Severus Snape and My Pointless Questions

Buggie111 posted on Jun 25, 2009 at 06:46PM
What if Snape married Lily?
Harry would be a Snape not a Potter!

What if Snape was a Death Eater and a professor?
Harry would be dead!

What would Harry's middle name be instead of James?

Would it have been possible for Snape to die and James be the professor?
Nobody knows for sure!

Severus Snape 9 replies

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over a year ago lilyZ said…
Interesting questions I've asked myself too, but I've never found an answer. The only thing I'm certain about is that there would have been another story, not the one we know...
over a year ago lilyZ said…
Maybe this one...
Maybe this one...
over a year ago burgundyeyes said…
great picture lilyZ!

and very interesting questions. which creates a whole new different story and world that belongs to fanfiction.
over a year ago LadyNottingham said…
Great pic LilyZ ! And good questions indeed. Maybe the boy would have been the Chosen One yet and there would have been no Severus Snape around to help the kid and Dumbledore to defeat Voldemort. Because Voldemort would have killed Severus instead of James Potter.
I wonder if James Potter would have been as brave as Severus was to take on his shoulders the heavy burden of being a Death-Eater, being a spy for the Order, and eventually die like Severus died. Alternative Universes, here we are !
over a year ago SnapesRose said…
I love that pic, thanks! :D
Done posted some questions myself, on about same topic.
What would have really happened.. if Lily had forgiven Severus.
Would they have gotten together?
Lily didn't approve of JPs hexing, nor of the Slyth gang hexing, but she was harder on Severus then JP, considering she despised him for the longest time. Then JP changed, Severus lost her because he didn't change. So, whats the lesson in that?
Be yourself or not?
over a year ago midnightrose said…
Another thought into the Severus and Lily is this:Snape was a better wizard than Dumbledore and Voldemort.Must have been to act as double agent and/or spy and not get killed by Voldy sooner.He was the man in the middle walking a tightrope.Neither Dumbly or Voldy had true love's.So don't think Severus would have got the girl either.I do respect how much some of you want him to though.But we'd just be too jealous to enjoy that part of story!!
over a year ago midnightrose said…
Another thought into the Severus and Lily is this:Snape was a better wizard than Dumbledore and Voldemort.Must have been to act as double agent and/or spy and not get killed by Voldy sooner.He was the man in the middle walking a tightrope.Neither Dumbly or Voldy had true love's.So don't think Severus would have got the girl either.I do respect how much some of you want him to though.But we'd just be too jealous to enjoy that part of story!!
over a year ago Maya_Snape said…
LadyNottingham: If Lily and Severus had gotten together and married, that would mean that Severus had changed, but James hadn't. Even if he had, no, James would be nowhere near as brave or mature to do the things that Severus did to help bring about the downfall of Tom. Also, James would never have joined the Death Eaters, and wouldn't be allowed to either because of his vehement disgust of Tom and his followers while in school. Therefore, James would not be in the postition to be able to be a spy for the order - even if he managed to 'man-up' enough to agree to it.

If Lily and Severus had married, there would be no telling if it still would've been Harry that became the chosen one, or if Neville had. I would assume that Neville would've been, however, for several reasons. 1) With Sevrus having been a Slytherin, Tom would probably expect Severus to raise his son to appreciate Tom's perspective - even with a mudblood mother. 2) Harry might not have been born 'as the seventh month dies' if Severus was his father. 3)With Slytherin Severus as his father, Tom would expect to be able to recruit Harry's services in the Death Eaters.

Also, with Severus as his father, one would have to ask - what house would Harry have been in? He would have no reason to tell the hat no to trying to sort him into Slytherin, because his father was a Slytherin. But if he wasn't marked as Tom's equal, then would he still have the traits to put him in Slytherin? One would assume not because throughout the books, the only trait Harry had for Slytherin was his Parsletongue ability - he would not be a parslemouth if he was not marked Tom's equal. Would he still be friends with Ron and Hermione? That would depend on 2 things: which house he was sorted in and to what extent Severus had changed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ncisfan001 said…
What if Snape married Lily?
If Snape married Lily Harry Potter simply wouldn't be Harry Potter. If James chose his name originally, he wouldn't even be called Harry.

If Snape married Lily Voldy, probably wouldn't kill her right? So Snape would never turn right again. He'd be a powerful death eater raising a soon to be a powerful death eater. Even though Lily didn't approve, She'd go along with it to keep her son safe. So there's a possibility the dark lord would never have been defeated.