The Heroes of Olympus The New Olympian

ajatashatru posted on Jun 22, 2011 at 04:54AM
I am new here,this is my fanpop.I hope you like it.
I donot own any characters.
I might even borrow some of the scenes from other.
please read and share your views.
last edited on Aug 11, 2011 at 05:53PM

The Heroes of Olympus 649 replies

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over a year ago foreverpercy said…
And here's a cake!!
over a year ago theorder said…
!!! That was so good!!! :D
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
this was so unexpected. you revealed jasons thoughts exposing him to be immature and childish. i pity him because he will never get what he wants to the extent he wants it. Whenever he does something he will think of percy and how he beat him.
over a year ago Groversbro said…
over a year ago PercyJackson133 said…
you have the gratest imagination in the world. you can think up of any thing if you wanted. you are a very gifted person. :D
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
Chapter 64

“Hello children. How is my daughter doing?” a middle aged woman asked. “She is barely alive ma’am.” Hazel answered. “Lady Diana said that she will reflect Percy’s state and at the moment it is not promising.” The goddess of magic nodded. “ma’am, is there any hope for my brother?” Sandra asked. “He is a powerful hero huntress he has been in similar situation before.” Before Trivia could say anything else she was interrupted “similar situation!?” the goddess nodded. “It was he who blew up the mount St Helen’s. He killed hundreds of monsters forging weapons for the titans. But he also destroyed Vulcan forges. Apollo considers him as a friend. He will help in healing Perceus.” All the girls nodded. The goddess checked on her daughter and then vanished. Lisa had been placed on a soft bed in a cabin in the ship. Jason had locked himself inside a cabin which he had been shown to. He was too depressed at the moment to do anything else. Thalia and Sandra were trying to have a conversation. Thalia told Hazel and Sandra the life story of Percy making sure that she did not give away any information about the Greeks. She had made some minor actually major changes to fit with what the Romans believed.

“He held up the sky!” it was Hazel who was completely shocked when she learnt about the incident. Thalia left the part about children of Hades but kept the story as original as possible. After hours they tried to get some rest. Their hearts were still heavy but they managed to get some sleep. The return journey was painfully slow. It surprised Sandra a bit that the sea was still calm. He father normally would have brewed up storms by now. “The sea is calm. This only means that there is hope that Percy will make it through.” Thalia said. “I hope you are right. Percy is the only true brother I ever had. I don’t want to lose him.” Sandra said the last part almost in an inaudible voice but Thalia being a goddess heard her. She wanted to ask if there were no other children of Neptune before Percy and after her but she thought against it. After all it could be a sensitive issue. Thalia made a silent prayer to her mistress “please save Percy.”

Hundreds of miles away from where Percy’s sister and friends where Percy was laying on a king size bed with the goddess of moon sitting by his side and trying to heal him. Percy was still glowing gold and green. Memories were still playing in his mind. The memories which had played randomly before were now going in an orderly fashion. He saw himself as a small kid. How he got packed by teachers for being poor in studies. How he got expelled from school for no fault of his. His memories of his mother and how the mortal Gabe made his mother’s life miserable. How hard life was getting him when he was just a child, the occasional monsters troubling him. Then he saw himself meet then make friends with cripple boy, a teacher of Latin on a wheel chair giving him the best lessons in his life. He saw a teacher change into a fury and he himself killing it with ease. Killing the bull guy, losing his mother and then getting her back,all of his memory came back to him. All scenes till the very moment he let himself explode killing the titan came to him. The dream shifted.

He was standing at the fire escape of some apartment which he quickly identified as his own. He found his dream self admiring a plant. He knew immediately that the plant was moon lace. After admiring the plant the dream Percy went to his room crashed on the bed and falls asleep almost instantly. Time elapse the air near the window shimmers and the next moment a girl of about twelve with auburn hair and moon like eyes appears. She walks slowly towards the sleeping Percy as she walks she grows in age. When she reaches the sleeping Percy she looks like a fifteen to sixteen year old. The goddess ran her fingers through Percy’s messy locks a sudden look of shock pass through the goddess’s face. The real Percy could only watch as panic spread through the goddess features. Percy saw the reason to be that his dream self was waking up. Percy saw an arrow go right through the goddess’s heart. Percy wanted to yell in alarm but as he saw the arrow disappeared and a weird emotion was on the goddess face. Percy looked closer and he saw that the emotion was lust. Then he saw another arrow come and this time it hit Percy. He saw without being able to do anything as four other arrows come flying at his dream self. Percy saw his dream selves face and found on it too, lust. Before Percy could process what he saw. He could see his dream self and the goddess in a hot make out session to Percy’s horror he saw cloths leave their body to embrace the floor. Percy tried to look away but he could not turn. He tried to close his eyes but he failed again. He had no choice, he watched as the scene unfolded in front of him. He Perceus Jackson son of Poseidon taking away an eternal maiden’s innocence. The dream shifted but Percy was still filled with dread. He did not have the strength to comprehend where he was when a voice brought him back to earth “hey seaweed brain.”
thank you guys for your words.
some of you have already put this question. is there going to be a sequel? the answer is i don't know. because i have not decided yet.
the response i have got for this story clearly asks me to make a sequel but the question which troubles me right now is: can i do justice to the story with a sequel? i still don't have an answer to that. so i have decided to first finish with this story and then think about whether or not.

keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
awesome!!!post soon
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
oh my god that was awesome i love your story

cant wait for 2mmoro
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Amazing and please make a sequel!!! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssse!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!
p.s: the decision is all yours.

Keep Writing Keep Posting ( Hopefully )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Awesome chapter dude,post soon
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
thats a capitol D-R-A-M-A
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Holy Crap!!!!! Anhui!!!! Screams around the room!!!!! That waz soooo awesome!!! I can't explain it at all...I'm breathless. Okay I'll find some words...

Andrea Chau can't find any words for that waz tooooo good!!!!! I'm breathtakin

Go Percy and Artemis!! So Percys glowing green and gold? So he positively is turnin into a god at this moment...right?

I understand how I can't see where a sequel comes...but if it does I'll be your number one fan as I am right bow and have read this story from the very beginning!!! It's sooo good!!!! I seriously can't wait for the next story!!!! Or chapter!!!! You have to be a writer when u grow up!!
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
OMYGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was epic and amazing and awesome and... I don't know! I loved reading those two chapters and Percy is a god now-omgosh, and Artemis loves him and now he knows what happened (except about his unborn child, yet :) )

Im at a loss for words!

Keep posting!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
no i am her number one fan

over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
oh really
over a year ago Groversbro said…
big smile
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
sorry people i am not able to post any chapter today but i will post two tomorrow. i hope you guys are ok with it.
and please note it is a 'his' not 'her'.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
ohh so sorry

and yes i m his number one fan
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Take your time No rush. And I new that you were a 'he' and not a 'she'.

Post when you can
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
hey guys can you check out my story its in the forum.

its not good as this one but its still good.

and here is a cake for the people who will go and check it out :)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Sure!!! And well wait Ajatshatru...
NO!!! I'm his numb one fan!!!! I wax here from the very beginning!!! And I'll always be!!!
over a year ago lenorg said…
so was i here from the beggining and its great i love it and lease make a sequel. if you need help for the ideas ask me ivg a ton.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
haha, I'm the most devoted fan.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
no i am his most devoted number one fan period
ohh i said period no fighting back the matter is settled i am his number one fan lets move on and to ac was the sure for me saying that you will read my fanfic
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
ok then I'm his coolest fan
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
LOL fine i wont argue with you on that one
over a year ago greektrickster said…
awesome man,you are an awesome writer and i also like like the way you made Percy seem 100 times better then jason,i think i will do that in my story too,again awesome,post again soon
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys.
a big round of apologies.(it is not a spelling error)
yesterday i said that i was going to post two chapters today but i managed only one chapter.(i am famished right now. that is why only one chapter)

Chapter 65

“Are you gona say something or are you going to just stand there?” a blonde haired grey eyed girl asked Percy. Percy was standing on a beach with his back to the sea. Facing him was the girl and behind her was a city with incomparable architecture. Percy collapsed and started to cry. He was shaking in grief. The girl slowly approached him “. Here I was thinking that the guy would run up to me and give me a bone crushing hug, a mind blowing kiss but no he collapses and starts to cry like a baby.” “Annabeth! I don’t deserve you. I,I ..” Percy shuttered but Annabeth completed it for him “hooked up with a goddess.” Percy looked at her in shock. “I know Percy what you did and I clearly know that it was not your fault. The arrows of Eros can do that. Also she is the moon you are the sea attraction between the two is natural.” Percy could not manage to speak. Annabeth continued “after all you need a reason, a certain someone to share your life with. How long you will live in the past? People should move on. Don’t give that look Percy, you are very much alive.” Percy was now a bit confused “you have no problem with me having slept with a goddess?” Annabeth gave Percy her trade mark glare “I do have problem with you sleeping with..” she kept the last part to herself but continued “but it is not something I can complain about and also it was not your fault.” Percy shook his head “it is my fault. I should have controlled myself. I should have stopped myself but no I failed to do so.” “Stop it Percy.” Annabetrh yelled “if it is anybody’s fault it is her fault. It is Artemis’s fault. She is the goddess of maidens. She failed to keep it to herself. She wanted you and she had you. If it is a fault then it is Rhea’s fault. She wanted to have fun she shot those arrows.” Percy was surprised “she shot those arrows!?” Annabeth nodded “Yes, she shot those arrows. Now stop blaming yourselves.” Percy was a bit furious to learn that it was Rhea who had shot the arrows which ended up making Percy lose self control. “Percy.” Annabeth said “walk with me.”

Percy and Annabeth walked together down the beach. Percy kept some distance he still could not get to forgive himself. Annabeth showed Percy her city. “I designed it years ago. Only the beach is the new addition.” She went on about the architecture but Percy just watched her. “Annabeth.” Percy said in a low voice. “Will you forgive me?” she turned to look in Percy’s green eyes which now had some hints of gold in them. “You never were guilty in my court.” Annabeth said and then she bit her lips. “I am sorry Percy.” Percy looked confused. Annabeth spoke again “I was told to stay away from you but I never did that. I was selfish, I wanted you for myself. Even when they told me that you were not for me to have I did not listen. They told me that as a result of my action you would have to face a lot of pain but I did not listen to them. I was too selfish and occupied to think about you. The life as Annabeth Chase was my third rebirth. In my first birth I had made a deal that in every life of mine I would be a maiden and work for my mother. As a reward I was to get immortality. In my first life I was born in Greece as a daughter of Athena. I worked for my mother. Then in my second life I was born as a daughter of her roman aspect and worked for her. In my third life I was given to rebuild Olympus. That was supposed to be my job. Athena had planned to convince her father to make me a goddess after I would complete the designs but I broke the deal by falling in love with you. The fates were kind and allowed me to die in your arms. I love you Percy and if you feel the same for me I want you to let go of me and move on in life.” Percy could not just stand there her quickly moved towards Annabeth and put his arms around her waist or he tried to do so because his arms just moved through her body as if though her body was a holographic image. “Annabeth!” Percy called in shock, a tear escaping from his eyes. Annabeth gave a sad smile “I am a ghost Percy and you are a living being. You cannot touch me. You are able to speak with me because of your determination and love for me. Otherwise you would not have been able to do so. No Percy, don’t think like that. Don’t think that your love is not enough. It is not the reason you are not able to touch me. It is a punishment by the fates for breaking the oath made on them.” Tears were running down Annabeth’s cheeks no matter how hard Percy tried he could not wipe them away.

“I want to be with you Annabeth. I want to come with you.” Percy said. “No Percy, don’t even think about that. I know what you are thinking. Please don’t do that. I am already punished, don’t increase my punishment.” Annabeth pleaded. Annabeth had quickly understood that Percy was thinking about ending his life to join her. “Besides I don’t think you can do such injustice to Lisa.” Percy was wide eyed. He had completely forgotten about Lisa. The girl’s life force were connected to his if he died even she would die. “She is in a vegetative state. Only if you go back alive she shall live. You have no choice.” Percy was defeated. He knew that Annabeth was dead. But she had still not found peace. It was up to him to provide her the peace. That can only happen if he let her go. A sudden though occurred to him “Annabeth.” “Hm” “does your city have a port?” she nodded. “Lead me there.” Percy asked her. Annabeth lead Percy to the port. It was huge but there was only one raft there. Percy turned to look at the woman he loved “Annabeth, do you see the raft?” He asked. She nodded her head. “It is your ride to peace. Follow me.” Percy escorted Annabeth to the raft when she was about to enter the ship Percy held her and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Percy had not been able to hold her earlier but now that he had decided to let her have her peace he was able to do so. After eternity they pulled apart. Both were breathing heavily. Percy spoke “I love you wisegirl and I always will. Even though I will not promise to but I will try to move on in my life.” Annabeth had a smile on her face as tears were falling freely. “I love you too, seaweed brain.” She said. Percy let go of her. Annabeth stepped on the raft which slowly moves away from the land. They watched each other. After a while Percy could not see Annabeth but he knew that she finally could find peace. But three voices brought Percy out of his thoughts “hail Perceus the god of time, lord of tides, king of swordsmen and male beauty."
i must confess that i found it extremely difficult to write this chapter. writing a chapter where i should have given prominence to emotions i can only say that i have not being able to satisfy myself. yet i could not manage to make it any better so i apologies. still i do hope that you guys will like it.

keep reading keep posting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lenorg said…
its great. yuppe im the first to comment.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
I love how you sent annabeth on a raft that was so sweet!! Overall I loved it!!

Keep Writing Keep Posting
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
So does this mean that he will be mad at Artemis and not want to be with her.
Please don't make that happen I want artemis to be with Percy and not Jason. Please let it be Percy and not Jason pleaseeeeeeeeee :)
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
omg sooo freakin awesome and js ive been followin just not posing cuz im too lazy XD sooo ya i had to post oon this one because i love annabeth and im sooo glad percy finally accepted it and kinda moved on. but now he sooo has to be with artemis! so ya loveeee ur story sooo much its so origional and i love it! keep writing
~~~Love, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
sniff, sniff) it's so sad.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Please make Artemis be with Percy
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Amazing!!! I don't think you could have made the chapter any better since it was already perfect :) Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep posting!
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
Hurray i got caught up, sorry i was unavailable to read and post for awhile, Great chapters. Jason you got dissed by your own sister, what does that say to you? Percy is finally a God! please have Artemis and Percy be together. Great as always.

Thank you for pouring your heart into your writing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Good story and even better ideas,post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Plzzz post.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
Chapter 66

Zeus was angry, angry with his son Jason, angry with his daughter Artemis. Well he was angry with almost everyone. “Poseidon.” He said in a raised voice. Zeus had called for an emergency meeting on Olympus. In last two days Jason had failed to rescue Artemis instead Perceus Jackson had done it. After that Artemis disappeared once again and no one could find her. Zeus had ordered Jason to find her or perish. Apollo insisted that his sister was alright but Zeus was not the one to give in. “What is it brother.” Poseidon replied in an equally raised voice. Both Zeus and Poseidon were glaring at each other. “You favored your son during the quest.” Zeus said and he wanted to say more but Poseidon griped his trident even more strongly and spoke “Favored!? He is the true son of the sea. The sea will respond to his command. I don’t need to do any favors for him. The sea will do it for him. Besides he had to fight all the monsters and titans while your son enjoyed the vacation.” The other gods knew that if they did not stop this now, it would turn out into a fully fledged war between the gods. Zeus stood up from his throne holding his lightning bolt seeing this Poseidon stood up as well. Before anyone could do anything to stop them the throne room started to shake violently.

“Poseidon! Stop this, stop the earthquake now.” Zeus who was now sacred yelled. Poseidon looked completely shocked “I am not the one who is creating this.” Athena who recovered from her initial shock questioned “if you are not doing this then who is?” before anybody could respond Demeter yelled pointing her finger towards Poseidon’s and Apollo’s thrones “look!” every god in the room looked at the place where the goddess of agriculture was pointing. A new space was getting created between the thrones. Soon the marble in the floor started crack and got into the air. All the gods froze. They did not know what was happening. A bright light came to be at that place. The light was so bight even the gods had to look away. When the light receded the gods turned to look, by what they found they were even more surprised. There was a new throne standing in between Poseidon’s and Apollo’s throne. “Who dares put a throne in here without my permission?” Zeus bellowed. No answer came to his question. He raised his weapon and shot a bolt of lightning at the throne. What happen next was even gods could not comprehend. Zeus was thrown feet away from where he was standing. A bright light appeared in the middle of the throne room. The gods turned and found the three fates standing. All the three spoke at once “hail Perceus the god of time, lord of tides, king of swordsmen and male beauty."

There was no doubt in the minds of the gods, this was the national no international shock the gods day. The fates do not go about announcing things but here they were announcing the arrival of a new god. All the gods expected Perceus to appear on his throne so they all turned to look at the throne, but there they found the throne empty. There was no one there. Athena for some reason looked at Apollo. After all he was the god of prophesy, he should have been able to fore see such a thing. Athena by the look on Apollo’s face clearly saw that he was surprised to find the fates there but was not even remotely fazed by Perceus being a god. Athena understood that Apollo knew. She then looked at Hades to find signs of anger on him but he looked down right cheerful. Athena wanted to look at Poseidon but on her way she saw Hermes’s face to find that even he was aware of the over deal. Athena now looked at her arch enemy only to find happiness and a look of pride. She quickly scanned other gods to find Hephaestus, Hestia and many of the minor gods looking happy. “How is this possible? The council did not declare him a god. How did he become a god?” Zeus questioned angrily. The fates answered in unison “his actions made him a god. When he defeated your father and then destroyed his throne.” Zeus cut them off and yelled “it was my son who destroyed the titan’s throne.” the fates continued as if though Zeus had not interrupted “though most of you believe that Jason Grace destroyed the throne of the titan king it is not true. Only the one who has personally defeated the titan king can destroy his throne. Under the guidance and sacrifice by the titan queen Perceus Jackson conquered time. He is a god, he is an Olympian.” After saying so the fates disappeared in a flash.

Athena knew if she allowed, Zeus was now going to make a rash decision which would lead to a battle between gods. A battle between the gods was definitely not prudent. So Athena decided to take matter into her own hands. Before Zeus could say anything Athena addressed her father “my lord, if you may I would like to talk to you for a minute, privately.” Zeus was angry but he knew that his daughter was the wisest in the world so he agreed and went into the nearby room. In the throne room most of the gods were congratulating the sea god over his son. “The nerves of that sea spawn.” Zeus said. “Father.” Athena spoke “the odds in this case are against you. You have no choice but accept this.” Zeus was enraged by this “what are you saying Athena?” but Athena pleaded her father “father, please let me explain.” Zeus nodded his head. “The odds are against you in this matter. If you challenge Perceus you will not gain but only lose, if you refuse him that will lead to a war. Poseidon will side with his son and will wage a war, if that happens you will be in severe disadvantage. By the looks of it Hades will completely support Jackson. After receiving a throne and permanent cabin at the half blood camp he thinks he owes it to the boy. Hermes loves the boy so he will side with him. The minor gods, most of them feel themselves in his dept so they will support him. Apollo likes the boy as if though he were his brother he will side with him as well. Hephaestus likes the boy. Also he likes the way he stood up against Hera so the forges will be at Perceus’s service. If it comes to a fight after being rescued by him twice Artemis will support the boy. Thalia sees him as a friend she will side with him. All the Greek demigods find their leader in him so they will side with him. At least thirty Roman demigods will side with him. Nature sprits, nymphs will also side with him. If it turns into a war you will remain ally less because with such a weak side only having three gods apart from you who can fight in me, Aries and Jason this is not a fight we need to take.” Athena finished.

“She is right father.” It was Apollo who spoke. “Percy indeed has a lot of following right now. It would be unwise to fight him. But we all know his nature he does not seek power. So he will not try to take over you. Instead he will remain loyal to Olympus. His inclusion clearly will indicate one thing that the titan king is no more. The titan’s are from now on leader less, which definitely an advantage. By the way there is a way to ensure his loyalty to Olympus.” Zeus looked at his son. “What is the way to ensure his loyalty to me?” Apollo looked at his father like he was crazy (which was not entirely false.). “Loyal to you, there are no ways to do that.” Zeus looked angrier than he already was “you just said that you have a way to ensure his loyalty to me.” Apollo interrupted his father “I said there is a way to ensure his loyalty to Olympus and not to you.” Zeus growled “how can he be loyal to Olympus without being so to me?” Apollo simply smiled as Athena looked at him trying to understand the meaning of the words. “Just as your brothers Poseidon and Hades who are loyal to Olympus but they are not completely so to you.” Athena nodded her head “that makes sense. But what is this way of having his loyalty?” Apollo’s smile turned into a grin “when a war is upon a state and they know that they have no way of winning the fight what do they do?” Zeus was the first to reply “they surrender of course.” Apollo did not respond to that. “They give away the princess in marriage to the king or prince of the attacking state.” The moment Athena said that her eyes widened in realization. Apollo’s grin widened and Zeus looked lost. “What does that have to do with this?” he asked innocently. Athena turned to face her father “I did not know that Apollo could come up with such a smart plan but he is right. Father, what he means to say here is that to have peace in this juncture we need to give Perceus a gift. In this case the best gift would be to give him a wife.”

Zeus had understood that he did not stand much of a chance with Perceus. The idea which was put in front of him was appealing. But which girl would Perceus Jackson accept? Zeus turned to his daughter and son “which girl would Perceus accept?” before Athena could answer the question Apollo said “I just know the right girl. The one he will not refuse. Go ahead make a guess.” “hm, Calypso?” Zeus guessed. Zeus felt that would just be the right girl that perceus would accept as the gift. “What!? Apollo said. “That won’t be a gift. If he wants her he only needs to ask that nymph she will readily accept to be his wife. That won’t do as a gift because she is free and not a prisoner. If she were a prisoner then it would have made sense. No, only the girl who you can give away will make as a gift.” Zeus was now a bit annoyed “then tell me yourselves, who this girl is?” “You have to promise on Styx that you will give Perceus the very girl I say.” Zeus was completely worked up by all the worry that he did not realize what he was doing “I swear on river Styx to give him the very girl you tell me to give.” Thunder boomed. Athena with a shock realized what Apollo was up to. Her father had fallen right into the trap. Apollo was grinning like an idiot. He could not hold his excitement. “I want you to give your daughter Artemis in marriage to Perceus Jackson.”
i hope you guys like this chapter.
thank you for you kind words. the next chapter i will try to go to Percy.
keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
Omg that was awesome
just pure awesome
that's all I could say I love your writting and I can't wait for 2mmoro
omg Percy is a god he is getting to marry Artemis how can things get any better :D
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
OHMYGOSH!!!!! Artemis and Percy!!!! Hahah, go Apollo! Who knew he could be so smart?
I'm so happy!!!!!!!!
Keep posting!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
big smile
go appolo
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
Oh My Gosh that is the awesomest chapter ever. Haha Zeus got tricked by Apollo!!!!!

Keep Writing Keep Posting
over a year ago happyfestus said…
big smile
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
I've said this before I'll say it again, happy festus calm down
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
But he's so happy! jk, jk :)
over a year ago PercyJackson133 said…
haha Apollo is so smart by saying that he has saved his sister because she has a child to percy. who would have known