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Renesmee Carlie Cullen Question

What do u think Breaking dawn would b rated if they made it into a movie and by rated i mean like pg-13 or g rated?.

I think if they r gonna make it into a move keep it pg-13 cause lil kids sometimes watch twilight.
PG-13. They will NOT have it rated G.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
 kristinadork posted over a year ago
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Renesmee Carlie Cullen Answers

patrisha727 said:
I was thinking maybe rated R for what Edward and Bella did during the "Honeymoon" but if they just show the "before and after" scenes it should be just fine. But I wonder how they're going to film Renesmee's violent birth, that wouldn't be pretty.... Other than these two scenes it'll just be fine for Pg-13
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posted over a year ago 
123hihihi said:
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posted over a year ago 
Little_Cullen said:
Well it will have sex scenes remember. I wish they wouldn't be all. Well- we'll-have-to-cut-them-out-because-of-little-kids... The five year old fans need to get over it - Twilight is not a little kids movie. Or book, for that matter. Even ask Stephanie.
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posted over a year ago 
Right my little sister is 7 she thinks she can read the books. it took me 2 montghs to read them all!
dogsrule369 posted over a year ago
Ha ha it's not so much the language, which is quite advanced, but it is very much a romance novel. In fact, originally, when they first came out, our library placed them in the Adult Fiction section. Naturally, as soon as they became popular, this caused much annotance so they were transferred to the Y.A. But I wish the directors wouldn't try to make it 'suitable for all ages', because that was not how it was intended to be. Without the sexual tension it is nothing, and how is Bella supposed to get pregnant if they just skip the whole sex thing? I'm not asking for heavy porn, just a little detail. Or something.
Little_Cullen posted over a year ago
lol I'm 13 and I'm VERY mature for my age and I if there was any nude I would not want to watch it like I do NOT want to see bella's boob (lol) but like they should make it 14
9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
(wow that was weird ) and the ppl at the movies should in force it and little kids should not be reading theese books! and the directors should not change the story stephie wrote it the way she wanted it to be I hate that when they change it . and if they make it pg13 I think they should show some hair lol !
9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
boomy678 said:
I think it should be rated T (teen). I just hope that they will cut out the "Honeymoon" scenes. I wonder what their going to do about Nessie's birth...
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posted over a year ago 
Oh yes, you make a good point. That is quite graphic. I remember what really got me about that scene, the day I first really became a Jacob hater. When there is blood everywhere, and screaming and crying and it is hugely frightening, and the lives of Bella and her baby are hanging on a thread. And Jacob is skulking in the background, not even bothering to pretend to help, contemplating how often he had imagined her naked, and how this... didn't quite live up to those expectations. Somebody say pervert?
Little_Cullen posted over a year ago
dogsrule369 said:
well you would think if they make it just like the book, R but they might cut some of the to involved stuff out because they cant really make ACTORSdo that STUFF!!!
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posted over a year ago 
they made r-patz do that with another guy in little ashes
twilight0girl posted over a year ago
twilight0girl said:
not avalible in theaters!! XD lol jk ummm,rated R because of the honeymoon and the birth of nessie.and well,jacob,if i remember right,kicks rose in the gut because she cut open bella's stomach with the scalple to get nessie out but rose was still hungry (because she never left bella's side) so she almost attacked rated R because blood,adult actions,and violence
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posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
I dunno the sex scenes and the violent birth might have to be edited a little bit, but I really do think it might just be PG-13.
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posted over a year ago 
twilightGGlost said:
It is going to be pg-13 so the younger (9-12 yr olds) kids can see it but I want it to be R for the *good scenes* like the honeymon but I wouldn't mind them skipping renesmee's birth bcause I kinda threw up in my mouth a lil bit (not really) but it was hard to imagine so idk howthey could even pull it off yeah they will try to tone it down to PG-13
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posted over a year ago 
jacob-daisy said:
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posted over a year ago 
R3N3SM33 said:
i think that it should be rated pg-13 because alot of twilight fans are teens
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posted over a year ago 
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