The Heroes of Olympus Memories lost

KillerPotato_XD posted on Feb 23, 2012 at 07:21AM
Hello~ ^^ this forum topic is about The characters in the heroes of olympus series all losing their memory.

It tells the tale about how all of them end up in high school, and showing what would happen if so. :DDD

The Heroes of Olympus 34 replies

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over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…

I woke up at the sound of the bell. Dazed and disoriented, i managed to make out what Mr Munroe was talking about shortly afterwards. '...Dismissed... chemistry workshop...Science laboratory.'

What i definitely managed to get into my head was this. 'Except Mr. Percy Jackson, of course.'


I slung my bag pack over my shoulder and made my way to the teacher's table. He looked me in the eye and sighed. 'Percy, i know it's hard for you.'

I looked down and bit my lip. Here it comes.

'With you ADHD and your,' he hesitated. 'Lack of memory.'

See that's the thing. One day i woke up in this forest and managed to get home, but without any recollection of memory, except for the fact my name was Percy Jackson. The rescue team told me my parents had recently passed away in a car accident.

And then the government posted me to this school.

My heart palpitated wildlySomething... someething about the forest. Really big large dogs... they were called... they were called? That little shard of memory was lost.

I gritted my teeth.

Mr Munroe fiddled with his pen. 'I'm afraid I'll have to send you for some sessions of counselling, my boy.'

i didn't reply.

'You may report for your chemistry workshop now, Percy.'

I walked out of the classroom, not sure what had happened. That little memory- it was real. I just know it. Whatever that meant- I'll grasp onto it, for it was my only connection to how my life could have been. Before.
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Wow!!! That's so cool!!!! Post soon!! Love it!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
This is a really kewl story. I like it.
Post again soon.
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
whoa! that was EPIC!!! lol! i wish my form was this awesome! post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…

For the record, I'm not what they call popular. What was I, a jock, a nerd? Neither of them. I'm worse than a nerd. I'm... a Loner. At least that's what the people in my class said about me.

I entered the laboratory and explained why i was late. He let it slide and told me to get a seat.

Quick question. What would you do when a teacher tells you to find a seat? Your answer: Probably to scan the class for an empty seat next to your friend, no?

Thing is, i somehow felt used to being a loner. I didn't lift my head once. I just walked down to the back and sat next to no one.

Teacher explains about chemistry. 'So you take sodium carbonite... hydrolchloric acid... dancing spaghetti.' At least i thought that's what he said at the last part.


I looked around the class. Someone's phone. And then i realized- I didn't have a phone.

'Alright, who's phone?' The teacher grumbled.

Then his eyes widened at fished out his from his pocket. He mumbled something about it being his.

Whisper. Whisper. i couldn't catch what he was saying to the caller. He hung up abruptly and smiled. 'Class, a new student has arrived. He will be joining your class. I'm sure you have all heard about this.'

I rolled my eyes. Great. Probably another jerk who'd pick on me. I wonder what i'll call him. Jerk number 31, perhaps?

'He should be arriving soon. He has trouble climbing the stairs, with his crutches and whatnot.'

Crutches? For some reason, i didn't feel sorry for him.

Sure enough, the new guy knocked on the door. Yes, he was using crutches. He was wearing jeans and he had curly hair, carrying a tin can in his hands.

He walked into the classroom awkwardly. 'May I take a seat...?'

'Of course, yes, err-' The teacher looked at him. 'Sorry, what's your name?'

The new guy hesitated. He glanced at me and quickly looked away. 'Erm,' He said slowly. 'Grover.'

The teacher beamed. 'Well then, Grover, please do take a seat. Wherever you'd like.'

Grover made his way towards me and smiled. 'Hey-lo.'

I waved at him. 'Hi.'

'So... what's your name?' he asked.

Something wasn't right. No, it wasn't because i thought i saw horns at the top of his head, and later realizing it wasn't there any more. This Grover... i could tell he wasn't really telling the truth. When he asked me what my name was...

I let it pass. 'Percy,' I grinned. 'Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you.'

Grover looked like he was ready to pass out. 'Umm,' He said. 'Yeah.' He turned a light shade of pink and sat down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…

its like a twist on, IDKK
it's like te Lightning Thief, except with a Son of Neptune twist! :D
haha always carrying a tin can, arent you Grover?
post soon! :D
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Love it!! Post soon!! Ahh, I LOVE GROVER!!!!!! GO GROVER!!! BUT I LOVE PERCY BETTER!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Loved it, and post again soon!!
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…
Thank You for all the positive comments~ ^^ I really really appreciate each of them!


When the workshop was over, it was time for lunch. I fished out from my bag a container full of rice, chicken, and vegetables. Funny, now that i think about it. I hardly ever seemed to eat seafood.

I looked at my friend. 'You should get some food.'

Grover laughed. 'Haha. I brought some, Perce.'

Perce. Yeah, i liked that.

I caught sight of Grover eyeing his tincan. 'Erm,' he quickly stuffed the tin can into his backpack and took out a container filled with cheese enchilidas. He waved it at me. 'Let's go.'

Walking down... I definitely saw some odd stares towards us.

...Percy Jackson... friend? I heard one say.

Nah... new guy... doesn't know him yet. The guy shrugged and walked off.

We ate in silence for the next few minutes. I cleared my throat. 'Uhh... as you can tell... i'm not popular. Hanging out with me is gonna hurt your rep.'

Grover chuckled. 'Meh. I've never been popular either. Except maybe a little bit more at...' Grover caught himself. 'Nothing.'

I wonder about where he could have been popular at.

'So,' Grover began. 'I heard you were facing...?'

'Yeah,' My voice croaked. 'Amnesia.'

'I'm sorry.'

'No, it's okay,' I was a little close to tears. 'It's just a little painful not knowing much about my life.'

Grover looked at me sympathetically. Then he seemed to realize that he was staring at me. ‘I mean,’ He quickly tried to cover up. ‘Not that I would know anything about your life…’


‘I have a session of counselling later on after school, ‘ I admitted bitterly. ‘Just another troubled kid, I guess.’

‘You’re not troubled, Percy!’ Grover exclaimed. ‘You’re just a little… unique.’

‘Thanks, Grover,’ I smiled at him. ‘You do realise that you’re my only friend, right?’

Grover gazed at me, as if trying to say: Not true, Perce. Not true at all.

What was up with the fact that I had a strong feeling in my gut that Grover knew me, yet was desperately trying to avoid telling me so?

You’re over-looking things. Shut up and just eat your rice.

I obeyed my brain’s command.

Grover told me he needed to go to the toilet. Then I saw the pink in his face and deduced that he was hiding something. So I turned stealth mode on and followed him to somewhere I had never seen in the school before. It was deserted; no one else was around. I hid behind a pillar.

It was a little boring at the start. Just Grover trying to contact someone.

Then I heard something.

‘Chiron! Yeah, I found him. Nah, he doesn’t remember a thing. What? Of course not, Chiron! I think I’ve become a better liar lately. No? Oh, okay.’

I panicked. Who was this Chiron dude? Was Grover really my friend before?

I tried to back away, but ended up stepping on a twig.


I caught sight of Grover turning behind to see who was there.

I cursed myself in my mind. Great. I thought this only happens in movies. Guess I was wrong.

Grover had a pretty slow reaction, thank god. I quickly dashed off to where I originally was in the canteen. I tried to play casual.

He came back cautiously. My hands trembled as I pushed the vegetables into my mouth. Keep it cool. Keep it cool.


I pretended to look confused. ‘Yeah? What’s up?’

I squinted. What’s up? I demanded myself.

Grover shook his head. ‘Nothing…’

We ate in silence for the rest of lunch break.

over a year ago universalpowa said…
yay Grover remembers him! go grover! :DDDD

post soon!! :D
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…
big smile
Heh @universalpowa Grover has always remembered Percy, read the chappie again if you're confused :/
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…

The door loomed over me- the counseling room. It made me feel small and intimidated. I turned behind to look at Grover. Grover looked at me with the No time to back out now, Percy look.

I made a face at him. Whatever, dude. Wish me luck! I gave that to him..

Grover gave me an encouraging thumbs-up.

I exhaled nervously. I knocked on the door. ‘Miss Lila?’ I wondered aloud.

‘Come in, dear.’ She said in a honey-sweet tone. I walked in awkwardly and took a seat next to her.

She beamed at me. ‘Ah, yes, Percy Jackson! Your teachers have told me much about you.’ She smiled. I bit my upper lip. ‘Umm,’ I began. ‘What did they say?’

‘Oh, Percy has potential, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da. Though I believe every single word of it.’ Her eyes shone. It made me think about my mother, and if she ever looked at me that way before. If she had ever been proud about her dyslexic/ ADHD kid.

I blushed.

Miss Lila flipped through her papers. ‘So tell me, Percy. How do you feel about your little challenge?’

‘Which one, Miss Lila,’ I said sarcastically. ‘Dyslexia, ADHD, or Amnesia?’ Miss Lila frowned. ‘Don’t get angry at me dear. I was just asking.’

I bit back a curse. I seriously had to start controlling my feelings. Miss Lila was so nice; she was the first teacher to ever give me a listening ear. I looked down. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Forgiven, dear. So please do tell me.’

I figured she must have been talking about Amnesia. ‘Erm,’ I said. ‘It’s not easy.’ I admitted. ‘I mean, not knowing who you are, what you are? It’s rough. I’m not even sure if I ever loved someone before. I wonder how she would feel now.’

Miss Lila smiled dryly. ‘Love comes back, Hon. It’ll find you.’ She promised.

I went on to tell her about my feelings. Why I’ve been moody and out of place.

She remained looking down at her papers. I could see her smiling a little.

She looked back at me. ‘Surprisingly enough, dear. You’re not the only one in school with amnesia.’

I started to get goosebumps. ‘Wha… what?’

‘Exactly, dear.’

‘How many other people have amnesia here?’

Miss Lila started to think. ‘Seven.’

My jaws dropped. ‘That many?!’

‘Yep. In fact…’ Her voice trailed away. ‘Would you like to meet them now?’ She whispered.

She’s playing with me, isn’t she? There couldn’t be seven other amnesiac people in this school. Though I was curious, and decided to see what Miss Lila meant. ‘Sure.’

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
OMGS, Love the chapter!!
Totally Amazingly Awesome!!
Post again soon.
over a year ago earthbender99 said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Whoa!!!:O:O:O Awesomeness!!!!!!!! Is it Piper, Leo, Jason, Frank, and Hazel????? Or Annabeth????????? Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…

My clenched onto the penguin stuffed toy that was lying down next to me on the couch. C’mon, c’mon… I shut my eyes, hard. Miss Lila had left to call the amnesiac students to come down to the counseling room.

I glanced nervously at me watch and squeezed the penguin harder. I tapped my glass of water and grimaced. tap tap tap

Then I saw Miss Lila enter the room, grinning. ‘Here they are… Percy. These are the people who will definitely understand what you’re going through.’ She promised.

knock knock this blonde haired dude knocked the door with his knuckles. His eyes were bright blue. He looked like he had a void of sadness in himself. Then again, so did I.

He walked in casually and sat next to me. ‘Hey.’ My smile wavered. ‘Hi.’ I waved at him weakly.

In came this 13 year old kid. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a skull ring. He looked like his scowl was permanently attached to his face. ‘Nico…’ Nico said awkwardly.

2 brown- haired girls came in, apparently by the name of Hazel and Piper. Hazel’s hair was curly and let down. Piper’s was sort of messy.

Then this guy came in. he looked like an American Chinese. He looked even more confused than me. Yeah. Total mindblow.

The next guy, Leo Valdez, waltzed in. He looked really carefree. Really, really jealous of him.

I did a head count. 1…6

The last person emerged from behind the door.


She had curly blonde hair. She was holding onto her books as she looked down. I knew she was trying to hide the fact that she was blushing though. She started to lift her head up.

Wow. Just, WOW.

The blonde girl was… pretty.

My face was probably red as I stared at her. She raised her eyebrows at me and walked off. She sat next to the Piper girl and gave her the books.

‘Okay!’ Miss Lila declared. ‘Why don’t all of you try to get to know each other?’

Miss Lila left the room. I signaled for Grover to come in. He walked in with the crutches and sat next to me.

‘So?’ Grover pushed. ‘Get to know each other!’

I coughed. ‘Umm,’ I slowly began. I turned to face the blondie. ‘What’s your name?’

The girl looked at me with that speculating look. ‘Annabeth,’ She frowned. ‘Annabeth Chase. Yours?’

‘Percy Jackson.’ I grinned.

The Leo dude coughed. ‘So, I heard all of you have amnesia?’

Everyone turned to face him. ‘Umm,’ Hazel blushed. ‘How are all of you coping with it? I’m not doing well.’ She admitted.

We chatted for a while. I started to feel better as we talked even more. We could relate and understand each other on everything. It was really cool to have more friends.

Grover had been awfully quiet. He stared at all of us like he’d foreseen the end of the world.

I realized Jason had his attention turned to Piper. Piper was nice and all, approachable and cute.

Grover looked at me. Then at Annabeth. Then me. Annabeth.

He looked like he was trying desperately not to laugh. ‘What?’ I asked Grover, annoyed.

‘Nothing.’ He lied.

I tried to talk to Annabeth. But she looked fierce and judging from her facial expression, I could tell that she was pretty annoyed at me for some reason.

I mustered up all my courage to say, ‘Hi.’

Annabeth frowned again. ‘Hello?’

Epic facepalm.

‘You friends with Piper?’ I asked stupidly.


‘Why do you look so calm about amnesia?’ I asked.

Annabeth glared at me. ‘There are some things, Percy, that aren’t worth worrying about. I won’t ever get back my memory. So why should I worry? All I can do is just carry on with life.’

I guess she did have a point.

‘Uhh,’ I began. ‘You don’t like me very much, do you?’

She didn’t answer.

‘She’s judgmental.’ Grover whispered into my ear.

‘How would you know?’ I demanded.


‘Hey,’ Nico. ‘You guys… wanna hang out next time? I mean, we could work together on the performance task about history.’ He shrugged.

‘Awesome. You guys in?’ I asked everyone.

Their heads all nodded. Including Annabeth’s.

I didn’t realize how things would turn back then.

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love grover in that chapter!! He is soooo hillarious.
Love the chapter too.
Amazingly Awesome.
Post again soon!
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…
Please send me props :'( I'm stuck with one XD
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Ahhhhh!!!! SOOOO CUTE!!!!!! I <3 THEM!!!!! POST SOON!!!! I LOVE PERCABETH!!!!!!!!
over a year ago dogcat207 said…
Epic do now you must post again
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
please post!
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…
I realised how i deeply hated the library. Was there anything to like about it? All the silence, and the books, the words.

But my new friends made the trip worth it. They were unique and special, I don't think that I had ever gotten along that well with anyone else before.

They faced the same problem as me- Amnesia. They all, miraculously even had Dyslexia and ADHD, too.

Though Annabeth seemed to enjoy books. She was completely engrossed in her book she had found at one of the sections.

I took out my pencil case and a notebook. 'What are we supposed to do for the performance task, again?' Frank asked, scratching his head with the end of his pencil.

'Well, we have to first do an 800 word report on the...' Piper squinted at the history performance task handout. 'Trojan war?'

I felt almost confident when Piper said so. 'Trojan war?'

'I think the Trojan war is Greek mythology?' Leo shrugged.

'And Roman!' Jason muttered.

'Right.' Annabeth smirked.

Grover was being awfully quiet. 'Perce, why don't we go find some books about the war?'

He got up his seat and limped down the isle.

I followed him.

Greek myths, greek myths. I murmmered to myself, as i scanned at all the shelves. I finally found the whole shelf dedicated to it and a book about the war.

Grover told me the story. Eris, the goddess of Discord, wasn't invited to some wedding and got revenge by throwing the golden apple of discord at the banquent and said it was to the fairest. The three goddesses- Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena fought for it, thinking that each of them was the fairest. Paris, a mortal man, was to judge who was fairest and Aphrodite promised him the love of the most beautiful woman of all, Helen.

Thus, Paris chose Aphrodite. Helen was already married though, to the king of sparta. Paris still voyaged to Greece to bring her to his homeland, Troy. Aphrodite commanded his son Cupid to make Helen fall in love with Paris. Therefore when Helen's spouse found out, he waged war on the Trojans.

The story seemed strangely familar. I gingerly held onto the book, pushed it close to my heart, shut my eyes and made a silent prayer.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U CAME BACK!!!!!!
That makes me really happy. Also that u posted a chapter when u came back and not just post saying u where going to post and never do. I hate it we people do that!!

Well AMAZINGLY AWESOME chapter. It was really good.
So good that I loved it.
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!
over a year ago demigod324 said…
This is different but good no accully great i love it post soon
over a year ago ioyeme567 said…
post soon
over a year ago KillerPotato_XD said…
Sorry for not posting for so long o.o I totally forgot about this forum.

Chapter 7

"Hey." I casually said to my friends and slid the book onto the table. I tapped my fingers onto the table and pushed it towards them. "The Trojan War. Just read up, and stuff. Could help in the report." I suggested.

We spent the next hour doing the report. Or at least, trying to do the report. We were ADHD (Except Frank, he's lactose intolerant) so we couldn't really focus. Soon, we were saying our goodbyes and made our own way home. Grover was going home too. I asked him where he lived.

"Camp-" He caught himself. "Nothing."

I wasn't stupid. I only knew him for a day or two now and I already knew he was bad at lying. "Dude, why are you always... doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You know," I laughed. "Lying."

His cheeks flushed. "I'm not lying! Look, Percy, I've got to... go. See you tomorrow! Why don't you catch up with Annabeth?" He quickly walked off with his crutches.

"Catch up with what? I hardly even know her!" I yelled at him as he left.

"I mean- talk to her or something! Wait, I know, go warm up to her! She's not always this cold." His voice grew fainter and he was soon out of the library.

Everyone had left except for him and Annabeth. For some reason, I was somewhat... attracted to her. it felt like she was somebody he should know, and I wanted to find out more about her.

I walked towards her. "So... you going home now?"

Annabeth nodded her head. "The rescue team let me live alone in this apartment. A temporary home, I guess."

"wait," I stared at her. "They let you live alone? I have a guardian taking care of me."

Annabeth smiled. "Yeah. Guess they thing I'm more independent than you." She joked. The both of us laughed.

"So, you wanna walk home together?" I asked nervously. "My apartment's not too far from yours. Just a couple of blocks away, i think."

Soon enough, we were walking home from the library. It felt nice to talk to someone who could relate to me. We joked around, and suddenly Annabeth tripped over something.

"Ooof!" She said as she fell onto the floor. I knelt down and helped her up. "You okay?"

"Yes, thank you," She glared at what she tripped over. "Stupid rock."

Suddenly we locked eyes for about 1...2...3 seconds? I realised I was still holding onto her hand and let it go and blushed. "Glad you're okay."

Annabeth looked around. "My apartment's over there," She pointed to it. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I agreed.

Then suddenly she leaned forward, tip-toed, and kissed me. It was a real one, on the lips, but she pulled away and blushed, and disappeared into the house.

"Tomorrow," I said to myself, dreamily.
over a year ago Demigodgirl123 said…
POST NOW btw epic story