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10 Questions We Had While Watching Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

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10 Questions We Had While Watching Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
We had a free couple of hours recently, so we decided to re-watch
, naturally. It’s one of favorite movies ever. There’s no such thing as too much Jack Sparrow, we’re in love with Commodore Norrington, and Will and Elizabeth always make us smile. While there is 0% of the film that we aren’t obsessed with, it does raise some questions. Here are said questions, because if we can’t ramble internet, then we’re just talking to ourselves like crazy people. So indulge us. Please.
1. How does young Elizabeth know “A Pirate’s Life for Me”?
It’s a song that pirates sing. She’s a little girl on what we can only conclude is her one and only sea voyage from England to the Caribbean.
2. Why doesn’t Will just say that he made the sword himself?
We get that he’s trying to be loyal to the blacksmith, but he could really do with some good tidings from Governor Swann.
3. Where did Jack Sparrow get all those beads for his hair?
We’ll always remember this as the day that Norrington wasn’t even close to
getting away from the special place he holds in our hearts.
5. How does that metal container of hot coals not light Elizabeth’s entire bed on fire every night?
6. Could Will and Jack’s water walk actually work?
We aren’t scientists but this doesn’t seem possible in real life. We want to try it, but we also don’t want to drown.
7. How did Cotton train his parrot to talk if he can’t speak?
8. Why does Jack the monkey hate Jack Sparrow so much?
It seems that Barbossa got Jack the monkey after the mutiny, so how does the monkey know to hate Captain Jack so immediately?
9. How does Elizabeth’s hair retain its shininess when she’s been at sea for ages with all that salt water splashing about?
Because our hair would be a hot mess at this point.
10. What happened that one time that Jack impersonated a cleric of the Church of England?
We feel like there’s probably a really good story there.
What are some questions you had after watching the film? Tell us in the comments!
Tagged as: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
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