The Heroes of Olympus Percy Jackson goes to high school

Cheetahgirlsfan posted on Mar 05, 2012 at 04:07AM
Hi you guys cheetah here and I decided to try writing a fanfic of my own if that's okay.
This ain't a Mark of Athena thank Jesus Christ. I'll post every few days, since it takes me longer time to write and everything.
Style: Third Person (Basically I suck at first person)
Rated T: Just to be safe, and am too lazy to check out the ratings. Though it's like so I should know
Type: Humor, Romance, a sense of Adventure
Synosis: What happens if Percy didn't know he was a demigod until he was 14? Find out his life as he goes to this strange school he feels he's guaranteed to hate. Read his adventure as he learns to love the school, and more importantly the people he finds there.
Disclaimer: I don't own any f***** crap.
Percy Jackson
Leo Valdez
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
A bunch of others you will see
Why I wrote this on here? Cause I put it on but got few views. Plus ace said it was good so:P
I hope
If you have anything to say tell it to me. Leave a message on my wall or something.:)
last edited on Apr 28, 2012 at 08:09PM

The Heroes of Olympus 18 replies

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over a year ago Cheetahgirlsfan said…
*Crosses fingers * Really hopes this goes well: P
Chapter 1
Percy stood outside, and grumbled.
He was standing in the ruins of a deserted parking lot, staring at a large, brown structure. It was by far the largest high school that Percy could have attended, in New York City. It wasn't as grand as he had expected though. The paint job looked pretty chapped all around, and most of the windows were coated in dust. This was the school he would be attending for the year, or until he got himself expelled. He put his trust in the second option, taking it from past experience.

His mom must have figured out what he was thinking about, because she suddenly put a warm hand on top of his shoulder. Percy found it kind of unnerving how she always knew what was bothering him. It was one of the many things that made her great. Other reasons included the fact that she had to be the nicest person to ever walk the planet Earth, and her kind heart toward other people. Even extreme jerks , like his mom's old boyfriend Gabe Ugiliano. (Percy had always snickered about his name, behind his back. He imagined that he had got beat up a lot in school.)Percy had always hated Gabe, but then he saw him slap his mother. He had been an inch away from doing something to Gabe that probably would have gotten him thrown into jail. Then when he had gotten him, he had found the house completely empty and void of his extremely, musty smell. This was a release for Percy, and his nose. The guy had been as bad, as he smelled.

He had asked his mother what had happened to him. If they had got a divorce, if she hadn't given him, the good news yet, and if they would ever see his sorry butt again. She had smiled, with a twinkle in her eye. "I guess you could say that." She had considered. "All that you need to know is that he's gone." Percy had whooped for joy, not even caring that the answer his mom had given him was awfully vague. He barely noticed the fact that his mom was holding a check for 5,000 dollars. In her delicate hands.

"Percy, do you want me to come in with you?" His mom whispered softly, still grasping his shoulder, and pulling Percy away from his thoughts.

"Ah, no thanks mom, I can handle it." He said quickly. He Imagined walking into ninth grade as the new kid, his mom holding his hand, like his chaperone. He didn't think the other kids would be impressed with his entrance.

"Are you sure Percy? Because you look a little pale." His mom said, while pinching his face with worry.
"It's Okay mom. Geez!" Though secretly, he liked the attention that his mom was giving him.

"I'm sorry, it's just that am worried about what's going to happen to you." His mom said. She was still fidgeting with his face.
He finally shrugged her off, telling her it would be okay, nothing would happen, and a bunch of other meaningless words. He was just as worried as his mom. Something strange and dangerous always seemed to happen to him wherever school he went. Things that teachers said came from his over active imagination or lies he had been spreading to receive attention. Far fetched things that were obviously signs of mental instability. With a bunch of other big words, that Percy never understood. How anyone could make up seeing a guy with one eye, that seemed to be stalking them, he didn't know. He had a feeling that he would be expelled in less than a week, in a nice school like this.

His mom looked like she was about to say something to him, but then hesitated like she thought better of it.
Instead she said, "Percy, this is Paul's school so try not to..."

"Mess it up?" Percy guessed.

His mom nodded. Paul was his mom's new boyfriend. She had met him two years after she had 'divorced' Gabe, and they had taken a liking to each other. At first Percy was totally against it. She was with another guy other than his father, who he had never met. Even though he had walked away from them, and hadn't come back, Percy still felt that his mom should at least wait for him. “Until he had returned from sea.” As she always told him.
For that soul reason, he had been rather rude toward Paul. But over time he had warmed up to him. The guy had even asked Percy on his opinion of marrying his mom. He had actually told him to go for it.

The guy was extremely nice. He had went out of his way to help Percy and his mom. He had even gotten Percy administered in his school he worked at, as an English teacher.

This was the reason why. Why Percy would try as hard as he could not to let anything strange happen throughout this year. He didn’t want to make Paul look bad. If anything did happen, it wouldn’t shine Paul in a good light. He might even lose his job. Percy didn’t want that to happen, so he would try to behave throughout the school year.
It was the least Percy could do for the guy.

He walked slowly toward the building, pausing to wave to his mom. She was biting her lip. It looked like she was trying to hope for the best.
He continued walking toward the entrance, until his mom was just a tiny haze. He reached the marble steps, and began to climb them.
As he walked the marble steps leading to the building’s entrance, only one thought occurred to him.

Why did the trees sound like they were humming? It was weird. As if a sound was emanating from them. Living them up. Making them seem almost alive.

Infact a sense of nature seemed to have sprouted into the atmosphere. This was weird. There wasn't a forest in fifty miles. It was New York after all.

He caught the smell of a warm, ocean, breeze. The smell he had grown up with. All through his childhood. His mom's favorite place to go was the beach. Especially the one in Montauk, Long Island. She loved going there when she was a child. And it was the place she had met his father. Before she had started dating Paul, she would just stare transfixed at the sea for hours, mist building up in her eyes. Then by accident, Percy would make some noise, and she would awaken from her trance. Like nothing ever happened.

Percy then smelled something that wasn't so pleasant. It was the smell of burning wood, a fire to be more precise. As if the fire was burning the nice imagery of nature that had suddenly seemed to appear. Then he heard voices. One sounded humanoid...and the other he couldn't place it. As if it was un human. He heard cries, that sounded alot like battle ones.

Curiosity got the better of him, and before he knew it, his legs were leading him toward the voices.

They were leading him toward the back end of the school. Turning left, they brought him to a remote area. He could easily have walked right past it.
And he wished he had. The place reeked of rot, decay, and garbage. And no wonder it did. He was standing at the dumpsters. Piles of indesposable waste and garbage, laid clustered on the floor.And basically everywhere. Bacteria hung at the wall, with mold bringing down the rear. The sight of the garbage alley was definetly an eye sour. Though his brain wasn't dwelling on how disgusting the place was.

Since right before him, with his back turned was the back of a kid. From Percy's angle, he looked like he was about the same age as he was. Nothing was unusual about his appearance. It was typical and plain. Dark hair, and pale complexion. The only thing that looked weird about him, was the fact that he was glowing. Literally glowing. It looked like the boy was in flames. Then Percy realized that he really was in flames. But the strange thing was, he didn't seem to be burning up.

Percy watched in pure fascination as the boy started yelling a string of insults. He seemed to be battling a dark shape, that wasn't in Percy's line of vision. All he heard were growls and snorts, as the boy tried to attack what ever it was, with what looked like a hammer. Percy didn't see how that would help him, against anything he was facing. Then again. What did he know?

Percy couldn't move, so he just stood there, watching the kid curse, and jab, the dark presence. Occasionally yelling taunts, that seemed to annoy what ever he was fighting against.

Percy knew that this wasn't safe, normal, or sane for that matter. He should've ran back and called for help, teachers, Paul, even a principal. Heck he should have called the police. He should have been running down the police station yelling a crazy kid is fighting some dark force, that he couldn't see. Wait no, that sounded pretty senile. If he had said that, he probably would have landed himself in the mental institution, but at least the kid would get help...and maybe he could get some help too. What he was seeing, seemed pretty farfetched. Or at least more exaggerated than he was used to seeing. And he had seen some pretty messed up stuff. Things like woman under the lake, and people with one eye in the middle of their forehead. But no, all he did was stand there, watching the whole scene. He didn't know if this was made up, real, in his imagination, or possibly just dreaming. He knew one thing though, it seemed like entertainment.

Then Percy mentally cursed himself, for enjoying something like this. Even though he felt that this was totally a hallucination, he knew deep down, it wasn't. The kid was really in danger of what ever he was up against. All he was doing to help him was watching. He had a feeling that what ever the black thing was. It wanted the boy dead.

"So you want to fight too sir? This does not concern you, but I sense you're a demigod like this one. Go on then, try to help him. This means more meat for me. Today I will dine on two demigod fleshes. How lucky am I." The voice was snakey, and smooth, with a lisp at the Ss. It dragged Percy away from his mental scolding.

The voice seemed to be coming from the black mass. Which somehow shocked him, as if he had expected it not to know English. Even if he had never met it before. Not to mention, the strange things he had just said. Like the thing wanted to eat the boy, as well as him too.
The boy that was fighting before had stopped. He just stood there with a hammer at his side, staring at Percy in shock. He was blinking quickly, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He seemed to have forgotten that there was this huge thing he was supposed to be fighting, so he wouldn't like, get eaten.

Percy felt fear crawling into his heart, and taking control.

He wanted to yell 'please I taste awful, not enough vitamins!' But before he could, the monster (he had decided it was a monster) lunged at him.

Quicker than a blink of an eye, the thing was on top of him. He could feel.. Claws? Yes, actual claws gripping his neck. He couldn't see the monster, since his eyes were closed. He could sure smell him though. HIs eyes were watering from the thing's stench. Talk about some Bad BO. Whatever this thing was, it badly needed a shower, breath mint, deodorant, the works.

"Stand still dude. I am going to roast this bad snake up." This came from the boy. Percy guessed that he had finally recovered his wits, and realized that he had to do something.

Percy nodded. Or as much as he could. With a monster gripping you're neck.

End of Chapter

Well this sucked

And took time well everyone hoped you like it and it was enjoyable, hopefully it will get better with more excitement, and longer as soon as we enter. Trust me this is just the begining it will get better. And i will post the better chapters with more review!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
Omg! this is like totally awesome! post more soon asap or else i would die. p.s. check out my forum which i just made
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile post NOW and ur making this with PERCABETH right?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
HAHA!!! NIA!!! I knew you would do that! and your sister like responded on it saying it was awesome! HAHAHA! of course you'd do that! Wow! And I can't believe you used my disclaimer. -_____- oh please. and dude your title? really?

over a year ago luluroxs411 said…
big smile
omg thats was soo funny you have to continue posting
plzzzz ill die if ya dont i must know what happen!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Wow this is actually really good!! Please...

over a year ago shubham06 said…
Awsum again....
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesome chapter!!!! I wish I'd found this sooner!!!:D. Lolz Percy is going to high school such a HUGE accomplishment :D. Post soon!!!!:):):):):)
over a year ago Cheetahgirlsfan said…
Ace- Don’t comment if that’s what your going to say. It’s technically spam but I will allow it
Luce- aww thanks!:)
Triz- What do you mean actually good?
Shuzum- Thanks! Was your name from the book Bat 6 by any chance?
Icustalker- Thanks! And dang you saw me finally?:)
Chapter 2.
Still Percy
Four minutes.
That was how long it had taken the Latino kid to kill the monster. The whole fight had seriously gone by so fast.
Percy felt that if he had blinked, he would have missed something. Unfortunately he actually did blink. So he had missed a lot of the action.
At one point the kid was standing a few meters away from the monster. Just standing there. Watching the monster growl on Percy’s throat.
Then he had been clambered on top of Percy. While the monster was suddenly sprawled on the ground. Hyperventilating. (The fact that Leo had been on top of Percy had unsettled him greatly.)
The dude had got back up quickly, and sprung back into the fight. His entire body glowing with a blazing fire. By that point Percy had lost track of everything that was happening. He was too busy trying not to get consumed by the fire that was scorching off the Latino kid. He wasn’t sure if he was seeing things, but the Latino kid seemed to be glowing brighter than he already was. The contrast was clearly seen. Before he had just been glowing a dim, golden, light. Now it was like a magnificent fire. Scary yet oddly beautiful and powerful.
All he had actually saw were small splotches of red and tiny glimpses of sparks accompanied by the sight of a hammer. He had tried rubbing his eyes in hopes that he could actually see what was happening.
Then the next thing he knew, the monster was gone and Leo was standing their grinning.
“You okay dude?” The idiotic grin was wiped out from his face. It had been placed with one of sympathy and wariness. The look was directed at Percy. It made Percy feel nervous. It was the look that his math teacher would give him when she announced that she’ll be giving a pop quiz.
Percy nodded distracted. He was just registering the fact that the kid wasn’t glowing anymore.
“So how long were you standing there?” The dude asked again.
Percy looked at him. His fingers were placed in a snapping position, and his eyes were fixated directly on Percy.
“Not long.” Percy replied. He casually shrugged, but inside he was having a mental break down. This could not be happening.
The kid grinned.
“So did you see my handle that thing like a boss?” He asked.
Percy didn’t answer. Instead he tried to analyze the strange kid.
He seemed pretty ordinary. Except for his hands….
Percy noticed that they were fidgeting a lot. Scratch that. Now that he was looking closely, he saw that his entire body was fidgeting. It looked like the kid had just drank 10 gallons worth of coffee.
Percy had a feeling that even without coffee this kid would still be hyperactive.
“Are you ADHD by any chance?” Percy suddenly burst out. He then mentally cursed his ADHD. Only it could make him blurt something embarrassing like that.
He didn’t regret asking the question though. For some reasons he felt that he had asked the right question.
He looked toward the Latino guy’s face. He checked to see if his expression showed that he had crossed some invisible, solitary line.
The guy looked shocked that he had asked that question. It showed on his face. His eyes were kind of wide, and his mouth halfway open.
It was pretty comical to watch really. Personally he didn’t think the kid should look that shocked. It was pretty obvious that he was. Then he had recomposed himself and turned his mysterious grin back on.
Percy rolled his eyes.
“Yeah I am ADHD.” The kid replied. Failing to notice Percy roll his eyes at him. “How on earth did you know?” he asked. The kid was legitimately curious.
“Well it’s kind of obvious.” Percy replied. He shoved his hands into his pockets casually. “That and the fact that you seem to act like me. I’m ADHD also.” He admitted.
“Really you are?” the kid asked.
“Yup.” Percy answered.
Before Percy could regret giving away this piece of info, he was bombarded. With questions. From the kid.
“Where were you born? Do you have both of your parents? Have you had a messed up life?” the dude started asking him questions so fast, he could hardly keep up.
“I’m a New Yorker. No I only have one parent. It’s my mom. I’ve never met my dad, but I have a step father in replacement. And for the last question Huh?” he answered quickly. Then he mentally cursed himself. Why had he answered? The intelligent thing to do was to keep his mouth shot. Telling his life story would probably just land him in trouble. More trouble than he already was in.
He had a bad feeling about all of this. What could this all be?
A few ideas suddenly popped into his head. Most of them extremely plausible.
It was New York after all.
He was filled with another sudden urge to run. Instinctively his legs moved into a crunching move, positioned to spin and run. He was a pretty decent runner. He hoped that and his paranoia about this whole scene would energize him into running faster than he ever had in his life.
“No reason. “the kid replied calmly. Yet he stuttered at his own words. But not only was it that. His entire body seemed to be fidgeting more than before. Percy hadn’t thought that that was even possible.
Percy blinked for a few minutes. He had totally had forgotten the kid was standing there. With a weapon held expertly in his hands. He could never do this.
Yet he felt that he had to try.
“You’re lying.” Percy said in an offhand tone. In truth he didn’t care. The kid could say that he was president of the US and Percy wouldn’t have questioned him. He just wanted to distract him. Anything that would bide him some time for him to scram.
He waited for the kid’s response impatiently. Expecting something like a no.
He was right.
He got a no.
But not the type of any that he was expecting. A no as in no answer
The kid just stared at him like he was an idiot.
He could tell. It was the stare that so many of his teachers gave him.
“Stop staring at me like that!” Percy said hotly.
He hated that stare more than anything. He was not an idiot. And he knew it. It was just that he didn’t comprehend well to things like English easily.
Now it was the Latino’s turn to blink.
Percy rolled his eyes.
“You’re looking at me all weirdly.” Percy complained. All thoughts of running abandoned for a few minutes.
“No am not! I am trying to figure out what to do with you!” the kid said.
Percy raises his eyebrows.
“What to do with me?” he said. He crossed his arms in what he hoped was a nonchalant way.
“Yeah. I kind of just said that. Don’t you listen?” the kid continued.
He took a small step closer towards Percy. Who immediately tensed and stiffened. Again.
“What do you want to do with me?” Percy asked. He realized that his voice came out in an embarrassing squeal. He quickly cleared it up. If he was going down very soon, he wanted the guy to remember him as tough. Not like a little guy who was terrified. He was already embarrassed that the kid looked to be around the same age as him. Yet he was still kind of terrified of him. No need to add to Percy’s shame.
“Dude don’t you listen? I’m trying to decide!” the Latino kid said. He took another deliberate step closer to Percy. Who tried as best as he could to hold his ground. And not like scram.
“Would letting me go right now, be one of your options for me?” Percy tried. He was half-hoping the kid would say yes.
The kid put on his grin again.
“Ha-ha! That was actually a good one! You actually have a sense of humor. Good thing too! You seemed all stuck up and serious at first. I was afraid you’ll be no fun and I would have to kick you out. People who have no sense of humor are prohibited from hanging out with the awesome Leo.” the kid said. He was grinning more than ever.
Percy cracked a smile.
“The awesome Leo?” he asked.
“Yup!” the kid replied. “Don’t you think it suits me?” he continued.
Percy actually laughed. In which Leo’s grin became bigger and brighter.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night awesome Leo.” Was Percy’s replied.
The kid’s grin deflated a bit. But then it was back on. This time, full on.
“I have come to my decision! You are cool enough to be one of us.” Leo announced. Then he smiled at Percy. A smile that said yeah I know you must feel so honored.
Percy was far from honored. His sense of panic had crept back. He realized that he had to get out of here and fast.
“Ah.. no thanks.” Was Percy’s reply. Since the kid seemed to be waiting for his response.
“Ah sure you do!” the kid pressed on. “I know you might be freaked out and spooked right now. I know I would. But trust me. Once we explain it all to you, you’ll be pitching to join!” he screamed. His enthusiasm not slightly damaged by Percy’s comment.
“No thanks. I have to get back home. It’s my turn to do the dishes.” Was Percy’s stupid reply.
He kicked himself. He couldn’t lie very well. If it wasn’t obvious. He hated the fact that he couldn’t tell a fib. He saw it as an extremely bad thing. It proved itself to be a real inconvenience most of the time. His mom of course had said it was a good thing.
It shows you are honest! Was her reply when he had complained to her about it. He wondered if she would change her mind now. If she saw the type of situation he was in.
She wouldn’t. A small part of his brain that was off-task said. Another disadvantage with having ADHD. You were never fully focused on anything.
He forced himself to stay focus on the situation at hand again.
He saw that the kid was looking at him skeptically. He couldn’t blame him. Only him self. Its my turn to wash the dishes..
He snorted. No way for him to talk his way out now. He had blown it. Might as well just try and run for it.
“You need more convincing. Don’t you?” the kid stated. He zapped Percy away from his thoughts, for the millionth time that day.
Percy just glared at the kid. Not sure what else to do
“Fine.” the kid continued. Ignoring Percy’s glare. That was aimed straight at him.
He started walking closer towards Percy. Whose panic was back and stronger than ever. This is it. He desperately thought.
He was so full of despair that he didn’t notice that the kid was an inch away from him, or that he was rubbing something on his arm.
He didn’t feel the trembling from the sudden earth quake that erupted or the power movement caused by the oceans pounding against the shores.
And he certainly didn’t hear the mass of voices that had suddenly erupted around him.
As he started to lose consciousness, he heard a brisk voice whisper.
He is the one. It seemed to say.
His heart fluttered at the sound of the voice. Then all went dark.
Lol so sorry took so long. It is relatively stupid and pointless but it was harder for me to write:P The action starts in the next chapter. Now I am just trying to lay down the foundation. Sorry for the wait for me people who read this. I will try and post once a week. It takes me longer to write than most people sorry:P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…

wtf am i saying



Great job! this aint spma just long crap good job
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Your making me comment agian
this is ridicule!

fine im done! this aint spam

over a year ago luluroxs411 said…
Yay that was so not crap man its masterwork
post post post post post post POST!!!!!!
over a year ago alyta2000 said…
over a year ago Cheetahgirlsfan said…
OMG the mark of athena came out!!
*As in some of the first chapter!*
and Guys should I continue? I just realized that this really sucks:P
It all depends on you guys what do you think?
over a year ago luluroxs411 said…
YES absolutely yes PLZ CONTINUE with sprinkles on top
its really funny and cute how percy doesnt know a thing :)
I give u my full support man
over a year ago cro0010 said…
Awesome. Please post again soon. I but it was Annabeth's voice at the end.
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Yesh I do! LOL I forgot to comment earlier.
I think this ish aweshume!!
Post soon!!
over a year ago Rickfan said…
Post soon! Let's punch Leo till he sharper his sense!