Peyton and Jake [JEYTON REUNION] Join the Story Game!

eka-chan posted on Nov 25, 2009 at 01:34AM
-----------------------------------------THE SONG NEVER ENDS-----------------------------------------


Many of you, though distraught and frustrated, are still keeping the love alive for this ship despite the contrived endgame of the great LP TLA (not). This interactive activity will encourage you to keep faith in Jeyton's Someday

Here in the comfort of our undying devotion, their song never ends...





+0+0+0+0 PLEDGE 0+0+0+0+

We are devoted fans who are enjoying the music even as the song ends;

Believing that the love shared between Jake Jagielski and Peyton Sawyer is a love lost that will be gained someday;

Because we have not forgotten and never will.

+0+0+0+0 ABOUT THE GAME 0+0+0+0+

The game presents a series of hypothetical scenarios depending on the players' choice of storyline sequence, sort of like "What ifs" in the Jeyton world. If we could rewrite the storyline for JP even after LP got endgame, then how would it go? As Nickelback's song goes "LET'S REWRITE AN ENDING THAT FITS INSTEAD OF A HOLLYWOOD HORROR" There's a written ten-paragraphed story drabble for each scenario that wins in each pick (I will write the premise and then other players who want to volunteer can write the next events). Each chapter is entitled with a song title or any passage from a song that fits JP. The stories are posted in the Articles section of the spot.

+0+0+0+0 INSTRUCTIONS 0+0+0+0+

(1) Players will pick a premise that is best for them (Step 1) in the Picks section. Players would do the same thing in the next steps (pending), following the premise, with a new set of options again.

(2) Sometimes, there will be a bonus feature for every step. For example: in Step 1, if the premise, "Leyton are still okay but Peyton meets Jake again, starts having feelings" wins, then Step 1 Bonus will go something like, Peyton extends a record label and Jake becomes a recording artist in that studio", etc.

(3) Players must identify themselves whenever they vote in the comments box just to get a fair idea who picked what. Players can add in suggestions in the comments box or just give the mod feedback or concerns as well.

(4) Whatever the final selection for each step is, The mod will come up with a ten-paragraphed (or less) story drabble for it (to be posted in the articles section). The plot and events will depend on each pick that has the most votes. Players may also volunteer to write the next drabble for a next scenario.

(5) Each chapter will be entitled with a song title or any passage from a song that fits JP. The stories will be posted in the Articles section of the spot with the format (e.g [JPR] Prologue: All Around Me.)

+0+0+0+0 REQUIREMENTS 0+0+0+0+

All Jeyton fans are invited to come play! Just alert me and I'll sign you up below.

There's a minimum of 30 voters in each pick.

+0+0+0+0 PLAYERS 0+0+0+0+ (Sign up here!)




+0+0+0+0 STORY GAME PROGRESS 0+0+0+0+

>>>"""STEP 1""" Premise is found: link [20 votes]<<<

*The Leading Premise
"Leyton are still okay but Peyton meets Jake again, starts having feelings."

(2) Leyton will get bored, still stay for the sake of Sawyer, Jake visits.
(3) Leyton are bored, Lucas cheats and Peyton wants a divorce.
(4) Sawyer and Jenny become playmates and Lucas is rarely around, JP got close.

*Premise Bonus Material link [12 votes]
"Peyton decided to open a small recording studio and Jake drops by"


>>>"""STEP 2""" Chapter 1 is found link [16 votes]<<<

*[u]The Leading Choice

"Peyton goes to the store after 2 days, sees someone playing the guitar. It was Jake."

(2) Peyton is hanging out with her friends inside the store, and Jake comes in when he heard the music playing.
(3) Peyton arguing with the equipment guys, one of them shoved her and then Jake walks by, tries to stop it.


>>>"""STEP 3""" Chapter 2 is found link [19 votes]<<<

*The Leading Choice
"Peyton is looking for babysitters and Jenny volunteers for an interview without knowing them about each other."

(1) While JP are hanging out with the band in the studio, Jenny walks in, mad about something
(2) While grocery shopping, Jenny bumps into her and didn't say sorry; a fight ensued
(3) Jenny entered the studio to look for Jake but only Peyton was there.
(4) Peyton takes Sawyer to the park, where Jenny was on a swing, upset about something.

>>>"""STEP 4""" Chapter 3 is found link [21 votes]
*The Leading Choice
"Lucas was listening to some tracks, likes them, Peyton admits it's Jake singing."

(1) Peyton mentions it offhandedly and Lucas takes offense about it
(2) While Peyton's out, Lucas talks to the babysitter & found out it's Jenny
(3) One night, Peyton discusses with him about Jake's arrival.

-----------------------------------------THE SONG NEVER ENDS-----------------------------------------
image copyright by link
-----------------------------------------<b>THE SONG NEVER ENDS</b>----------------------------------
last edited on Jun 02, 2010 at 04:44AM

Peyton and Jake 24 replies

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over a year ago Broody_4_Cheery said…
if only mark could stumble across this and go with it.
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Yeah. Hopefully more fans will join this game. Thanks for being here! :)
over a year ago dermer4ever said…
i am on and Mickei if only their would be another spot he would have to see
over a year ago kristine95 said…
This is a great idea =D
Love it!
over a year ago eka-chan said…
big smile
So far we only have 13 fans who voted for the premise. I was hoping to get at least 30 since it's a reasonable amount for 1258 (and counting!) fans in this spot. And then I'll add the bonus for the premise like what most of you suggested about Peyton being in a record label and Jake signing up. Or anything else other fans might come up with. It would be a seperate pick named as Step 1 Bonus. I'll update this page as the story game progresses. Then whatever the final selection for Step 1 is, I'll come up with a ten-paragraphed story drabble for it (to be posted in the articles section). And then any player can write for the next scenarios.

Hopefully by first week of December, I can start Step 2. Thanks again for the cooperation and support!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wiewior2288 said…
I think maybe we should make something like video promo for this game? Maybe it could gain more popularity.
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Oh? I think that's a GREAT idea since I am having quite the problem with the P.R stuff for this game :( I could use a lot of help from a Jeyton fan like you. Will you pimp this game or something? :) I miss JP so bad and I wanna connect with the JP fanatics to keep this spot alive just like the BL fanatics on their spot. So yeah. I'm so excited and anxious to push this through. Do you get what I mean? I've accepted LP as endgame but JP has a place in my heart that cannot be untarnished.

Sorry for the emo-shit. :(

I was thinking of putting in a video all the mechanics of the game as stated here (pledge, about the game, instructions). Something like that. What else do you think should appear? What's to include and exclude?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wiewior2288 said…
Ok, I we should put there a abridged edition of this game. I know people don't like a really long text in a videos, it just boring them. So I think we should fix one's attention on "Pledge" & "About the game" and "How you can enjoy it". All another stuff we can put in description box.

But all video shouldn't be longer than one minute. I think, Eka you are the best and the most competent to make a short version of this. I just add music ( I think about "Look after you", "Who's to say" or "Someday" by Greenberg and Nickelback) and a few JP clips (clips could be black & white and aim at colour film) and one or two JP quote ("Every song ends...")

But personally I think a title of this game "Jeyton reunion" is the best we have, it really attract attention (like "omg! Jeyton is back?!:D")
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Yeah. the JPR STORY GAME, to make it easy, but JEYTON REUNION would make it flashy so we should use that. And then the pledge, about the game. I think you could use all the music you've mentioned because "Who's to say" is the part where they touch the tips of their fingers on the prison glass, right? "Someday" speaks with quote I used "Let's rewrite an ending that fits" and then "Look After You" is a song that makes my heart melt whenever I hear it. Maybe you can change music while the pledge is changing to about the game to how to enjoy it, etc. Get it?

So first:

We are devoted fans who are enjoying the music even as the song ends;

Believing that the love shared between Jake Jagielski and Peyton Sawyer is a love lost that will be gained someday;

Because we have not forgotten and never will.

"LET'S REWRITE AN ENDING THAT FITS" The game presents a series of hypothetical scenarios depending on the players' choice of storyline sequence. If we could rewrite the storyline for JP even after LP got endgame, then how would it go? There's a story drabble for each scenario that wins. Each chapter is entitled with a song title or any passage from a song that fits JP. The stories will be posted in the JP fanpop spot.

You're not alone. There are many of us who believe in the timeless quality of the great Jeyton love. This is your chance to express your imagination and devotion to them! Just join the fanpop and be a fan of the JP spot!

Go to the forums for further instructions.

How's that? Is that short enough? Ya know, thanks for this, girlie, this means a lot to me and the JP spot! We're an underappreciated fanbase and we deserve to get a chance to shine! Don't ya think so? <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wiewior2288 said…
Yeah it's perfect Eka! I start make it right now, maybe I finish it today:)
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Ooh, thanks! Show me when you're done!
over a year ago MiSaDalinda said…
I love this idea!!
over a year ago anhdara13 said…
I absolutely adore this idea! Headed to see the steps. :)
over a year ago Michelsita said…
Amazing idea ;)
over a year ago eka-chan said…
big smile
Are you three joining? Thanks! <3 Hope you guys have fun!
over a year ago anhdara13 said…
yup, joining! :) this is going to be so much fun!
over a year ago amandaj said…
Amazing idea!
Sign me up :D
over a year ago eka-chan said…
Thanks! Glad you can join!
over a year ago brattynemz said…
I'm not really happy with the coloring..
It's so hard to choose the scenes!
I'm not really happy with the coloring..
It's so hard to choose the scenes!
over a year ago eka-chan said…
big smile
Wow, it's pretty good. It's just the first try, if you're not happy about it. But I like it and I appreciate the effort! Thanks a lot.

Are you gonna be making more? I do hope so..hehe. I'm gonna use the image here. But I do think the quote is "Let's rewrite an ending that fits instead of a hollywood horror." Not sure if it's hollywood though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brattynemz said…

..what kind of icons do we need for the game?

..what kind of icons do we need for the game?
over a year ago eka-chan said…
I think the icons should be like, only with the initials JPR. Or maybe GIF? You know, animated? It says "Join the Game!" Like that. And of course, SOMEDAY IS NOW and maybe, "Let's rewrite JP". Are these possible to do?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xQueenOfHearts said…
Can I join? :D
over a year ago eka-chan said…
sure! <3 Will add you!