The Heroes of Olympus Make Your Own Hero

parras2 posted on Jan 31, 2012 at 11:00PM
this is where you can make a demigod go on quests make friends/enemies and other demigodly stuff all you have to do is put your demigods



Immortal Parent-





and other things you want us to know about your demigod

(ok now it's time for the rules)1.don't make your character to strong 2. you cant control another persons character without their permission 3. please keep cussing down to a minimum 4. if you go on a quest go to this link:link

so far we have

Dante- son of Thanatos (me)
Keira- daughter of Hermes (Zelda4Efas)
Jesse- daughter of Poseidon (venus143)
Kaylee- daughter of Demeter (universalpowa)
Josiphia- daughter of Apollo (pink-bookworm)
Annie- daughter of Artemis (me-demigod4life)
Maya- daughter of Morpheus (ninjagirl77)
Skia- daughter of Styx (Nemisis)
Aidan- son of Apollo (sonofapollo27)
Mike- son of Zeus (Jasonfan44)
Ema- daughter of Nyx (emafluff)
Vanessa- daughter of Hades (Icrs50)
Noah- Immortal parent unknown (icuSTALKER)
Alex- son of Hades (killer24)
Charlie- son of Hectate (lolking)
Roberto- son of Kratos (darkling_menace)
Jake- son of Hephaestus (crash14)
Hannah- daughter of Athena (percy4forever)
Alvin- son of Poseidon (Alvin2442)
Blaze- son of Ares (Blaze_of_Ares)
Mark- son of Hemera (leond143)
Ariana- daughter of Aphrodite (NotSoPerfecme)
Eragona- daughter of Poseidon (BitemeIVampire)
Bella- daughter of Hades (BellaAndBubba)
Zane- son of Poseidon (1999jacko1)
Cara- daughter of Thanatos (Nicoliclous)
Kiara- daughter of Greg (DaugtherOfAll)
Kyle- son of Poseidon (sorenGuardian1)
Skylar- daughter of Aphrodite (anyone can control her)
Colin- son of Hephaestus (Ares2002)

and if anyone would like to be one of the original characters from the PJO or the HoO series you can(gods are included)

if you still want to be apart of the make your own hero please go to this link
last edited on Apr 20, 2012 at 03:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 5223 replies

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Showing Replies 1201-1250 of 5223

over a year ago ChuckTaylor254 said…
(sits in arena)
over a year ago crash14 said…
As long as he doesn't insult me or my friends
over a year ago ChuckTaylor254 said…
(so are you 2 gonna fight)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"hey a fight between two children of the big three, this ought to be good"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I have to fight"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Really Roberto"
over a year ago killer24 said…
yeah fight you. you por excuse for a son of zuse
over a year ago crash14 said…
Hey can I join in on this fight I've fought roberto and it ended in a draw that has to count for something
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I walk into the arena. I see Alvin, Chuck, Alex, Jake, and Roberto. "Listen Chuck," I said. "If you disrespect or even hurt my friends. Well ,Jake knows what is gonna happen to my sword. I will point the sword at you and then I let you go because I am merciful." I then sat down.
over a year ago crash14 said…
Actually let me see you sword I have a suprise that your going to love
over a year ago killer24 said…
hay are we going to fight or what i mean you insult my friends and ill take you to dad's realm the hard way
over a year ago crash14 said…
Throws a circular device at mike " ok put that on there and you'll be able to shoot greek fire from your sword
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Will be back on again at about 3:00PM AEST.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah sure Jake and guys really you have to stop with the fighting".
over a year ago crash14 said…
But its fun and how old are you
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
If that's me your talking about 13.
over a year ago crash14 said…
Ha I'm 14. So unless your a counselor then I can continue fighting
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"well im 17, so i best all of you in both strength and seniority, and i say let the battle begin"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Well then throws paralizing darts at roberto
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"fine then but when one of you is hurt done come running to me.
over a year ago lolking said…
Walks into areana and sees massive battle going on and walks over to roberto and says " whats going on "
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*pulls out dart*
you think that can slow me down, ive been through fire, rock slides, fighting giants, and i survived from being flown in a hurricane one, i have more strength, and more endurance than all of you combined
*grabs Jake and tosses him toward the wall*
over a year ago crash14 said…
Use fire to hover and cushion the throw . Shoots a fire tornado and throws daggers
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*charges through the fire and goes after Jake*
over a year ago crash14 said…
Jumps in the air and turn on glider and fire to fly and shoots down fire
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*grabs fire and dissolves it in my hand*
"yea thats right run, you cant fight me because youre weak, you just fly around on your glider and throw fire because you dont have the strength i do"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Don't hate the player hate the game
over a year ago crash14 said…
Ok roberto this is a arrow that will seperate your mortal self from your godly self it (hopefully not permanent
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"well then do it, unless youre afraid"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Fine shoots arrow and hit him in the leg
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Sweet!" I said. I put the circular disk on my sword. "Will this match my anger too?"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Yeah you can try it on roberto sincyou know I'm in the air and he's trying to attack me
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*feels imense pain and burning as my godly form escapes my body, my mortal body passes out on the floor, and my godly for, 10 times my normal size, shining brightly, with eyes glowing gold, and wering classical greek armor*
now you will see my true power!
*grabs Jake out of the sky, crushes his glider, and throws him directly upwad*
over a year ago crash14 said…
Haha watch this has fire engulf him and grows 10 times my normal size into a fire breathing dragon with sword
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*grabs dragon by the neck and slams it into the ground*
you forget, you made me a god now...
*grows larger, and larger in size*
"which means i can be as strong as i want, and as big as i want, and you cannot match that power, because you are still a mortal"
*picks up the dragon, and throws him in the ocean*
over a year ago killer24 said…
yo yeti calm down now or i'm taking you down
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*grabs Alex, and tosses him up in the air and catches him, then repeats*
"try it, little man"
over a year ago crash14 said…
No but I will stabs roberto with blade while he's distracted and reunites him with hif mortal sel " if just needed to get angry enough to grow this big " roberto get smaller I catch alex and look at roberto. What now little man
over a year ago killer24 said…
ok did not think this throw ur let me down plz
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*as godly form of me goes back into my mortal body im passed out from all the power*
over a year ago killer24 said…
ahah never do that again Jake i think i sore lighting up there remember im a son of hades me no likey fl-ye got that if you excuse me i need a therapist
over a year ago crash14 said…
Puts alex down and shrinks to normal size and drinks some nectar wow that was awesome if got to do that next time we fight a giant splashes nectar on roberto no hard feeling roberto and alex if you hadn't distracted roberto he proably would have beat me
over a year ago venus143 said…
ok guys so i'm back were are we at?
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*is still passed out*
(im in a coma)
over a year ago killer24 said…
yeah im a decoy im going to therapy now by
over a year ago venus143 said…
whait so you guys got in a fight again!
over a year ago killer24 said…
hay i helped jake out he may have died so could i being in the air
over a year ago crash14 said…
I turned int a dragon roberto turned into a god just read above it was awesome.but now roberto in infirmary with com sighs " ah roberto I didn't mean for it to end like this maybe my flame powers are a curse sobs but maybe hephaestus can help. Asks dad for help them gets possed and uses the fire of life on robero. And falls asleep
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*slowly starts to wake up again*
"woah, what happened?"
*sees Jake fallen alseep on the floor, then gets out of my infirmary bed to wake him up*
"Jake, hello? you okay?"
over a year ago ChuckTaylor254 said…
join link
please pretty please