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How I Met Your Mother Question

How come when Marshall prematurely slapped Barney without the permission of the Slap Bet Commissioner, Marshall was only slapped three times, and right there? That doesn't seem fair. I'm not trying to point out an error, I'm just wondering.

How come when Marshall prematurely slapped Barney without the permission of the Slap Bet Commissioner, Marshall was only slapped three times, and right there? That doesn't seem fair. I'm not trying to point out an error, I'm just wondering.
 nphfan posted over a year ago
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How I Met Your Mother  best answer

germany123 said:
i see its confusing that marshall got slapped three times and barney gets this whole elaborate rule BUT its stated that if a problem arises its up to the slap bet commissioner to make the rules. Marshall got slapped prematurely even though robin DIDNT do porn and never got lilys approval so its up to her to decide how things should be handled.
watch the "slap bet highlights" here:
urgh the video wont embed- here is the:
so after your message let me add this:
i think its one of those things that one has to accept as "not QUITE right"!?
i think barney saying BUT MARSHALL SLAPPED ME TOO withoot explicit permission would have been "correct" but not very serviceable to the storyline. this way they got in the most slaps possible but didnt water down the effect of "barney gets five slaps for eternity"
maybe there was another scene where this problem was addressed but it was cut oot in final editing!?
sometimes thats why things dont make lose some of the continuity in editing but you have to get rid of something to meet your time standard.
dont you just hate it when they arent "perfect" :P
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posted over a year ago 
I agree something may have been cut in editing, that said while the commissioner can make the rules, one of the stipulations of being commissioner was being unbias, once she set the precedent of 2 slaps anything else was bias. So in the context of what we see, Lily was just Bias (plus she then allows Marshall to dole out a knucklefilled backhand instead of a slap)... terrible
jspellert posted over a year ago
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want2watcheroes said:
As Barney broke the rules, he had to be punished. Barney had a choice of either getting slapped there and then (ten times I believe) or a choice of getting slapped half the times but Marshall didn't have to slap him there and then, he could use whenever. Barney chose the second choice of punishment for braking the rules, so the reason why is because Barney broke the rules. This still doesn't answer your question on why Barneys punishment was more harsh than Marshalls, I will try to find out why.
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posted over a year ago 
langjie said:
Lily is not a fair commissioner. (my most hated character on the show, she really does suck!)

They were both wrong but was led to believe they were right

However, Marshall knew the truth about his incorrectness and tried to hide it.

Barney just had premature slapulation (which they both did)
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posted over a year ago 
Yea, this is about right it should have been two slaps (subtracting the lie slap) as Lily set the precedent with Marshall.The only answer is she was Bias to her husband and should have been dropped as commissioner... or slapped herself (It's a harsh game)
jspellert posted over a year ago
Codypup said:
I think Barney got punished for not only slapping without permission but also for being wrong.

Whereas Marshall only got slapped for slapping without permission
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posted over a year ago 
but marshall was wrong too. robin wasn't married.
nphfan posted over a year ago
I thought Marshall was betting that Robin DIDN'T do porn. He thought the alternative was that she was married but he didn't bet that she was.
Codypup posted over a year ago
This is old but, No Marshall bet it was marriage, Barney porn. So they both slapped prematurely and where both wrong... it should have been two slaps for Barney (the 3rd was for lying which Barney didn't do). Lily is just Bias and should have be dropped as commissioner
jspellert posted over a year ago
zappa24 said:
The only possibilities I can think of other than for plot purposes are:
1. Lily showed an improper bias as Slap Commissioner (seems unlikely based on the earlier ruling)
2. Everyone thought Robin was married because that is what Robin told them. Marshall's biggest offense (other than the premature slapuation) was to try to hide that fact by not mentioning it. Barney, on the other hand, tried to show only the beginning of the music video to make it appear that Robin had done porn and therefore he had won the bet. Barney was more actively trying to cheat to get a slap, Marshall was covering up a misconception that he himself did not start.
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posted over a year ago 
jadon2121 said:
Marshall had permission from Lilly.
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posted over a year ago 
xKaru said:
In my honest opinion i think it was very biased of lily, because one, she loves marshal, and two a lot of what barney does made her want to slap him. in honesty, barney should have gotten more slaps than marshal. when explaining why barney got three slaps lily told marshal that barney got "2 slaps for being slapped prematurely and 1 slap because you lied"

considering that barneys slap had no deception whatsoever (its explained that barney stopped the video when he did not out of deception but out of sparing robins pride by showing her in, what he thought was porn, at the time he showed it he had not seen it before and could not have known it wasnt porn) at most marshal should have had 2 slaps, just for being slapped prematurely. the fact that lily initially offers 10 slaps is just bogus and kinda shows how lily view barney, i.e. its ok when bad things happen to barney even if he doesnt deserve it because he is kinda a bad person.
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posted over a year ago 
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