Leyton Why Leyton Are Ment To Be. <3

addiee posted on May 29, 2008 at 06:04PM
1. Because her art matters to him
2. Because tummy kisses=sexy
3. Because they have the same taste in music
4. Because he wouldn't leave her in the school
5. Because he carried her out knowing the shooter was still out there
6. Because shes the one he wants standing next to him when his dreams come true
7. Because he saved her from psycho Derek
8. Because he gave her a key to his house
9. Because he went to find her dad with her
10. Beause he had to wake up so he didn't miss a chance on being with her
11. Because he had to go back and tell peyton he loved her
12. Because she just wanted to tell him she was in love with him
13. Because if he died she could never move on
14. Because they can brood together
15. Because he knew the Travis cd was Peytons
16. Because it's always going to be there
17. Because there kisses mean something
18. Because shes a cheerleader and hes a basketball player
19. Because he went back with her to find her braclete
20. Because the moment he met her, he knew he was looking at his future
21. Because he has nice hands and she has nice legs
22. Because even though she said she was "pretty sure" she didnt need him at all, we all knew she did.
23. Because they've wanted this for so long, and now, they can FINALLY have it
24. Because the truth is, she wants all the same things he wants, and she wants them with him.
25. Because he didnt want to hurt Brooke, but he had to be with Peyton.
26. Because she'll wait forever if she has to
27. Because he told her about his dad before he even knew her
28. Because he watched her freshman and sophomore year
29. Because "its just you and me this summer peyton."
30. Because then "there were two"
31. Because when she said she loved him in the library, he didnt hold it against her.
32. Because on the contrary to whats on her wall, people dont always leave, he's still there
33. Because he would never cut her out of his life.
34. Because she held in her love for so long and she couldnt hold it in any longer.
35. Because he introduced Peyton to Haley as his girlfriend
36. Because it's "perfect"
37. Because all he had to do was fill the radiator but he wanted to see her again.
38. Because if he ever wonders if he made a difference all he has to do is look into Peytons eyes
39. Because, whats hotter then 2 broody blondes?
40. Because Brooke is ok with it now, so bring back Leyton!
41. Because Brooke and Lucas had 3 seasons to figure it out so now its LP's turn
42. Because they are an epic romance
43. Because Peyton needs happiness in her life for once
44. Because Peyton just happened to be there he chose to
45. Because her dad loves him too
46. Because he's always there to pick up the peices of her life.
47. Because he always tries to protect her.
48. Because she left Nathan for Lucas
49. Because he left Brooke for her
50. Because he hid with Brooke ever since Peyton told him how she felt
51. Because when Peyton was drugged he beat the shit out of the guy who tried to hurt her.
52. He let her stay with her when stalker Derrek was still lose
53. He fought to get Derrek (real brother) to give her chance
54. Because he gave her a ride when Nathan wouldn't come
55. Because she said I love you lucas in her sleep
56. Because he submitted her sketches to THUD
57. Because he got in the car with her when she was running red lights and said he's stay if she wanted him to
58. Because he'd erase his dad to bring back her mom
59. Because she tried to save him when dan was chocking him
60. Peyton made him a CD for the bus ride
61.Because he wants everything with her
62. Because she made up a book she was "reading" to convince him to come to the basketball party
63. Because when Brooke told Peyton to prove her feelings she made out with Lucas
64. Because he almost raked Larry to death for her
65. Because Larry trusted Lucas to take care of Peyton
66. Because he went to the basketball party to see how Peyton's story ended
67. Because she would have done anything for him to say she was the one he wanted
68. Because he told her he savd Dan before any one else
69. Because he kept all the stuff from when they were together
70. Because Lucas covinced Peyton to give Ellie a chance
71. Because she told Dan the truth to save Lucas's life.
72. Because they play silly music games
73. Because she stole collange for him
74. Because he warned her about Derrek
75. Because she was his first love
76. Because he was her first love
77. Because they spent their summer break together
78. Because he took her to see Ellie
79. Because even Brooke knew he loved Peyton
80. Because their kisses are hot
81. Because Jake knew Peyton loved Lucas
82. Because he doesn't want to hide anymore
83. Because he knows it can work because he can feel it in his heart
83. Because he dreamed about her
84. Because now they can finally have it
85. Because her "Now We Can Have It" comic was about him
86. Because he was the only one who understood her fearleader comic
87. Because that's him inside her head .
88. Because he didn't leave her car after Nathan crashed
89. Because he dragged her away when she was fighting with Nikki
90. Because she fought Nikki for him
91. Because she drew a heart with his jersey number when she couldn't see him in hospital
92. Because he told his mom they wanted to be together
93. Because he left the letter for her and brooke at her place
94. Because even Brooke knew they had an emotional connection
95. Because He went to see her when she cut class
96. Because You dont just fall out of love
97. Because Brooke is insecure for a reason.
98. Because he wrote "your mine forever" first.
99. Because we know there's a better reason for why he kept the box.
100. Because in their last moments together, Ellie encouraged Peyton not to give up on him.
101. Because Lucas wanted to call and make sure Peyton was okay during the storm.
102. Because he refused to say it was a mistake when he wrote it to Peyton.
103. Because Mark (the executive producer) said they created a world where Lucas and Peyton are meant to be together.
104. Because Lucas didn't sleep on the floor
105. Because the song reminds her of Lucas
106. Because he promised her everything would be okay
107. Because even Rachel knew they were meant to be
108. Because Peyton was on his radar before we were introduced to the OTH world.
109. Because without him she would have died in the school shooting
110. Because the boys from Rivercourt knew he liked Peyton
111. Because he paused their basketball game just to watch her drive by
112. Because he couldn't wait to read her next strip in Thud magazine
113. Because of Peyton's face when she found out about Lucas and Brooke's first kiss
114. Because it's so NOT the whole "third wheel thing"
115. Because tracks 8 and 11 remind them of each other
116. Because she told him about her brother first
117. Because the day him and Brooke became offical he went on a roadtrip with Peyton
118. Because she doesn't have to ask to be saved
119. Because they have so much sexual tension
120. Because they can connect without sex
121. Because it wasn't about the risk
122. Because she risked her friendship with Brooke for lucas
123. Because he "has to be with her"
124. Because they know each others secrets
125. Because they snuck around in the library
126. Because he "couldn't stop" being with Peyton
127. Because it's been four seasons in the making
128. Because he loves her too
129. Because he forgot how good of a kisser she was
130. Because it's REAL
131. Because they can be friends
132. Because he never gave her any shit about the dyke rumor
133. Because Karen called her when she couldn't find Lucas
134. Because misery loves company.
135. Because he realizes she’s lonely.
136. Because he told her the editor was wrong.
137. Because he spent the whole night with her until she woke up, even though he got in trouble
138. Because she doesn’t have to get him drunk and tattooed to kiss him
139. Because he loves to watch her draw
140. Because Brooke isn’t her.
141. Because he has talked about her a lot to Karen.
142. Because she drew a huge flaming heart with his number in it.
143. Because he asked Karen if Peyton ever came to see him
144. Because he snuck all the way over to her house just to see her.
145. Because he wishes that he could fast forward time so that they could be together
146. Because she's not the stereotypical cheerleader and he's not the average jock
147. Because she wanted to save him
148. Because she tried to cook for him. Twice
149. Because shes the best cookie he's ever had
150. Because he'd wait for her forever
151. Because they've waite long enough
152. Because out of all those people who left, none of them were Lucas
153. Because getting detention was worth it.
154. Because he had no problem reading his note out loud in class.
155. Because even Brooke knew Peyton fell in love with Lucas twice
156. Because she kissed him in class.
157. Because Karen gave Lucas her permission
158. Because Lucas has always had a crush on Peyton
159. Because Karen didn't reconize him with out Peyton by his side
160. Because they got in a cookie fight.
161. Because the pilot is what brought them together.
162. Because she thinks he has nice hands
163. Because he wanted to come in
164. Because we all know she secretly did want him to come in.
165. Because Lucas called Peyton lonely when no one else could guess
166. Because Lucas stopped to help when he thought Peyton crashed her car
167. Because we don't see Brooke and Lucas as an epic couple either haley
168. Because they wanted to play the game again.
169. Because they make swings look hot.
170. Because they both wanted it for so long.
171. Because Lucas told brooke that there was "someone else" and he was talking about Peyton
172. Because Peyton couldnt keep her feelings to herself anymore
173. Because he stayed with her all night.
174. Because he took care of her when she was drugged.
175. Because he worries too much about her.
176. Because she never had to read a book for him to make out with her
177. Because LP had the same cd (travis)
178. Because "hey you" is LPs thing
179. Because LP looked "pretty friendly" at the cafe
180. Because Lucas doesnt have to ring the door bell when he visits.
181. Because Lucas knows more about Peyton than Larry did.
182. Because what Peyton wants Luke, is you.
183. Because Lucas reads her comic strip everyday
184. Because Larry wanted Luke to keep an eye on LP
185. Because of course it meant something
186. Because he felt it in his heart
187. Because he didnt want to get hurt again
188. Because he doesnt want to hide anymore
189. Because Peytons "thing" with Lucas WAS worth losing her best friend over
190. Because she never let herself need anybody until lucas came around
191. Because he smiled when he heard her voice mail.
192. Because he begged her to come see him
193. Because he said she looked HOT before the party.
194. Because he bought her an 80's record for no reason
195. Because she got him a high five
196. Because they went to Naley's party together.
197. Because Lucas even said he had a huge emotional connection to Peyton and Brooke was just all about fun
198. Because he said nobody rocks a party like her!
199. Because even Felix could read that Lucas still liked Peyton.
200. Because they are "Bonnie" and "Clyde".
201. because during the beginning coda when Peyton said "and others took my heart" the camera was focused on the drawing about Lucas.
202. Because Lucas held onto all of Peytons stuff, just like he has always held onto Peyton.
203. Because Lucas is Peyton's "Tom Sawyer"
204. Because its been a tough year on hearts
205. Because they have history
206. Because he was on Peyton's side. Not Ellies.
207. Because Lucas predicted in 7th grade that he would talk to Peyton Sawyer
208. Because he wanted to hang out after the school board meeting
209. Because he punched Dan for her
210. Because "what if PEYTON is the one?"
211. Because Rachel was right. Peyton IS the one.
212. Because they both paint black when angry.
213. Because day 1 of his relationship with Brooke, he spent with Peyton
214. Because he loves "being that guy for her."
215. Because he wants her to turn to him for help.
216. Because according to Brooke, Peyton is his "other girlfriend"
217. Because he said he loved Peyton forever first.
218. Because he was never going to leave her
219. Because Lucas noticed that Peyton wasn't having a good time at the sunkist party
220. Because when he said "I love you, you know that?"...well.. we ALL knew that
221. Because Peyton usuallys calls Lucas for "this sort of thing"
222. Because Peyton cares for him as MORE than just a friend.
223. Because peyton still "has feelings for lucas."
224. Because he talked to her even when Brooke didnt want him to.
225. Because he spent Brooke's birthday with peyton
226. Because even Derek is threatened by LPs relationship
227. Because Lucas was right about Derek
238. Because Peyton does have someone special in her life, Lucas
229. Because he took Peyton home when she had a breakdown at school
230. Because he wanted to spend more time with her at the banquet
231. Because yes, Hales has met Luke's girlfriend Peyton
232. Because Lucas wanted to have it exclusively.
233. Because he thinks she's a good kisser
234. Because good things DO happen to Peyton, Lucas happened to her.
235. Because Peyton is a better person because of Lucas.
236. Because Keith supports LP all the way from Heaven.
237. Because Peyton won't leave his side.
238. Because he watches her web cam
239. Because he risks his life to save hers
240. Because they were the ending couple for the original "movie"
241. Because Peyton was worried bout Lucas as to why he came to school after his heart attack.
242. Because Lucas could come to school and day dream bout his new girlfriend.
243. Because she didn't want him to get hurt.
244. Because people who are meant to be together always find their way in the end
245. Because he doesn't have to be on her door, he's in his heart
246. Because Karen cares about Peyton
247. Because he watched after her post Derek
248. Because she picks up the peices when her life falls apart
249. Because they're the next Joey/Pacey
250. Because it's always been there
251. Because He's never had to lie about loving her
252. Because they're bringing sexy back in season 4
253. Because only they could look so hot covered in cookie dough
254. Because she tried to make him chocolate chip cookies
255. Because happy looks good on her
256. Because even Keith knows what an impact he's made on her life
257. Because he thinks she’s “alright.”
258. Because he told her about his life just so they could get to know each other.
259. Because he’ll do anything to know her better
260. Because he realizes her artistic talent
261. Because she said thank you to him for submitting her art
262. Because he told her the editor was wrong
263. Because even Brooke said that they could “brood” together
264. Because tortured athlete meets tortured artist
Because she defended Lucas when Nathan was mean to him at the party
265. Because he tried to chase her when she ran a red light
266. Because she opens up to him
267. Because he would gladly erase his dad if it would bring back his mom
268. Because she didn’t go to the father/son game to see Nathan
269. Because even Brooke said they should hook up
270. Because she kissed Lucas in front of everyone to show she likes him
271. Because she’s sorry for all sorts of things.
272. Because she owes him
273. Because they are capable of being just friends, but he doesn’t want that
274. Because she confessed that she wanted everything he wanted…with him
275. Because Haley recognized that Peyton was hurting over BL relationship
276. Because Peyton was happy for him…or tried to be, but couldn’t
277. Because his attitude doesn’t change when he’s with her
278. Because it’s not all about sex for them
279. Because she confronted Brooke on how she felt
280. Because she knows him better than Brooke ever did
281. Because he loves to watch her draw
282. Because he helped fix a car for Peyton’s dad
283. Because she told him to sleep on the bed and not the floor
284. Because he wants to help her get through this
285. Because he got them food before they left for the bridge
286. Because he gives her positive advice
287. Because she tells him stories about her parents.
288. Because he was there for her at the coroner’s office
289. Because he went all the way back to the hotel just to get her bracelet
290. Because he told her it was all ok
291. Because when she kissed her, he quickly kissed back
292. Because they both said it meant something
293. Because they can’t bury what happened between them
294. Because Brooke isn’t her
295. Because they feel it in their hearts that it would work between them
296. Because it didn’t matter they knew it was wrong what they were doing
297. Because he has to be with her; even if it means coming between their friendship
298. Because she’ll wait forever if she has to
299. Because he has talked about her a lot to Karen
300. Because they hung out at the party
301. Because he pulled her off Nikki
302. Because he has always cared about her
303. Because he has always loved her
304. Because he said goodbye to Peyton and not Brooke
305. Because if he ends up with Brooke again, he'll find himself in jail
306. Because she can never stay mad at him
307. Because they understand each other
308. Because they both have haley as a close friend to go to for help
309. Because they always give each other "the look" when they pass each other
310. Because her drawings were mostly about him
311. Because he wanted to come to her first before he made any changes
312. Because he didnt have to give her a gift but he wanted to
313. Because she looked concerned when he got hit in the shoulder in the playoff game
314. Because she was the first girl at Tree Hill High that he had his eye on
315. Because Lucas sees her soul
316. Because Lucas needs someone he can talk to about his intrests
Because Lucas told Peyton he wanted to be in her heart and of course he never told Brooke that
317. Because he said she looked hott before haley's party
318. Because she looked happy and cheered for him during the one on one game against Nathan
319. Because when Nathan told Peyton that if he lost the basketball game Lucas would get her she didnt look disappointed
320. Because he watched her legs freshman year, sophomore year, both summers
321. Because she stayed with him at the hospital
323. Because the podcast was all about LP
324. Because he went straight to her when Brooke broke up with him
325. Because sometimes all you need is one
326. Because she's good with "pain, words and Lucas"
327. Because he won't say anything bad about her
328. Because a kiss always means something
329. Because Mark loves them together
330. Because they have a love like Camilla and Whitey
331. Because it was about time
332. Because Mark got chills in the writers room
333. Because the writers went crazy for the Lucas and Peyton stuff
334. Because we are making a killing in the Cingular poll
335. Because Peyton happens to be there but Lucas CHOSES to be there
336. Because they were each others first loves
337. Because they are both finally happy
338. Because the last time they kissed, it was so dang good, he collapsed
339. Because if it wasn't for each other, they wouldn't be here
340. Because they finally found each other
341. Because they've waited long enough
342. Because he wasn't pushing her away. He came back for her
343. Because no matter how long it takes, he'll wait for her
344. Because she introduced him to her mother
345. Because she's the best thing he has in his life
346. Because in moments of dark reflection, they are not alone
347. Because Mark thinks there's a sweetness to Lucas and Peyton
348. Because Lucas had the biggest crush on her for years
349. Because "they make sense."
Because shes in his book
350. Because he couldn't lie to her
351. Because she knows about his book
352. Because she never meant to hurt Brooke but she loves Lucas
353. Because pretty please with me on top is hot
354. Because they wanted to find an empty room
355. Because she wanted their first time to be special.
356. Because Peyton knew she made a big mistake that night when all she wanted was sex
357. Because now she wants every thing with Lucas
358. Because damn that was hot!!
359. Because it wasn't her in the sex tape.
360. Because he was releved it wasn't Peyton on the tape.
361. Because he knew she'd look beautiful if she decided to go to prom.
362. Because he really wanted her to go.
363. Because she was hurt that he went to see Brooke
364. Because he was hurt she was upset
365. Because they had there first real fight.
367. Because in the words of Nate "you care about Lucas because you know he loves you"
368. Because she decided to go to prom for him.
369. Because he thinks she’s “alright.”
370. Because Mark says they're not going any where
371. Because he showed up to get her even after she said she wasn't going.
372. Because he kept calling her through out Prom.
373. Because he knew it was prom nite but all he wanted was to be with her.
374. Because on some level he knew it was true that Peyton loved him in 316
375. Because Honey Grove Prom is their night
376. Because contrary to popular belief we didn't need ANOTHER LP sex scene to know that this time they made love. And it is TRUE LOVE.
377. Because she's in love with him
378. Because he promises he loves her too
379. Because they waited until the time was perfect
380. Because she asked him to go to Prom with her
381. Because she knew Lucas wanted to see the Elvis shaped sandwich to
382. Because Peyton can get him to stop being mad
383. Because their love is about more than sex
384. Because it was really important to Peyton.
385. Because he was proud of her that she got the intership
386. Because she missed him after only 2 days apart
386. Because "no matter what happens to either one of us you will always be in my heart"-Lucas
387. Because she knows things with Lucas aren't okay
388. Because she doesn't want to go to LA and leave her.
389. Because he thinks shes destined for greatness
390. Because he was so excited that he got her to sign his yearbook freshman year
391. Because she knew he wanted to see to Elvis shaped sandwich too.
392. Because they would do anything to protect each other.
393. Because he didn't want her to go to LA but told her to go because it was what was best for her.
394. Because she was willing to stay if he asked her too.
395. Because she convinced him to go to graduation
396. Because "Just let me hold you for a couple more minutes thats whats gunna fix me." -Lucas
397. Because he wished they had never left that room in honey groove
398. Because she was perfest
399. Because that night was perfect
400. Because shes gunna love him forever
401. Because she wanted him to hold her in his arms and fix her too
402. Because she wanted him to come met her in the first place that they talked
403. Because she knew it wasnt the great gatsby but she trusted him enough not to ask
404. Because Peyton knew she made a mistake and she wanted to be with him
405. Because no matter what she thinks he really does care about her
406. Because Jake knew it was Lucas that was in Peytons heart
407. Because Rachel knew Peyton still love Lucas
408. Because deep down Brooke knew it too.
409. Because detention was sooo worth it
410. Because Peyton had been holding in her feelings because she was in love with him
411. Because he came back for her
412. Because he ultimatly chose coming back to tell her he loves her than being with Keith
413. Because Nathan knew it was "about time" they were together
412. Because he trusted her to hold his baby sister
413. Because she was glued to his side at the hospital
414. Because she would have skipped graduation with him
415. Because he wouldn't leave her in the school
416. Because he made her a better person
417. Because when he decided to make some changes in his life he had to see her first.
418. Because you can't erase their history
419. Because the car was fine but she was feeling sentimental
420. Because she didn't want to go to LA because she would miss him
421. Because she wanted some of his healing before she left
422. Because he convinced her to go to LA because it was what was bets for her
423. Because he finally told her didn't want her to go
424. Because he loves her so much
425. Because he was trying to paint a good face on her leaving but he caved.
426. Because she said she'd stay when he said he wanted her too.
427. Because he knows she destined for greatness
428. Because shes gunna love him forever so it doesn't matter if she stays or goes
429. Because they looked too damn cute playing basketball together
430. Because Peyton was worried about Karen
431. Because he wanted to stay there with her the rest of the summer
432. Because he doesn't want to hold back her magic
433. Because they were perfect in honey groove
434. Because he just wanted her to be happy
435. Because they looked so damn cute with a baby
436. Because you could see he was upset when she said the internship was in LA
437. Because he'll be there when she gets back
438. Because no matter what happens to either one of them she will always be in his heart.
439. Because she was worried about him
440. Because he will always love her
441. Because when she locked everyone out after PD attack she let him in
442. Because "I love you luke but I've choosen the darkeness"
443. Because he looked happy when she couldn't sleep and came to stay at his house
444. Because he let her stay
445. Because he has to be honest with her
446. Because he was nervous to let her read his book because she was in it
447. Because she helped him "research" his book
448. Because she wanted there first time to be special
449. Because they can't even manage to go to a party as friends without flirting
450. Because he tried to apologize for hurting her
451. Because he left to be a better person for her
452. Because now she wants everything with him
453. Because The Boy always gets The Girl
454. Because he has a "Peyton Box"
455. Because they're partners in crime
456. Because we love LP sleepovers
457. Because she was worried when he came back to school so soon after his heart attack
458. Because he stared at her when he left Tric
459. Because even Brooke can see he's still into her
460. Because she gave him the best mixtape he has
461. Because he's not impressed with others, he wants HER
462. Because love is based on TRUST
463. Because L is for love, and P is for passion.
464. Because she told him to go away, because of Brooke, but he didnt.
465. Because he was more scared of losing her than Jimmy's gun
466. Because Brooke called him to save Peyton
467. Because "The Making of One Tree Hill" introduction is all about Leyton
468. Because Lucas may be "that guy" for Brooke but Peyton is "that girl" for Lucas
469. Because she's his lobster
470. Because Lucas IS her future Mr. P Sawyer
471. Because of Peyton's flashbacks
472. Because Peyton slept-talked: "I love you, Lucas"
473. Because Lucas said, "hey I love you, you know that" TWICE, even though he didn't have to
474. Because just because you don't send a letter doesn't mean it doesn't come from your heart.
475. because her dream is his dream too, even if he won't admit it.
476. because he's not the guy for you brooke davis
477. because she's his comet
478. because the perfect act of love is sacrifice
479. because someday is now
480. because she bought his book every damn time
481. Because they'll be seeing eachother
482. Because Pinks are pinker, blues are bluer, and even their favourite foods taste yummier.
483. Because it feels like they're living in an Air Supply song
484. Because it's hard letting her go
485. Because she draws while he reads
486. Because she should have said yes
487. Because in Season 2, Mark sais that Nathan was talking about Peyton
488. Brookes a leytoner
489. skills is a leytoner
490. nathans a leytoner
491. haleys a leytoner
492. even lindsey was rooting for leyton after editing his first book!
493. someday is now
494. its her dream
495. he doesnt hate her.
496. brooke - you still love her dont you, peyton
luke - i have to go see lindse
brooke - this is gonna get interesting!
497. shes destined to be great
498. he is now and always will be inlove with peyton sawyer.
499. she brings beauty,meaning and direction to his life
500. cause each time he was with brooke he came back to her.
501. he couldnt keep away after brooke told him to.
502. lindsey doesnt stand a chance.
503. luke must of been drunk when he asked manface to marry him! :P
504. brucas are just friends.
505. shes been trying to let him go but she cant!
506. she threw water balloons off the roof cause she was soo upset.
507. hes always there for her.
508. it didnt feel right taking money from her
509. theyve been friends for too long.
510. hes has the biggest crush on her since forever!
511.its been there since the pilot
512. chad said they were destined to be together
513. hilarie loves leyton but sophia doesnt love brucas.
514. he likes her legs, little chickety
515. they are soulmates
516. its always been lucas and peyton - its the way its supposed to be
517. there one of those couples that you know there meant to be together in the end
518. best couple on tv altogether
519. best thing on oth!
520. cause the show sucks when theres no leyton scenes :(
521. brooke gives peyton faith for leyton
522. Because she belongs at his side.
523. Because they pull us in.
524. Because there's nothing he'd never do for her.
525. Because there's nothing she'd never do for him.
526. Because they'll stick together no matter what.
527. Because he'll never let her down again.
528. Because she's always gonna be around.
529. Because whatever life puts her through he'll be there for her.
530. Because whatever life puts him through she'll bet there for him.
531. Because she can count on him thick or thin.
532. Because he'll be there for her right till the end.
533. Because Brooke knows they are meant to be
534. Because love has no limits but brucas does
535. Because he makes her heart go giddy up
536. Because the essence of leyton will last forever
537. he was jealous when chase kissed peyton.
538. Because Brooke knows this is going to be interesting
539. Because jake is the rebound guy
540. Because manface is the rebound girl
541. Because they have bigger problems than brucas/lincas
542. Because he doesn’t annoy her
543. Because Manface has nothing on peyton
544. Because jake has nothing on Lucas
545. Because it's owen/chase/ethans turn at brooke, not Lucas'.
546. Because they are lost without each other.
547. Because they turn Tree Hill upside down and inside out.
548. Because with him she doesn't have to be anything other than what she's been trying to be lately.
549. Because with her he doesn't have to be anything other than what he's been trying to be lately.
550. Because all she has to do is think of him and she has peace of mind.
551. Because all he has to do is think of her and he has peace of mind.
552. Because it's not too late to get it back!
553. Because if she asked the sky just what they had it'd show together forever.
554. Because if the song he sang to her could fill her heart with joy, he'd sing forever.
555. Because they were happy just loving each other.
556. Because they have the friendship and the relationship!
557. Because no one can ever replace your first love.
558. Because they're pure hottness.
559. Because it's till the end of time.
560. Because it's the best of both worlds.
561. Because he's never felt like that before.
562. Because she's never felt like that before.
563. Because they can build through the destruction.
564. Because he wants to be with her.
565. Because she wants to be with him
566. Because his love for her kept him alive.
567. Because her love for him kept her alive.
568. Because the things he does for her are unlike anything that's ever been done for her before.
569. Because the things she does for him are unlike anything that's ever been done for him before.
570. Because she'll follow him to the ends of the earth.
571. Because he'll follow her to the ends of the earth.
572. Because Brucas wasn't good enough.
573. Because he is her strength when she is weak.
574. Because she is his strength when he is weak.
575. Because it's not gonna be just a memory much longer.
576. Because he knows what she wants.
577. Because she knows what he wants.
578. Because she stood by him.
579. Because he stood by her.
580. Because he brought joy to her life.
581. Because she brought joy to his life.
582. Because he made her wrongs right.
583. Because she made his wrongs right.
584. Because he made her dreams come true.
585. Because she made his dreams come true.
586. Because she found love in him.
587. Because he found love in her.
588. Because he held her up and never let her fall.
589. Because he saw her through it all
590. Because she saw him through it all (like the accident when he hurt his shoulder or the fire at dealership)
591. Because he is her voice when she can't speak.
592. Because she is his voice when he can't speak.
593. Because he is her eyes when she can't see.
594. Because she is his eyes when he can't see.
595. Because he saw the best in her.
596. Because she saw the best in him.
597. Because he lifted her up when she couldn't reach.
598. Because she lifted him up when he couldn't reach.
599. Because he gave her faith because he believed in them.
600. Because he's everything he is because she loved him.
601. Because she's everything she is because he loved her.
602. Because he gave her wings and made her fly.
603. Because she gave him wings and made him fly.
604. Because when he lost his faith she gave it back to him.
605. Because when she lost her faith he gave it back to her.
606. Because no dream is out of reach.
607. Because he had all her love.
608. Because even if she doesn't know much, she knows she was blessed because she was loved by him.
609. Because he was blessed because he was loved by her.
610. Because her world is a better place because of him.
611. Because his world is a better place because of her.
612. Because they acted like they were in love.
613. Because his heart isn't with Brooke or Lindsey
614. Because her heart isn't with Jake.
615. Because he found someone special-Peyton
616. Because she found someone special-Lucas.
617. Because sometimes you can't see what's right in front of your face.
618. Because his life took a change when he met her.
619. Because her life took a change when she met him.
620. Cause Brooke had Luke s1 to s3 its Peytons turn.
621. Because he arrested her mind.
622. Because she arrested his mind.
623. Because long live the queen bee, and he'll be the king.
624. Because you can't spell Chemistry without CH
625.. Because lucas was jealous when chase kissed peyton
626.. Because he stares at her when he thinks she isn’t looking.
627. Because she stares at him when she thinks he isn’t looking.
628.He asked her to marrie him
629. He wrote 2 books about her
630. She gave him the faith to write another book.
631. Because its always going to be there.
132. Because he gives her tummie kiss's <3
633. Because he's so in love with her he'll yell it from the rooftops.
634. Because she's so in love with him she'll yell it from the rooftops.
635. Because he'll wear a sign on his chest declaring his love for her.
636. Because they'll be back again.
637. Because it was more than a crush.
638. Because he's not ashamed of it.
639. Because she's not ashamed of it. .
640. Because he can learn from his mistakes.
641. Because sometimes the only way is jumping and he's not afraid of heights.
642. Because shes not either
643.Because he's going to hold her closer than before.
644.Because when he kisses her soul her body is free.
645, Because they can have fun together
646 Because he gives a rats about her
647. Because he had his first time with her
648. Because he chose her first
649. Because they have chemistry
670. Because he makes her happy
671.Because she makes him laugh
672. Because she wants him all to herself
673. Because she called him for help
674. Because she cried when he got hurt
675. Because she ACTUALLY visited him in the hospital
676. Because he had dinner with her dad
678. Because she cried when they broke up
679. Because she's prettier than Brooke
680. Because his mother likes her

last edited on May 31, 2008 at 07:05PM

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