became friends with Pollux, Katie, Connor and Travis, and Will, along with a few others who didn’t make it through the war. But ever since she had felt like she somehow owed Annabeth.

Pollux tapped her on the shoulder breaking her out of her thoughts, “Elvie, time to get ready.” He gave her one of his kind but slightly nervous smiles just as he always does and helped her up from her sitting position.

“Where’s Will?”

“Probably just polishing his arrows or something…” he mumbled.

“I do not polish, I buffer,” Will said coming through the door, “And I’m not late.”

Elle turned to face her friend, “Do I need to send Malcolm a written apology?”


Elle smirked and made a mental note to speak to the Athena cabin, since she and her siblings were on fairly good grounds with all of the campers she often found herself apologizing for others.

“Everybody know what they need to do?” Pollux asked.

“I’ll take out the guards first-,” Will began to say.

“Wait I thought we agreed on no killing! We need to show the Romans that we’re better than them, and can win without killing or initiating violence.”

Will groaned loudly, “You’ve given this speech a hundred times, they are out for blood Elle. We can’t just act like quakers!”

“Says who?”

“Says me.”

“Since when are you in charge?”

“Whoa guys, let’s just calm down and get are job done,” Pollux said stepping between them.

Elle huffed crossing her arms, “Fine but if you kill anyone other than in self defense I’ll break your bow in two.”

“What can you see?” Elle asked Pollux who was holding a telescope and looking out at the the Roman troops.

Pollux looked like he’d seen a ghost. “I think it’s way more than 200. Try 500 at the minimum. And ballistas and catapults or whatever they call those things. They’ve got tents set up and everything. Looks like they’re in for the long haul. I’m just not sure… what they’re waiting for.”

Will looked thoughtful, “Well they probably know that we know all their classic battle tactics. Trying to throw us off?”

“Maybe,” Elle said, “But for now let's just find out what we can.”

So the three carefully made their way down halfblood hill. It was eerily quiet.

“Guys, I think it’s a tra- AHHHHH!”

“Will!” Pollux and Elle called out before everything went black.

When Elle once again awoke, she was sitting in what seemed to be a miniature throne room of some kind. Before them sat a group of some 7 people, two that stood out were a thin pale blonde boy and girl with tan skin and dark hair. They all eyed them the same way a wolf might look at its next meal.

She looked at Will who seemed to be nearly awake while Pollux was still out cold.
“We are the worst spies EVER.” She managed to say.

“Name and Rank.” The pale boy asked.

“Excuse me?”

“Answer the question," the dark haired girl told them firmly.

“Uh, Will…, counselor of the-.”

But before he was done Elle had already got to work freezing the room over. All of the Romans' faces stuck in a position of shock

“Don’t worry, I gave them Air holes, “she said while trying to wake up Pollux.

“You know, It feels like I haven’t finished a sentence all day,” Will told her sarcastically.

“Yeah well you almost told them who your godly parent was. Right now they don’t know what or who we’ve got, and now we have a better Idea of what, they do. I suggest we try and keep it that way.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
This is really, really good. I thought I was good at melding my own storyline in the canon but this is nearly seamless!!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
I just read it and it was amazing! Please Post! Though is Annabeth the same Annabeth as Percabeth or different?
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Thanks, I'm about 500 words into the next chapter so It'll either be up today or early tommorrow, and it's the Same Annabeth as in Percabeth.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Whaaaat? That's just confusing.
over a year ago bh56 said…
beatiful [excuse speling not my best subject c+]
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Part 2

Pollux POV

I don’t like violence. Simple as that. My brother died violently, a lot of my best friends died violently, and somehow I have the feeling that I will too. Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for good fighters, its just… wouldn’t it be nice If we could just handle this diplomatically. Let’s just all calm down and talk about this rationally.

I wasn’t always like this, for a long time fighting was what I was best at. Then twin… no I don’t want to think about that right now. Anyways, I had a lot of pent up anger for the Titans, I even broke my arm and opted to keep fighting. But then the war was over. I was faced with an impossible question.

What now?

So for a while I just kept growing the strawberries with the Demeter kids. Made a few friends.

Katie’s sister Miranda takes over the cabin in the winter, and she was nice, but I’ve always like Katie more. It’s kind of weird being a year rounder… I’m 18 now so in a few weeks I’m supposed to be heading out to NYU for my psychology degree, I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen now, though.

But as I was saying it’s kind of wierd because you only see half of your friends for a quarter of the year and then, they’re gone. So like I said, there’s no Elle, or Katie, or Matilda (yes I do have guy friends). I mean I understand why, they have lives and all that but friends are all I have. Even though my dad usually runs the camp he never speaks to me. And my mom’s and international food journalist so it’s not like she’s always around.

Who knows, maybe things will get better with time. But for now I think we should get back to the situation at hand.

Silence. All of the counselors sat in an awkward silence, just staring at each other.

“Someone should wake up Clovis,” Lou Ellen said.

Elle leaned back in her chair, “I’m not sure what game they’re playing with us, but as long as they are going to try and mess with our heads we might as well carry on. No good to burn the candle at both ends.”

Half the time it was difficult to tell what Elle was saying, half because of the accent, and the other half because of her obscure references, but that’s part of why I liked her, she was very true to her roots. But that’s not exactly important now…

Clarisse frowned, “If we let down our guard, they can infiltrate us easily. And what’s the point of campfires or capture the flag now? The world is ending!”

“That’s the point exactly!” Henny said (short for Henrietta, daughter of Aristaeus, you know the bee-keeper/cheese-making god), “The world is ending, and you all know that I’m anything but pessimistic, but why don’t we enjoy these last days?”

Henny had brought up an unspoken anxiety in all of us. We all knew the end was near, we just weren’t ready for it. So many thing we wanted to do and say and tell people…

“I’ll keep watch, I’m sure we can get a few people to help out,” Katie said.

About 20 of us turned out, from all different cabins, mainly the counselors and their siblings. I was talking to Will and his younger brother Jeremy when Elle walked up with the twins. They were all dressed in armor and the twins carrying matching miniature bows. It seemed like they were arguing about something.

“But Ellie, we want to help too!” Jacques said.
Elle sighed, “The two of you have never been in combat! Don’t you want to at least try capture the flag first?”
The twins both frowned at her standing their ground. That’s when me and Will came over.
“Hey, Jaques, Joli. You want to show me how well you can shoot?” Will asked.
Elle shot him a death glare, “Don’t encourage them,” she turned to her siblings, “Tell ya what, try Capture the Flag, and if don’t enjoy it, but still win, if and only if you win, and had an important part in winning, you may help out with guard.”

The twins nodded, “Fine.”

After the two took off for the forests me and Will noticed that Elle started to freeze over.

“Um, Elle, you’re kind of… frostbitten,” I said.

“Oh, gods, sorry,” she said shaking it off, “It’s just the two of them have never been in combat before. Sure there natural talents are great, but what good will turning leaves and making flowers bloom do?”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Will said, not quite paying attention, as he was staring out over the Romans.

Soon we both did the same. The same question posed in our minds.

Why did they come here?
Why did we fire at them?
Why do they hate us?
Why do we hate them?
Why aren’t they hunting down the seven?
Why did the seven leave us?
Why don’t are parents speak with us?
Why now, of all times? We avert one crisis with the Titans, and not 6 months later we have to deal with the Earth mother herself.

Things are so terrible that all I can do is laugh. A long time ago I accepted that I would probably be dead by now. I was so happy that I made it to 18 that I became almost fearless. I wasn’t even afraid of my fate anymore.

And now, when I know that I’ve been given more time than I deserve, I am truly afraid of death.
over a year ago bh56 said…
big smile
that was........ AWESOME good work
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Great always, anywho wouldn't have caught it if you didn't post in on the wall so please continue with that announcement manner
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey everyone, last chapter wasn't my best work and this one isn't either I suppose. Kind of in a funk hopefully I'll get out of it soon, so please read and comment! Thanks!

Marta Pov

From the Diary of Marta Nocella, Daughter of Harpocrates. All be warned who read from these pages for if you can read them it means that the secrets revealed to you are important to your fate, and your fate is important to the world. You will find all else unreadable. If you do not wish to read the secrets of your fate, close the book immediately.

Ugh. Sometimes I just wish I could talk, really. But I haven’t spoken a word since I was 7, all children of Hypocrates take a vow of silence. We each have a symbolic gag tied around our mouths, though it does not affect our breathing. I happen to be bound with a nice green lace. People tell me that it accents my eyes well. I would thank them but…. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ And you know what, I’m sorry to complain but people have been doing the ‘be quiet’ symbol wrong for centuries. It’s not: vertically press the length of you index finger over both lips; its touch the tip of your right index finger to your bottom lip!

I think that most people are afraid of us… the children of Harpocrates I mean. I suppose they should be, I mean Harpocrates is the god of secrecy as well of silence, which pretty much means we know everybody’s dirt. You see, every secret seems to flow into our ears, and since our vow of silence covers everything from speaking to signing, we are the ultimate secret keepers. The only time we are allowed to break the vow is when our dad lets us. Which is usually when all of the Olympians tell him to or he’s just being nice. We’re all given the chance to speak on our respective birthdays but we aren’t allowed to tell anyone’s secrets without the permission of the person that has the secret or our father. Otherwise, there will be big trouble. I heard that about 50 years ago one of us just got randomly struck by lightning. Our other powers include compelling people to silence, whether it be blocking the part of their brain that allows them to communicate, and also convince people to keep certain things to themselves. ­­­­­­­­­­­­

In any case I suppose I should introduce myself, My name is Marta Nocella, official child of Harpocrates designated to all governmental, political, and bureaucratic secrets. My sister Isabelle is in charge of personal secrets (I took a look in her mind once and my gods there are way too many boyfriends who hate their girlfriend’s parents), and my other sister Bessie is in charge of people’s secret fears (the poor kid has to deal with other people’s nightmares every time she closes her eyes).

I guess that you can see it’s my birthday today because of the fact that I’m writing this out. I mean nobody’s going to read it, but dad wants us to be careful.

Anyways, the three of us were walking about camp as usual a few days ago, I was talking like mad while conversing with my sisters in our minds, because I have to take advantage of this special time. Of course drawing odd stares and remarks like “Why is she talking?” and all that. But I wouldn’t allow them to dampen my spirits, no I had work to do.

Our father had given me a small list of secrets that I may bring to light in order to help the camp. So I strolled right into the meeting with the counselors and gave them all a wide smile. I wasn’t exactly giving all good news so no real need to make it worse by frowning.

“Hello everybody,” I said attracting looks of surprise from all, “I can only speak to you for a brief period of time. But my father has told me that some secrets must be told so please do not interrupt me, and my name is Marta by the way so you can stop calling me “gag girl” behind my back, especially you Ares cabin, don’t think I don’t know. First off, the Romans currently have 789 soldiers at arms, they’re waiting to attack us because they are planning to get us two days from now, when their auger predicts we shall be our weakest. And the giants are contemplating whether or not to come and destroy us. That is all!”

The other counselors began to ask questions but my gag was already starting to form, I slumped back down in my chair saddened that my time was up, already regretting how I had used my time. Maybe I should have said Aloha, instead of Hello. Maybe I should have let someone know how old I was that way they would stop guessing.

Such is the life of a child of Harpocrates. Knowing all the answers, never knowing their effect on the future, and always having to ignore others. Never nodding or smiling or patting someone on the back. Stuck in this beautiful place with all of these amazing people and separated, only able to speak with my sisters… ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Look at me, I’m whining. I’ve always been safe because fighting would declare my allegiance to a side, while others showed bravery, right now there are people going off to try and find THE Doors of Death, I mean come on! I’m seriously being pathetic. But anyways, right now the Romans are marching on us. At least I can say I gave our forces fair warning. The decided to place all people with special abilities on the front line…. I wonder how that’s going to go?

Elle POV

Look, I freeze things from time to time. But I’m not Percy, I can’t just conjure water to freeze, I have to draw from moisture in the air, and that takes a lot of energy. All the while I’m trying to protect the twins because they’re in the middle of growing giant vines and brambles that attack the Romans. I never said they weren’t some of the most powerful demigods I’d ever seen, but only when they’re together.

All I know is that I’m definitely not my strongest. It’s beginning to feel like winter, but the solstice hasn’t come so it’s still technically Summer’s territory, and this would be fine if Geoff were here. But I have no idea where he is. I mean I suppose I could do summer like produce heat waves and all that but it be terribly unpleasant. Children of Aeolus are supposed to stick with their season. I tried to grow a flower to show Joli what a daisy looked like, the flower was fine but I vomited.

So I just keep drawing moisture from the air and it continues to get less humid, to the point where it’s dry and Hot and I can’t stand it, but gods the Romans would not quit!
I mean what is up with them. Their numbers are diminishing quickly, It’s not like we can take a whole bunch of prisoners, now what?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Also that art up at the above was mine, I know, I know, I'm no professional, and I kind of haven't ever taken an art class but it's my best. And I kinda don't have a job since I'm always travelling and go to a really tough school (Sophmore with all but 2 classes as AP's the rest as honors, i'm sorry but I can't stand science). So yeah. What do you think? Should I post some more or not? Just asking. Also this stuff below is mine too, you can probably tell cause i signed it... Well I didn't sign these, but like Marta i shall know if someone takes credit for my stuff. partly because I have friends on most of the art sights who'd tell me If they saw it...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
You remember Kelsie don't you, from the intro? This is basically what all my OC profiles will look like.
Writing Says: Kelsie Favuzzi
Age: 14
Years at CHB: 1
Godly Parent: Palestra
Hometown; Chicago
Personality: Fierce, fights often, quick to anger.
last edited over a year ago
You remember  Kelsie don't you, from the intro? This is basically what all my OC profiles will look l
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Also Henny from part 2.
The Writing Says : Henrietta "Henny" Crevoiserat
Age: 15
Years at CHB: 3
Godly Parent: Aristaeus
Hometown: Topeka
Personality: Bubbly, likes crafts and singing, doesn't like travelling.
last edited over a year ago
Also Henny from part 2.
The Writing Says : Henrietta "Henny" Crevoiserat
Age: 15
Years at CHB: 3
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Argh! Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update but I was soooooo busy, and this part was exceptionally hard to write. As always please comment, it's what writers like me live for!

Part Four

Jean-Pierre POV

Let’s see, maybe a bit more cinnamon? Do you think that’s it?

You see I have to practice making my pumpkin Meringue, among other things… Halloween is in 3 days! Aside from Thanksgiving and the Equinox, it’s my most important Holiday. You don’t know honestly, I mean I don’t have the resources I have now at Home but I don’t have as much time.
First, I have to carve out Jack-o-lanterns bearing the symbol of each god and putting in a candle that way we can make a small sacrifice to all of them. Then, there’s the matter of decorating, sewing costumes, cooking, party planning (just because we’re fighting Romans doesn’t meant we can’t have a Holiday), and most importantly keeping up with 4 times daily sacrifices to dad as well as doing a few elaborate rituals (this is just because it’s Autumn, my season so I have to do these things).

I won’t lie, it’s a lot of work for a 7 year old, given a genius of a 7 year old but still! Not to mention I just used up a ton of my power when I was fighting yesterday. All of us. Elle is the worst though, she’s been in bed for 2 days now, ever since she had to use a heat wave to stop a group of Roman demigods, even though she says that she can’t remember producing one, all she does is cough, wheeze, and vomit. It’s really kind of sad. No child of Aeolus is supposed to use the influences of another’s season, it’s like drinking poison for us.

It’s lonely in our cabin without Elle running around trying to keep me and Joli in check while trying to practice dance and keep in contact with our father. She’s like a mom who’s always there. It’s lonely and kind of weird without her.

At least Pollux comes around a lot, mostly to check on her but sometimes he plays with us. Will come too sometimes, and the Stoll’s, and Katie. It seems like there's a constant flow of people. And they all seem to know something I don’t. They get really nervous around the cabin sometimes, and we hear arguments outside a lot. Joli thinks that another child of Aeolus is her, she says she can sense it but Elle said Geoff wasn’t coming back. We never really met him, we’re just not sure what it would have been like to meet him.


Uh oh, that sounds like Elle…

Elle POV

“Help me up,” I told Pollux.

“But you’re not well, I’m not sure you should get up. Maybe I can just bring him over?" He suggested.

“NO,” I said, “There is no way I’m letting him anywhere near the twins. All the same I need to see if it’s him so help me up!”

Pollux reluctantly offered his hand and pulled me up into a sitting position, I tried my hardest to form a wind pocket to sit on but found that of course I was still drained of my powers. Ugh.

Pollux put an arm around my shoulder and hoisted me up. Together we made it out to the door where the twins were both waiting with questions.

“What is it?” “Why are you up?” “Hi Pollux!” “Is it Geoff?” “Is Dad upset with us?” “Where are you going?”

“Guys, listen to me. Everything is fine, just form me a wind pocket and I’ll talk to you when I get back. Both of them pouted at me as they formed the wind pocket. I always tried not to upset them, It’s just that it had only been the 3 of us for a long time and I wasn’t about to change that number.

Pollux POV

Elle told me that I could wait outside but I insisted on coming in. Ever since she had fainted on the battle field I’ve tried my hardest not to leave her side unless she tells me to. Some might call it over protective and Will certainly does but Elle’s not just important to me, without Percy she’s one of our ranking most powerful demigods. Without her I-we’re lost.

I’m not entirely sure what Elle’s relation to this Geoff guy is, but he seems nice enough. Maybe too nice. I don’t know, Elle doesn’t talk about her past a lot. Then again, neither do most of us but all the same. When I entered the room the two of them just stood looking at each other.

“Geoffroi.” Elle said simply, still glaring at him.

“Elvire.” His accent was similar to hers, but a bit faded, closer to an American accent. He had strange golden eyes that sometimes appeared almost red in the light, that matched his hair. He was tall and athletic looking, and tan. Really tan.

“You make the heat wave?”

“Yes, It looked like you were losing and could have used a bit of assistance.”

Elle narrowed her eyes, “You knew that if it hit me I’d lose my powers until the solstice. And don’t worry, when it comes I’ll gladly return the favor.”

“Um, Elle….” I said looking between the two of them.

“Pollux, meet my brother Geoffroi Aloysius Florentin Tremblay-Lachance, Geoffroi meet my friend Pollux Colasanti.”

There you guys have it. In my old stories I was addicted to cliffhangers so I'm going to try and work a few in. I know that this one was kind of weak, but hey, that's all I got. Please comment!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
LE comment (Because I also know how annoying it is to have over a hundred views and not get comments from more then two people)
As per usaul amazing, I like how you work in weaknesses within the demigods like the seasonal barrier. In that respect most of my character's are Gary Stu's and Mary Sue's because I give them all the powers ever, so basically it's until they run out of power but whatever this is about you! Part of me wanted Geoff to have fifty middle names....... Geoffroi Alexander Julius Leonardo (Etc). But other then that just post more.
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Thanks! I was actually thinking of giving him a longer name but I couldn't actually find any that I really liked, I always thought that Jacques and Joli would have the longest names. If I do however find a middle name for him, i'll edit the update.
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey guys, I know I don't update as much as I should and I'll try to get in one later or tommorrow buuuuut guess what?

I'm doing Nanowrimo!!! So yeah, I'll be sure to keep you posted and hopefully you'll find me there. I'll still update but it will either be frequent short chapter, or distanced regular sized ones! Let me know!
over a year ago bh56 said…
big smile
good but could be better but still good i think u might have a future i dont think being an athour is that bad of a job .PLEAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZZ­ZZE keep posting thanks and bye
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey ya'll, I'm back! Unfortunately I was forced to quit nano because it stopped me from studying as much as I should, so I'm gonna keep writing my book at my own pace. In any case, it feels really good to be back and I'm super excited to try and improve the story because I'm still not happy with it, especially last chapter. I would write from Geoff's Pov, but when I tried it was just really clucnky and bad, I think I need to develop him a bit more before I try that. So I hope you guys like this one, I thought since it's kind of a reunion for me, I had better go with good 'ole Elle as my POV. Please review!

Part 5

Elvire POV

You know, I think I've changed a whole lot over the years.

I used to be bubbly and over excited, then mom died. That was the weepy stage. After that came Punk stage, because everyone kept teasing me for crying all of the time and I had to beat them up.... not exactly my finest hour. Then there was the popular girl stage (If you can believe it). I even dated Will that summer, good thing it didn't work out though because he's a terrible influence on the twins, always playing pranks on the Demeter cabins.

I never really understood that. I would always tell Will, "Look, just ask Katie out already. Your not doing yourself any favors by ruining her grass roof." But noooooo, I just didn't understand. We'll see how that works out for him.

In any case, after the popular girl phase came the much less popular and shy kid phase. The twins who were then 4, were running around outside accidentally tree or flower bombing people, while I stayed inside the cabin reading books and pining after Pollux.

After that was the smart mouth phase, it was kind of like the punk phase only with less violence. That summer was actually quite eventful as the battle on Olympus was happening. Me and the twins all had to teleport last minute to get there because we stay in Vegas during the winter. But it was OK in the end. I got to see Percy and Annabeth finally get together, since Percy had always been a fairly good friend and the two of them had it coming a really long time. Then when we got back home Dad actually visited us for the Holidays which was really fun, because even though our futures as immortals help me and the twins stay in more frequent contact with our godly parent than most demigods he never visits us on a holiday so that he doesn't show any favoritism (though we're all convinced we're the favorite).

Finally and most recently was the golden age. I stuck with my friends and had a grand time celebrating a Titanless summer, finally got past my awkward phase of being to skinny and too short, and went on a date (sort of) with Pollux. It was like Elysium above ground, that is until Percy went missing and the arrival of Piper, Leo, and Jason.

Leo's cool, though his fire hand thing really scares me, I don't Piper, but I just never liked Jason. It;s not just the fact that he's Roman (Bunch of Greek rip-offs if you ask me, I mean like 99.9% of their gods are based off of ours, not to mentions the ones they stole from Egypt. And I know you may think that's hypocritical of me to say since Harpocrates used to be Horus to the Egyptians, but Harpocrates was always Greek, there just happened to be a few Egyptian demigods who thought they could rename him. Back to my main point, everything they didn't steal from us is trivial and repetitive [you don't need 10 billion different war gods]), he just rubs me the wrong way, and Rachel agrees with me.

I guess Thalia trusting him gets him a few points, but in all fairness she hasn't seen him since he was a baby.

Oh gods, I'm rambling aren't I? What I've been trying to get at is that is seems weird to have Geoff back. I should be really angry with him about sending that heat wave at me and for being gone for almost 7 years but I just can't help but be giddy.

Christmas music just came on the radio and I'm really super excited as always. The Holidays to me are like 50 pixie stix to a 3 year old, I can't get enough of it and any kind of stress I have just melts away. I even wished the Romans a Happy Christmas this morning while on patrol with Pollux.

That's the other thing about the Holidays, for me and Jean-Pierre, the children of Aeolus who are dominant in the Holidays, things always seem to go our way. For Jean-Pierre its a brand new TV sent to him from Dad so he can watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and for me it's an hour of just me and Pollux keeping watch and talking.

Good stuff, the Holidays. Wait, wait! I was talking about Geoff, yes. I'm kind of tempted to let him into the cabin since I'm in such a good mood and the twins do want to see him. Plus dad sent a note saying he was on "official business" whatever that might be.

I would put more thought into it but I've been put in charge of writing the peace treaty from Thanksgiving through New Years, we're trying to negotiate the exchange of Prisoners and it's hard to do it while throwing weapons at one another.

Here's what I got.


I (just sort of) hope this finds you well. As you know we currently hold 7 of your soldiers and you hold 11 of ours, despite the fact that you all are dead set on killing every last one of us, we'd like to consider a Diplomatic meeting of sorts to take place from Thanksgiving Day to New Years. We don't know how you will be spending that time but we will most definitely be celebrating. And don't think you can just go and attack us while we're weak, all of our satyrs and nymphs along with other magical demigods have been putting up enchantments to keep you out and minimizing our barrier of defense from monsters on Thanksgiving that way, should you not wish to become a meal for the hordes of monsters raised by Gaea, you will have to drop your weapons and come into Camp Halfblood PEACEFULLY.

And don't even think about tricking us, Harpocrates just granted one of our children of Harpocrates free speech, and they would be more than happy to tell us about any ulterior motives, I can see just about everything and anything, and our head of security it covered in eyes. Trust me you don't want to underestimate what we can do when angry.

I hope you all make the wise decision and take my offer.

Signed, Elvire Tremblay-Lachance, Head of Communications, Head of Inter-Demigodly Relations, Head of Surveillance, and Lower Secretary of Battle Planning.

There was a couple of lies in there. For one. our Nymphs and Satyrs just came on board, and Marta can speak freely but can't reveal secrets without her father's permission. Hopefully they'll take me seriously, otherwise we might loose this war.

Alright, a Greek/Roman Holiday season ought to be interesting, sorry about any spelling errors, i'm a bit rushed to finish. Please review!
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Well You haven't posted since I've been gone so I take it I'm supposed to read every single chapter. Any-who more praise and good job on the chapter.