Paris Hilton & Lady GaGa Updates

a photo was added: 12491768 945823615508975 6807442404209568474 o 1 over a year ago by markstamback
a comment was made to the poll: Best Icon...? over a year ago by gagastar169
a comment was made to the poll: Who is better? over a year ago by gagastar169
a comment was made to the poll: seriously join my club: stefani joanne angelina germanotta over a year ago by gagastar169
a comment was made to the poll: who is better? over a year ago by gagastar169
a pop quiz question was added: who is bff in her tv show Paris Hilton's My New BFF 1? over a year ago by kaymary
a pop quiz question was added: who is a nicky hilton? over a year ago by kaymary
a screencap was added: Lady GaGa over a year ago by kaymary
a wallpaper was added: Lady GaGa over a year ago by kaymary
a pop quiz question was added: whats lady gaga real name over a year ago by WINXSUPERFAN