The Heroes of Olympus Jason, piper, and Leo read pjo *gasp* they can read

crazysmart1015 posted on Jul 08, 2012 at 11:37PM
Hi. Im new and this is my first forum so I hope it goes well.

Characters: Percy, annabeth, Grover, frank, Leo, hazel, Jason, piper, Nico, Thalia, and the Olympians

Summary: 10 demigods get sent back in time, while present time freezes to read about a certain son of poseidon adventures...

I don't mind spam, I think it's funny but don't over due it

*all rights go to Rick Riordan for making an awesome series
last edited on Jul 08, 2012 at 11:39PM

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…

I was a nervous wreck. The Argo 2 was scheduled to land in camp Jupiter in just an hour and all these thoughts were racing through my head, would Percy remember me? Would he have a new girlfriend? Would he be different? I didn't know what to think. But I did know that it would be torture to live without my seaweed brain. As we were getting closer time seemed to slow down, huh that's weird I thought. Then time altogether stopped.
A wooden box appeared and as annabeth touched it the world does up super fast then she blacked out.


The ride was going great until it started to slow down.
"Leo, what's up with the ship?" I asked
"I don't know everythings working fine I don't see the problem," he said frustrated.
"I'll get annabeth," I called leaving Leo grumbling about how if he can't fix his ship then annabeth can't. I walked down to the cabin area and froze when I saw annabeth being engulfed in a bright light before disappearing. What the...? I think before there's suddenly a bright light around means I black out.


Everything was going according to plan until me, frank, and haze l started glowing everyone stares at us before they all tried to speak but froze mid word then the light got brighter and we blacked out.

When I could see again I took in my surroundings. It was a big formal room with marble pillars and huge thrones. And in those thrones of course were the twelve Olympians and boy did they look surprised. Then I saw there were other people in the room there was a boy with blond hair and sky blue eyes, a boy that looked suspiciously likes latino elf, and a girl with light brown hair and color changing eyes.
But then there were 2 people I did recognize.
"Grover, annabeth," I shouted running towards them.
"Percy" they screeched and ran towards me. I hugged Grover and kissed annabeth but our reunion was cut short as one of the gods cleared their throughts.
I glanced up at Athena and she said, "who in hades are you children?"

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…
Comment. Like it? Hate it? I would appreciate it.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
big smile
I like it! But when you bold you do it like this [b] [/b ] , but no space ... POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (^_^)
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Cool post again soon
over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…
thanks for the tip on bold
Like that?
over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…
Thanks percabeth. It'll be up in an hour.
over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…

Wait. What? They didn't remember us?
I mean we saved Olympus and they didn't remember us?
Someone snorted and said, "your joking right?"
I turned around to see Thalia. When did she get here?
I didn't have time to think about it before Athena boomed, " I am not joking, who are you?"
We decided not to tell them our godly parent since 4 of our parents were in the big 3 and telling them that would just cause anger.
I stepped toward first but before I could say anything Nico dropped from the sky tied to a chair and shouted you'll never win Hera. Percy will kick your a–"
"Nico," Percy said angrily, "why didn't you tell me who I was!"
"sorry, I couldn't interfere anyway now isn't the right time IM trapped by gaea and..."
He seemed to realize for the first time where he was, " hey are we on Olympus? How's we get here?"
"that's what we'd like to know," Athena grumbled
" well," I started to explain, " I found this box and..."
I stopped as I realized the box was at my feet.
I picked it up and opened it. Inside were 5 books titled Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I grinned as I realized we'd be reading about percys adventures. There was also a note.
I read dear demigods and gods,
we have brought you here and frozen time to read about percys adventures. They are in his point of vew. I hope you find them as interesting as we have. Enjoy.
~ The fates

We were quiet for a moment then zues says, "inturductions later let's read"
"wow we finally get to find out what goes on in your head" Grover says
"not like it's much," mutters Thalia
"hey," Percy protested. I did the smart thing, I read
I accidentally vaporize my pre algebra teacher
Everyone bursts out laughing.
"how do you accidentally do that," Jason asks between laughs.
"I'm more worried about the fact he's in pre algebra," Thalia mutters.
This causes everyone to laugh harder
"just read," Percy grumbled.
look, I didn't want to be a half blood
"I feel loved," Nico mutters.
if your reading this because you think your one my advice is:
"he's gonna give advice? I feel bad for anyone who listened to it," Thalia grumbled
Everyone who knows Percy nodded while the others looked confused.
"hey my advice isn't that bad," Percy said.
"yes it is, read," said Nico
close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you, and try to lead a normal life
" that's not bad advice," annabeth murmured. Percy looked proud.
"yeah to bad it's to late for us," Nico grumbled.
being a being a half blood is dangerous
"no it's perfectly safe," Thalia said sarcastically
"no it isn't, it's really dangerous," Leo said obviously missing the sarcasm.
Piper hits him in the back of the head and says, "continue."
it's scary. Most of the time it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
Everyone was silent as they remember everyone they know that was killed.
if your a normal kid reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.
"don't wort perce, we all envy those sightless misinformed mortals." Grover said.
A lot of demigods nodded forgetting the gods were there.
but if you recognize yourself in these pages- if you feel something stirring inside- stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

"you didn't warn me!" Nico shouted.
"um, how about we take a break while Nico gets his temper under control," I suggest.
"good idea," Thalia says, "hearing percys thoughts is giving me a head ache.
Percy rolls his eyes but nodded, "break time."

I hope you like it I might post later today.
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Cool post again soon
over a year ago crazysmart1015 said…
After Nico stopped shouting at Percy we decided to continue.
"who wants to read next," I ask.
Grover raises his hand so I toss it to him.
my name is Percy Jackson.
Poseidon flinched at the name.
"no it's peter Johnson," Nico grumbled. Obviously still a little upset.
Everyone who knew Percy cracked a smile while everyone else looked confused.
im 12 years old. Until a few months ago I was a boarding student at yancy academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate new York.
Am I a troubled kid?

"defiantly," Thalia said .
"absolutely," Nico grumbled.
"nice friends," frank told Percy.
"it's okay, I can't exactly say im not a troubled kid," says Percy with a shrug.
yeah. You could say that.
"ha. Even Percy agrees with us," Nico says smiling.
I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last may, when our sixth grade class took a field trip to Manhattan.
Twenty right mental case kids and two teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the metropolitan museum of art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff.

"that sounds fun," mused annabeth.
"are you kidding?" Asks Leo, "that sounds like torture."
"I bet Percy agrees with me," annabeth huffed.
Percy just looked guilty.
I know it sounds like torture
"ha," Leo said.
"Percy, that most defiantly did not sound like torture," annabeth scolded
most yancy trips were. But mr.brunner, ourLatin teacher, was leading this one so I had hopes.
"a waste of hopes Percy everywhere you go Percy trouble follows," annabeth said
Mr.brunner was this middle aged guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee. You wouldn't think he was cool but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class didn't put me to sleep.
"you slept during class?" Annabeth asked.
"well yeah, I mean school was so lame, but," he corrected when he saw annabeths face, "I wish I hadn't because I totally love shook now."
Nico snorted because he used a lot of sarcasm.
I hopes the trip would be okay. At least, I hopes that for once I wouldn't get into trouble.
"I bet he was wrong," muttered Thalia
boy was I wrong
Everyone laughed as Thalia blushed.

More later.
over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
big smile
nice! i love it ! post whenever you can!
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Post again soon please
over a year ago jordan333 said…
Post again soon please
over a year ago seaweedbrainsis said…
big smile
over a year ago seaweedbrainsis said…
big smile
And check out ma forum: link