The Heroes of Olympus JosephineSilver's Mark of Athena

JosephineSilver posted on Jan 17, 2012 at 12:23AM
I started this of as an article, but it should really be a forum.

Disclaimer: All PJO of HoO character rights to Rick Riordan, All River rights to my friend River Mase, Any other character/setting rights to my imagination.

Five posts at least for a chapter. I don't care if they are by the same person. SPAM is allowed, but please limit yourselves.

Peace out
-JosephineSilver, I-Am-Princess-Hear-Me-Roar!

The Heroes of Olympus 87 replies

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over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
"Lila! Oi, Lila!"
I turned around and grinned at my best friend Chase. The guy was a total goofball, but there was no denying that he was the bestest of all best friends.
Today was the school sports carnival, and I was about to go run the 100 sprint.
Chase reached me, puffing and panting his goofy little butt off.
"Good...luck..." He panted.
I said thanks, but I knew I didn't really need luck. I was the fastest sprinter in the school - I would dominate effortlessly. Just as I was about to go to the starting line, a creepy figure dressed in black at the edge of the crowd caught my eye. "Whose that?" I asked Chase.
He turned around and looked.
Then he turned back to me, an extremely confused look on his face. "Whose Who?" he questioned.
Things like that happen sometimes, when I see something creepy or weird that no-one else does. I've learnt that the best thin to do is deny, deny, deny.
"Just joshing," I said, forcing a grin. "I'll see you at the finish line."
Chase walked off, and I was left alone.
Before I walked over to the track, I hesitated and glanced back over at the creep in the stands.
he was gone. Swallowing down my sudden terror, I wandered over to the starting line.
On my way there, I was intercepted by crazy one and crazy two, (AKA Percy and Annabeth)Who told me I needed to come with them, or I'd die.
"Are you threatening me?," I asked.
"WHAT!No." Percy said. "Please, just come with us, we'll explain everything on the way."
I just turned and stalked off.
To my utter shock and horror, the creepy guy was standing right. There.
And he only had one eye. He reached out for me and everything went black.
I woke up in some strange place, Percy and Annabeth were there. They called it the infirmary.
They explained to me that they'd brought me to Camp Half-Blood, and again that I was a demigod, and this time I believed them. At that moment, a glowing amber pentacale appeared above my head.
"Hail, Lila Nella, Daughter of Hecate, Goddess of Magick.

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (It refers to Lila's ignorance of her own heritage):

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Okay, so a weird glowing Wiccan sign just appeared above my head.
A Cyclops rendered me unconscious.
Percy killed the Cyclops with a pen that turned into a sword.
I am not insane.
Just then, a centaur ducked his head into the room.
Nope. Not insane at all.
The centaur smiled at me and said, "so this is Lila. Lila, I am Chiron, camp activities director. If you are recovered, I would like to take you to the arena so I can assess your weaponry skills."
I stared at him as if he had said, 'my name is Orlando Bloom and I like to make chocolate coated daisy chains!'
"Have you been claimed?" Chiron interuptted my thoughts. I had no idea what claimed meant, but Annabeth said, "Hecate."
Chiron nodded and turned back to me.
"Well, you'll meet your siblings soon enough, but for now, the arena."
The arena was, without a doubt, one of the most beautifully terrifying places I've ever been to. It reminded me of when me and my dad went on a holiday to Australia; I had that same sort of nervous excitement in the pit of my stomach.
"Holy tihs," I said, and you'll understand what tihs is if you read it backwards, I never swear if I can help it.
Percy gave me a weird look and went to fight some really buff person. Couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl. Then buff person spoke in a really deep, gruff voice.
Guy, I decided.
Annabeth followed my line of vision. "That's Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares."
Girl, I mentally corrected.
Annabeth's unsettling grey eyes refocused on my face.
"Come on Nella, lets find you a weapon."
Nella, I mused as we walked over to a vast array of pointy objects. No one had ever called me by my last name before.
I liked it.
The next day was... hardcore.
I met my three siblings, a girl about two years older than me, called Lou Ellen, another girl, closer to my age, her name was Isobel, and last, but certainly not least, was my one and only brother, his name was Chad and he was a year younger than Lou Ellen.
We all looked similar. It was totally obvious we were all siblings.
We all had mouse brown hair and eyes that were blue enough to be purple, if that makes any sense.
My first day at camp went sorta like this: Wake up, brekkie, swordplay, lunch, magic lessons, free time, dinner, campfire, sleep. I am proud to say that I excelled at breakfast, lunch, free time, dinner, campfire, and bedtime. I was mediocre at all the other activities.
Last night, something out of the norm happened.
I got a dream visit from my mum.
I'd just fallen asleep, and in my dream I was standing in a beautiful forest clearing.
Right in the middle of the clearing was a massive granite boulder, and sitting on that boulder was a woman who looked so much like me she could only be one person.
"Mum," I said out loud.
She nodded yes, and smiled at me. Then she slid gracfully off the boulder and walked towards me. When she was about a metre in front of me, she held out her hands, and in them appeared the most beautiful sword I had ever seen.
The blade looked like pearl, and the hilt, silver.
"It is made of Aurelian Pearl," my mother said, "and it is the only weapon in the world that is fashioned so. The swords name is Aurelia. And I now pass it on to you."
Before I could stop myself I reached for the sword.
The moment it touched my hands the pearl blade glowed like moonlight. My mother looked at it mournfully.
She sat down on the ground, and gestured for me to do the same.
"The blade you are holding in your hands has a long and tragic history," Hecate sighed. "You see, Aurelia wasn't always a sword," she continued, and there was no mistaking the agony in her voice as she forced the next sentence out. "She was once my daughter."
Mum took a deep breath, as if to compose herself.
"Aurelia was born in a time when witches were feared, and burnt at the stake. She kept her secret hidden from everyone. She loved a boy named Michael, and he loved her in return. When he proposed with a ring of tin and pearl-"
Here I glanced down at the sword.
"-she thought it safe to tell him the truth about her. Alas, she was wrong. When she told Michael, his prejudice and fear got the better of him. He turned Aurelia in to the authorities, and she was burnt at the stake. Before she was killed, however, she took Michael's ring and cast it away. I turned it into a sword, and preserved her life force within it. Please look after your sister well."
I woke up with a start. There was sun coming in through the window. Was it just a dream? No, Aurelia was lying across my bedside table. I reached over to pick up my new sword.
The moment I touched it, it turned into a pearl ring.
I stared at it in shock for a second, but then shrugged and slid it on my right index finger.v I mean, hey, I've seen weirder things these past few days. Percy's sword turns into a pen, for crying out loud. A ring is so much cooler.
Speaking of Percy, I should tell him and Annabeth about this.
I ran out of my cabin and, quite litteraly, ploughed into Annabeth.
She steadied me, and her fingers dug into my arm so hard I cried out. Annabeth didn't seem to care.
"Have you seen him?" she asked me, wild eyed.
"Seen who?" I questioned, wincing.
"Percy," she said, like it should have been obvious. "I can't find him. He's gone."

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (This one is basically saying, tough it up, princess, your a demigod, and you can't change that. get over it.):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
“There you are!” – Annabeth’s voice, full of relief.
I spun around quickly. Over the past couple of days, I’d learnt that the daughter of wisdom could throw a raging hissy fit over the slightest thing. Like, being to slow to turn around, for example.
“I know where Percy is,” she confessed ecstatically. Her creepy silver-grey eyes glowed with hope and joy.
“Where?” I questioned. Maybe if Percy came back, Annabeth’d use him as a punching bag instead of me.
The light in her eyes dimmed a little.
“I don’t know for sure its him,” she whispered, reluctantly, I could tell. I waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t. Whatevs. If she didn’t want me to know, who was I to judge?
“Is there any other reason you wanted me?” I asked, wanting to go back to my mental assessment of the double-denim demigod lounging around in front of me. (Just a real important message, people: Denim jeans are cool. Denim jackets are cool. BUT NOT TOGETHER)
“Yeah, actually, there is,” Annabeth said hurredly, obviously wanting to go look for her boyfriend. “Rachel’s waiting for you at the Big House. She wants to see you”
She walked off.
The Oracle wanted to see me? That couldn’t be good.
I walked into the Big House, a feeling of real dread cemented in my stomach.
I hadn’t met the Oracle, only seen her around camp, and the fact that she wanted to see me, me specifically – well, like I said before. Can’t. Be. Good.
In the parlour were Chiron, in wacky-wheelchair form, Rachel, who smiled at me, and two girls, around my age, who looked as scared as all hicketty-heck.
Chiron smiled at me, but it looked a bit forced.
“What?” I asked bluntly, “what is it?”
Chiron’s lame attempt at a smile turned into a fully fledged grimace. “Rachel has recited a prophecy, and it appears that you, River (A/N: Look, River! Just like I promised, you’re a main character. Thnx again for letting me use ya name.), and Anabel are the demigods mentioned in the prophecy.”
The cement in my stomach turned to ice. The other campers had told me about prophecies. They meant quests. And, apparently, quests usually meant extremely painful deaths.
The taller of the two girls smiled at me. “I’m Anabel Ford, daughter of Apollo,” She said in a friendly tone. Anabel Ford was incredibly sunkissed, and I mean she had a killer summer tan, even though it was, like, winter. She had shoulder length, layered honey-gold hair, and Summer-Sky-Blue eyes. She made me think of summer automatically.
She held out her hand, and not wanting to be rude, I shook it. Then I focused on the other girl. “River, right?”
She nodded and waved at me half-heartedly, as if what Chiron and Rachel were about to say to her was her death warrant. “Daughter of Iris,” she told me.
River’s hair was pixie cut, pitch black with indigo streaks. Her eyes were the same shade of indigo. It was kinda hard to believe she was a daughter of the rainbow goddess, seriously, she was so pale she made Casper look tan.
I sat down next to River, and Anabel collapsed unceremoniously into her chair and examined her tips. Out of the three of us, she seemed the most relaxed.
“Three of us,” she stated, “quest. Prophecy?”
Rachel took a deep breath. I braced myself for the green mist the other campers had talked about, but instead she started to speak in short, clipped sentences:
“To the Nexus Gaia’s power spreads,
On your journey fight The Great Taker of Heads,
Daughter of Iris, beware the Sand,
What you care for most taken by Land,
A child of Hecate leads the quest,
Her travels start at the Heart of The West,
Her forgotten sister reveals the way,
The perils grow in the light of day,
The third companion; a Daughter of Sun,
If you fail to succeed, the Earth has won.”
Silence. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. So I broke it. The silence, I mean.
“Who’s Gaia?”
River answered me. “Earth goddess. Mother of Titans. Thought she was asleep?” The last part was directed towards Chiron.
“She stirs, from time to time,” he began, “creates havoc in the form of earthquakes and volcanoes. If she has gained enough power to take on the Nexus-“ here his face darkened “-then we are in grave danger.”
He stressed the ‘grave danger’ part. How sucky.
“New question,” Anabel said, sticking her hand in the air like we were in a classroom. “What’s the Nexus?”
Chiron’s face darkened even further.
Congrats, Chiron. You just discovered a new level of doom never before experienced by man, I thought.
“ It is the realm of Irene, goddess of peace. If Gaia gains any form of power there, well, as I said before, it would not be good.”
“Actually, Chiron,” Anabel mused, “Before you said we were in grave danger, not that it wouldn’t be good.”
I now promote Anabel to my new favourite person.
Chiron didn’t smile. “Go and pack,” he ordered us. “Argus will take you to the Empire State Building the moment you are ready.”
“Um….Why?” I asked.
“Because your journey will start at the heart of the west,” Chiron told me. “And today the Heart is the Empire State Building.”
Helpfully, River added on in an ominous tone, “Olympus.”
I couldn’t help but think, aren’t the gods in a silence?
As if she read my mind, Rachel said, “Zeus shut Olympus down. If they try to get in, they’ll be turned away at best, blasted to ashes at worse.”
“Or be let straight in at awesome,” Anabel suggested.
“We need to try,” I agreed, while inwardly laughing.
“Good Luck,” The oracle said.
“You’ll need it,” added Chiron.
Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (reffering to the fact that Lila feels kinda like a dead wiehgt on this quest):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
annabeth523, I hereby pronounce you the title of Awesome.
This chapter is dedicated to you. Revel in your super coolness, and enjoy the following chappy.

I started humming 'Discovery Channel' by the Bloodhound Gang. Anabel walked in and started humming along with me.
I am very ashamed to write down what I did next.
I jumped up onto the table and started belting out the song lyrics:

"Sweat, baby; sweat, baby; sex is Texas drought,
me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about.
So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nuts,
yes, I'm Siskel; yes, I'm Ebert and your getting two thumbs up."

Here I paused for breath, stuck my thumbs up, and started wiggling my butt side to side in a weird dance before moving on to the next verse:

"You've had enough of two hand touch, you want it rough, you're out of bounds,
I want you smothered, want you covered, like my waffle house hashbrowns.
Come quicker than FedEx; never reach an apex; just like Coca-Cola stock you are inclined to make me rise an hour early just like daylight savings time.
Do it now. You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the Discover Channel. Go together now. You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. Getting horny now."

I started twirling around like a drunken, crazy ballerina. I was having fun, A-bel (My nickname for Anabel) and River seemed to be enjoying themselves, so I fgured, What the heck? and sang the last verse.

"Love; the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket,
like the lost catacombs of Egypt, only God knows where we stuck it.
Heiroglyphics? Let me be Pacific, I wanna be down in your South Seas, But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means 'Small Craft Advisory'.
So if I capsize on your thigh's high tide, B-5 you sunk my battleship.
Please turn me on, I'm Mister Coffee with an automatic drip.
So show me yours, I'll show you mine, 'Tool Time', you'll love it just like Lyle, and then we'll do it doggy style so we can both watch X-Files." I finished, sweaty and breathing hard.

"Ohmigod," River choked out, "You just sang one of the most perverted songs of all time."
"And you knew all the words," A-bel added.
I ignored them and hummed the simpsons theme tune while they collected themselves.
I realised we had really better be going.
"We had really better be going," Anabel and River said in unison. Filthy mind readers.
"Yay, New York," I said, trying to sound enthused. Judging from the looks I was given, I had failed. Epically.
"Well, It doesn't look much like a mountain," I said, the stupid words just slipping their way out of my mouth. Anabel and River Gave me looks that were somewhere along the lines of 'Huh?' and 'WTF?'
"Mount Olympus," I explained, "It doesn't look much like a mountain."
"Lets go show you how it looks." A-bel said.
"And hopefully not get razed to ash," River deadpanned.
"You are such a pessimist!" Anabel exclaimed.
"And you're such an optimist! Do you have any idea how ANNOYING your perky, bubbly attitude is?!"
There was a sudden flash of bright light, and a woman appeared in front of us.
She had glossy strawberry blonde hair, skin that was the flawless creaminess people try for but never succeed, and she had such a serene expression on her face, exuded so much peace, that I automatically relaxed.
"Who are you?" I'm not sure who asked that. Could have been any one of us, including me.
"I am the guardian of the realm you seek to enter, the Nexus." She smiled at us. "I am Irene, goddess of peace."

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (this song is really cool! it refers to the song that Lila sings.):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
We're in the Nexus now, in Irene's realm. It's peaceful here.
So peaceful.
Just after Irene appeared, we all had mixed reactions.
A-bel looked like she'd had an overdose of chill pills. I felt like myself, but a more relaxed version of myself.
River...well, River collapsed. Literally.
I never knew petite people could snore so loud. Some vague, detached part of me said, Shouldn't you be worried about her?
But the peace filled part of me said, Please be quiet.
After a whole lot of weirdness, River woke up, and slapped some sense into us. I've got the bruises to prove it. Man, can that girl hit hard.
Irene snuck us through Olympus as quickly as she could. I asked her why she didn't just zap us directly into the Nexus from the earth plane, and she said, "The only portal is at Olympus," like that was a satisfactory explanation. I found I couldn't be mad at her. Whenever I tried, I felt so peaceful, I wanted to hug something. And I do not mean that in a good way.
So, anyway, we traveled through Olympus fairly fastly.
Huh, those words sound funny together.
When we got to the portal, Irene looked at us gravely and said, "demigods, time passes differently in the Nexus. You can stay there for five minutes and find days, weeks, months or even years have passed. In a few rare cases people have come back and no time has passed at all, or they have gone back in time. Are you sure you want to do this?"
We all looked at eachother. River looked indifferent, but I knew she wanted to finish this quest. Anabel looked determined. I couldn't see what emotion I had on my face, but I knew what it was.
Fear that we'd come back and too much time had passed. Fear that we'd fail. But I knew in my heart that if we failed, it wouldn't be for lack of trying. My resolve became as strong as steel, and I turned towards Irene. She must have seen our answer in our faces, because she smiled and made a gesture in the air. Light warped around her hand, like a heat mirage growing bigger and bigger. She waved us forwards, towards the ripple in the air that i was guessing was the portal. I looked at my friends. They looked back. Determinedly, we gripped eachothers hands, and stepped together into the Nexus.
Like I said, we're in the Nexus now. Everything is peaceful.
And I mean EVERYTHING. The atmosphere is peaceful, all quiet and nice. And apparently it's always night, too, because night is the most peaceful time. I can hear waves crashing on a shore not far from where I'm sitting, and The whole realm is a mix between wooded glades and flowering meadows.
Everything is so peaceful... I really feeling that?
Yes, yes I am.
I felt darkness in the Nexus.
No, I thought, That can't be right. Irene said there is no evil here.
Irene also said Gaia is gaining power here, my evil side whispered.
I glanced at the innate, sleeping forms of my to quest buddies. I wanted to call out for help, but my body was not my own.
Come to me, the darkness called, come to me.
Against my will, my sword slips out of my hands. I know that I have to leave my diary here, so River and Anabel know whats happened to me, but I still keep writing. Guys, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you down. But I need to go. The darkness is calling, calling, and I can't resist it....

SONG OF THE CHAPTER (reffering to the fact that it is Lila's last day with the team):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
This morning (evening, whatevs), started off good. I woke up not realising Lila had gone, and walked down to the little river stream thing to wash. When I got there, I pulled out some spare clothes (my eeyore t-shirt, my hot pink cut-offs) and laid them out on the bank, ready for me to jump straight into. I began to wash, and as i washed, I sung.
"I dreamed I was missing,
You were so scared,
but no-one else listened,
Cos no-one else cared.
After my dreaming,
I woke with this fear,
what am I leaving,
When I'm done here,
so if you're askin' me I want you to know-"
I broke of as I felt a flash of heat on my wrist - heat coming from a golden identity bracelet on my left wrist, radiating up my arm and into my chest.
Unfortunately, I recognized it.
It was what I called Premonition-Heat, and it was how my father, Apollo, comunicated with me.
Eachtime I felt it, the blank identity tag on the braelet would show an engraving - A harp for a song, a quill for a poem or story, a sunburst for a direct message from him, and -the most dreaded one- an infinity symbol for a prophecy or glimpse of the future, past, or present.
I looke down at the bracelet nervously and cursed.
the engraving was of an infinty symbol.
Bracing myself, i reached for the bracelet, knowing that the longer I ignored it, the more intense the heat would get.
Immediately after my fingers brushed the engraving, i was sucked into a vision.
In my vision I was standing in a meadow. A pretty one; almost identical to the Nexus, except sunny.
A magpie futtered down and landed next to me. Two more joined it.
One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, I thought.
Then, I thought, Thanks dad, real helpful.
Just as something else began to happen in my vision, a scream dragged me violently back to the real world.
A familiar scream.
River's scream.
After pulling on the (cute) clothes I had laid out earlier, I ran to the place we had set up camp, puliing out my whip as I ran.
When i got there, I got there just in time to see River throw Lila's sword into the sea, where it smashed against the rocks and sank down to the ocean floor.
"River!" I yelled, "what is your problem!"
She turned to me, and I saw, with a shock, tears streaming down her face. She shoved an open book at me - Lila's diary. (The very diary I am writing in now) "Read it!" she cried. "Read it!"
I did as I was bid, and Read. When I was done, the book fell out of my hands and hit the floor. I felt like River did.
I wish that I had had a sword to throw into the ocean.
Just as I was about to start wailing like a baby, a splash to my left drew my attention. River gasped.
I turned, and saw a girl dragging herself along the beach sand.
Me and River ran up to her. We had no idea who she was, but she obviously needed help.
After we had gotten her dry and warm, I asked her, "What's your name?"
The answer was not what i was expecting.
"I am Aurelia," she said, "daughter of Hecate"

DN Dn dnnnnnn. All Hail the return of Aurelia!

SONG OF THE CHAPTER (because A-Bel is singin this song):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
I have devised a list of my certainties:
I am Aurelia.
I am a daughter of Hecate, a witch.
I was burnt at the stake.
I was a sword for almost three hundred years.
I have absoloutely no clue as to what I am doing here.
The two girls with strange names, the ones who rescued me from drowning, told me what had happened. Told me my story. I then took a moment to run through the events in my own confused mind...
"The union of our families will be a great thing, a great thing indeed," Michael's father smiled down at me. I was only thirteen, too young to be married, but the perfect age for betrothal, being promised away in marriage. Michael and I had been friends forever; I did not think of him romantically, but emotoins can be changed over time, and we would make - as Michael's father imposed - a great match.
There was only one thing left to attend to, in my mind.
If Michael and I were to be as one, as man and wife, there should be no secrets between us.
Especially no secrets about witchcraft.
let me explain to you a little: I am a witch.
In the time I live in, such a thing is not easily, readily, or willingly admitted, for this year, the year of 1718 is one heavy with witch hunters, witch trials, and the threat of burning constantly looming over my head.
But I could trust Michael with my secret. He was to be my husband.
That night, I took him for a walk into the woods with me. I showed him examples of my power, then turned and waited for his reaction.
Finally, he spoke. "You are a witch."
"I am," I agreed. He sounded shaky, but that was understandable. he just needed time to come to terms with what I had shown him.
"I will see you in the morn," I told him, and picked my way carefully around him.
As it turned out, I did see him in the morning, just not in the way i had expected.
The witch hunters came for me that morning.
I did not know how they had found me out. I did not know who's hands were reaching for me.
I only knew I was going to burn.
As the men dragged me none to getly out of my house, calling me 'witch' and 'demon-girl', I saw a last straw of hope and grabbed for it. "Michael!" I yelled, "Michael!"
I tried to convey in his name, in that single word, that I needed his help, that I needed him to save me.
He turned his back to me, and that was when my hope died.
He had not come to see me saved, he had come to see me burnt. There was a giant pile of wood in the square - waiting for me; my pyre.
That was when I stopped fighting. There would be no witch trial for me, Michael had told the authorities that I was a witch, and the town knew how close we were. They took his word as law on all subjects Aurelia.
I closed my eyes and waited for death to come.
They threw me on to the pyre, and pain radiated up my right arm. I wouldn't have been surprised if they had broken it. I did not care.
The crackle of flames and smell of smoke surrouunded me. The feared burning started.
I screamed.
The agony was incredible, more potent and intense than all of my imaginings put together - and believe me you, I had imagined being burnt many a time since I had discovered I was a witch.
I was relieved when i finally died.
At least the pain was over.
That was the last thing I remeber, until I had come to in the ocean, and panicked because I could not swim.
My time as a sword had changed me. My skin, once tan, had turned as pearly white and luminescent as the blade I once had given life, Anabel told me. She seemed very poetic.
My hair, once as red as witch fire, as red as the flames that had consumed me, was blonde, a silvery, ash-white blonde.
River, the daughter of Iris, had told me of there quest, of there prophecy. We all knew that i was the daughter of Hecate mentioned.
I took a deep breath and added a few more certainties to my list.
I am among friends.
I know what I am doing here.
I am home.

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (This refers to Aurelia):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Dear Mrs. Brownlow.
Your daughters condition has progressed beyond anything I had ever imagined. Her hallucinations and 'visions' have become a danger for herself and others around her. I have reffered this case to a collueage of mine, but he will need some info on Envy's condition directly from Envy herself. For this reason, I suggest that she keep what men and women in my profession call a '24-hour-dream-diary' the idea behind it, is when Envy has a disturbing dream or 'vision' she writes about it in the diary, first recounting the days events that led up to it, so my collueage can diagnose what might have triggered it.
Sincerely, Proffeser John Hicketrent.

Envy's dream diary, entry #01
Do you start this thing, Dear Diary? Whatever.
I don't even know why I'm being forced to do this. Do you doctors and professors and shrinks have to know EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE!!?? Doctor Raysilese, I started my monthly cycle today. Is that the sort of thing you want to know?
Well, I have to admit, there is one good thing about this stupidity filled excercise/experiment. It helps me work through what I see, make sense of it.
And no matter what you idiotic doctors say, I'm not deranged, stupid, retarded, insane, or prone to any form of hallucination.
My visions are real.
Well, look at me, prattling away. Guess I should get started on my dream and 'the events leading up to it.' Snort. Idiot shrinks.
"Yo, Loser!"
I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth at the sound of Lorraine Raysilese's voice. She thought she was better than me, because I was certifiably insane. She'd only found out because her mother was my regular shrink, and then she'd spread it round school.
Now everyone thought I was insane, and gave me a berth wider than my Aunt Jealousy's belly. (And yes, my entire family has stupid names. My mum's name is Wisdom, I have a brother called Sloth, a sister called Lust and one called Pride, and our dogs name is Glutton) Though, if I think about it, Lorraine probably did me a favour, because now I'm alone, just the way I like it.
Anyway, I ignored Lorraine and her posse, stalking right past them.
I guess I do have one friend at my stupid all girls finishing school.
Her name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
She grinned at me as I slid into the desk next to her for our first class, Shakespearian Lit.
The teacher walked in and announced we would be doing Romeo and Juliet. Some of the sick minded girls in the back snickered and whispered crude things about the way Mrs. Lalinshatex had phrased her wording. I rolled my eyes for the second time that morning.
And you people think I'm messed up in the head.
Mrs. Lalinshatex started reading from the book, and my head began to pound with all the thee's and thou's and thy's.
I so do not get Ye Olde Englishe.
I groaned and lay my head on my desk, one question swimming through my mind:
How on earth was I gonna make it till lunch?
Rachel gave me a sympathetic smile tinged with amusement as she sat across from me at our regular cafetireia table. We'd split up for second hour, and now we were going to enter into our regular lunchtime routine of Rachel-is-a-way-better-therapist-then-yyou­­'l­l­-­ev­­er-­­be­-­D­oc­­tor­­-R­a­y­si­­les­­e.
"They're getting worse," I told her. I didn't elaborate any further. Chel (My nickname for Rachel) knew I was talking about my visions. Rachel was silent for a moment.
"V, I seriously think you can control these things," she said.
I snorted. "Honey, if I could control these things, I wouldn't be seeing a nut-job shrink and a whack-case doctor every week. Twice every week."
"Have you ever tried?"
I was silent, because the honest answer to that was, No, I haven't. Rachel picked up on it.
"Try," she urged me, "if you're seeing these things, it is for a reason, and you should try to control it. It could be important."
That's why I loved Rachel. Compared to her, I was remarkably sane.
I winced as my mothers shriek tore through the dorm phone speaker. I knew what she was angry about. Somehow, she had found out that I'd been blowing of Doctor Raysilese and deliberately not taking my meds.
"Mum," I sighed. "Chill"
"Don't tell me to chill! Those meds are important! And-"
"Fine," I interupted, "I'll take the meds."
"-And Doctor Raysilese is a great therapist with excellent credentials! She'll be able to stop these hallucinations of yours once and for all," she said confidently, completely ignoring me.
Maybe once I would have listened to her, played the good daughter, gone to church, helped some hobos, donated a thousand dollars to charity. Any thing to make mum happy.
But now I knew that she cared more about her perfect family image and her perfect socialite daughter and her perfect everything than she did about me.
I so could not deal with her right now.
"Bye, mum," I said, interupting whatever the heck she was saying. I tried to say I-Love-You-Mum, but the words were no longer true, and got caught in my throat.
Mustn't tell lies, I reminded myself.
So I slammed down the reciever, went up to my room, and promptly fell asleep.
My dream was weird and short, but like Rachel had said, I tried to control it. I'm not sure if I did control it, per se, but i suddenly understood it a lot better than I usually did.
There was a girl standing in a pretty starlit meadow, and her name was...Anabel? somethin' like that. She was staring at Something behind and to the left of me. I turned, and my mouth dropped open.
"Whoah," I said. Anabel didn't hear me. Whether that was because this was a dream or because she was so totally focused on the giant, earthen, evil, tendrily spire she was staring at, I don't know.
Suddenly, she rushed towards the evil-feeling thing, with a sword raised above her head. I screamed, and the fragile not-really-control-but-I-can't-think-off-a­­-b­e­t­te­­r-w­­or­d­-­fo­­r-i­­t I held over the dream-vision shattered. Before I lost it completely, a few images and words flashed past my eyes.
Anabel's sword connected to the earthen tendril, and the starlit meadow went black.
I woke up covered in sweat.
I staggered over to my desk and started writng down my dream before I forgot it. (Yes, I was writing it in this very diary)
"Percy Jackson," I said aloud. His was the name I had seen along with the face that flashed by me as the dream ended.
Underneath his name I wrote a few other things that I had seen in the dream:
Camp Jupiter, Caldecott Tunnel
Tommorow, 11:39pm
I knew what I had written. I'd written down Percy Jackson's
Co-ordinates, and when he was going to be there.
Yeah, that's right, his future co-ordinates.
I also knew I had to be there.
I packed a small bag and snuck out of the academy with an ease that said more about my sinful nature than my name (envy is one of the seven deadly sins).
Only one thing left to worry about.
How in hell's name was I going to get to 'Frisco in 24 hours?

SONG OF LE CHAPTER (Basically Envy's theme song):
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Argo2 Ship Log entry#1, Percy

Weather is good, hopefully nothing is going to go wrong.
Of course, the fact that the most awesome girl in the world (AKA, my girlfriend, Annabeth!), and my fellow praetor, (I-Am-Reyna-Hear-Me-Roar-Camden){A/N: I didn't know Reyna's last name, so I made one up} are going at it, tooth and nail, doesn't really help the whole nothing-bad-will-happen-today dream.
So, checklist of sailing nessesities:

Crew (Piper, Jason, Leo, Annabeth, Me, Reyna, Hazel, Frank) chek, check, and double check.
Weapons, check. Duh.
Food stocks, checkity check.
"Percy!" -two female voices, Reyna and Annabeth. Not Good.
Turned towards them, and what do I see? some other girl. Some other mortal girl. What the huh?
"Hi," she grinned. "I'm Envy."
I raised my eyebrows. Weird name, I thought, determined not to say it aloud.
"Weird name," I told her. Dammit!
She nodded, not seeming offended at all. "I know," she said. "Blame my mother. I do, quite frequently."
I grinned at her, the turned to Reyna. "Is she from New Rome?" I asked. Reyna shook her head.
"Never seen her before in my life."
Envy interupted. "I'm here because of a dream."
We all looked at her. "A dream?" Annabeth asked. Envy nodded, yes. "I've always had these really wierd dreams. My friend, Rachel Elizabeth Dare-" I felt my eyes widen - she knew Rachel?! "-told me I should start paying attention to the dreams; they could be important. Last night's dream told me to come here. It felt important, so I came."
I nodded slowly. "Well, Envy, you've got yourself a place in the crew."
She grinned at me. Reyna and Annabeth, for, like, the first time in a month, were on the same page. "NO WAY IN HELL!" They protested. I gave them a look.
They shut up.
"Welcome to the Argo2, Envy." I paused. "I hope you're willing to pull your own weight."
She nodded and grinned impishly at me. "Totes."
I added her name to the list of crew members.

Well? To short, to weird, want me to go back to the three girls in the nexus? Hmmmm?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
so cool though it toke me a while to figure it out.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
okay i said that wrong, i ment to say that it toke me awhile to realize you moved this to a different forum. yea i'm slow like that.
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, everyone, if you want me to write another chapter, i need at least 5 comments. i wrote that on the top bit. didn't you read it?
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
post number 5 by me!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
i have now posted six times now you have to post! *laughs evily*

post soon please! :)
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Okay, annabeth523, you win, I'll post.
It won't be for a couple of days though, I'm planning to do a long one that switches back and forth between POV's, and my USB drive is messed up. I ahve some serious problems with my computer. Plus mum is busy on the one that has all my documents on it.
*curses in pig latin*
I can tell you, however, that It will have at least three seperate POV in it - one on the Argo2, one in the Nexus, and one at Camp Jupiter. I'm also hoping to get a Rachel's POV and someone still at Camp Half-Blood's POV. So, Have your fingers crossed!
>air kiss< >air kiss<
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
i miss you really much although saying this dose not make you come back from were ever you are faster i still had to say it. :<( do you like the nose?
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Love the nose.
Won't be posting for another week, *sob* my computers messed up. I write all the chapters on password encrypted documents so my sister can't read them, and i've forgotten the passwords! So, I have to re-write. I understand if you're angry. But please don't abandon my story!

To prove I am writing more, I am now going to release the names of the sequel series I am going to be writing. It is called The Final War, and it is a trilogy.

The Final War: Judgement Day.
The Final War: Armageddon.
The Final War: The Last Battle.

Kay, love ya!

Peace Out,
-JosephineSilver, Berated-and-Morose
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
i have to post something so i'll post this.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
that sounded weird, i meant that i wanted to post nothing in the buble and just have the cring face but it wouldn't let me
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
big smile
My computers still on the blink, but I can post a small chapter. Maybe even two.
Go your own way, Fleetwood Mac
This Love, Maroon 5
How to save a Life, The Fray
Good Night, Reece Mastin
Halo, Beyonce
You'll Never see me Again, September.
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Rachel Elisabeth Dare's Diary of Epic Awesomeness.

Dear Diary,
Envy's gone. Believe it or not, that is a good thing. I've been having these weird flashes of visions for the past nearly 9 months - and Envy is part of something important.
And I'm not talking about the second Great Prophecy.
Something even bigger, darker, more powerful and evil is coming.
And I don't know if we can survive it.

Price Tags, Jesse J
Where is The Love?, Black Eyed Peas
Evacuate The Dancefloor, Cascada

Dear Diary,

"So...that's it," I finished. Aurelia had calmed down enough to write in the diary. (I refuse to think of it as Lila's diary - too painful) She was taking the whole you-were-dead thing remarkably well.
"This girl," she began. "The one who is missing? She is my sister?"
I nodded. "Yep."
Aurelia stood up gracefully, her movements more 1700's and suited for petticoats than the artfully torn acid wash jeans A-bel had lent her. Note to self: Ask A-bel where the heck she packed all her clothes.
"We must find her," she said, drawing my attention back to the convo we were having. "Um, sorry?" I said. It came out like a question. "Find who?"
Aurelia's eyes met mine. Hers were sparked with an unnatural kind of life, but the colour was cold and dead, like a reminder that though she was nice, Aurelia wasn't as normal a girl as, say, Anabel or me. And we ain't that normal.
"Lila, of course," she said. "We must find her. She is important, somehow. I can feel it."
"And how," Anabel questioned, "will you find her?"
"With your help," Aurelia quipped. "I will scry."
And so it was, 15 minutes later, that we were crowded around a small, serene, pool of water.
"Focus your thoughts on Lila," Miss-daughter-of-Hecate told us. As we did as she bid, (that rhymes) She shifted her focus from us to the water. "Show me whom I seek," she hissed. "Show me my sister. Show me the girl in their thoughts. Show me Lila Nella, Daughter of Hecate and Allen Nella, child borne of Magick. Show me her now!"
The water rocked and then started swirling, widdershins.
The pool cleared, becoming abrubtly still, and it was like we were looking into a mirror - no, a T.V. A T.V. showing a horror film.
Cos on the surface of the water, we could clearly see Lila, anorexic thin and sickly pale, in a cage.
In a cage with Nico Di'Angelo.
Aurelia whispered something I couldn't hear, and the water went black.
Anabel suddenly lurched to her feet. "Look out!"
I turned at A-bel's cry, and saw a legion of tough-as-nails looking men and women standing there.
I gagged in horror and almost dry retched when I got a glimpse at their leader.
She was handsome, for sure - and yes, I mean handsome, no way could this girl be described as pretty - but she wore clothing that was horrible.
Hung around her in disgusting ropes were shrunken heads.
Speaking of heads, mine was swimming. What was that prophecy line? Oh, yeah - On your way fight the Great Taker of Heads.
I looked at her as I stood up, trying to portray a lack of fear and most probably failing.
"I am Sovereign," she said. "And to pass any further on your quest, you must challenge one of my warriors and win."
"Do you work for Gaia?" A-bel asked.
Sovereign ignored her and stared at me.
"Um, okay..." I glanced around wildly and my gaze fell on a burly boy near the back. "I challenge him," I said, pointing.
Anabel pointed to a small, wiry girl in the front. "Her," she said dismissvely. We all turned collectively towrds Aurelia.
She stepped forward proudly, Head tilted at an angle that screamed, bow before me, weaklings, and accept me as your Queen! Ha-ha!
(Um, can you please ignore that last line? It sounded retarded. Oh, who am I kidding. You'll read it anyway.)
She pointed towards Sovereign.
"I challenge you," she said.
Pandemonium broke out among the Head-Takers gang, but the grotesque Queen-Bee herself held up her hand for silence.
"The girl is brave," she said quietly. Then, louder, "I accept your challenge.
She looked Aurelia right in the eye, and I had to shudder away from the bloodlust reflected on both of their faces.
The burly boy I had chosen as my opponent stepped forward and addressed the battle ready Head-Taker and Aurelia.
He said one word.

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. Blame technology. Hope you enjoyed this chappie, things are gonna start gettin more interesting now. The Rachel part at the top was sort of a clue to the sequel series i'm planning.
BTW, we're in the Mark of Athena right now.
Umm...I'll post again soon!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
it is awesome! please post soon! bye i have to go to school now. :(
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
where are you?
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Here is the exetremely long post i promised but couldn't write cos my computer was messed up. Now it is fixed. Enjoy!

Heya! Here’s the next chappie.
This chappie is dedicated to: annabeth523, The girl who inspired Sovereign {you know who you are!}, and Harry Potter.
Dynamite, Taio Cruz
{that’s about the only song. Hee hees}

The word rang through my ears, echoed through my mind.
Sovereign leapt for me, a wild look in her eyes. I dodged neatly and returned her blow with one of my own. The weapon I was using was a jaggedly serrated dagger – Anabel had gone diving for the remains of my sword and all she had found was the hilt; with a small, sharp piece of the pearl sword blade left attached.
She blocked my blow with liquid ease and came round with her other hand, lightning fast, and cuffed me round the head. I gasped, and heard A-bel and River do the same.
Once again, I made a jump for the leader of the Head-Hunters.
That was a mistake.
She slammed the side of her axe into my chest and my vision turned dark as night.
I blinked away my blindness, and realised I was lying on my back on the ground. Sovereign approached me leisurely, taking her time.
A voice similar to that of my mother’s spoke in my head.
Fight, Aurelia. You must fight!
I wanted to fight. I wanted to win.
But my aching back wouldn’t allow me to.
I felt a sudden panic. I flashed back to my last day of my previous life. I wasn’t ready to die again.
A small sliver of something wound tight around my core gave me hope.
Was it possible that my magick – the thing that had ended my last life – could save this one?
I decided it was worth a fair trial.
I reached deep with in me, and pulled. I felt my magick respond.
I tried to focus on a specific focus – a specific directive for a hex.
Still, I thought. Be still.
Miracle of miracles, Sovereign froze.
I struggled to my feet and limped over to the Great Taker of Heads.
Her fear showed in her eyes. Despite her strength and battle prowess, Sovereign had no gift for magick, and thus, as Anabel would say, way out of her depth.
I hesitated as I lifted my dagger to her throat.
“Swear on the Styx that you will leave me be to continue in my quest if I spare your life.”
Sovereign swallowed, as if the idea of saying those words made her want to projectile vomit. However, she finally managed to force out, “I swear to your terms on the River Styx.”
I nodded, satisfied, and stepped away.
Sovereign quickly recovered her composure and beckoned Anabel’s chosen opponent forward.
She said one word.


Demigod Life Lesson Number One: The Fates have noooooooo sense of humor.
As I was pulling out my whip, my opponent lunged for me with the Mother of all broadswords.
Now, forgive me if I’m wrong, but trying to kill the opposition before they’re ready is cheating.
Anger clouded my vision.
In my mind, there is mustard, there is custard, there are retards, and then there are b-tards.
My opponent was definitely of the fourth category.
My whip whipped out, and connected with the Head-Hunters face. My opponent howled.
Just then, my bracelet flashed with premonition heat.
Not now! I pleaded. Oh, god, not now.
But as if pleading with a bracelet would get me anywhere.
My opponent approached me, and I was sucked into a vision.
In my vision Percy was talking with an unfamiliar girl in a purple cape. Her name was...Reyna?
I glanced around the wooden panelled walls of the room and supposed that, for whatever reason, they were on a ship.
Seriously, Dad, I thought Olympus-wards, what the freaking heck?
As if my dad was listening, my eyes were drawn back to purple cape girl and Percy.
Seeing details I hadn’t noticed before, I realised their bodies were wayyyyy to close together for people who were just friends.
At that moment, Annabeth sidled in through the door silently. She froze when she saw who was occupying the room. I could sense her about to open her mouth and demand, What the Hades do you think your doing?, and I was so with her.
But before she could get a word out, Percy kissed purple cape girl.
The feeling of betrayal that ripped through me was nothing compared to what Annabeth would be feeling, I knew.
She gasped, and Percy broke away from the girl whom I now dub B-With-An-Itch. He whirled around, and his eyes widened when he saw her standing there.
“Annabeth,” he choked out, and tried to grab for her, but she was already leaving.
He sent a tortured look at B-With-An-Itch, and ran out the door after Annabeth, whom I strongly suspected was his now ex-girlfriend.
I warily looked down at my bracelet so I could see the engraving.
An infinity symbol.
Dang you, dad.
I lurched back into the present with a painful headache.
I realised I was still in the middle of a fight, and tried to get my bearings.
Too late.
My opponent swung the sword towards me and I felt a white-hot slice of pain cut through my chest; deep. Hot liquid dripped down my front – blood.
I blacked out with one thought swimming around my head:
I am going to haunt you from the afterlife, dad.


I watched in horror as Anabel fell to the ground.
Why did she blank out?” Aurelia asked – and it was a fair question. Anabel was a good fighter – a focused one. Normally she’d never become a total space cadet in the middle of a battle. Later, she’d have to tell us what the heck was going on with her.
But for now, we had to get her out of this mess – alive.
“Aurelia!” I yelled as I leapt forward. I hope Aurelia understood that meant watch my back.
Fortunately, Aurelia seemed to connect with me on an astral level, cos thank the gods, she armed herself and watched mine and her surrounding’s acutely.
Just as I reached A-bel’s opponent, a rumble shook the ground of the Nexus, severely disturbing the peace of the Realm of Peace.
What in the name of the gods...?” I overheard Aurelia wonder.
And then, just to add to the shock and confusion, the Head-Hunter I was leaping for – the Head-Hunter who was mere inches away from my dagger – vanished with a poof into smoke.
Okay, so there wasn’t any smoke, nor was there a poof sound, but they did vanish.
And I say they because every Head-Hunter vanished except for the Head Head-Hunter, Sovereign the Great Pain in the Butt herself.
“We must go,” she said, “Irene senses a disturbance in her realm.” She turned towards Aurelia. “You are a brave girl, young Sorceress.” She told her. “One day we will meet again, and it will be under better circumstances. Good will and good hope.”
Then with a poof! of metaphorical smoke, Sovereign disappeared.
I collapsed to the ground.
“What the heck,” I demanded of no-one in particular, “was that all about?”
To my intense surprise, I actually got an answer.
“Gaia was trying to measure your skills. Fortunately, the only one of you she got an actual look at was Aurelia.”
I turned; it was Irene.
Anger seeped into my cloud of worry – worry for Anabel, worry for Lila, heck, worry for everyone.
“Nice of you to turn up now,” I accused her. “Where were you when we actually needed help?”
Irene raised her eyebrows. “I am the Guardian of Peace, River Jaekayn Mase. Do you know what that means?”
I shook my head, no. To be honest with you, I was kinda distracted with the fact that a goddess knew my incredibly embarrassing middle name. Irene sighed.
“It means I keep the peace. In every war, I am there, trying to convince the soldiers to make peace with one another. In every marital dispute, I am there, trying to calm down both husband and wife enough for them to see they still love each other. Just as Ares is the cause of any and every dissent, I am the solution to them. Without me, the entire world would be at war with one another. I do not fight, River. I merely pick up the pieces; try to heal broken ones. It is all I can do.”
She turned towards Anabel. “Besides,” she told me. “Now is when you actually need my help.”
She touched the laceration on Anabel’s chest, and it healed, instantly.
“Child of Magick, come here.” Irene beckoned Aurelia over.
As she was making her way over to us, with a cough and a sputter, A-bel woke up. She blinked when she saw us leaning over her and looking at her like she had just come back from the dead.
“Hey, guys,” she said. “What’s up?”
I snorted, and Aurelia just looked at her in disbelief.
“Nothing,” I told her. “Nothing’s up”
She failed to notice the sarcasm in my voice.
“Okay,” she said, relieved. “Nothing being up is good.”
I raised my eyebrows at her. “I was being sarcastic.”
Irene made a noise in her throat. It wasn’t annoyed, per se, but it was definitely meant to get us to shut up and pay attention to her.
“Girls,” she said, and though she looked no older than 30, I could hear the age of millennia wearing down on her voice. “It is time you knew the truth about what you are facing.”
She led us down a small valley, and I heard Anabel’s and Aurelia’s gasps of dismay identical to mine.
We were facing a giant, earthen spire with octopus like tendrils snaking about like dirt whips.
Evil and menace radiated from the thing like BO.
“And this is only the astral projection of it,” Irene said. “The real thing is still down on the mortal plane – a thousand times more potent than this one, and a million times more powerful.”
“What does this mean?” Anabel said in a hushed tone that was unusually solemn for her.
“This means,” Irene said, equally solemn, “the Giants are back.

Envy’s Dream Diary, Entry #2
I. Just. Had. The. Weirdest. Dream. Ever.
It involved me, Rachel, some creepy-weird green mist, and a whole lot of blood.
I don’t really want to go into the details, but it was weird.
“Envy!” it was Annabeth, who still didn’t like me. “Get here now! And get Percy on your way! We got a problem!”
With a groan, I yanked myself out of my decidedly uncomfy bunk. Yes, it was the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever slept in, but it was warm, and I was tired.
As I was pulling on a pair of jeans, an absolutely huge jolt shook the boat.
“What the HECK was that?” I yelled out.
“I told you, we’ve got a problem!” Annabeth yelled out. “Please go and get Percy.”
Another jolt shook the Argo2, and I decided not to argue.
I found Percy in one of the Argo2’s many rooms, talking quite calmly with Reyna.
Just as I opened my mouth to tell them to get their butt’s on deck, one of my weird instinct/premonition thingy’s hit me, hard.
I couldn’t disrupt this. This was meant to happen.
I heard a noise behind me and turned; Annabeth was coming.
I slipped out of the door quickly and quietly, and prayed she hadn’t noticed me.
“Will someone please tell me what’s going on!?” I yelled as I made my way up to the deck.
Jason pointed grimly behind us. “We’re under attack.”
I looked where he was pointing, and saw a fairly large ship following us. Jason was still talking.
“What it looks like is Octavian has pulled together a team consisting of the first cohort and any legionnaires who are Greek haters. From what I can guess, he plans to destroy the Argo2 and everyone on it, then go to Rome, then Greece, and take the honour all to himself.”
Another jolt shook the boat – the hardest one yet, nearly knocking me off my feet.
“Leo!” Jason yelled. “Turn this boat around and get ready to fire Festus!”
“Um, excuse me?” I said. “fire Festus?”
Jason managed a grin. “The figurehead dragon. Long story.”
Leo must’ve heard Jason, cos he turned the boat around. I heard a clicking noise, and then a blare of white flame torpedoed out of the dragon’s mouth and hit the other boat.
Long story short, it sank.
Jason chucked his spear thingy-ma-jiggy at me. “Hold this,” he told me. “I’m gonna check for survivors.”
Just then, a brilliant blue orb lit up above the other boats wreckage.
“Looks like there’re survivors,” I said dryly.
Jason snorted. “I’m gonna go rescue them.”
As Jason flew over to rescue the evil guy, we all watched in horror – we meaning Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank and moi – as the creepy blue orb hurtled towards the Argo2.
Thanks to Leo’s ingenious celestial bronze plating, the damage to the front of the ship wasn’t to bad. But the shock of the impact still jarred sickeningly throughout the entire ship.
Suddenly, we heard a feminine scream of fear and agony from below decks, and then Percy was yelling out, “No! No! NO!”
We all looked at each other and then raced down to the hall where the noises were coming from.
What we found was Reyna leaning against a wall, her eyes bright with tears and guilt painted all over her face. Percy was kneeling on the floor, and he looked like he was the one lying lifeless and bloodied on the floor, not Annabeth.
Even to me, who has never seen a corpse, could tell she was dead.
The guilt that had shown on Reyna’s face now made sense to me. In my mind’s eye, I could see what had happened playing out.
Percy and Reyna talking, getting closer. Kissing. Annabeth walking into the room. Seeing them kiss. Running away from Percy, betrayal burning through her veins. Percy running after her. The jolt that shook the boat, the moment he caught up with her. Annabeth falling against the wall hard. Her head connecting at an unusual angle. Blood running down, all over her, from her ears.
I jerked out of my harrowing vision.
Jason landed on the deck; I could hear the thud.
Percy glared upwards. “Octavian. He did this. I will make him pay.
We ran up to the deck after him.
But after I layed eyes on the scrawny blonde guy who I supposed was Octavian, I couldn’t pay attention to anything but the aforementioned scrawny blonde guy, who was now staring at me like Tarzan seeing Jane for the first time.
Percy walked up to him, sword in hand.
Without thinking, I threw myself in front of Octavian.

Demigod Life Lesson Number 2: There is no such thing as having to many weapons. Seriously.
“The Giants?” I asked. “What does that mean?”
Irene told us about the Giants, about Gaia, about Roman’s – and boy, was that a surprise – and then she very gently told us that we’d been in the Nexus for about nine months, not two days like it felt.
As River and I stared at her in shock and dismay, she said quietly, “I did warn you time passed differently in my realm.”
I nodded slowly; I did recall her saying that, vaguely.
Aurelia tilted her head to one side. “How do you defeat the Giants?”
“God and mortal must work together to defeat them,” Irene said, “But as this is only an astral projection of one, it will only take mortals to banish it.”
“Banish it?” I asked, disappointed. “Not destroy it?”
Irene smiled at me, and just for a sec, she made me think of my mum, who must be getting really worried about me back in the mortal plane.
But, back to Irene, “It isn’t the real Giant, Anabel Somerset,” she chided me. “And you cannot kill that which is not real.”
Well that made sense, in a pretty suck way.
“How do we banish it,” River said, but it didn’t really sound like a question, so I’m not going write it down as one.
“The same way you’d kill it, except the end result would not be death.”
Aurelia, River and me all looked at each other. We three shrugged in unison.
And then we charged.
Long story short, we finally defeated the Giant’s astral projection, after I broke my arm, Aurelia nearly collapsed of exhaustion, and River slipped into a collective selection of choice cuss words.
I won’t bore you with the details.
Anyway, what I’m really writing about is the message I just got from my dad. This time I avoided looking at the engraving, but I knew it was from the past.
Cos for what ever reason, my dad was making me relive one of my best memories.
“Finally had enough of the Muppets, eh, Sunny?”
“I can only take so much Bohemian Rhapsody,” I said as I rolled my eyes.
Everyone snorted.
I glanced around the rec-room with a cursory eye. In the room was: Percy, who was the one who had spoken, Annabeth, Jake Mason, and Riv.
“What are you guys doing?” I asked.
Riv shrugged. “Nothing much.”
Percy spoke up. “We should have a spoon bending contest.”
He rolled his eyes. “A contest, to see who can bend spoons. You can use whatever, but whoever’s spoon bends in the most spectacular way wins.”
We all looked at each other and shrugged. “Okay,” Annabeth said.
Percy’s spoon bending was pretty cool. He used water to braid around it and gradually bend it.
Annabeth did some quick thinking and invented an impressive something, which bent the spoon successfully.
Riv made a rainbow which she repeatedly beat against the spoon until it dented and then bent.
Jake simply used his impressive Hephaestus strength to bend the spoon like butter.
I used my sunlight to warm the spoon so it really did bend like butter.
“I think it’s obvious that who’s won,” Percy said.
“Jake.” We all said.
Jake blushed. But it was so obvious that he was the winner.
Annabeth smiled at Percy and her glowed. It was the happiest I’d ever seen her.
And it was the happiest I’d seen her since, cos Percy disappeared that night.
Irene had just left us, after healing my arm, when it happened.
The ground opened up beneath us, and my first thought was: Gaia.
Then we landed with a thud, in a room that I recognised.
It was the room that I’d had the vision of Percy kissing B-with-an-itch in.
Speaking of the aforementioned B-with-an-itch, she walked into the room as if my thoughts had summoned her.
She raised an eyebrow at us. “I’m Reyna,” she said. “And you guys are?”
I bit back the retort I wanted to make, which was, definitely not boyfriend stealers, like you.
Out loud, I opted for, “Anabel, River, Aurelia.” I pointed at each of us as I said our names.
Just then, Percy walked in. He didn't notice us, and when I saw what was in his arms, I realised why.
Annabeth was in his arms, swaddled in a shroud.
My breath caught. I heard River let out an involuntary sob.
“” I couldn’t form anything but a broken string of the same words.
Percy’s head jerked up, and he seemed to recognise me.
“Sunny?” he asked, and his voice was hard but fragile sounding, sort of like glass.
“Yeah,” I said in a small voice; hesitantly, “it’s me.” I sort of felt like I should shut up, but I had to ask. “What happened?”
Percy didn’t answer me.
He broke down crying.


Argo2 ship log, Entry #2. Reyna.
I feel so sorry for Percy. And so guilty. How could I have kissed him? How could I have fallen for him? He belonged to another girl! And he and Annabeth had been in love, no doubt about it. The moment after Annabeth’s death, when Jason landed on deck with Octavian, had been terrifying. I’d thought Percy was going to kill him. Then Envy had thrown herself in front Octavian, and as she was mortal the blade had gone right through her.
Why had she thrown herself in front of Octavian, I didn’t know. Quite frankly, I didn’t care.
All I knew is that I was in love with Percy, and he would never be with me, not now.
On another note, three girls just appeared on the ship earlier. Not sure what their story is. I’ll have to find out later.
Also, Percy’s birthday is one week from today.
How horrible is that?
You know how I promised I would write a big chapter with a couple of points of view but I didn’t cause my computer was messed up, and had to write a medium length chappie instead? Well, this is the promised long chapter. Hope you enjoy.
Yay! We’re going to Hobart! Need more blue nail polish. Also more glitter gel pens. Write chapter to Battle of Labyrinth Thingy. Sort out my lever arch file cos it’s a mess. Get a real to do list. Change my name. Call my big sister. Get another thumb drive. Make this one hot pink. I hate pink. Better make it purple. Stop encrypting my documents. Or get a password that you’ll actually remember. Cos half your documents, you’ll never be able to get in to them. Which sucks.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
you're funny and an amazing writer!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post soon!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, belated Australia Day everyone. Almost three weeks late, but whatevs.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
again same thing that i posted on you're other forum please enter here " "
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
"Daddy, watch me!" The little girl cried.
The dad swivelled in his chair to watch another of his daughters antics, a slight smile on his face.
"Amazing, Riv." he told her before turning back to his desk and sighing. Things were tight these days - the bank was forclosing.
"Daddy, what's wrong?" The little girl named Riv asked. Her hair was short and black, and she was paler than porcelain.
The father looked at the face of his daughter, already pinched with worry, and knew he couldn't tell her a thing.
"Nothing, Riv," he said, mouth burning around the lie. "Nothing."
the little girls face cleared, relieved.
"If there is a problem, Daddy," she said confidently. "You'll fix it. I know you will. You're Daddy"
He swallowed. "Go play, Riv"
After she had left, Jonathan Mase considered an option he'd been trying to avoid; through all the months of hardship.
River's gone, he told himself firmly. And this house is insured for a lot.
Steeling his resolve, he went in search of the kerosene he had somewhere in the house.
When little River heard the crackle of the flames, she ran as fast as her little legs could take her back to the house.
But she was to late. Her house and her Daddy had gone up in smoke.

Hey, this chapter was a bit different from usual, but I really wanted to get some background on River. I mean, I know everything about her, but it's all in my head, which means you guys don't know. Enjoy.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
aww! plz post.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
soory if i seam dull but I'm in kind of a dreary mood right now.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
I'm happy again! (^o^) plz post!!!!!!!!!!111
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hopefully I'll be able to post sometime within the next three hours. If not...*shrug*
I'm not being homeschooled anymore, mum enrolled me in school the other day. So I won't be able to write as much as I would like...*sob*
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, i just got home, and I realised something...I'm a stupid eejit. I can't post, because the USB with my stories on kinda...died. Yeah, it's in a million little pieces, and I'm sorry. I'll find a way to post soon.
On another note, I am going to start writing: Camp Jupiter Reads The Lost Hero. Check out my old forum, Battle of the Labyrinth Thingy, for more details.
Also, keep an eye out in articles for my first ever songfic! That's right, I'm jumping aboard the songfic train. My debut will be a Preyna songfic to Thinking of You by Katy Perry. No-One steal my idea!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
nnnoooooo! (what i felt when i first read this and couldn't post) plz fix it!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
i claim the 40th post!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Congrats. Next post in a fortnight. i'm way overloaded on homework. i gotta write an essay about Jane Austen, and one on synesthesia, which is a rare and very interesting neurological condition
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
that chappy is awesome and it reminds me of Avatar the last air bender. (my brother went through that seiries a while ago.) it was realy cool i like it like that and your story is now one of a kind!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post again soon!

randomness alert!
it's sunday and spring break is this week! wahoo! horses! even though cats are better!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
cool! thax for such a long chappy it was incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
wow! amazing! and I'd have to admit, that was a better chappy ending than thee other one! thx for posting! you're amazing!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
big smile
Okay! this has become a anything forum. Because I'm in a nice mood, I will post a chapter that will tell what is happening to Lila in Gaia's possesion. Warning- this chapter will be sort of spoilery to what is going on away from the Argo2. On a good note, this chappie has NICO! YAY!

Lila's legs burned slowly beneath her.
Of course, they weren't really burning, but she called it as it felt like.
When she had been spat out of the darkness in what had felt like a forever ago, her legs had been blackend; the bones fractured, some part of her cosmic journey damaging them.
Goddammit, girlie, her grandmother's voice spoke in her mind. Don't be such a sissy. Show me some of that Nella spirit!
When her grandmother had said this to her before, each Christmas since she was twelve, she had simply rolled her eyes and tried to squirm away from all the old women smiling at her.
Now, though, her grandmother seemed a very wise woman.
"How is he?"
A rough voice made Lila turn her head.
The girl who had spoken was pale and bruised, swimming in a pool of her own blood and excrement. Lila could barely move her injured legs, and the only other occupant of their prison, a goth kid she vaguely remembered as Nico Di Angelo, was in some sort of Death-Walk coma.
Lila would have moved the poor, sickened girl if she could, but she was far to weak.
The red headed girl blinked her glassy green eyes at Lila.
Yeah, you heard right.
It was Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
"I don't know," Lila answered truthfully. "He won't wake up."
Rachel made a pained sound, she might've been trying to laugh.
"You don't say," she said huskily.
Finally, Lila couldn't stand it one second longer. "Chel, what's wrong with you?" the words burst out of her desperately.
"I'm dying," Rachel spoke the words slowly, as if realising just now that what she said was probably true. 'Dying."
"No, no, no," Lila shook her head firmly. "You're the oracle. You can't die by mortal or immortal means, only by passing on the spirit of Delphi."
Rachel nodded. "Exactly," she said. "I no longer have need of Delphi, but she isn't ready to go." she paused to take a breath, and as Lila heard the breath rasp through the reaheads lungs, she felt a moment of alarm. "I can only hope she lets go and reaches Envy before it's too late." she then promptly lapsed into a deep, yet uneasy, sleep.
And Lila was basically alone once again, stuck in a cave with a comatose boy and a dying girl, wondering Who is Envy? How is she important? before finally falling asleep herself.
When she dreamed, she dreamed of Chase, which scared her.
He was dressed all in black, his skin pale, his dark black hair falling all over his face mussily, and his electric blue eyes seeming to glow through the strands of hair; miniature storms seeming to brew from within the depths.
Lila woke up fast, breathing hard.
Was what she was thinking true? Or merely coincidence?
Was Chase...was he a son of Zeus?
She would never have believed it, but now she wasn't sure of anything.
She pulled her knees to her chest feeling more alone then ever.
The only thought in her mind now was, Chase, I hope to each and every god that I'm wrong about you.
But she couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't.

Dun dun DUN! Happy weekend! from now on I'll be posting every Friday (MY friday, not yours) and any other day I can.
Next week, unfortunately, I won't be posting, since I am going on a southern wilderness camp for school.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! rachel nnnnnoooo!!!

and i a sad too report that i will only check here once a week like the rest of my forums because i spend too much time on here.
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Okay, I leave for camp tomorrow!
So, for a prezzie, this is for you:
i made this on polyvore - it's River. If I have enough time I will post one of Anabel.
Toodles and kisses!

Here is Anabel! I'll do Lila and Aurelia and Envy next time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
plz post as soon as you get back!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…

"She's dying, isn't she?"
Nico didn't bother to reply to Lila's question. He was too exhauseted.
"Nico?" her voice was high-pitched with worry. "Am I right?"
"Yeah. You're right," he said. "I can sense the death on her."
Lila broke down sobbing.

I jerked awake.
What the Heck kind of a messed up dream is that!?!?
Lila wasn't in some sort of cage with a dying girl and a goth kid, she was...well, I honestly don't have one single clue as to where she was. But she is not in that place I just dreamt of.
Cause that would be weird. Not to mention impossible.
Speaking of impossible...
The mark had grown darker, more tangible, over the space of a few hours.
It was on my collarbone, was dark blue, and was in the shape of a lightning bolt.
I don't have a single clue as to what it is.
But I could feel it's power. Something weird is happening.
And, somehow, it involves Lila.
I searched for Lila in my mind.
Please stay safe, I thought.

Oooh? What's up with that? Just to state for the record, Chase isn't a demigod. He's something else entirely.
But what?
Anyway, this is Envy:link
last edited over a year ago