The Heroes of Olympus Arik alternate canon fiction fusion part 1

Spikegilfer1997 posted on Sep 30, 2012 at 02:02AM
1-Blinded by fate
They returned, of course they returned. Not a sleep had gone unchecked, my mind is jarred within the dark confines of a "all too real" dream.
I swiveled and swirled clutching my head, shades surrounded me with ghostly whispers. My anger made my aura burst, with a furious roar a light expelled itself from the deepest part of my soul. The dream settled, I stood hunched over clutching my head still. The darkness swirled like a mist, several of them more stable then I had seen before stood as proud figures staring at me scrutinizing every part of my existence. I stared around looking at all of these figures that lived in the recesses of my mind.
"I want answers." I said straightening up with as much conviction as anything that lives could muster.
They all laughed.
I exploded.
Blind rage set over me as I roar my very being glowing with power staggering the onlookers.
They all stopped laughing.
"Well then?" I asked. Several of the figures faded into the darkness, two stepped forward. One a women with a stern glare in her eye, calculating features and long black hair. She wore a black Greek robe emblazoned with emblems most notably a scale.
The second was a girl with similar dark hair I had this strong suspicion I would like better if it was longer not shoulder length, seemingly a longer version of my chin length hair. She had acute facial features, in a stronger way then anything else I'd seen yet. Her blue eyes stared into mine intensely with a sorrowed expression on her face. With on word she faded into the darkness as well leaving me with Nemesis.
"Who was-...." I began
"Well if you do as she asked you soft-skinned child, you would know wouldn't you?" Nemesis snapped, I snapped back.
"Well perhaps if you weren't so self absorbed you'd realize I haven't been told my objective yet."
"Pretentious child," She scolded. "Very well seek out your oracle boy, she'll tell you of your path and then you can regain your life and cease to prattle about such useless things when all of your powers remain intact."
I stared at her for a long while, she was the Goddess of revenge and such surely be she wasn't normal this hostile, more pragmatic then anything.
"Very well, but when I return you will tell me what I am in full." I snarled. She scoffed.
"IF you return you'll find there is little that I can tell you that you have not already learned."
With those words I fell into the endless expanding shadows on my mind.

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