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Merlin on BBC Question

How do YOU think Morgana will return to Camelot?

. What do you think will happen when she does come back?
. What do you think she''l do?
 heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
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Merlin on BBC Answers

Queen_I said:
Tough question :)
I think that she will return in the first episode of Season 3, since it seems like a good starting point.
I think she will return to get revenge on Merlin bur also to try to rid Camelot (once again) of Uther and his regin of terror.
I don't think she will succeed in the first episode, but I do think that she will (preferably with Morgauses help) succeed in killing him in an explosive season finale.
I think that Uther needs to die/ be removed from the show, so that Arthur and Gwen can get married (though, I think that will only happen, when Uther is gone, aka. in Season 4)
I hope that Merlin will get a serious and decent girlfrind in this season. One that can spize Camelot up, since Morgana is no longer there. And preferably a magical one (since it never happned with Mergana :( )
I hope that Morgana will be in many of the episodes of season 3, a bit like Nimueh in season 1, who just kept pooping in and out of the series, perhaps to kill Merlin?
Or I hope that (my Mergana shipper heart is very big and currently bleeding) they will figure it out and have a sparkling and passionate moment, or a relationship? One can only dream :P
Well, very long answer, hope you like it! And I would also love to read what you all think!
Over and out :)
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posted over a year ago 
Wow! U should become a 3rd producer! I love the idea of Merlin and Morgana having a passionate moment (although i would be very jealous, LOL)
heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
Thanks! Really appreciate it ;)
Queen_I posted over a year ago
I agree, Merlin and Morgana would make a good couple- sharing magic and all that- but I would be extremely jealous of Morgana, like I'm afraid I was with Freya!!!!!!!!
chickencheese posted over a year ago
healingsprings said:
I think Morgana will return to Camelot in Season 3. She tells Uther that Morgause died and so she returns to live normally as in the previous seasons. Infact she lies to Uther.(she has a plan to kill him and Morgause wasn't dead) Morgause grows powerful with the help of Morgana and some other powerful sorcerers. They kidnapp Gwen and so Arthur goes out to save her. Morgause sets a trap to Arthur in the forest. Morgana remains in the castle with Uther. That night she has a nightmare that Arthur dies with Gwen and Merlin knows about the plan to kill Uther. The next day Merlin goes back to Ealdor and finds out that his mother Hunith is dead and Ealdor is destroyed and so Merlin discovers a new spell, to go back in time. Morgana kills Uther. She feels guilty and so she goes back to Morgause. Merlin follows her and finds the secret place where Arthur and Gwen were trapped. Merlin saves Arthur and Gwen. On their way out they face Morgana and Morgause. Arthur battles Morgause and Merlin battles Morgana. Morgana dies and also Morgause. They return to Camelot. Mordred was waiting Arthur in his chambers. Arthur gets badly injured and Merlin saves him again. Mordred dissappears. Arthur discovers Melrin's secret.

But who knows how the story continues?
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posted over a year ago 
That would make a VERY interesting ep.(s - as i think it will cover around 3-4). I love the idea of Morgana knowing about Arthur's feelings towards Gwen, and the idea of kidnapping her to get Arthur (although I don't think she could bring to do anything to either if them). XD
heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
Morgana kidnapping Gwen...THAT would be sweet! Let's see how Arthur reacts hahaha
Shepard14 posted over a year ago
I love that theory! Sounds exciting!! And Morgana kidnapping Gwen would be intersting!
chickencheese posted over a year ago
Shepard14 said:
Hey heartmerlin2
I'll get back to you when I see Season 2 lol

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posted over a year ago 
Coo, looking forward to ur responce!
heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
louvreangel said:
I think, she'll return to Camelot one night silently. In the third season's -maybe- fourth or fifth episode.
As all we remember, Morgause took her and gone.
I think she will teach Morgana how to control her powers. Then Morgause will let her to go to Camelot and see what's happening there.
One night she'll come to Camelot, first she'll take a look at Guinevere from her house's window, because she will be thinking if she's okay or not. After that, she'll go inside Camelot as the way Mordred did.
Merlin will be walking in the hole and she will follow him. Then she will wrap her arm around his neck and force him to go somewhere they will not be seen.
They'll both look at each other, she'll say nothing and she'll go by saying "I'll be back" with a devilish look. Merlin will tell no one, nothing, but will wait for her to come. To fight with her. -which is bleeding my heart because I'd love to see them in a good relationship.-
I hope you liked my answer and I know it's a lil long. I've read all of your answers people, and I love them. Everyone nearly -at the point- thinks the same things as I see.
But of course, who knows what the scenarists will do? =) -they are always very surprising...-
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posted over a year ago 
I LOVE this one! All it needs is for the fight between Merlin and Morgana and a title for the ep.(s)!
heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
Thanks =) I hope there won't be a "big" fight between them but it unfortunetely seems like there's gonna be a big fight :\ I wouldn't like Morgana and Merlin to be enemies at all.
louvreangel posted over a year ago
ahaha =) i like ur answer btw. its different from everyone else's:D good thought, ur ideas can happen too, who knows (:
louvreangel posted over a year ago
chickencheese said:
I think:

Morgana will come back in the first episode- probably just come riding back to Camelot.
She will probably try to avoid Merlin, who will try to make up for what he did. She will feel confused, and angry. Uther will try to be extra nice to her to cover up the fact that he is very concerned that she wants to kill him, and he will be angry and suspicous. Gaius will be his usual concerned, helpful, kind old self! Maybe Morgana will keep meeting up with Morgause and possibly plotting against Uther. Morgause might try to get at Merlin as a way of getting to Arthur, because by getting at Arthur she will get at Uther. Hopefully, Merlin and Morgana will end up in a relationship,or Merlin will find someone else. Gaius will have some very useful advice that Merlin will either ignore and get in (more) trouble because of it or he will follow the advice and it will save his/Morgana's/Arthur's/someone's life. I think Gaius will generally bring some sanity to the whole thing.

Or maybe she'll come riding into Camelot and there'll be all the usual fighting, mindless killing, revenge and general magical stuff!

To be honest, I haven't a clue! Everyone else's ideas are great by the way. Hope you like mine.
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posted over a year ago 
I love your too. To be honest, I think I'm the only one that doesn't want Merlin to get in a relationship (simply out of jealousy - i know, it's stupid. I like the way you have included ALL the main characters.
heartmerlin2 posted over a year ago
No, you don't sound stupid- I feel pretty much the same way. I wouldn't mind MERLIN getting in a reationship. I would, however, mind Colin being in a relationship. Gaius is great, how could anyone not include him?!
chickencheese posted over a year ago
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