Saosin Updates

a pop quiz question was added: What scale does justin shekoski play in the B section of the solo in "Move slow"? over a year ago by awesome2u
an answer was added to this question: do u like that song Fireflies? i think its kind of slow but really, really nice... over a year ago by GodisREAL321
a comment was made to the poll: from the album "in search of solid ground", what is your favourite track? over a year ago by HisSockMonkie
a comment was made to the poll: Which song is better? over a year ago by HisSockMonkie
a video was added: My Band performing "On My Own" acoustically! over a year ago by icebergdrumr
a question was added: do u like that song Fireflies? i think its kind of slow but really, really nice... over a year ago by lililove15