Leyton Refute The Negativity!

kellyerin87 posted on Oct 05, 2010 at 11:30PM
So, I saw this topic on another OTH site, and I thought it would be GREAT for this spot! Especially with all of the LP bashing that goes on around this site!

How it works:
1) State a negative or unjustified opinion that often gets said about LP, Peyton, or Lucas.
2) Then provide an example (LP scene, moment, or quote) that proves that opinion wrong! Providing pictures would be great, it just makes the thread more fun!

This forum is NOT meant for bashing Brooke, OR BL! But simply defending LP against bashing that goes on towards them! State your points regarding LP, and move on!

Have fun, get creative... and prove all of the LP negativity WRONG! :)
last edited on Dec 18, 2010 at 04:05AM

Leyton 21 replies

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over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
I'll start!

Peyton is selfish, and a bad friend.

-"Brooke's my friend Lucas, I can't do this to her."
-"If that's what you really want, I have a way for you to get her back"
-"Do you want me to take you by Rachel's? Maybe Brooke's there."
-"Brooke, I told you I wasn't going to say anything to Lucas until I knew it was over between you guys."
-"You're a good person, Brooke Davis."
-"I am here for you forever. I promise."
....and COUNTLESS other examples of how Peyton is NOT a bad friend :)

I'll start!

<b>Peyton is selfish, and a bad friend.</b>

-"Brooke's my friend Lucas, I can't do
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
LP weren't eachother's first loves. Peyton's first love was Jake, and Lucas' first love was Brooke.

-Season 1, Peyton to Haley: "I just want to tell him that i'm IN LOVE with him."
-Lucas' wedding vowes: "Peyton, I have loved you since the first time I saw you."
last edited over a year ago
<b>LP weren't eachother's first loves. Peyton's first love was Jake, and Lucas' first love was Brooke
over a year ago TheBoySawAComet said…
OMG such a great idea! i have a ton of these!

LP have no chemistry
OMG such a great idea! i have a ton of these!

LP have no chemistry
over a year ago oth_leyton_tla said…
Great idea :')

Peyton stole Lucas from Brooke
I'm pretty sure it was Peyton who made her feeling clear about Lucas first in 1x07. Despite this, Brooke still went after Lucas. Sure Peyton turned Lucas down but Brooke should have known her well enough to realise that Peyton was just protecting her heart!
Great idea :')

[b]Peyton stole Lucas from Brooke[/b]
I'm pretty sure it was Peyton who made her feel
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
^ GREAT one! :)
over a year ago TheBoySawAComet said…
So what if lucas saved peyton? that's just how he is, he'll save anyone who needs saving and protecting.

....really? i don't think he was there to protect brooke, when she needed it.
last edited over a year ago
So what if lucas saved peyton? that's just how he is, he'll save anyone who needs saving and protecti
over a year ago TheBoySawAComet said…
brooke is the queen of hearts, not peyton.

...hmmm. strange then how this random queen of hearts card falls, right as LP are reuniting. SO strange.
brooke is the queen of hearts, not peyton.

...hmmm. strange then how this random queen of hearts c
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
"Peyton broke up Brucas; she came between Brucas; she ruined Brucas"

Well first of if Brucas were "meant to be" than why did their relationship fail not once but two times? Peyton was a factor, yes, but true love should not let anyone come between it, so I don’t think its entirely Peyton's fault that Brucas didn’t work out those two times, it was their inability to trust and let each other in. Lucas even said that he would never cut Peyton out of his life, even if Brooke requested it. Lucas never called her when he was away, he blocked her out after the death of Keith yet he had no trouble talking to Peyton that day. After seeing S3 and S4, it’s obvious that Lucas lets Peyton in, something he had a hard time doing with Brooke.

It was already apparent to Brooke that there were problems there, and Peyton's feelings for him, only shined more light on that fact. Brooke was then trying to keep Lucas around for all the wrong reasons. Brucas ended on their OWN TERMS. Peyton had no control over the fact that they didn't trust each other ... or that they couldn't open up to one another. Those were Brucas' problems, not Peyton's. I'm sick of people blaming Brucas' bad relationship on Peyton. Lucas made the choice to be there for Peyton ... Peyton never asked him to leave Brooke's side ... Lucas did that on his own. Peyton didn't see herself as coming between them, she more so perceived herself to be a third wheel more than anything. Brooke's insecurities, and Lucas' inability to put her first is what caused their relationships demise. NOT Peyton.
last edited over a year ago
<b>"Peyton broke up Brucas; she came between Brucas; she ruined Brucas"</b>

Well first of if Brucas
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
"Peyton whines/cries too much"

Now ... please tell me, at one point in time, has Peyton cried, that it wasn't expected.

Dealing with her mother’s death ... she cried. But that's expected when you don't understand why something happened, and you blame yourself. Ellie died ... that's expected considering you just found out that the world you were brought up in, really didn't exist at one point in time, and it's not the life you were supposed to have. She just allowed herself to open up to Ellie, after fighting her off, and then she dies. Tragic.
Ian attacks her ... um, yeah, I'd cry too.
Okay, so she whined about a few things, BUT If anything she holds it all in until she just can't anymore. Did she whine about almost getting raped in season 1? NO! Did she whine about Brooke humiliating her at Dan’s party when she dared Peyton kiss Lucas in front of everyone? NO! Did she whine about Brooke trying to hook her back up with Nathan so she could get to Lucas? NO. She told her off and that was the end of it. Did she whine about her moms' deaths? No, but sure she cried about it like any normal person would. Did she whine about getting shot in the leg? NO! In fact she defended Jimmy saying he just seemed scared and she was never mad about it. Did she whine about her best friend not even coming to see her one time after she got shot? NO. Did she whine about having a stalker that almost killed her? NO! Peyton always works through her problems and then comes out stronger for it. Brooke whined all of season 2 about not having any money. 4 seasons later Brooke was still b*thing about LP cheating on her in season 1 even with everything she had done. Moving on Haley whined about Nathan not forgiving her right away when she came back and whined that Peyton wasn't being nice to her. Haley whined about being pregnant.

See? All of them whined about something at one point. NOT just Peyton.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
"Brooke is the Comet"

LMAO XD!!! Sorry, I just HAD to throw this in because the first time I read it, I cracked up!!!
<b>"Brooke is the Comet"</b>

LMAO XD!!! Sorry, I just HAD to throw this in because the first time I
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
And just to add a little bit to what Oth_Leyton_TLA said.

"Peyton stole Lucas from Brooke."

S1 - Lucas wanted Peyton, not Brooke. He settled for Brooke, moments before Peyton confessed her feelings. Peyton walked away. They had a slip up at the motel. Peyton walked away again. Lucas then pursued her. They both f'd up royally. Then LUCAS made the choice to leave Brooke, b/c he wanted to be with Peyton. Peyton never asked him to ... or persuaded him to. He made the choice on his OWN! She didn't lock him up in a cage, throw him in the back of her car and drive away. She didn't handcuff him and hold him against his will. He chose to leave Brooke.
S3 - Brooke left him. He fought for her, and fought for her, and she still left him. He wasn't stolen away, b/c he wanted Peyton then ... b/c he didn't. He fought for Brooke. She didn't want him.

So please .... tell me again how Peyton stole Lucas!
last edited over a year ago
And just to add a little bit to what Oth_Leyton_TLA said.

<b>"Peyton stole Lucas from Brooke."</b>
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
"Lucas didn't always love Peyton! When they fought in the rain he never would have said he loved Brooke, not Peyton"

Kinda notice how Lucas often times tells Brooke how much he loves her or makes his grand speeches when Brooke is feeling insecure. Take these scenes as an Example 1) Lucas makes his speech in the rain because Brooke is feeling insecure about Peyton and wants him to convince her that he loves her and not Peyton. 2) Brooke finds Lucas and Peyton alone in the hotel room at the Sparkle Classic so Lucas once again tells Brooke how much he loves her so she would stop feeling so insecure about Peyton. He also lies to Brooke and says he slept on the floor. 3) At the wedding, Brooke is feeling insecure about Peyton after the confession and Lucas and Brooke have a fight. Lucas once again says he loves Brooke but this time she asks him why doesn't he show it. My point is, almost every time Lucas tells Brooke he loves her it is because Brooke is feeling insecure about Peyton and his love for her.

Oh and Do you happen to notice that Lucas never has to make grand speeches to Peyton about how much he loves her? Why is that? Oh yes because he doesn't need to. He lets his actions speak for him. They have love unspoken, and don't need grand gestures to make it known how they feel about one another because it is something natural and doesn't need words to explain the power of that love. That is why in my opinion Leyton is the far better couple.
last edited over a year ago
<b>"Lucas didn't always love Peyton! When they fought in the rain he never would have said he loved B
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
"Brucas would have been still together if Chad&Sophia didn't get a divorce."

The CS divorce had nothing to do with BL...I'm really tired of hearing this :/
I think if Sophia &/or Chad had problem with working together they really can't do anything about it. I mean they're professional actress/actors, they have to act professional. At lease... That's what I believe Lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
^ OMG... Amazingggg posts!! <3
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Lol Thanks :)
But I don't think I'm done. Haha.
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
It's clear in season 3 that Lucas loved BROOKE, not Peyton. There was NO build up for LP that season.

Just to name a few... ;)
<b>It's clear in season 3 that Lucas loved BROOKE, not Peyton. There was NO build up for LP that seas
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Okay so about 2 years ago I was in a debate with someone, and I said something about "Action speaks louder than Words" was more LP than BL then she basically said that the quote was more BL than LP, so anyways, I'd thought I share that debate in this forum :)

"What do you mean about actions speaking louder than words, what show did you watch? Brucas had many speeches and words but they also had a hell of a lot of action to back it up, Lucas fought for Brooke, he gave her his room, painted his door, decorated her locker, wrote her letters, chose her many times, chased after her, etc. etc. etc. the only action I've seen Lucas do for his love of Peyton is cheat on his girlfriends."

My response? :D

Well, I think that Lucas HAD to do all of that stuff for Brooke because she was always needing reassurance of his love for her, she never completely had faith in it. Whereas with Lucas and Peyton they always knew that there was something between them and I don't think there was ever REALLY any doubt. I mean a perfect example of that is when they weren't even together Lucas said, "It's always going to be there isn't it, you & me?" I don't think that love should be conditional and with Brucas it was. Time and time again it has been shown that Leyton has an unconditional and everlasting love that isn't based off of material things and little gestures. Despite that, however, the "actions" they refer to for Brooke/Lucas are all very cute and sweet, but they lack depth and substance. Let's look at some of the things that Peyton and Lucas were willing to do for one another.

1) Even after he'd just gotten back together with Brooke, Lucas went with Peyton to see Ellie.
2) Peyton came back to Tree Hill for Lucas.
3) Lucas wrote a book that pretty much oozed his love for Peyton.
4) Peyton, in the end, was willing to sacrifice her friendship with Brooke for Lucas.
5) Lucas wanted to spend the rest of his life with Peyton; he proposed to her, dang-it, and she wanted to be his wife.
6) Peyton tried to reunite Lucas with Brooke in S4 even though she loved him (although a lot of people don't think this was sincere, so it's difficult to argue).
7) A simple one...Lucas submitting Peyton's artwork when she was too afraid to do so.
Peyton, very recently, told Lucas she would let him go like Keith did for Karen.

The list goes on and on, and the meanings in the actions are endless and deep; there's no way BL can compare, or compete, with it.
Okay so about 2 years ago I was in a debate with someone, and I said something about "Action speaks l
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
Lucas' first book is nothing special for LP. It isn't just about Peyton, it's about Brooke too. After all.. she's the "OTHER HALF"!

Yes, she was the other half. And that's perfectly fine. But I think it's also common sense. Ofcourse Brooke is a big part of the book, she was a big part of his life during that time. BUT, she (very clearly) wasn't written in the same way, or context that Peyton was. Which is why whenever the book was acknowledged... it was associated to PEYTON, not Brooke. Brooke was in it, yes. Just like all the other characters were also in it. But obviously not to the same extreme that Peyton was. There was ONE scene/comment in the whole show about Brooke being a big part of the book... as opposed to the MULTIPLE comments regarding Peyton's role in the book.

And hello! It was even BROOKE who said that Lucas wrote a "whole book" about how much he loves Peyton. And Lindsey said she was "rooting for the couple in the book". If you ask me, it doesn't get much clearer than that. And aside from ALL the little comments made throughout the show... we also have to consider Peyton's actions, regarding the book. Do you really think she would have been as obsessed with it as she was, if it was really EQUALLY about his love for Brooke? Haha, no. She wouldn't have carried a copy with her everywhere, read it a million times, bought every copy she found, or cried in front of it after Lucas proposed to Lindsey... if it was in the same way about Brooke, that is was about her. I'm sorry, but that would just make no sense lol.

And last, but not least... when Nathan first asked Lucas what Brooke thought about the book becoming a movie, Lucas didn't even know what he was talking about. He immediately got a confused look on his face, because he himself obviously doesn't connect the book to Brooke. Otherwise, Nathan wouldn't have had to REMIND him that Brooke was a big part of the book, and that he should get her input too.. Lucas would have thought to do it on his own!
last edited over a year ago
<b>Lucas' first book is nothing special for LP. It isn't just about Peyton, it's about Brooke too. Af
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
"Peyton only wants Lucas when she knows she can't have him."

Actually, Peyton didn't know about Lucas being unavailable until AFTER she confessed her feelings for him. Both times, in season 1, and season 5. She didn't know about Brooke, until AFTER she went to Lucas' house and told him that she "wanted all the same things he did", and she didn't know about Lindsey until AFTER she came home for Lucas in season 5, and told him that she missed him. Which is why she looks CRUSHED after finding out that Lucas was already involved with other people.
<b>"Peyton only wants Lucas when she knows she can't have him."</b>

Actually, Peyton didn't know a
over a year ago TheBoySawAComet said…
i'm loving this topic! everything is sooo true! another one...

"The book 'The Comet' didn't sell for a reason. Because LP's relationship sucks, and nobody wants to read about it. The Comet=fail. therefore LP=fail."

right. LP=fail. lmao does this look like fail to you?
last edited over a year ago
i'm loving this topic! everything is sooo true! another one...

"The book 'The Comet' didn't sell f
over a year ago tvfan5 said…
This is a cool idea!

"Hilarie Burton is an ugly actress who has zits all around her lips."

Yes, I've heard that. It was about 2 years ago on the OTH spot. LMAO. It's pretty easy to provide evidence supporting how wrong that is.
This is a cool idea!

"Hilarie Burton is an ugly actress who has zits all around her lips."

Yes, I'v