Supernatural This or That Game (Winchester Variety).

linalin posted on Mar 03, 2009 at 04:35PM
Found this game in Supernaturalfanwiki, and you must give two choices- Supernatural related- and the respondent must choose their favorite, then present two of their own.

I'll go with:

Dean's sawed-off
Sam's Colt

Supernatural 427 replies

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over a year ago spn4eva said…
JENSEN.! All the way. XD

over a year ago tinkymel said…
Alister......He had more personality to me.

over a year ago spn4eva said…
Mary,! She rocks.!

In "Its a terrible life"

Deans stripped suit
Sams yellow top

over a year ago 67impala said…
Sam's yellow top. It looked good on him for such an icky colour. :)

Azazel: "Been there...done that."
Alastair: "Go directly to Hell!"
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Alastair - for some reason he sounded more menacing

"You smell like a toliet" - Sam to Dean
"You stink like sex" - Dean to Sam
over a year ago bela2 said…
"You stink like sex" i love that line!

Sam: "dude you are not gonna poke her with a stick"
Dean: "Dude... where's the pie?"
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Sam "Dude you are not gonna poke her with a stick"
LOL both their faces on that bit were priceless.!

Young Dean
Young Sam

over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Young Sam he is kinda sweet

Dean putting spoon in Sams mouth ( Hell house )
Sam putting glue on Deans beer bottle ( Hell house )
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Sam putting glue on Deans bottle ... LOL was a bit extreme, and Deans face and Sams laugh was soo funny.!

over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Castiel every time he is hot! ;)

Dude you fugly
I lost my shoe :(
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Dude you fugly.
Even though the 'i lost my shoe' was so cute.
Fulgy is just one of the funniest words ever lol

If this had to be done... i hope not...
Would you rather...

Have Dean kill Sam to stop the apocalypse
Sam kill Dean because Sam turns evil
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
This is a really tough one but I would have to choose.....Dean killing sam! OMG! I cant believe I choose that! I love Sam! but if it saved the world then thats what would have to be done :(

Sams hot body
Deans sense of humour
over a year ago spn4eva said…
wow thats a hard one. But theyve both got super hot bodies.
Soo im gonna go for...
Deans sense of humour.! :) <<funny and hot :P

The brothers fighting (in 1X5 Skin)
The brothers fighting (in 4x14 Sex and Violence)

for some reason i love it when they fight :P its hot XD
over a year ago linalin said…
Fighting in 4x14, the ambience in the motel room scream blood and death to me. 1x15... was like foreplay compared to that!

Sam and Sarah's kiss (Provenance)
Dean and Lisa's kiss (The Kids Are Alright)
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
No u make me choose? ok I will go for Sam and Sarahs kiss and that was hard for me being a Sam girl ;)

Sams hair style
Deans hair style
over a year ago 67impala said…
Sam's hair style. I like longer hair with some movement; they've been cutting Dean's hair too short, IMO. :)

John's lock-up
Bobby's panic room
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
Bobby's panic room! :] ♥

Dean jumping in the lake to save Lucas [dead in the water]
Sam jumping in the pool to save the little girl [playthings]

over a year ago bela2 said…
That's really difficult, i loved both those episodes but i'm gonna go with Sam jumping in the pool to save the liitle girl.

Dean and Sam looking out for each other
dean and Sam fighting
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Im gonna choose.... Dean and Sam fighting that is soo hot ;)

Dean been a womanizer
Sam being forever faithful
over a year ago linalin said…
Dean being a womanizer, I find it somewhat endearing.

Sam possessed
Sam using his powers.
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
Sam possessed - it makes me feel better. =( I don't like him using his powers. rawr! bad Sammay! ♥

early season one Dean
early season two Dean
over a year ago linalin said…
early season 2 Dean, he was so angsty... loved it

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Denny
JDM as The Comedian.
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
JDM as the comedian!! he was fuckin' YUMTASTIC in that movie! ♥

Jensen as Tom in "My Bloody Valentine"
Jensen as Priestly in "Ten Inch Hero"
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Jensen as Tom in My Bloody Valantine.

Even tho he's reli funny and sweet in ten inch hero...
In My Bloody Valantine he turns out to be the baddy, and the look on his face right at the end.! wow.! Hotness as the baddy or what?? lol

Jared Padalecki as Dean in Gilmore Girls
Jensen Ackles as Jason in Smallville
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DeanandSam said…

Deans love for his car
Sams love for Jess
over a year ago linalin said…
Dean's love for his car, we saw more of it than Sam and Jess!

Dean in love
Sam in love
over a year ago estercarvalho said…
Sam in Love...

Dean's sex scene
Sam's sex scene
over a year ago linalin said…
Sam's sex scenes, he's so raw!

Sam being called House
Dean being called Shortbus.
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Dean been called shortbus lol

Funnier episode...
Bad day at black rock
Tall tales
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Bad day at black rock

Dean as a games teacher
Sam as a janitor
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
Dean as a gym teacher ♥

Dean/Cassie sex scene.
Dean/Anna sex scene.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Dean eating! lmao

Deans fashion style
Sams fashion stlye
over a year ago 67impala said…
Hey, I get twosies again! Dean-girlx's first:

Dean/Anna sex scene

Sam's fashion style (love the button-downs and the blue jeans)

Sam with a shotgun
Dean with a knife
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Sam with a shotgun looks soooo hot!

Possessed Sam (sex and violence)
Possessed Dean (sex and violence)
over a year ago linalin said…
hmmm! Possessed Dean, what he said broke my heart, Sam was just mean!

Bobby being fluent in Japanese
Bobby being fluent in Greek
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Japanese that was cool!

Sam lying about hanging round with Ruby
Dean lying about his time in hell
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Dean lying about his time in hell. soo sad :'(

Back in black
Carry on my wayward son
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Back in black

Pilot episode
Lazarus rising
over a year ago Kaidi said…

Better sounding?

Sam Smith
Dean Wesson
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Ermmmm Sam Smith that was a tough one!

Dean coming back to life
Sam coming back to life
over a year ago linalin said…
Dean coming back to life, that was some Kill Bill level of awesomeness!

Sam calling Dean weak
Dean calling Sam a freak
over a year ago spn4eva said…
Dean calling Sam a freak

funniest Chuck quote from 'TMATEOTB'?

"I am the prophet Chuck!"
"That's like M. Night-level douchiness"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Im sorry guys Im new to supernatural and I dont know who Chuck is, Can someone fill me in please? ;)
over a year ago linalin said…
noooo, go watch the episodes! Everybody... do not give this lady

I repeat, no spoilers!!!
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
Ok ok nobody tell me who chuck is (Im just waiting for dvds to come through post)

Which is funnier

Sam 'Your bossy...and short'
Dean 'You stink like sex'
over a year ago estercarvalho said…
Dean ' You stink like sex ' lol

Best Sammy ?

Sammy ' Cool and politically correct '
Sammy ' dark and mysterious '
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
Sammy - cool and politically correct.

Sam shooting Dean with rocksalt [Asylum]
Sam [possesed by Meg] shooting Dean with a bullet (in the shoulder) [BUABS]

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over a year ago spn4eva said…
uhhh thats a tricky one...

Sam [possessed by Meg]shooting Dean with a bullet

Who looks hotter in the following scenes?

Sam (possessed) with black Demon eyes in [BUABS]
Dean (shapeshifter) with silver eyes when the car passes [skin)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DeanandSam said…
big smile
I will have to say Sam since Im a Sam girl

Which is funnier?

Dean - 'Awkward.....'(When he caught Sam watching porn)
Sam - 'My daddy shot your daddy in the head' (When Sam had Jo tied up?)
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
Dean - awkward :]] ♥
