Harry Potter Read this, please :)

evannapotter posted on Jul 07, 2011 at 12:17AM
So I wanted to write this so that everyone can realize what I've felt these last days, knowing that Harry Potter has come to an end.
Well, for me this is not an END, this is just the beggining of a true legend, a story that one day changed our lives. You may get bored reading this, so if you do; just get out and do something else (:
When I was 6 years-old, my mother bought me a book from the market. I just didn't know what was it about so I asked my mum to reade it for me. Clearly the book was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I liked it so much and when i finished it I asked my mum to read it again, from the very first word. Of course she didn't lol, so I saw in the news that JK Rowling just published the second book. And every year was the same, until i get 16 years old.
I went to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in August, 2007. I didn't stop reading it, I slept with the book, i took it everywhere i was going; it was huge.
But the day i finished the last book, i swear i cried like an animal, I spend more than 10 years of my life living in a magic world. Full of creative things, wonderous people and most of all, i was living a dream. I did not want that to finish, i read the books all over again, i watched the films like a potterholic. And I know that's sad, heart breaking, emotional, etc.
But of one thing I'm sure; in July15 NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is coming to an end. For me that date is the birth of something new, the start of a legend that will be in our hearts for years and years. I know that most of you will understand me what I mean.. Harry Potter has been the best experience i've had in my life.
I learned half of what i know, reading those books, believe it or not, i'm a better person now. And I will finish this by telling you something.
Maybe that kind of magic we see in the films, and we read in the books doesn't exist, but there's one magic that actually exists. And is the magic we all have inside our hearts, is the most powerful thing we have. With that magic we can make a better world, we can make people change their minds. And that's what i've learned from JK Rowling.
Even the world's smallest person, can make big changes just if we believe in us.

We are the Harry Potter generation. Those crazy people who waited in line at midnight for a book. Long live Harry Potter.
-xo. Evanna

Harry Potter 1 reply

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over a year ago nelo2 said…
Well said, well said ^^