The Heroes of Olympus Fanfic Mark Of Athena By Megon4ever

megon4ever posted on Apr 17, 2012 at 12:43AM
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with final breath
And foes bear arms to the doors of death

Continuing from The Son of Neptune......
Percy Jackson is at the roman camp while Jason Grace is at the greek camp. They must unite to defeat Gaea, goddess of Earth. Include Romance, Adventure, and Tragedy.

Please read this!

BTW the reason why there are so many posts from me at the beginning is because i copy and pasted it from my article.
last edited on Apr 17, 2012 at 01:12AM

The Heroes of Olympus 185 replies

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over a year ago megon4ever said…
As the Greek warship landed, my heart raced. Annabeth was the one person that when I thought of her, made me feel worried. I failed my camp. “Percy, you all right?,” Hazel asked. I was glad to have a friend like her.“Yeah,” I managed. Suddenly a voice echoed inside my head. "You will feel pain beyond compare Perseus Jackson." The mysterious voice was Gaea. "Shut up", I growled. “Hey Romans, we come in peace and have brought your friend Jason Grace! SO PLEASE DON'T KILL US WITH THOSE POINTY SWORDS," "Sammy," gasped Hazel. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Octavian open his mouth as if about to say something, then close it when Reyna shot him a glare. Reyna seemed really tense. Down came a boy with blond short cropped hair. If this was the famous Jason Grace, Reyna didn't show it. Then a girl stepped down. She looked beautiful without a single trace of make-up. She must have been an Aphrodite girl. She was muttering “Yep, its always Leo who might get us killed." Next a blond hair girl raced down searching. "Annabeth!" I shouted. She looked at me with relief evident in her eyes and ran towards me. Suddenly my head ached "better get used to it, you will never defeat my giants." Gaea cackled. I suddenly felt faint, and I blacked out. I saw an image I recognized. There was a boy with olive skin and an aviator jacket, it was Nico. He looked terrible. Blood was everywhere and he was in chains. "We'll defeat you Gaea," He murmured
over a year ago megon4ever said…

I raced toward him. O my gods O my gods don't die. I moved away as the Roman campers brought a stretcher. He was pale and sweaty. After eight months, this is the reunion I get? I cursed Aphrodite in my head. Someone cleared their throat. I turned around to find a girl in a purple cape offering me her hand. “I am Reyna. Praetor of the twelfth legion. And you are?” “Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena. Designer of Olympus. The representative of Camp Half Blood.” I replied shakily. I gave her a face that told her I was Percy's girlfriend. She nodded. “Everyone is dismissed, we will have a meeting.” She looked at me. “I suppose you know who to bring?” I nodded. And with that she headed to what I suppose was the infirmary. She and Percy were both wearing a leader's uniform. Does that mean they're together? I shook the thought out of my mind as everybody else got off the ship and crowded around me asking what happened. But I couldn't answer. I let out a sob.
(is it a good cliffhanger? I want to be as good a Rick Riordan!!! ill write more. promise)
over a year ago megon4ever said…

The seven along with Clarrise, Will, The Stoll brothers, Rachel, and Thalia came. I was so glad Thals came because the tension was not good. After hearing what happened to Percy, nervousness filled us. After we crossed the pomerian line, which caused a big commotion, we went to the principia. As we entered the room, we were greeted by a faint looking Percy. Annabeth immediately rushed to him, very worriedly. As Percy calmed Annabeth down, we all took a seat. He sat at the front. Thals was the first to speak, “why isn't Percy in the infirmary?” “Nice to know you care” smirked Percy. “ I'm praetor so I have to come,” “Wait you're Praetor?” “yeah, sorry man, I kinda replaced you after I brought back the eagle. I think it's fair if we have a battle to see who deserves it. A friendly match." “Yeah” I agreed. Reyna shot us a worried look. And that's when Rachel stood up. Green mist surrounded her and she began to say:

7 half bloods shall answer the call
to storm or fire the world must fall
an oath to keep with final breath
in foe's arms lay the Doors of Death

wisdom's daughter walks alone
the mark of Athena burns through Rome
the couple's love shall be put to the test
and the curse of the dead one shall be put to a

Then she fell leaving the rest of us to ponder about the prophecy.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Man I hated when Rachel did that. It was so creepy. I saw everybody looking around with shocked faces. Annabeth was thinking. When was she not thinking? Reyna looked troubled and dismissed the meeting, telling us that war games would be tonight and that she will schedule the praetor competition. As we walked out and went our different ways to find the 5th cohort, I asked Jason about the war games.“Oh it's like capture the flag but more violent,I think.”And with that he ran up to Piper. you would probably think great, a chance to show the Romans how great Greeks are. I would have to use my awesome fire powers and all the girls will be so impressed....No they didn't even welcome us, so how are we suppose to play a friendly game of capture the flag? As I was ramble thinking, a girl tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to find Hazel, I think that's her name. “ Are you Sammy?” she asked. How did she know about my grandfather?
over a year ago megon4ever said…
As Jason walked up to me, my heart raced. No, I thought. He has Reyna and I have nobody. She got him first. He slipped his hand into mine."Hey,” he smiled. My heart ached when he did that, his innocent smile. A horn blew. I looked at Jason with a questioning face. "War games," he replied. We ran off together, hand in hand. As we arrived at the field of Mars, I saw Annabeth and Percy smirking at us and we immediately turned bright red. “For the people who don't know about war games, I was told it is like capture the flag.”said Reyna. At the mention of that name, there were a few snickers. My fists clenched up. Who did these people think they were? They knew nothing of us! Jason's gaze went to me and I relaxed. He had that effect on people. “NO KILLING!” Reyna shouted. “Greeks vs. Romans. Percy's on Roman, Jason's on Greek." The Romans seemed happy that Percy was on their team and Jason had a hurt expression which faded away when he looked at our team. Was Percy really that good? "You have five minutes to discuss your plan. Go!" When we all gathered around, we immediately looked at Annabeth. “Go to your positions you were assigned at Camp Half-Blood. You know your positions. Jason, find Percy. Leo, you're back up for Jason, now go!” Annabeth slipped on her invisibility cap and headed for the other team's banner. Boy, would this be fun.
over a year ago megon4ever said…

As I slipped into battle position, someone came up behind me. My instincts kicked in as I turned around and swung my sword missing the opponent by an inch. It was Leo. He held up his hands in surrender, “Whoa, I'm on your team!” “Sorry,” I said nervously. i had to keep my guard up."But I'm not on your team,” I turned around to find a tall muscular boy who was none other than Percy Jackson. He swung first and I blocked it with my shield. Leo was trying to attack with fire, trying not to burn me.. “Leo!” I shouted. “Don't use fire, it's too risky!” I turned around just when Percy unarmed me. Leo came in and began to fight Percy with a hammer. Percy dodged his attacks and he lifted up his hands as two huge waves of water rose up. I shouldn't have versed him near the aquaducts.I use my wind powers to break his wave, it tumbled down to the ground. He looked surprised but then turned around and yanked off an object. It was Annabeth's Yankee cap.“Don't think I forgot about you Annabeth,” he smirked. I was confused for a second. How did he know she was there? Then his hands thrust down and waves crashed over me, Leo, and Annabeth. When I recovered, I saw Percy running away with their flag that Annabeth had stolen calling over his shoulder “Sorry!” and Annabeth got up with a scowl on her face. Then she said, “I underestimated him.” Frank dashed right passed me with our teams banner into the line and the horn blew, they won. The Romans cheered loudly and lifted Frank and Percy on the shoulders. A wave of realization came over me. Tomorrow we would have the praetor competition and I would have to train really hard.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago megon4ever said…
When I woke up, I went over to Frank. He greeted me with a bright smile. “hey Hazel.” As I was about to respond, Leo came over with his elfish smile that made my heart drop. He had told me about how his grandfather died and the story was matching to Gaea's. During the time he had told me about that, i told him my secret, i trusted him. Frank had a frown on his face but quickly wiped it away. “Hi Sa- I mean Leo." "Hi, do you want a tour of the ship? Uhh...I mean both of you guys.” At that point, Piper came running toward us. “Frank, Reyna needs you,” Piper yanked Frank away but he didn't look to happy about that. Leo turned to me, “ I guess it's just you and me.” Before I could protest, he pulled me away. He showed me around Argo II and all I could do was stand in awe. We finally sat down on the deck, our eyes met and our faces got closer. I closed my eyes and-
“Hazel, what are you doing?!” Percy was standing there. “you're going out with Frank!”
I stood up, “I'm sorry! It just happened, please don't tell Frank!” I pleaded. “It was a mistake!” “Sorry,” he said “I can't lie to my best friend.” Suddenly Frank walked in, he noticed the tension in the air. "What happened?” I looked at Percy with pleading eyes. There was silence. “Nothing,” he finally replied. Leo got up and excused himself out the door. He gave me an apologetic expression. Frank wasn't convinced but just decided to ask later. Percy shook his head and went away. I hadn't meant to do that. I felt horrible.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I walked away. I would have to tell Frank soon. It was just killing me. As I was walking I bumped into Annabeth. “Hi,” I said. Way to go seaweed brain. “Do you want me to show you around? I have a favorite spot that's perfect for us,” I said. She nodded. I took her hand and led her to the place where Hazel showed me the first day we arrived. It was sunset and we watched the beautiful sun set. “ I'm sorry,I said. “for what?” she asked. She just looked so pretty. I don't know what I did to ever deserve her. “ For not being there when you needed me, and failing my camp and making you worry and-” she kissed me. When we pulled apart, we were out of breath. “At least you're here now, you know I went crazy looking for you. What would I do without my Seaweed Brain?” And we went in for another kiss. We sat there for what must had been an hour until a voice interrupted us. "Oh why isn't it the two love birds catching up." Thalia went behind us and poured a bucket of cold water on us. Only it didn't wet me, just Annabeth. “Oh, you're so going to get it Thalia!” Annabeth screamed. She got up and chased after her and I followed laughing my head off. After the day went by,I went back to the 5th cohort and slept.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I woke up his morning, got a bucket of hot boiling water and crept up to Thalia's bed. I poured it on her face and raced out the door. I heard a loud screech and a shout, “Annabeth Chase, you are so asking for it!” I raced over to Percy at who had a goofy smirk on his face. “That's why I love you,” and he leaned in for a kiss. We walked to breakfast together. I must have looked pretty happy because when Leo saw me, he made kissy faces at me. I glared at him. We all sat at 5th cohort table. There were only Percy, Piper, Leo, Jason, Reyna, and I. Reyna decided to sit here instead of the praetor's table, so did Percy. Jason sat in between Reyna and Piper and he looked really uncomfortable. Later a pink face Thalia came looking really mad. “Hey, you deserved it,” I said. “What happened?” questioned Jason. “Revenge,” replied Percy. When Hazel and Frank came, Leo started looking at his shoes and Percy looked really guilty. “So whats our plan?” Piper asked to break the tension. “We're leaving tomorrow, with the seven and a few soldiers” I replied. Jason had a confused look on his face. “What about you Thalia?” “Lady Artemis is calling me back, I'm really sorry, but I'll stay here until after you guys leave, just to see the praetor competition.” At the mention of the praetor competition, everyone became silent. Percy, seeing how uncomfortable everyone looked up and said, “Jason and I agreed that it would be a friendly match," "Yeah,” Jason continued. “We agreed that whoever won,would be leader here and the other would be at Camp Half Blood." At that I shouted, “WHAT!” we all gaped at Percy and Jason in disbelief as if they just announced that they were getting married. I stormed out of the place. Percy belonged to us, not the Romans. After 9 months of continuous searching for him, he just MAKES THE CHANCE FOR HIM TO LEAVE AGAIN?
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I followed Annabeth and grabbed her arms. “What's wrong?" I asked. She scoffed. “You're such an idiot! You are a Greek, you belong at Camp Half-Blood,” “Annabeth, I- “No! We're not just second place to you, we're your family and you don't care about us!” Everyone both Roman and Greek came out to watch us. “Annabeth, I do care, it's just they are my family too. And swore protect both camps equally. They need me I and care about them too.” I told her. After staring intently at me with her eyes, she started crying. She had never cried. I didn't know i meant so much to her. "I'm sorry," I said pulling her into a hug. I felt really bad and I needed some time alone to think about it, so I ran. How could I leave the Roman Camp? I actually wanted her to stay and raise a family with me. She would probably break up with me. A few moments later Frank and hazel came to comfort me.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I walked over to Annabeth who had been crying.I shouted for everybody to go away. The crowd dispersed leaving the seven(excluding Hazel and Frank) and me. I kind of was mad at Percy. He had grown up at Camp and just decided to leave us and all his friends for the Roman Camp? By that time Annabeth had stopped crying. I comforted her, “He was wrong to do that.” She shook her head. “No I was selfish, it's his life, let him do want he wants to do.” She said in between hiccups. “No,” insisted Piper. “ you stood up for our camp, and you did the right thing.” “It will be okay,” I reassured her. She smiled. I walked back to the 5th cohort with Jason. “What do you think about the whole situation?” I asked. “Well I think Percy did well as a Roman. At the beginning,we swore to protect camp at all costs. We learn not to care about others too much and only yourself.” “Well that's stupid.”I said which earned me a glare from Jason. “ I respect Percy. Anyways I got to prepare for the praetor's battle,” he said and ran off. Is Percy really going to do this?
over a year ago megon4ever said…
When I walked into the stadium, I was shocked. Where were the Romans when we needed to build Argo II? Jason was armed and prepared to fight and Percy wasn't even there yet. Did he chicken out after the fight with Annabeth? I kind of wanted Jason to lose so he would stay with us. He was my best friend. But Annabeth would be heartbroken, and I hate girls who are moody and cry.The crowd was waiting impatiently. Maybe Percy wouldn't show up. I was wrong because there was Percy, strolling into the arena with a grim look on his face and his eyes looked rimmed with red from crying. Whoa did he love Annabeth. Reyna was down there. I heard are you ready? Two nods and a GO! The two fighters circled each other for a long time. Hazel was next to me. “Hey, how's Percy?” She blushed and responded, “Ok, but he's really upset.” “We need to bring them back together,” she nodded. Jason took first strike, Percy dodged and swung, which slammed onto Jason's shield. They're swords met. Annabeth had told me that Percy was one of the best swordsman in a long time. They looked evenly matched. They began parring and striking. Jason swung and missed. Percy ducked and rolled on the ground and slashed Jason on his leg. He winced and brought down his sword on Percy's chest, who rolled away and summoned a huge wave. Which I thought was pretty cool. Jason controlled the winds to mess up the waves. It pattered down on the audience. Percy created a hurricane and charged at Jason. It suddenly turned icy cold and the hurricane froze. When the water fell down, Percy ran with Riptide to Jason. Jason slashed at Percy's arm and blood came out. He grabbed his arm and did a disarming trick. Reyna declared Percy the winner and the Romans mobbed him. The Greeks heard about the agreement and walked away mournfully. Jason shook hands with Percy and ran over to Piper, who kissed him. When they pulled apart, Jason asked Piper to be his girlfriend (he told me later) and she nodded. I noticed Percy and Annabeth working things out and they kissed. I realized that whenever they talked, they either hugged or kissed. Then after an argument, she would always slap him.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
As we walked to Argo the II the next morning, I said goodbye to all my cabin mates. Jason and I were now closer and we even snuck out last night. We filed into the ship and loaded it with duffel bags. Annabeth pulled Percy to his room, specially designed by her. It was amazing. It had blue everywhere and each little corner had a unique design. I was kind of jealous, but that's the bright side of dating an architecture freak. Frank and Hazel went into their own corner. Then the speaker turned on, “This is your pilot Leo speaking, Percy and Jason, get your butts up here. I need your storm calming powers to do their stuff.” I groaned. Jason gave me an apologetic look and went away. I walked up to Annabeth. “Piper, can I ask you something in private?” “Sure.” She dragged me to Percy's room. We sat in silence until she said, “Do you think I should break up with Percy?” “What!” I yelled. She shushed me. “If I don't survive because of the prophecy, then it'll break his heart. There is a high possibility that we won't make it back alive.” I thought about that for a second. “But it'll hurt him even more if you break up with him then die,” I advised. “I just wish we weren't demi-gods so we could live life then die and go to Elysium together in love instead of worrying that we might die everyday.” "Yeah but if we live and defeat our enemies, then we'll have the satisfactory of saving the world.” Then Percy walked in and wrapped his arms around Annabeth's waist. “Everything alright?” We nodded. “Hey are you and Jason dating?” he smirked. I blushed and left the room bumping into Jason. We then walked down the halls together. As a couple.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
As we walked to Argo the II the next morning, I said goodbye to all my cabin mates. Jason and I were now closer and we even snuck out last night. We filed into the ship and loaded it with duffel bags. Annabeth pulled Percy to his room, specially designed by her. It was amazing. It had blue everywhere and each little corner had a unique design. I was kind of jealous, but that's the bright side of dating an architecture freak. Frank and Hazel went into their own corner. Then the speaker turned on, “This is your pilot Leo speaking, Percy and Jason, get your butts up here. I need your storm calming powers to do their stuff.” I groaned. Jason gave me an apologetic look and went away. I walked up to Annabeth. “Piper, can I ask you something in private?” “Sure.” She dragged me to Percy's room. We sat in silence until she said, “Do you think I should break up with Percy?” “What!” I yelled. She shushed me. “If I don't survive because of the prophecy, then it'll break his heart. There is a high possibility that we won't make it back alive.” I thought about that for a second. “But it'll hurt him even more if you break up with him then die,” I advised. “I just wish we weren't demi-gods so we could live life then die and go to Elysium together in love instead of worrying that we might die everyday.” "Yeah but if we live and defeat our enemies, then we'll have the satisfactory of saving the world.” Then Percy walked in and wrapped his arms around Annabeth's waist. “Everything alright?” We nodded. “Hey are you and Jason dating?” he smirked. I blushed and left the room bumping into Jason. We then walked down the halls together. As a couple.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
The next morning, Annabeth still didn't wake up. I started to get worried. Percy stayed by her side the whole day. When he came out for lunch, he looked really worried. I walked out to the deck to think about our plans, since Annabeth wasn't awake, someone needed to do the thinking. Then a searing light shone which blinded me for a second. When I opened my eyes, I saw Hera. I hollered for the rest to come out. They came out and we all bowed....Everyone except Percy and I who stood there ready to beat up the goddess. “Now now, you shouldn't be like that, after all I come here to help Annabeth.” Percy growled, “Fine,” he snapped. Then Apollo came. He looked like any regular teenager, you could easily mistake him for one. “Percy, nice to see you, show me where Annabeth is.” They followed us to infirmary. When we opened the door, Annabeth was gone. We looked around confused. Then Percy yelled,“Who did this! When i find out what in Hades snuck onto this boat, ! am going to rip them up with my bare hands! Hera, you probably did this!” he charged at the goddess. We all tried to hold him back. “Perseus Jackson, I did not do this, but it is better for her to not be here, she would have made this quest fail.” And with that, the god and goddess disappeared. I looked at Percy, he was really angry. Then Hazel spoke up, “Remember the prophecy?
Wisdom's daughter walks alone
the mark of Athena burns through Rome
the couple's love shall be put to the test
and the curse of the dead one shall be put to a
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I can't believe it, I left for only lunch and she was gone. I began hitting myself on the wall. Piper stopped me, “It's not your fault, or Hera's” “Yeah, Hera might be an alien but she wouldn't do that,” Jason chimed. Then I did one thing that nobody expected me to do, I cried. They all tried to comfort me but it didn't work. Leo was really quiet but said one thing, “We're wasting time mourning over Annabeth.” Piper shot him a glare. “No, Leo's right,” I said. I got up and left the room. “I'll drive,” I called. I had a plan but no one could know about it. I was definitely going to find Annabeth but I would need Nico's help.

We stopped at Manhattan and began searching for the doors of death. After hours and hours, we found it and Nico was there. But he wasn't here in my dream, something seemed wrong. He was a bloody mess. We took him back to the ship. Why was Gaea letting us go so easily?
When Nico and I were alone, I asked him, “Where's Annabeth?” He hesitated which told me he knew. “I don't know,” he said. He already lied to me about knowing me, and this made me lose my control. “You are really bad at lying.” “Look I can't tell you, it's better if you don't know.” I pulled out Riptide and threatened him. Hazel walked in, “Percy, how dare you!” she said jumping to her brother's defense. “He knows where Annabeth is!” I yelled. Everybody came and told me to put my sword down. I wouldn't listen to them. I needed to save Annabeth wherever she was. Piper yelled, “PERCY, PUT YOUR SWORD DOWN” I put my sword in a trance. Wait, wasn't Piper a daughter of Aphrodite? Didn't some of them have the power of charmspeak? Then realizing what I did, I grabbed my sword but Jason yanked it out of my hand. “Now,” Piper said calmly, “What is happening?” “Nico knows where Annabeth is and won't tell me!” I yelled angrily. We all looked at Nico for an explanation. “Look, it's part of Hera's plan and I can't say anything.” "So it is Hera!” I growled and shouted toward the sky, “If you are going to ruin my life, I won't be apart of your stupid plan to save the world, if you're so great, do it yourself!" I stepped back and heard a crunch. I looked at what I had stepped on. It was a piece of paper........... from Annabeth.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
The Note (Frank)
Percy was really upset and I had never seen him like this. He held up a piece of paper. It was a letter. It said:
Dear Percy
The prophecy predicts that I would do something vital to the quest and I can't let that happen, so I want to leave you so you can be safe. I hope you understand. Don't look for me, it's for your own good. Do this for me. Continue the quest and I will come see you if I can. I love you and tell the others I'll be fine. I am not the 7th member of this Quest so I am not needed. The 7th will show up soon so keep an eye out.
I read it out loud for Percy since he has dyslexia. I skipped the part where she said she loved him because that was personal. After I read it, I looked up. All their faces showed hopelessness. “Come on, we can do this,” I urged. “How!” Leo demanded. Piper looked up, she was crying, “we need her!” I questioned myself, how do we finish the quest? Jason walked out of the room with his head bowed down. Percy looked as if he was about to suicide any minute. Hazel looked broken. Over the past few days, Hazel, Piper and Annabeth became best friends. Suddenly there was a thump. And a yelp from Jason. We ran toward the noise. I hoped it wasn't a monster, because we were in no position to fight. We looked at the scene. It was Jason staring at what had to be the 7th person. It was Reyna. Fully armed with a grin on her face. "I am the 7th person, Juno sent me."she said.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
They all gaped at me. I sat down at the nearest chair and began to tell my story. “Juno sent me here and said you guys needed my help. Camp Jupiter is running under the Amazons.” The all looked at me with pained expressions. “What happened?” I demanded. “Annabeth's gone.” croaked Hazel. “We need her.” They looked as if they were about to give up, so I couldn't tell them about what's going on at Camp Jupiter. Monsters were coming in and a few people were announced missing. “Im not Annabeth, but I do have a plan,” I announced. A few of them looked up hopefully. “First we need to find Nico- “I'm right here!”-then go to Camp Half-Blood. Lupa said that a certain centaur would help us,” I grimaced at the word centaur. “You mean Chiron,” said Percy. I looked at him, he looked terrible. I put my hand on his shoulder and comforted him. “Leo! You think you can get us to Camp Half-Blood?” “Yep! On it.” he scrambled away. The ship lurched forward. Leo's voice came up on the microphone. “We will arrive in 5 minutes.” And sure enough, a camp came into view. The ship landed. As we stepped down, Percy was swarmed by people. His expression gave a faint smile which made everybody puzzled. A centaur trotted up, “Cabin leaders, a meeting.”
I saw a faun coming towards me so I reached for my wallet but it wasn't there. I turned around and pinned the nearest person down. We were taught that Greeks were liars and stealers. “Where's my wallet?” I yelled. Percy rushed towards me. “Hey it's all right, you just got to watch out for the Hermes cabin.” then he yelled, “Conner or Travis, give me the wallet!” a boy gave my wallet back and Percy walked me to the meeting. Somehow Percy reminded me of Jason before he left. Percy was really nice and was loyal and trustworthy. I am happy he is praetor.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
When we were all at the meeting, we introduced ourselves to everybody. A centaur named Chiron claimed to be their leader, Reyna grunted at that. I could tell Reyna was going to lose her patience because everything that was here was going against what we were taught. “When will the seven leave?” Chiron asked. “In two days, we would like to take a few campers with us if that's okay,” Percy said half heartedly. “Right now we have a different problem,” he continued. “Annabeth is gone, I want you guys to look for her when we're on our quests, we also need a couple people to be our back up in case anything comes to attack us again. Any volunteers to help us with the quest?” Some put up their hands and some hesitated, It was mostly the Ares cabin that wanted to go. “Come on!” Leo cried. “Sit down!” Piper scolded. “They don't have to, it's like a suicide mission.” Some people put their hands down, and Percy glared at her. Ever since Annabeth went away, Percy was an outsider and was really moody, he wasn't the funny and happy guy I knew anymore. After the meeting was dismissed, Piper and I went walking in the woods. Suddenly, something clamped over my mouth, I tried to scream but I couldn't. Piper had her sword out. The clamp loosened and I saw the culprit, I almost fainted right then and there.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
A Yankee cap fell to the ground, and there was the daughter of Athena who had disappeared. She took out her dagger, “You have to swear on the River of Styx not to tell Percy!” “Why!” I demanded. She pointed her dagger at my throat, “It's dangerous for him to know I'm here, it could jeopardize the whole quest.” I knew Annabeth wouldn't hurt me but I wasn't going to take any chances. Hazel spoke up, “First you have to explain, then maybe we won't tell. We really need you, and we can't do this without you. Pain flashed in Annabeth's eyes. She dropped her dagger and sighed. “I-I can't tell you, my mom forbid me, please, j-just trust me. “Do you know how sad Percy has been, he can't do anything in the condition he's in!” I yelled. Then I heard footsteps, “Hazel!... Piper!” “Do you think they're here,” “Maybe,” It was Percy and Jason. Annabeth got up and said, “I'll meet you here tonight and I'll try to explain everything... Please don't bring anybody.” And she left. Percy and Jason came into view. Hazel and I were still frozen in shock. Annabeth had left her dagger and Percy picked it up. Realization came to Percy's face. “Annabeth was here, wasn't she?” I gulped.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
“What?” I went over to Piper's side, “Was she?” tears formed in Hazel's eyes, i knew she hated lying. She mouthed an apology to Piper and replied, “Yeah, she told us not to tell you and that I could jeopardize our mission. She also wanted us to meet her here at midnight." Piper shook her head. “So, I guess we'll continue like we know nothing?” I asked hopefully. Personally, i thought that if Hera said that Annabeth would do something bad, we should keep her away. But Percy seemed different without her, he was so focused on finding her that he destroyed the nice personality that he used to have. Percy looked at me with cold eyes. “No, I'll come tonight to try to get her to come, you guys come too. Don't let anybody know, okay?” We all nodded not wanting to get him mad and sad again. Then I heard a scream. We looked at each other and ran, prepared for the situation.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I was just walking when I heard some screams. I rushed to the scene where I found Silena, Beckondorf, Luke, Zoe, and Bianca. Everybody was standing there in awe. They looked uncomfortable with the silence. “B-But you all d-died,” stammered Will. I ran to my sister in disbelief. “How did you all get out?” (AN: sorry, Zoe's language is too hard for me to figure out) “We got a free pass from your father,” Zoe replied. I hugged all of them and when I got to Luke, I stopped and hesitated. "You're not Kronos are you?" He smirked and ruffled my hair, "Nah, don't worry, it's not like I'll start another war again. By the way, where's Percy?” he asked. Suddenly Percy appeared, “Luke!” he ran up to him in amazement. “I'm so sorry about the prophecy. “No what you did was right.” He faced the rest,"Beckondorf, Silena, you've got some awesome new siblings to meet." Leo stepped up with his hand on fire. “I'm Leo, fire user and a son of Hephaestus, cabin leader. I've heard a lot about you.” Beckondorf chuckled and ran over to the rest of his siblings. “Hi, I'm Piper, you must be Silena. I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, I'm the cabin leader and I can charmspeak. This here,” she said pulling over Jason to her, “is my boyfriend. Then they got into a deep conversation about how Aphrodite kids didn't get enough credit and about how stupid breaking people's hearts were. Percy pulled Luke away and the started talking. I only heard bits of their conversation like, “Annabeth” and “Get her to come back.” After that I gave up and hung out with my sister
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Percy took me away with a serious face. He had grown a lot and was working out, but his face told me he was in a lot of pain. I bet this had something to do with Annabeth. Nico had told me what was going on while I was dead. I'm glad to be alive, I want to help. We were meant to go on this quest, whether we would die or not. It was awkwardly quiet. “Hey,” I spoke up. He looked at me, “Annabeth was gone and came back to warn the others to keep me away from her because It'll be dangerous. She's going to be here tonight and I'm going to try to talk some sense into her.” His face had changed to determination. “Let me help, I'm sure I can do it.” He looked desperate. I seemed to put the pieces together, if Percy keeps Annabeth by his side and something like this happens again, he'll put this quest in danger, and leave. No wonder they had to stay away from each other. But for Percy's sake,I'll help, plus he's always been a little brother to me. His weakness is the worst next to mine, power. “All right,” he finally said. I couldn't wait to see Annabeth,......I've missed her.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I stood there waiting with my invisibility cap on waiting for Hazel and Piper, no doubt would Percy come maybe with someone else. Then I heard rustling. I crawled up behind Percy and saw their formation. They were trying to trick me weren't they? I did this for Percy's good. There was also this other boy but I couldn't see his face well. I should've met him, the whole camp knows I'm hiding here and they swore they wouldn't tell anybody. “Why are you here Percy?” I called out. He whipped around trying to find the source of my voice. “Annabeth!” the strange boy called out. Then I saw his face. It was Luke. I threw off my cap and ran to him. I put my fingers to his face, “Are you real?” Tears streamed down his face, "I came back for you and Thalia. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy, he looked hurt. I loved him so much. I turned to him. “Percy, I want to stay but you'll have more of a chance of failing. It's best for me to sit this one out. You've done a quest before without me, with Hazel and Frank. They'll be there supporting you. I know you can do this.” Luke surprised me by agreeing with me, “Percy I know you need her but we can't risk the quest.” “I thought you were going to help me,” he yelled. He turned to me, “I need you, I can't face what's coming without you,” his voiced cracked. “We'll protect you,if any thing happens we'll be there.” Jason chimed in. I turned to Hazel and Piper, “You guys are so lucky I love you because then you would be dead for selling me out. “Okay, but we'll have to leave soon,” Luke added. “Good to have you back.” Percy beamed. We walked back to camp together and I was holding hands with Percy and Luke's arm was wrapped around my neck in a brotherly way. We were welcomed by the campers, awake with anger and relief on their faces. It was silent until Leo said, “Woah, how did you get Annabeth back?” Everybody
laughed. It was so good to have a nice family. I wouldn't want to lose them. I didn't care that they weren't orderly like the Romans, they were my family, and that's all that matters.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I was glad Annabeth was here with me, I was terrified that she would leave us. I somehow felt that she was neglecting us, almost like she knew what the turnout of the whole world will be. For all I care, if the whole world ends, I just want her to be safe. Right now she was talking to Luke. I felt a bit jealous, but then she came over to me, “I love you seaweed brain.” “I love you too with all my heart. NEVER leave me again!” For a second we stood there gazing at each other, and it was then, when I decided I would spend my life forever with her, dead or alive. I kissed her on the cheek. We didn't realize everybody was still there until a few people whooped. We blushed. Sometimes the whole camp was so annoying. I wish we could be alone but, as much as i tried to deny it, I needed them.

Today is going to be a infamous day. It is the day where I decide that Annabeth Chase is going to be Annabeth Jackson, if she accepts. I have the perfect ring in mind. I ran over to Beckondorf and whispered into his ear about what I had in mind. He nodded and smiled. I had it all planned out.
over a year ago megon4ever said…

The whole camp buzzed with excitement. It was only a matter of time before the whole world knew. Once the word got around that Percy was going to propose to Annabeth, everything became messed up. This guy was surrounded by Aphrodite girls as soon as Beckondorf told Silena. I felt bad for him. Of course he didn't want everybody to know, but this is Camp Half-Blood for crying out loud, where embarrassment never ended, we share some and make some. He was going to propose tonight, then after the quest, (if we don't get killed) marry her. Percy wanted it simple in case she says no, but we all knew she'd say yes. The plan was for them to have a picnic at sunset, then he'll wing it from there. All the girls thought that it was a terrible plan, but us guys thought it was just fine. Since Percy asked Beckondorf to make the ring, I got a sneak preview of it. It was absolutely something Annabeth would like. It was a silver ring that swerved together, meeting with a couple purple diamonds at center. Man, if Percy wanted alone time, he wasn't getting any because the whole camp would be there whether they liked it or not. Of course we'd be quiet, but we would get it on tape.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
The whole camp was really jittery and couldn't keep still during lunch. I wondered why.“Hey Malcom!” I ran over to my half brother. “Why is everybody so excited?,” he shrugged. As he went away, I could have sworn I saw a grin on his face. I started thinking about the situation, when I bumped into Percy. “Sorry!” He looked up at the sky and said, “Time to go have our picnic.” “You made a picnic?” I asked. He nodded “At the hill where we can see the sunset.” He grabbed my wrist and dragged me there, it was beautiful with all the candles and roses. He was such a sweet guy. “What's with all the flowers? Is it a special occasion?” I asked. Our anniversary was his birthday, which wasn't today. What was going on? He grinned and stayed quiet. Even though he didn't answer me, which I hated people doing, I loved this moment, without all the monsters. This was just what I needed right before the quest, to relax me. We ate and talked and laughed. For a while, I laid my head on his chest and we sat there enjoying the moment. Finally when the sun set, I got up and said, “Come on, we better head back.” I offered him a hand. “Wait, one more thing,” he replied. I watched as he stood up slowly and kneeled. He pulled out a box and opened it. I gasped. There was the most beautiful ring ever. With purple diamonds and it had our names engraved on it. “Annabeth, when I said I loved you, I really did. Without you I am not complete, that is why I want you to marry me....... (pause for dramatic effect)..Will you?” I opened my mouth but nothing came out just Tears of joy. “Absolutely positively yes, Seaweed Brain.” He slipped it on my finger and we kissed. All my anxiety melted away. We broke apart. "Did you talk to our parents?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm not that oblivious!" Then somebody cried out, “Hey, let us congratulate you guys too! It's the least we get for hiding behind the bushes the whole night.” “You weren't suppose to tell them idiot!” Clarisse scolded. "We got it all on tape Prissy," Clarisse yelled. "So the new campers can watch something else besides that boring old presentation!" I laughed as we were mobbed by our friends. Tonight couldn't get any better. Chiron allowed us to stay up a bit longer because of the special occasion. Then I went to the Poseidon cabin with Percy and fell asleep.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
In the morning, we boarded the ship. As my feet stepped on the ladder, making tapping sounds, I stopped. I realized that we wouldn't have a big chance coming back with everybody, just like Annabeth said. This wasn't like our first quest, this quest needed way more people. One of them was Percy Jackson, he saved the world many times with two people, now he needs 6. What a comparison. I stopped myself. Think happy thoughts, like yesterday, and Jason, and- “hey Piper, we got to board the Argo, can you keep going?” I turned around, and saw Percy. “Sorry,” I replied. As I kept going, I saw people saying goodbye(The seven), giving hugs(The seven's siblings) and crying(A lot of people). Chiron was hugging Annabeth. Percy was looking too because he said, “I'm going to miss this place.” I saw a tear come down his face silently. The Aphrodite cabin was really sad when I left. Lacy told me to 'always stay pretty.' It took up all my courage to not cry. Now, seeing Percy cry, I wanted to too. I let my tears stream down my face. Jason came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He had to say goodbye to two camps, he didn't even cry, I probably looked like a wimp compared to him. I wiped my tears away and gazed at the camp. What a beautiful place. Not like the Roman camp. Sure their's was nice but way to formal and disciplined for me. Ours was where you could learn to kick butt and have a family, what all demi-gods want. We decided to bring only the cabin leaders or second in command for Leo and I. There might be an attack so we made sure they were ready. When everybody boarded, Leo shouted, “Off to Rome!” And our journey began.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I waited... there was nothing. How could a ship full of demi-gods not get attacked in.. let's see......, 45 minutes? There was something wrong. We were fighting mother earth, and now she has vanished. What was her plan?
“Jason, are you ok?” Piper asked. I hadn't even heard her walking here. “No,” I replied. She frowned, that was obviously not the answer she wanted. “Don't you think Gaea should have done something to us already?” I asked. She began thinking, “Yeah, we should inform Annabeth about this.” We walked to Annabeth's office. We then heard Percy and Annabeth arguing, “That is so stupid!” yelled Percy. “If you have a better idea, then do it yourself!” “Fine! I don't need a stupid Athena girl to help me!” Percy yelled and then stormed out of the room. “What happened?” I asked. “What do you mean?” she asked as if there was no fight before. “Annabeth, we were in here, we saw the fight.” Piper said. “What fight?” she asked. Piper and I looked at each other. “Never mind Annabeth.” Piper and I left the room. “What just happened?” I asked. “Something is definitely wrong here, let's go talk to Percy.” We found Percy in the upper deck battling someone, it was Luke, “Percy, what's wrong with you?” Luke questioned. Percy was going all offense and Luke was going defense, trying not to hurt Percy. I took out my gladius that Juno gave me and pointed it at Percy. “What did Luke do?” “What do you mean?” he asked, confused. Percy was doing the same thing Annabeth did. “Why did you try to attack me? All I did was offer you a drink!” Luke yelled. “What? I didn't do that.” Percy defended himself. Then we started bickering. While we were bickering, we didn't notice the evil trying to break us into fighting each other. All of a sudden, I felt a strong hate against Leo. I ran up to him and swung him around. I was about to punch him in his face when Annabeth rushed onto the deck and yelled, “STOP!” We turned around, pausing our violence. The daughter of Athena came up to us and slapped each one of us. “Snap out of it!” she said. “Snap out of what?” She sighed and told us what exactly Gaea was doing.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Third person POV
The heroes listened intently on what Annabeth told them. “Jason and Piper, when you came and claimed that Percy and I had a fight, I didn't know what was going on. So I looked it up in the laptop Daedalus gave me and I realized that this is how Gaea is going to win. Gaea cannot emerge from the Earth until she is fully awake, so now she is making evil, creep into our hearts. When Jason, Leo and Piper had their quest, you guys said that Lycaon, the wolf king, was surprised that you guys didn't kill each other yet. We're all responsible to murder a certain person in this group.” “Then how do we stop this!?” Luke yelled. Percy was glaring menacingly at him. “I haven't figured that part out yet,” Annabeth replied sheepishly. “So we have to all have self-control,” Piper acknowledged. “Precisely,” Annabeth replied. The demi-gods sighed knowing that this task would not be easy
over a year ago megon4ever said…
We all tried to not fight each other. The best thing we could do was to steer clear of each other. I thought about it, Gaea was pretty smart to do this. Turning us against each other would be a huge advantage to her. My eyes started to droop. I needed to take a nap, considering the fact that I stayed up last night thinking about the prophecy. I went into my cabin and fell onto my warm cozy bed. I soon fell asleep. The voice of Gaea echoed inside my head, “Frank, do you really want to fight for the gods? What good has Ares done to you, except kill your mom?” Even though I was asleep, I felt tears stream down my face. “You could join me, we could avenge your mother's death. I can even pull some strings and make her come back alive.” “No! That is not possible, she's dead! Even the Olympians can't do that!” She chuckled, “The Olympians do not follow the same rules as I, so what will it be? You are destined to die, if you come with me, you could live forever and be immortal.” I thought about it. I have never been liked by anyone at camp except Hazel and Percy. Could I really have a better life with Gaea? I thought about my friend's faces. What would they say? Wouldn't they want the best for me? “Give me a day to make my decision Gaea.” “Alright,” she replied then vanished. I woke up in deep thought. I paced around the room. Suddenly there was a knock. Hazel peered inside my room. I quickly covered up my boxers in the dirty clothes pile. She laughed, “I just wanted to make sure you were ok, and about the Leo stuff, I'm really sorry. I talked to him about it and then we decided to just stay friends.” “It's alright, I get how hard it is with your past and everything.” She hugged me. Then we walked to the cafeteria. When we got there, I heard Hazel gasp and I looked at the place. There was Leo, with a huge grin on his face, and the room was decorated for a party. Moments later, Annabeth and Percy arrived. “Leo!” Annabeth exclaimed. “Why'd you do all this?” “Well I figured that we could relieve our stress by throwing a partay!” The whole gang soon arrived. We all celebrated and stuffed ourselves with as much food as possible. I almost forgot about Gaea's decision, ALMOST.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I needed to help. The wind blew past me, making my hair smack my face. I flung it away. I was aware of the Greek gods fighting with Gaea. They would die without my help, after all, I've been taught by Chaos himself. When I agreed to work with Chaos, I made a deal with him, I can't live a normal life. I am his apprentice. My life made Percy Jackson's life look boring. I've met Percy before, probably didn't leave a good impression, but still. I've been watching Percy for 3 years. His loyalty is something I want on my team, we don't want another traitor. I winced as I thought about one of our team members that betrayed us. My team was made up of the most highly trained demi-gods, gods, titans, demi-titans, and many more. I could only invite the best and greatest, I also had my eye on Jason Grace. I was following Argo II, I could catch up any time but wanted to observe from a distance. Chaos saved my life, I would have been stuck on that island if it wasn't for him. He, unlike the earthborn and titans, was fighting for good. But also unlike the gods, was not selfish and prideful. He was humble and powerful.
After about a hour, I began to get lazy. Now was a good time to reveal myself to the seven. So I flew up to the mast and perched there and gave the biggest war cry I could. Then ten very alarmed teenagers stumbled onto the deck, all weapons were drawn. A sandy hair kid asked, “Who are you?” I smiled, “Percy should know.” All heads turned to Percy. He stood there, with wide eyes and a surprised expression, he called out my name.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
“Calypso!” Percy called out. (In case you don't remember, when Percy almost died, he ended up on her island) I frowned, who was she?
Percy ran up to her, “How did you get away from the island?” She smiled, “That is something very important that I can only share with Jason and Percy. “Why?” questioned Piper, who looked very cautious.
“It's all right guys, she's a friend of mine,” Percy said, sensing the tension. “Wait, are you THE Calypso, daughter of Atlas?” I asked. She nodded. How were we suppose to trust her? She helped her father, meaning against the gods. She sighed, “Since you all probably won't leave, I will you my story. Are you familiar with how I got onto Ogygia?” We all nodded. “Well Percy visited me there once and when he left, I missed him. One day Chaos came to me and offered me freedom. I thought that if I was free, then I could see Percy, so I accepted. But soon I became Chaos' apprentice. I've been watching you guys and I came to the conclusion to help you. Without me you will perish.” “How do we know that you're strong?” asked Leo. “I've been trained by Chaos himself, if you want to test me, that's fine.” I thought about that, if she really is as strong as she says she is, then we could let her fight Percy, Luke, and Nico. I spoke up, “Then fight Nico, Percy, and Luke.” She nodded. “Ok,” and the battle began. The boys circled her and observed. Nico swung first, she backed up and hit him on the back with her elbow. While she was doing that, Luke charged, Calypso side kicked him and he fell back. I noticed that she hadn't pulled out a weapon yet. Percy willed the sea to flow into the boat, wrapping around her. The water slowly enclosed Calypso. Then all of a sudden, a purple light glowed around the water and it evaporated. Nico summoned about 10 warriors to attack, and that is when she pulled out her weapon. It was a long metal staff, and at the tip of it was a blue orb. She blasted that at one of the warriors and it began to disintegrate and the others backed away. Luke crept up behind her and jumped, he was aiming to pin her down, but somehow he ended up unconscious. It all happened too fast. Percy seemed to have disappeared. Nico swung at her, she dodged and hit him in the ribs and began continuously punching him. Percy appeared and hit her with riptide, it cut her cape. She turned to him and attacked. Calypso swung and disarmed Percy, she pointed her sword at his neck and whispered, “I win.” Nico stood up and helped Luke up. They went up to her. For a while, nobody spoke, then Percy beamed, “That was amazing, Calypso!” Everybody then questioned her, “How did you do that? Could you teach me that? Are you single?” The last one was said by Leo. We all bursted out laughing while Leo turned many shades of red. “Now Jason and Percy has a decision to make,” She said with a solemn voice, after everybody calmed down. “I have started a group that will learn everything I have learned and even more, it is only for the people who are loyal, strong, disciplined, and brave. Usually I would test people, Percy and Jason have already proven themselves o fit my group. So would you guys accept this offer? You would be immortal and stronger than the gods.” Percy looked at Jason, and Jason looked at him. “But we can't just abandon this war and our camps.” “If you guys accept, then it will be after the war, you could remain at your camps after you take your training and when Chaos needs you, then you could go to him” Calypso said. “What about the others? Why us?” asked Percy. She shrugged, “ Chaos recommended you guys. Of course other people can join, but they need to prove themselves.” “Then yes,” Jason replied. Percy looked at me, I nodded my head to encourage him, I couldn't let him pass up an amazing chance for me again, even though I didn't want him to. “....I chose.....-
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I looked at Annabeth, she smiled and nodded encouragingly. I wanted to take this offer, but what about everybody else? Sure, they had a chance to get in, but what if they don't? I thought about it, “....I chose.....-

-to accept this offer. But on one condition, you let everybody on this ship and in the camps have a fair try at getting in.” I looked around, Leo, Piper, and Annabeth were giving me grateful smiles, while Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Jason were staring at me with bewildered looks. “You play a hard bargain, Percy,” Calypso observed with an amused smile. I grinned. “I will promise that, and if you all succeed in this quest, I allow you to join.” Everyone cheered. Annabeth ran over to me and kissed me, “Did I ever tell you that I love you?” “Yes, 27 times,” I replied. She laughed. Calypso cleared her throat, “I will have to inform lord Chaos about this, Percy and Jason, follow me.” That was the last thing I heard before I was enveloped in purple light. When the light subsided, I was standing in a palace. It was so amazing that it was indescribable. We followed Calypso to a wooden door. She slowly pushed it open and I saw a huge throne surrounded by golden aura. And on it, a man about 30 sat. He looked young and easy going, but yet dangerous and powerful. Calypso bowed. “Lord Chaos, I have brought Percy Jackson and Jason Grace. They have accepted the offer, but have chosen to give the rest of the demi-gods a chance.” Chaos stepped off his throne and walked towards us. “Very well. But you do know that when you accept my offer, you will have to leave camp for a while.” “Yes sir,” Jason replied. “Then we will welcome you with open arms. Now bring them back to the ship, Calypso. Stay there and help.” “Yes lord Chaos.” And we suddenly appeared onto the ship. Nico ran over to me with his sword out, “Get ready, we've got company.” A black tornado came down revealing an anemoi thuella. “Dylan!” spatted Jason, Piper, and Leo unanimously. “This time I will succeed my mission, which is killing one of you!” so-called Dylan cackled. Reyna tackled him and they went rolling on the ground.
To be continued......
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I tackled Dylan with every last bit of my power. He wasn't going to hurt my friends. “Get off me!” he thundered. I pulled out my dagger and stabbed him, but missing by a centimeter. Percy pulled me off. “Reyna, we'll fight together.” I nodded. Dylan staggered back ready to strike, but Calypso had already stepped in. She dodged his strike and sent a blast of blue energy towards him. It sent him flying back. He got up and commanded, “Kill her!” Suddenly about 70 storm spirits appeared. They wrapped around Calypso. “Don't touch her!” yelled Percy. He commanded the water to try to break the ball made by the wind. It bounced off harmlessly. Nico summoned 50 skeleton warriors to try. Then, all of a sudden, the storm spirits evaporated, revealing Calypso, smirking. “You can't get rid of me that easily.” Dylan backed up in fear. She took her staff, which took form of a spear, and hurled it at Dylan. It hit him and screamed in pain, “What is this?!?” “That weapon is so powerful, that you will never step on earth ever again.” With on last gut wrenching scream, Dylan disappeared, this time for good. Calypso took one glance at us and bursted out laughing. “Close your mouths, or else they're gonna fall off.” We shut our mouths. “Anyway, where am I going to sleep?” “Th-There,” Leo pointed. She followed Leo down the stairs. “So I guess with her, we've already won?” Piper asked, but more like a statement. “Not quite, if we need her to possibly win, then Gaea/Terra has put together a quite strong team.”Frank took a deep sigh, “You guys, Gaea offered me to join her team.” “WHAT!!!!” I yelled “HOLD ON! She promised me everything I've ever wanted, including my mom.” Everybody knew what Frank's mom meant to him. “She sent me an offer too,” Jason announced. I was shocked, was Frank and Jason really going to accept? “She promised me my mom and dad and sister back together, with no problems.” “Are you going to really accept?” asked Hazel. “No!” said Nico. “No matter what she promises you, you guys can't accept it. Don't you think I want my mom and sister? Don't you think I want to rip my dad apart and force him to give them back? I do! But I have to stay strong for you guys. I love Percy like my brother and am gonna do everything to protect him. You guys need to do that for the ones you love!” Frank looked at Jason. “Fine, from here on out, we'll stick together and not even hesitate to betray each other. That's a pact. Do we all agree?” We nodded. “Then let's say for the gods on three, ready 1 2 3....FOR THE GODS!!!”
over a year ago megon4ever said…
“FOR THE GODS!!!” we yelled. I grabbed onto Jason, afraid that if I let go, he would be in the arms of Gaea. He looked down and smiled at me. Leo came back up, “So.... what did I miss?” “Pretty much everything,” Percy summed up. Annabeth chuckled, “We should all get some sleep now and wake up early in the morning because we are going to arrive soon.” That ruined it, we were all happy and that comment just ruined it. Then we dispersed into our cabins. I went into the room that I shared with Hazel and Annabeth and fell into sleep.
My dream took me to a dark cave, there was a dirty bloody teenager chained to the wall. I took a closer look and gasped, it couldn't be. The teenager was a girl, wearing a torn up silvery camo pants and a little tiara that fit right above her forehead. It was Thalia. “This is what will happen to you heroes if you don't obey my rules,” a voiced cooed inside my head. “Get away from me Gaea!” I yelled, “What did you do to her?” “The girl is still very much alive, a stubborn one too, but she is only bait. Her brother will come crawling to me and trading his life in return, you will all fail without him. That girl sent by Chaos will not be much help at all.” I watched as the limp body of Thalia awoke as a cyclops came. “Oh Thalia,” Gaea whispered, “It's no use to trying to fight me, endure the pain and suffering. Now I ask one more time, will you join me and fight with me?” She looked up, “Never.” “Then face the consequences!” I watched in terror as the cyclops began to beat her with a bat. Golden blood spewed out of her mouth. “Everyday, you will heal and this will happen over and over again, if you want it to stop, just say so. Then maybe I will spare your little brother." "DON'T TOUCH HIM!” she shrieked with anger. Her voice filled the cave, and echoes were made. “Then join me child, it is the only way to save him.” Thalia's eyes filled with sadness and pain, “Please d-don't hurt him, he's my only family that I have left.” Then I woke up, screaming Jason's name. Everybody rushed in. My boyfriend sat on my bed. “What's wrong Pipes?” Jason squeezed my hand for reassurance. I cried, so much that tears were streaming non-stop. “Piper?” Leo asked. I have never cried in front of anyone and I was probably scaring them now. I tried to stop myself but I just couldn't. I wrapped my arms around Jason and held him tight. He patted my back to comfort me. “Y-You're gon-gonn-a d-die,” I wailed. He looked at me with fear crossing his eyes, “What?” I took a deep breath and started to explain, “Th-Th -alia is c-captured.” I let that sink in, I knew that Percy and Annabeth were really close to her but especially Jason. “Gaea has been torturing her e-ev- everyday to make her join their side.” I shivered as I remembered the scene. “She threatened to hurt you if Thalia didn't cooperate with her, but I don't know her decision. She also predicted that you would go trade your life with hers.” Tears began to form in my eyes. Jason froze there in shock. I heard a bang, and looked up. Percy smashed his fist against the wall, “How could I have let this happen?!?”he yelled. “We can't just stay here!” Jason yelled. “I have to save her!” “But we have to do that without putting our lives in danger, we need to finish the quest first,” insisted Hazel. “YOU DON'T GET IT! I HAVE NO ONE LEFT IN MY FAMILY EXCEPT FOR HER! I HAVE TO FIND HER!” Jason thundered. A bright light shone, we covered our eyes. Then Zeus/ Jupiter was revealed. “My son,” he said with proud and worry.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Zeus/ Jupiter was revealed in the bright light that shone. “My son,” he said with proud and worry. We bowed and I stared in awe, I couldn't even imagine what was going on in Jason's head. Jason's eyes flared with anger, “Thalia is imprisoned and tortured everyday, and you just stand there!?! Do you even care?” Zeus/Jupiter flinched, “I do care but it is beyond my power to save her and that is why I came to talk about a quest.” The king of the gods was here asking us for our opinions? What kind of messed up world did this place turn into? (lol I was cracking up when I thought of this :D) I heard of Percy's adventures and that didn't really fit into his character. “ Lord Zeus, are you granting us permission to speak truthfully about what we think?” Percy asked incredulously . “Yes,” he replied, a bit irritated, “I am issuing a quest back at Camp Half-Blood, and wanted to see who you think is worthy and powerful enough to save Thalia.” “Wait, why can't we go?” Annabeth asked. “Uggh duh we're in the middle of saving the freak'n world!” I replied. Percy, Jason, and Annabeth glared at me. “Leo is correct,” he sniffed in distaste. Gosh, I wasn't that bad was I? “Then how many demi-gods can go?” Frank asked. “I'd say about five.” Then Percy spoke up “Okay then I suggest bringing Clarisse, Will, Nyssa, Nico,and........ Grover!” “Wait why am I going?” asked Nico. “Because Death Breath, everybody knows that you want to save her.” He blushed. “Wait Death Breath?” I asked. “Exactly,” Percy replied. Then the king of the gods flashed himself out. “Well thanks for taking me with you so I don't have to get to camp myself.” Nico muttered. “See ya Perce, good luck on your quest and come back alive,” and he disappeared into the shadows.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Leo led me to my room and as soon as he closed the door, I opened up the blueprints for my new weapon. It could take and absorb anyone's power. If we- no WHEN we defeat Gaea, I will have to take her power and present it to lord Chaos. Then my mind wandered to Percy Jackson. I still loved him, but I knew that we could never be together; he just attracted me with his loyalty and kindness. I was actually delighted when Percy accepted. Chaos needed Percy and Jason because they were going to take the positions as the commander of our two greatest armies, Alpha and Omega. We named them that because Alpha always represented Chaos with helping other planets and would be the first thing that their allies would see of Chaos. Why they were an army? In case a war broke out. Omega is the last thing anyone ever sees. If a foe got past Alpha, not like that would ever happen, Omega would finish the job. Omega also would go on the really dangerous missions such as destroying planets or an entire race. Chaos and I decided that Percy would be commander of Omega, and Jason would be commander of Alpha. What I haven't told Percy was that all his old friends were in the army, such as Luke, Silena, Beckondorf, Zoe, and Bianca. They came as spies for Chaos to see how well the demi-gods were fairing. I sighed. The weapon that I was creating needed many objects. The reason that this was a secret was because those objects were banned by the gods because it was just cruel to use them, even Chaos didn't know about this. The weapon is a way I can prove to Chaos that I am a responsible leader. I fingered the blueprints carefully. The first thing I needed was....... a soul. Well, time to pay Hades a “nice” visit, then I vanished into the air. The first thing I saw in the Underworld was black, then Charon. “Take me to Hades,” I demanded. “Well aren't we bossy, you have to pay little miss,” Charon replied. I ran straight up to him and threatened him with my knife, it was made of Stygian Iron. He gulped and agreed to take me to Hades. When we stepped into his ferryboat, he asked me, “So who are you? I have only seen master Nico with a knife like yours.” I smirked, “I am Calypso, daughter of Atlas. I am trained by lord Chaos himself and will pulverize you if you don't stop talking.” He whimpered and muttered, “Impossible.” Soon we arrived at the dock. I got up and out of the boat and began walking into the palace. I saw a throne and sitting on it was a smug-looking ugly god. “Who dares to disturb me?” Hades bellowed. “My name is Calypso, and have come here today to ask for a soul.” “Daughter of Atlas, why aren't you on the island Ogygia?” “A person more powerful than you has freed me, now I ask again, will you give me a soul?” Hades, being the slow person he is, sat on his throne and, well, pretty much did nothing. “Why do you need it?” I chose my words carefully, making sure that I didn't reveal anything, “It is going to be used for a greater cause to destroy Gaea.” Then he waved his hand, “Very well, pick anyone you like."I grinned, this was going to be fun.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I figured that I should be training if I wanted to join Calypso's team, so that's exactly what I did. Leo had made this awesome arena packed with weapons. I picked out a dagger and started slashing an automaton. It took me about 15 minutes to defeat it. After some more practicing, I decided to go find Piper and Annabeth. Of course Annabeth was in the library, I decided not to disturb her. I found Piper on her bed. “Ughhhhhhhhh,” she groaned. “What?” I asked. “I'm bored, nothing exciting ever happens here.” “Yeah sure, because saving the world is a total drag,” I replied sarcastically. She laughed and threw a pillow in my face. I caught it. Her face then turned solemn, “I'm gonna miss this when we're dead.” “Why are you thinking about death so quickly?” She got up and smiled. “Because that's your future!” she or should I say “it” yelled. Piper quickly changed into a cyclops and lunged at me. I fumbled for my dagger and blocked the attack. Remember what I learned at Camp Jupiter, I thought. Block, slash, duck, stab, block, slash, duck, stab. The cyclops chuckled and hit me in the side; I fell onto the closet. I tried to use my powers but sadly we were in Jupiter's territory. The cyclops raised its arms and- “Hazel!” Percy rushed in and threw his sword at the cyclops. It disintegrated. “Are you all right?” he asked worriedly. I nodded. The others rushed in, “Hazel!” “Took you guys long enough!” I yelled. They smiled sheepishly. After explaining the past events, Jason asked the one question that left us hanging, “So where is Piper?!?” “SHOOT!” Leo cried, “How do we manage to lose a person on a stink'n ship?”
Then we all noticed a piece of paper on top of the monster dust. Afraid to pick it up, I motioned for anybody else to do it. After looking around, Luke sighed, “Wimps....To you demigods, the girl you are looking for is in my grasp. To see her living depends on my mood, and my mood depends on how well you complete my task. One will be taken prisoner to me forever in exchange of her dying life. The longer you wait, the faster she dies. A hint about who I am, I was made a immortal so I could be a cup bearer to the nasty olympians, the Athena spawn should know who I am. Tick tock, time's a wasting.” Luke looked up from the letter. Annabeth gasped, “It's Ganymede.” “Ga-what?” Percy asked. She rolled her eyes. “So I guess we've been issued another quest..... but how are we supposed to finish this quest too?”Frank asked. “Perhaps I may have a solution.” We turned to find Hera/Juno sitting on the couch. “Well aren't we lucky, two gods in one day. Especially a psycho maniac who puts babies in fires.” muttered Leo. Juno glared at him. “There is one way to stop the big prophecy, but it hasn't been done in ages. Since an important member of the quest has been taken away, I suppose that it's worth to try.” she continued. “And what is the solution?” Jason asked. “Well let us visit the olympians.”
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I was in my bed listening to music. You would probably think that a member part of an important quest would be doing something more useful to the team. Then I heard a bang. I jolted up and took out Katropis. “Who's there?” I asked cautiously. Then, from out of the shadows a young teen emerged. “I wouldn't expect you to know me.” he said, “But no matter, mistress Gaea promises revenge on the gods. Then all of the world shall know me.” “What did the gods ever do to you?” I asked, trying to buy some time. “After I became immortal, many tragic things happened indeed, but that is a story for later, right now, you are coming with me.” he grabbed my wrist and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the room that I was in, disappeared. It was replaced by a dark room with a cold cell. He dragged me into the cell and threw me in. I pounded on the bars, “Let me go!” “Never.” he replied, before vanishing. I fell to the ground in despair. As I began to try to figure out how to get out, I noticed something unusual. Then slowly I looked around the room and realized that this place was the exact place that I dreamed of. That meant... “Thalia!” I shouted. No response. This couldn't be, if Thalia wasn't here, then she must have joined Gaea.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I was in my bed listening to music. You would probably think that a member part of an important quest would be doing something more useful to the team. Then I heard a bang. I jolted up and took out Katropis. “Who's there?” I asked cautiously. Then, from out of the shadows a young teen emerged. “I wouldn't expect you to know me.” he said, “But no matter, mistress Gaea promises revenge on the gods. Then all of the world shall know me.” “What did the gods ever do to you?” I asked, trying to buy some time. “After I became immortal, many tragic things happened indeed, but that is a story for later, right now, you are coming with me.” he grabbed my wrist and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the room that I was in, disappeared. It was replaced by a dark room with a cold cell. He dragged me into the cell and threw me in. I pounded on the bars, “Let me go!” “Never.” he replied, before vanishing. I fell to the ground in despair. As I began to try to figure out how to get out, I noticed something unusual. Then slowly I looked around the room and realized that this place was the exact place that I dreamed of. That meant... “Thalia!” I shouted. No response. This couldn't be, if Thalia wasn't here, then she must have joined Gaea.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Hera took us to Olympus. When we flashed in, the first thing we saw was the shocked faces of the gods. “Luke!” my father yelled. He had tears in his eyes. Running up, he embraced me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around around him. “Sorry.” I whispered. “That's all right son. I never told you that I loved you, I do.” “I know.” He led me to his throne, and I stood proudly next to him. Annabeth smiled at me. Hermes sent a grateful look to Hades. “How are you alive?” Athena asked. “I gave a bunch of demi-gods second chances.” “Like who?” Artemis asked suddenly interested. “Myself, Bianca, Zoe, Beckondorf, and Silena.” I answered. Artemis had tears of joy in her eyes. While Hephaestus and Aphrodite's faces were full of happiness. “Oh my daughter!” Aphrodite cried. Before they could flash out, Hera shouted, “WAIT!” All heads turned to face her. “We have more pressing matters to discuss, Piper Mclean has been captured and we need to stop the great prophecy.” The god's faces turned grave. Any signs of happiness were long gone. “The last time we did that was..” Athena trailed off. “She is vital to this quest and we need to have a separate quest to find her, which the seven are included.” Hera continued. Jason looked at his father pleadingly. “Fine!” Zeus yelled, “we will begin the process now.”
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I walked around Tartarus for hours and didn't see Penelope. I was heartbroken the day Odysseus left me. I really did love him and to see him long for his wife was too much for me. For eons, I was so jealous of his wife; I wanted to be the one on the other side, whom he spent his life with. Tartarus was creeping with evil. Then I found her. Penelope. But she was weeping. I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist. Her head jerked up, “Who are you?” she asked. I didn't reply. “WHO ARE YOU!” she screamed. “Calypso,” I said silently. Then, burning hatred entered her eyes, “YOU! My husband left me for you, he has escaped this prison to go and look for you!” She fell back and wept loudly. I was speechless. “Odysseus!” I yelled. I dropped my weapon and ran out form Tartarus. Then leaving the underworld, I ran in search for my love. After searching miles wide, I spotted him. “Odyssesus!” I cried, literally cried. He turned around and ran towards me. “Calypso!” We embraced in a tight squeeze. “I love you and missed you all those eons.” I whispered. “I know, I know.” He replied. Forgetting about my weapon, I transported him back to Argo II. All we found was the boat deserted. “Hello?” I asked. No response. I started to get worried. “What's wrong?” Odysseus asked. “I was suppose to protect them!” “Who?” he asked. “The seven.” His eyes widened. I sank down on my knees and buried my face in my hands. “It's all right.” He comforted me. Then a flash of light appeared. Six teenagers were standing there with exhausted faces. “PERSEUS JACKSON AND JASON GRACE, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? IF YOU GUYS DIED, THEN THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD TOO!” I scolded. They smiled sheepishly. Then all of them started shooting me questioning looks. “What?” I asked. “Who's the dude?” Leo asked. Annabeth smacked him in the head. Odysseus held out his hand and said, “Odysseus.” Their eyes widened. “N-No way.” Annabeth said in astonishment. Then I realized, “Why are there only seven of you?” The teenagers looked down, “Piper has been kidnapped and Hera convinced the gods to stop the prophecy.” “Who was it?” I asked “Ganymede.” I cursed. If only I had been there. “So what are we going to do now?” “Save Piper.”Jason said with determination in his eyes, and that is why he was chosen for our team. Simply just because he was determined and a great hearted good warrior. “All right,” I agreed.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
As Calypso left, she dropped something. I walked over and picked it up, it was some sort of machine. "You could have revenge on her with this weapon and Odysseus could be all yours," a voice cooed inside my head. "Who are you?" I asked aloud. "Your chance to get out of this prison. I am Gaea, my dear. The gods have been ruling too long, now it's mine turn. If you join my side I could let you free and you could be with your love." Odysseus was mine in the first place. Calypso stole him, now I am ready to get back what was once mine. "OK." I looked down at the weapon. "What does it do?" "It can absorb anyone's power, even an immortal. The last thing you need to complete it is a soul." she replied. I grinned evilly, if it's a soul I want, it's Calypso's soul I shall get. I grabbed the handle of the weapon and walked out of the doors of death. There was Gaea standing in front of me. "I give you my blessing." Then, she vanished.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Thalia couldn't have joined them. I shook my head in disbelief. There wasn't any possible way that the rescue team would have gotten here so fast; I just can't believe that Thalia would give in, this wasn't the Thalia I've met. Did Gaea really push her that far? I shivered, unable to get the abuse out of my head. My dream replayed over and over again. I clamped my hands over my head. Surely my friends were looking for me, but they can't. They had to finish the quest. I leaned back on the multicolored wall and observed at least what I could make of it. There were children, ten of them. Around them was all sorts of sea creatures. Mermaids and merman bowed to the children. Then it came to me, “Atlantis.” I whispered. This was Atlantis! My capturer then appeared, “How smart of you. Yes, this is Atlantis.” I spoke cautiously. “But I thought Atlantis sunk. This couldn't be Atlantis.” “But it is, you see. Atlantis lives underwater in secret because of the gods. It is their fault that this beautiful island sunk.” “But what does this have to do with you?” I asked. “The gods have ruined many people's lives, they were selfish and only thought about themselves. They even captured me! This island never deserved any of this. It's the gods who have put themselves in this position. We wouldn't have turned against them if they hadn't treated us like objects that they could throw around. Of course there are some exceptions like lady Hestia, and Demeter. When we rule, we will make sure to give a throne to them.” I had just now begun to see what terrible people-er gods our parents really were. “Did they really kidnap you?” He nodded. “Then you must be Ganymede.” I figured. His eyes then set ablaze, “I see, you tricked me into telling you who I am! You never cared at all, you just wanted to find a weakness. You demigods and gods are all the same.” “N-No!” I stuttered. He took out a whip, raised it and slammed it hard onto my back. I cried out in pain. My back was hit like twenty times before I entered blackness. In my dream, I saw the Argo. Reyna and Leo were comforting Jason, “It's all right, we'll find her.” The pain in his eyes was too much for me. “Jason!” I cried out. The demi-gods looked up. “Piper!” Leo shouted. “Where are you?” “I'm in Atlantis! In a cave! Please come, it hurts!” “We're coming,”Jason shouted. “We're coming if it's the last thing I do.” Then Gaea took over my dreams. “Why, what do we have here? Is someone contacting her rescuers?” “Leave me alone!” I yelled. “You could always join me.” “Stop! Just stop! Please!” “Your friends will suffer if you don't join me.” She showed me an image of Annabeth. She was on fire, burning in pain next to Percy who was dead with Jason's sword sticking out of him. Next was Leo fighting Jason who was weaponless. Reyna jumped in between them, intending to stop them, but instead she got impaled with a sword. I winced. Hazel was lying in a pool of blood, while Luke and Frank stared at each other with hatred in their eyes. Calypso was fighting an army of monsters with Odysseus. They would be overpowered anytime soon. I shook my head. This wouldn't happen; the gods won't let this happen. “Oh, but they will. The gods won't be able to help. Ancient laws.” I let out a pitiful cry. This was a war we couldn't win. Then I remembered the promise we made on the boat, to stick together. “We will overpower you, we will win, even if it means that I have to rip you apart bone by bone!” I yelled. “Your choice.” The goddess replied, then she left, leaving me to deal with the visions I've just seen.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
Piper was all I could think about. After I heard her on the deck, it made me angry. The gods have messed up our lives so much that we as teenagers have to suffer the pain that their enemies give off. I punched my hand into the wall. The wall crumbled. I tightened up my fists and gave a loud angry yell. Percy came running in; he took one look at the wall. “Dude, chill. We'll find her now that the prophecy is temporarily over. Piper told us that she was in a cave in Atlantis.” “Sure, that helps.” I muttered. He laughed. How could a guy that has been through all this take things so lightly? “How can you be so not stressed?” My curiosity side forced me to ask. Percy ran his hand through his jet black hair. “I could've died many times but didn't because I have so many people who love me protect me, I guess I learned to appreciate what my messed up life gave me.” I thought about that, I had found Thalia, met the girl of my dreams, and met so many friends. My mind wandered through all the good times. “Is looking back at your memories a way to escape the pain and stress?” I ask. He nods, “Just think about that for now and before you know it, we're done with the whole war.” He leaves. When my father had visited, he had a private conversation with me. “Jason, you will face many trials and burdens, but remember what you will learn and also that I love you and am proud of you.” Back then I was too angry about what happened to Thalia to listen to what my dad said. “Whatever,” was my answer. I pushed my way through. I fell onto my bed and soon I fell asleep. In my dreams I saw a guy holding a whip over Piper. “STOP!” I screamed. The whip landed on her back and she screamed out in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to comprehend what I was seeing. Piper had blacked out when I opened my eyes, and for once, I felt completely helpless. Even my memories couldn't help me.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
I laid restless on my big bed, twisting and turning, trying to just sleep. Sleep. It was impossible for me to do that, not with everything happening. Leo had said that Piper told them that she was in Atlantis. How were we suppose to find a sunken country? I sighed as I walked quietly to my computer, careful not to wake Hazel. Now you're probably thinking that a monster will come because I'M BASICALLY SENDING IT A SIGNAL,, my mother charmed it so that I could use it in times of need like now. I went to google and did some researching and then I found the coordinates of Atlantis last spotted. (lat=36.965135 lon=-6.336622) "Bingo,” I whispered. Suddenly I heard the creak of the floorboard, I whipped my head around fast and grabbed my dagger off my nightstand. I inched towards the door and kicked it open, only to find a startled Jason looking at me. I let out a sigh of relief, “You scared the Hades out of me.” “Sorry, I couldn't sleep. I saw Piper.” I sympathized with him, when Percy was missing, I was a walking wreck of worries. “I found the coordinates of Atlantis.”I said when I remembered. His eyes lit up, “R-Really?!?!” I nodded.
Checking my watch I added, “It's almost 6, we can wake everybody else and tell them.” One by one, Jason and I shook the demi-gods awake, all but Percy. People stopped at Percy's door. “So...... who wants to wake him up?” I asked. No volunteers. “Why? What's so wrong about Percy?” Luke asked. “Because,” Hazel giggled, “Leo woke him up last time and almost lost his head!” “No kidding, that dude has some fast reflexes,” Leo added. Frank spoke up, “You go Annabeth, you're his fiance.” I scowled. “Fine!” I snapped and entered the room cautiously. Percy was lying on his sea green bed with blue covers. “Percy,” I said with 5 feet distance away from him. I got a murmur in response. Rolling my eyes I stepped a feet near him. “Jackson!” Nothing. Then I screamed, “PERCY JACKSON! GET YOUR BUTT OFF THAT STINKIN BED!!” He jerked awake, grabbed Riptide and killed his lamp in two seconds tops. “God Annabeth, it's only 5:50, what'd you do that for?” he groaned. “We found Atlantis.” I announced proudly. His eyes widened in surprise and jumped out of his bed. “Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!” We met the others in the library. They waited anxiously to hear where Atlantis was. “Lat=36.965135 lon=-6.336622.” I said, “And where are we now Percy?” “Lat=35 Lon= 6.336622.” He replied automatically. Our eyes widened when we realized how close that was. Our plans were finally working.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
i will also be posting on my article... so if you want you guys could check it out if anyone reads this.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
wow... thanks people
over a year ago theocean5566 said…
U moved it?