Supernatural London Supernatural Meet-up

Storystuff posted on Apr 03, 2012 at 03:42PM
Okay guys, I dunno who knows about this and who doesn't, but there is a Supernatural Meet-up going on on the 21st of July 2012! The details are here:

Calling all SPN fans!!

The idea for a Supernatural meet up has been deliberated amongst many of us and it looks like this could have a lot of interest! It will take place in London, most likely we will actually meet in a place called Jubilee Gardens near Waterloo station and then go wherever from there.

This could be huge. We need all the help we can get in raising awareness of this. Spread the word! Even if you aren’t a UK resident or even if you ARE and couldn’t possibly make it, if you help us gain recognition we would be ENDLESSLY grateful.

So guys. If this goes ahead, we don’t want you half-assing this. We want to see cosplay, angel wings, trench coats, sideburns (real or not, you decide). We want burgers, pie, impalas - use your IMAGINATION. Bake cakes with Supernatural themes, paint yourself with quotes, design shirts to sell and so on and so forth. This is the SUPERNATURAL fandom! Bitches be CRAZY.

There will also be a “Supernatural Olympics” (LMAO I know that sounds lame, but bear with me!), where we’ll do egg&spoon races/sack races etc and have prizes at the end! (maybe some of the fab artists in the fandom/t-shirt makers/justpureawesome!makers can provide some prizes to be won?) This will probably take place in Hyde Park, which is where we can all accumulate after we’ve met up in Jubilee Gardens :D

There will be (and I will make sure of it) a collection bucket for Random Acts, the charity which Misha Collins began. All the money will go to it, I promise. There will be no stealing of any money donated. I will provide evidence via screen shots of the Paypal donation. If you are not aware of what Random Acts is, you should look into it. It’s an incredible cause and lots of amazing work has been done by them.

(copied from the Supernatural Meet Up blog link

Is anyone else going?

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