The Heroes of Olympus Annabeths mark of athena

wisegirl778 posted on Feb 04, 2012 at 11:50PM

All credit goes to the amazing rick rodian who inspired me to write an ater this chapter yu guys hav to post one comment k

Chapter 1

I stared off the railing of the bow of the boat into the pink and gold horizon thinking of the day to come four days ago we had set out on the argo II in search for the roman demigod camp but for me more importauntly my boyfriend,Percy.I as excited to finally get to see him after 8 monthes of him missing but I also was worried had he found another girlfriend and forgotten all about me?
Suddenly Leo came up behind me saying," Hey Annabeth what are you thinking about?"
"Percy, I mean like what if he forgot all about me,What if.." I couldn't help my self I started to cry.Leo put his hand on shouder and said," Annabeth just think positive. I have to send the romans an iris message. You know so they won't blow us out of the sky."

The Heroes of Olympus 143 replies

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