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Lady Gaga Question

Do your parents hate GaGa too?

My parents hated GaGa when she first came out, then when her & Cyndi Lauper paired up for that lipgloss cause to help girls buy condoms or whatever, my mom liked her. Then, I was just watching the Alejandro music video & mom came in & I couldn't minimize it & she saw, now she hates GaGa again! Boo! Do you have parent issues with GaGa too? If so, write down your problems here so I don't feel like the only one with parents who don't understand true art! I LOVE GAGA!
my dad and mom thinks she is talented and like her music but not her
chonny posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
 CullenProperty posted over a year ago
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Lady Gaga Answers

iandamonfan said:
My parents don't really care... Although my mom thinks she "dresses oddly" and there was this time when I watched with my parents the whole Telephone video and the only thing my dad said after was "the song is not that good..."
I guess it could be worse (i.e. having to hide everything Gaga-related) but I don't really mind.
Although I can barely stand their critics...
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posted over a year ago 
probably if i say i love gaga, now after she watched alejandro, she will kill me. she called it trash; i think its beautiful art!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Me too!
iandamonfan posted over a year ago
she can be innaporpriat at times, but its just ART!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
My parents enjoy Lady Gaga's songs very much. Yeah my dad likes Lady Gaga a little more than my mom i think
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posted over a year ago 
Same here
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
dustfinger posted over a year ago
like i said, dad just makes fun of her name, but now my mom cant stand her
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
NoMoreGas said:
At first they thought she was just another Britney Spears, who they already thought was just a trashy stupid rich american girl with no morals and didn't have any real talent. (except showing her body off)

But yeah, I've converted them a little. My mother even has '' Alejandro '' & '' Judas '' on her iPod now! LOL. I often catch my dad humming some of GaGa's songs aswell haha. ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
britishboy posted over a year ago
NoMoreGas posted over a year ago
IZlover48 said:
My dad likes her songs but my mom HATES her!!!

Example: ilike what she she is wareing my mom not so muc!!:) (COOL)
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My dad  likes her songs but my mom HATES her!!!

Example: ilike what she she is wareing my mom not so muc!!:) (COOL)
posted over a year ago 
my mom thinks she's trashy too. dad just makes fun of her name
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
what about laga gady lol
britishboy posted over a year ago
jblovesme4ever said:
my parents dont even know who she is
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posted over a year ago 
how do you NOT know who gaga is?
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
my parents are stuck in the oldies
jblovesme4ever posted over a year ago
the music or people
britishboy posted over a year ago
peaceisjoy said:
i am sry to say this but me my parents and my nana hate her because she is a slut i am mean srsly have you seen her new music video aleghndro she is trying to make it look like she is making love to a guy in her music video i think she went to far with it!!!!!!!!!! :P
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posted over a year ago 
its not making love. she's trying to get her ex lover jealous by spending her time w/lust affairs. its just art... i guess a lot of people don't get i
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
oh i could so say something mean right now, but i wont. i will instead say this; IT IS ART! GET IT STRAIGHT!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
u dont have to say mean stuff about her
britishboy posted over a year ago
Cameron10 said:
My dad h8s her
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posted over a year ago 
likewise w/my mom
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
leslie_pyt99 said:
My mom loves her when we hear Alejandro she puts the volume to the fullest!
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posted over a year ago 
my mom used to do that, until she wathced the music video
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
She dosent care about the video (my mommy) she said she looked werid but she still likes her!:)
leslie_pyt99 posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
breebree446 said:
My mom and I LOVE Gaga!
My dad, not so much. I doubt he even knows who she is! He doesn't really listen to any of the music I like!
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posted over a year ago 
sounds like my dad!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Lol! :)
breebree446 posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
StarrieNites said:
My mom really likes her, actually. I dont know about my Dad though
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My mom really likes her, actually. I dont know about my Dad though
posted over a year ago 
iloveduncan6 said:
yes! i love her though!
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
Awkward xD! Well my dad likes her (cuz he still thinks he's a teenager -_-'')! My mom thinks she tries to copy Madonna and thinks some of her videos (like Alejandro) are too erotic so she doesn't hate her but doesn't like her either...
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posted over a year ago 
cool dad. well, i think she's this generations Madonna too, even tho i never liked madonna!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
I agree with you... she probably is this genreration's Madonna but IMPROVED! Because, I always thought was okay as an artist but I'm GaGa about Lady GaGa ^^
Mrs-X posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
jrroxs said:
my mom told me she was an abnoxcios bitch
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posted over a year ago 
thats harsh
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
i no i like her though
jrroxs posted over a year ago
i no i like her though
jrroxs posted over a year ago
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
everjoy said:
my parnts hate gaga. they all lik y r u watching tht its soo blah blah blah this blah blah tht
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posted over a year ago 
no. that would be ke$ha with her blah blah blah! :)
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
My parents love her at a normal level.
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posted over a year ago 
wish mine did
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
broadway_gleek said:
my mom doesn't seem to mind her music and my dad pretty much doesn't get lady gaga nor does he really care about her. lol. i do have to throw in my grandma told me a few months ago that she likes her because she's italian :) lol.
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posted over a year ago 
thats awesome ur grandmama like her!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
well, apparently she didn't like her that much until she found out the whole itatlian thing. then she was like "now i like her" lol.
broadway_gleek posted over a year ago
that still cool :)
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
lostinclouds said:
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posted over a year ago 
pink_martini2 said:
ya it doesn't matter what ur family or you think. :) She's still going to sell her music. And by now, if you are still surprised at how sexualized music pop stars are these days, you need to get out more.

Have you seen Miley Cyrus lately? She only a record away from doing the SAME EXACT THING.

Not to mention, every other female pop star before gaga who's done the same thing. Britney, Christina, Jessia, Madonna. GET OVER IT.
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posted over a year ago 
But GaGa made it amazing; all those wannabes like christina agulera are sick
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
& not in a good way
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
BoNeS-h0uSe said:
idk what my dad thinks-- i dont think he cares but my mom LOVES alejandro (NOT a fan of that song) and my gma likes her songs too (i probably spelled that song wrong but idc)
--- i feel bad for u!!
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posted over a year ago 
for me? cause my mom hates her? haha
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
rmihulka said:
For one my mom doesn't even know who she is and secondly my dad is obcessed about Lady Gaga...They don't care that i like her.
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posted over a year ago 
dad... obsessed? FUNNY
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
moniquwwhi said:
yea mi parents hate her 2 caz at the mtv music awards wen she got her award she said this is for god and the gays yea but i love her i think shes is beast!!! and rly prty
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posted over a year ago 
Cittycat19 said:
My mom loves GaGa, my dad doesn't care but he teases me and say she can't sing and doesn't have any good songs but he is like that. It's just to try to tease me.
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posted over a year ago 
Edithuddy said:
My mom likes her music but she says Gaga is crazy. I think that too... that's why I love Gaga so much XDD

My dad, well I don't think he likes Gaga so much. He doesn't care about her.

Actually when Shakira sang at the WorldCup I said something like "OMG I hate that bitch" (I hate shakira) and my dad turned to see me and he said "Well yeah, but she's more of a woman that your Lady Gaga" O_o

I started laughing so hard and my mom did it as well and my sister and her husband and everyone present in the room. My dad's weird. LOL
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posted over a year ago 
CasCay said:
yes they do!!:)
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posted over a year ago 
softballqueen said:
who cares
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posted over a year ago 
lady gaga is an icon; you should care!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
mrs_diviney101 said:
my mom likes her, but my daddy thinks she dresses weird
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posted over a year ago 
ashley10tw said:
my parents both think she is too over==
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posted over a year ago 
slytherinangel said:
My parents love Lady GaGa. They play her songs in the car all the time and we all sing the songs when they come on the radio. Now they don't like any of her new music like Alejandro but they like her music from her first album plus Bad Romance for sure.
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My parents love Lady GaGa. They play her songs in the car all the time and we all sing the songs when they come on the radio. Now they don't like any of her new music like Alejandro but they like her music from her first album plus Bad Romance for sure.
posted over a year ago 
love da pic!
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
princelover96 said:
both my parents HATE Gaga with a passion its stupid the just dont understand her like i do

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posted over a year ago 
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
kiss93 said:
My parents don't even care about her,they don't like her or hate her as well.
I like her as the artist,and love her because she is new,original and unique,being her self and don't care what others think.
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posted over a year ago 
Nice answer.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Serpent_Z said:
Well of course they do! That’s like asking if the sky is blue! Look at her c'mon, she dresses like an escape mental patient! Really does any one else expect walk around dress like that, and not scare or even get laugh at! That’s reality people! Especially if they don’t know who she is!
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posted over a year ago 
So I take that as a yes.
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
Yes! You agree?
Serpent_Z posted over a year ago
Yeah, sure. )
CullenProperty posted over a year ago
your busting my ball arn't ya!?
Serpent_Z posted over a year ago
chev said:
One off my parents hate her and one of them loves her
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posted over a year ago 
kirsten_5 said:
My Mom likes her songs alot but she does not like her music videos or things like that. My Dad though hates everything about her, he thinks that she is a freak and does the things she does for attention not because that is who she really is. He also thinks she is too provocative.
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posted over a year ago 
ladygagafan681 said:
my mom likes her but thinks she is really weird
my dada thinks tht lady gaga is inapropriate but still likes her
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posted over a year ago 
kenzichu said:
my mom loves lady gaga my dad he does not hate her or like her so i don't know
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posted over a year ago 
britishboy said:
im the only 1 in my family that likes lady gaga but when i was 12 i hated her
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posted over a year ago 
Delilah_Scruggs said:
My parents hate any kind of music that is good. =)

Okay, not really, but it sort of seems it sometimes.

As far as Lady Gaga goes, they barely know who she is, but they don't really like what they do know about her. Which is okay. I think she's weird and that and the majority of her music videos need serious psychological help, but I like her songs anyways. =)
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posted over a year ago 
jakris22 said:
My parent said that what I like they like so we all like Lady Gaga

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posted over a year ago 
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