Harry Potter ♪Sing for Absolution※

Dr_TorchwoodSH posted on Jan 16, 2011 at 11:17AM
Here's the delio:
Don't you just LOVE FanVideos? They offer you glimpses into worlds where the sickest, most absurd of your ships can be brought to life and light, your favourite{real} pairings are shown under a new light, and you can watch your favourite shows to the soundtrack you're spinning in your head when you watch it. Now's your chance to share! Tell us the concept of the video and the soundtrack, and the person below you will rate it on a scale of 1~7 for peculiarity, intrigue, and general spectacularity. Have fun and go wildd!!!! Be careful, though, some fetishes should really be kept to oneself, to quote Ianto Jnes of Torchwood One.

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