Leyton People are leytoners

Lila856 posted on May 08, 2008 at 07:31PM
lmaoo lovvvves this spot:

Leyton 39 replies

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over a year ago georgiapeach91 said…
Seems like everyone is a Leytoner =)
over a year ago Leyton4ever said…
i've always thought that skills and nathan were leytoner's and i believe brooke is also...however I think haley just supports what lucas wants...I however do not think haley herself is a leytoner.
over a year ago Laurra said…
and sophia is :P
whoelse - i came up with a list - manface said she was but she doesnt count much cause shes been keeping them from being together - if she truely was a leytoner she wouldnt do that!

peyton is definatly a leytoner obviously haha - and luke is -he just doesnt want to admit it yet :)

ermm - karen and keith are tooo! and MEE dont forget mee!!i need my nae on that list haha! :)<33
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lila856 said…
LOL! everyone loves them!
over a year ago alessandra_28 said…
everyone loves them because they are ment to be!!! i love how skills support leyton soo much. I love skills for being a leytoner
over a year ago Leyton4ever said…
lmao yes karen has always been a leytoner and so was keith always..
over a year ago Leyton4ever said…
i don't know i still dont think haley is truly a leytoner i think she just realized that lucas was still in love with peyton and not lindsey
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Even Chad, Mark & Hil are LPers too.=]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doyouknow said…
Hahahah seems everyone is a Leytoner! Aparently Sophia Bush is too! :)
over a year ago Laurra said…
blshitters are too they just dont want to admit it - i think they have so much pride they cant admit defeat XD!
over a year ago Lila856 said…
HAHAHA so TV recruit are we calling them BLshitters from now on?
over a year ago Laurra said…
over a year ago gogokef said…
Keith was a Leytoner too!
and If we think it better..Lindsey is too..hahaha everybody is with the best couple^^
over a year ago brampton_girl said…
i just watched all those everyone a leytoner lol jake is too =]
over a year ago gogokef said…
yeah because he made Peyton understand that she loves Lucas lol!
over a year ago Laurra said…
rachel is too!!
over a year ago alessandra_28 said…
^^ yeah, she is a leytoner since the moment she cme to tree hill

"what if Peyton is the one"...I loved her since she said that!
over a year ago laulau3 said…
okay here is the list of the pro leyton :


Pro- Brucas :
oh Blers

who dislike Lp and there history ?
Nannie Carrie

(woo I'M scared)

looks like Leyton have some fans :) ahah
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
Mouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lau you're so funny! I love you! And I love your post!!!
over a year ago laulau3 said…
what it's just the truth :)
I love you too bitchy pro-leyton
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
I love your list! It seems that almost OTH characters or actors are Leytoners. Hahahahaha I love that idea!
I'm so scared too that Carrie and Victoria don't like them! Wow Carrie & Victoria: great team :-)
over a year ago laulau3 said…
maybe they will come up with a plan and try to kill them. But Lucas will save Peyton.
( I can already see Bler rolling there eyes at my comment )
Well everyone would try to kill Vic and Nan C if they try so i'm not really worried.
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
I can totally imagine Victoria and Carrie team up to break Leyton mouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. And Peyton would say "You're always saving me" and then my heart would melt :-). Nothing has ever separated LP as if a psycho and a bitch could do it mouaaaaaaaaaaaaa
over a year ago laulau3 said…
yeah as if ...

they hate Lp cause they know they are meant to be and there just jealous of P cause she's with the hottest guy in tree hill and there too old bitch and psycho for his taste ahah :) .
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
Lau honestly you're a crazy bitch and I love you for that!!! This is a good theories. Les bitch et les vieilles n'aiment pas P car elles sont jalouses hahahaha. Tu crois que les Blers sont des vieilles connes? mouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
over a year ago laulau3 said…
D'apres toi ?
mouahahahahaahahahahah ( evil bitch laugh)
over a year ago laulau3 said…
chtadore lol -xxxxxx-
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
we are 2 evil bitches. OMG we're Dan with skirts hahahhahahhahhhahah.

I love you too!
over a year ago ritergrl said…
"Nannie Carrie

And PDerek But his opinions don't count. He's CRAZY!
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
Hell yeah, psycho Derek is also on the team! So 2 psychos and an old bitch: wow what a team lol
over a year ago laulau3 said…
ahahahahahah I forgot Hot psycho Derek ahahahahaha
Awesome thanks :)

I wish I was friend with them
must be cool.

yep totaly 2 Dan/bitches with skirt.
your sick and crazy just like me ahahah
over a year ago laulau3 said…
I remember Jake face on 1x07 after Peyton kiss lucas after brooke dare her to kiss Lucas.

the look on his face is priceless he was rooting for Leyton all that time ahahah.
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
Yeah don't forget that Jake told Lucas to go and talk to Peyton in that episode! He always knew!!!
over a year ago laulau3 said…
oh yeah

woot woot
and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for my leyton supporters.

But Nate / Haley and Brooke face when they knew Lp were together
was sooooooo PRICELESSS
I was like jumping up and down screaming
Lp end game dance time babe wooohooo
thank god i was alone in the house
et oui Fanny j'ai courut autour de l'arbre en criant MOUETTE LOl .
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
Mouaaaaaaaaaaa Lau I'm picturing you right now autour de l'arbre en train d'imiter la mouette et je rigole comme une conne devant mon ordinateur. mon copain va me prendre pour une folle lol.
I love their faces, they were so happy and I'm sure they knew who he was going to chose eventually!
over a year ago laulau3 said…
and LUcas face when Peyton tell him in 6x01 just pick one PRICELESS ahahh
sorry i just took my hot lp drug . ahahah


ahahahh are you still laughing your ass off and does your boyfriend still looks at you like your crazy ? lol ahahah
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
I love how she says pick one and the smiles on Lucas' face! So cuuuuuuuuuute!
He doesn't think I'm crazy. Well not yet but he's going to realize it soon hahahahhahahha. But he knows that we talk on msn and that we laugh a lot so I guess he's not surprised lol
over a year ago laulau3 said…
at least ...
OH MY GOD. lol

yeah when she says JUst pic one
ahahah on dirait qu,elle fais sa séductrce pis lucas à pas mal l'air d'aimer sa
LP sex scene babe woohooo . lol
over a year ago fanny1780 said…
j'aurais voulu qu'après le pick one il lui saute dessus et qu'on aille notre hot Lp scene!!! On est des perverses lol