Kristen Stewart Why Do You Like Her??

sorchy101 posted on May 24, 2009 at 04:27PM
I have a liking problem with Kristen Stewart in the sense that i dont. i am not alone in this but ill admit it is a vast minority. i find her rather talentless and quite frankly a crap actress. i was just wondering if anyone could try and change my mind so i can watch twilight without wanting to throw something at my t.v.
Thanks xx

Kristen Stewart 20 replies

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over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
what about her acting don't you like?
over a year ago sorchy101 said…
Eh the fact that I dont think she can act would be the main problem I have with her acting. I dont think she can convey any hightened emotion very well and my god I have never seen anyone blink so much in my life (seriously, just watch her.)i think (taking twilight as an example) she was trying to be shy and kind of quiet and a bit of a loner but it just came across as awkward.
over a year ago falloutboy13 said…
I like her because she's not afraid to be herself, especially in the limelight. If she's a mumbling, fumbling klutz that wears her Converse to the red carpet, she doesn't care. She would rather do that than be someone fake that goes to 5 hour fittings for dresses that she thinks are ridiculus. Yeah, her acting could get better, but that can always be fixed. =)
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
She was told when to blink and how much in many of the up close scenes, so she was just doing her job and you can't not like her for that. I agree with falloutboy13 about Kristen's personality, I love Kristen's individuality.
over a year ago EdwardCrazyy said…
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over a year ago sorchy101 said…
i actually love her style. its her one redeeming quality so i have no problem with that. she just shouldnt act.
and i know that on the commentary for twilight on one scene she says she was told to flutter her eyelashes but this is ALL the time.
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over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Um, you can't base your opinions on her acting skills on Twilight.
She has been phenomenal in many of the other projects she did before Twilight. Watch The Cake Eaters and Speak and then form your judgements.
over a year ago Elena2597 said…
I love her because she is an amazing actress, for me, she is the best actress. As sylar_rocks said, plz base ur judgements in other movies than Twilight, it's not her only movie, there's Speak, wich is one of my favorite movies, she REALLY gets into the character, she played the PERFECT Melanie Surdino, because, is not so easy to play a teenager who was RAPED & then that stupid guy is dating your BEST FRIEND & she do it very well, & she didn't even talk! Then in Adventureland, Em is a very common character but not so easy to play, u have to see the pain that she sometimes feel because of her dead mom & then her dad married a bitch, it must be hard, & she played the role very well too. I also love her because of her style, taste in clothes, & if you look at her interviews you can get to see that she is a proffesional. =]
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over a year ago xlucy478 said…
reasons why i like kristen stewart:
1. she is natural
2. shes a very good actress, exceptionally good in 'speak' and 'the cake eaters', i think that most people find her not good is because that bella isn't a deep character, whereas the roles in 'speak' and 'the cake eaters' have more to them, i disagree though, i thought she was good in twilight
3. she gorgeous
4. shes got a nice 'i dont give a rats arse' quality that people love because she is real
5. she acts professionally
6. she has pale skin, in which she doesn't cover in orange crap and makes me feel proud to be pale :)
7. she doesn't change when the spotlights on her
8. even though she doesn't like the mullet that she sports now she got it cut because she is professional and likes to get into her characters
9. i like her collection of ray ban sunglasses :)
10. she thinks of acting as a job
11. shes brave
12. i like the way she ties her shirts and tops in knots

okay i could think of others but i don't think i answered your question my answer[s] is/are:

-read the books and you can see that in the books bella comes across as shy and i think in the movie she is more gobsmacked than awkward because she has just seen a 'beautiful' boy.
-if you want to see exceptional acting watch 'speak' and/or 'the cake eaters' because those are pretty complex roles when your 13/14 playing a girl who has been raped and won't speak, or a girl with an illness and finds love

peace xD
over a year ago jem_ said…
I like alot of things about her. But I most respect her ability to be who she is with no apoligies.
over a year ago sorchy101 said…
okay, lucy 478, i dont think you have to advise me to read the books because i have read twilight eighteen times, i think i get bella.
i just saw adventureland and my good god she ruined it. such a cute movie completely tainted. but in fairness to her, less blinking than in twilight and into the wild.
still dont see the attraction though.
over a year ago _nikii said…
Because she is so simple and is a good actress for my taste, she is young and even she still has great to improve and already she is one of the actresses more needed in hollywood, she simply I win the public with his roles that it she does with so many naturalness ... for my it she is a very mature girl and knows what is convenient for her. i love her =)
over a year ago morganmayhem12 said…
sorchy I totally agree with you but I dont think her blinking is her worst problem. I think its the mouth thing she does that annoys me the most. In some scenes she'll do the over excessive blinking and the mouth twitchy thing and the emotionless boring voice thing at the same time and she ruined twilight for me and she ruined Adventureland for me. And the messengers and cake eaters and Into the Wild. She was a bad actress in all of those. And she really shouldn't act.
over a year ago italiangirl976 said…
I don't think shes a good actress. She shows absolutely no emotion, she twitches, and blinks way to much,that was REALLY annoying. She looked like she was having a seizure or something.
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over a year ago krissykaleo18 said…
Haters-- why are you writing about her? why are you a fan of hers on here? Why are you watching her movies? Why bother????? She's real. And its the realest, rawest you could get. Its a no wonder why she acts the way she does....her so called "fans" even talk about her.
over a year ago sorchy101 said…
I'm not a fan of hers on here actually for that specific reason.
And the fact that she's "real" is irrelevant, "real" is not synonymous with "good actor"
over a year ago Allison_16 said…
don't worry sorchy101, you're not alone, I don't think she can act either.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
I don't think she's that great, either. She is tolerable in most of her roles, but there are just too many actresses in her age group who are better and could have made those films amazing. A good actor should be memorable, not tolerable.
over a year ago KatiiCullen94 said…
Sometimes someone doesnt need reasons to like something.
its just comes naturally.
i dont know what it is that makes me go CRAZY , my mate in sydney got her picture and autograph and i cried and had a fit on webcam...
its jsut comes that way.
i have no excuse, but maybes her personality can be related to me, i know when im on camera, i bit my lip, im very selfconsence, im liker her..
i just dont.. and i think some people have reasons, but somepeople dont.....its hard to explain...
that and she isss sooooooo BEAUTIFUL!
over a year ago foxy28 said…
I think she is true to herself. acting is job and she loves her job. She is the best actress of our generation beacause she is real and devoted to her role. I wish she will continue to act like this and just be better and better...I love her