Merlin on BBC Please God Why?

foxy21 posted on Dec 11, 2009 at 09:18PM
why does anyone like this awful show? I wince at every scene cursing the idiot who decided to dress the king in a leather jacket - who incidentally has short hair. AT least buy some bloody wigs for the cast who also look as tho they all just came out of Vidal Sassoon before each shoot. This is supposed to be in medieval times for the love of Christ. The plastic set is also spotlessly clean (lazy); i almost switched over to x factor through annoyance which i'll never forgive those clueless creatives for. And did the beeb get these actors from the Toys R Us Borehamwood Branch? Art is supposed to be made to look easy by the artist - these morons encourage other half wits around this chavvy country to give acting a shot. The one reason why i'm not going totally ballistic about this tinny series is purely coz Jordan still has her own show which beats Merlin to the top prize of Horse Shite. Get another director, new creatives, costume dept, actors who can actually convey emotion, then you'll be on track to an average programme. NEEEEEXT!!

Merlin on BBC 4 replies

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over a year ago morgause said…
morgause said:

Arthur legend is one of the richest sources of historical anthorism, so the idea of characters having short hair and wearing costumes containing leather, plate armor, and any type of fabric is by no means incorrect. The original tales by Mallory, Chrétien de Troyes were written as if they were taking place in the late middle ages, despite the fact the early authors claimed to set Arthur's Camelot in the 4th or 6th century. In a land of legendary fantasy historical accuracy counts for less than a haypenny. The creative and production team of "Merlin" including the sets, costumes and props reflect exactly what is intended: 'a time of myth in a land of magic'.

I don't really understand what your 'question' is. I suppose it was 'why does anyone like this awful show?'. In answer to that I'd say for starters, because most people don't think it's an 'awful show' to begin with. Every fan will like the show for different reasons, including because of the story, actors, style etc.

And I think your estimation of the talent on the series is hardly justified. The cast of "Merlin" brings out the best on current running television. If you don't like the series fine, but why rant over it on a fan gathering place? Joining a fan club for media you dislike insults your intelligence. Trolling is a nasty habit, it's really better to find more positive pastimes than wasting time posting on the internet about things you dislike.
over a year ago Shepard14 said…
I have a question...why was our answers taken off..I HAD A GOOD ARGUMENT!!! Oh wait..this is in the forum..nvm hahahahaha well I am just going back to what I said before...I absolutely love the show, costumes, actors, adn the creativity the director showed, and nothing you say can affect me in any way. Go pick on another show's fanbase who may be more easily persuaded , because you picked the WRONG fanbase to insult. Sorry if that sounded rude, I am just speaking my mind.
♥Shepard14♥ I know i dare I....
over a year ago Cas_Cat_2 said…
I have a question for you.

What are you doing on the MERLIN spot, if you don't like the show?
No offense, but if you don't like it, go away.
over a year ago heartmerlin2 said…
YOU GO SHEPARD14! Going back on what i said earlier, u obviously watch it so there is no point in posting such utter nonsense and STUPID lies JUST TO GET SOME ATTENTION! (This is clearly not the right way to get GOOD attention!)

If you feel that u have to be so negative, go and create urself a new club which u can spoil!
last edited over a year ago