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Harry Potter Question

Why does everybody hate Cho?

I mean, I really can't blame her for being so emotional. The boy she loved was killed. Who wouldn't be emotional? Also, the reason she broke up with Harry (in the book, not the movie) was because Harry, as awesome as he is, really is crap with girls. Cho is just confused and horribly saddened and frightened, so naturally she would be fragile. I don't know, I just don't really see why people hate her so much.
Some people hate her because she's annoying and because she kissed the two cutest guys at Hogwarts
LoveHarryPotter posted over a year ago
thats a bit true in my case, coz she kissed Harry just after Cedric died.But i like cedric/cho couple
Hermione30 posted over a year ago
 XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

ScottishChic said:
I don't think people hate her, most don't really consider her since she was really only in like 3 books and maybe 2 or 3 movies.

I don't hate her.

I think it's just because the way J.K. Rowling made Harry, everyone likes him and hates that she breakes his heart.

They think she is TOO whiney, and then brings it all up with Harry, when it wasn't his fault and he didn't want it to happen at all (obviously) and all he wants to do is forget it...

Does that make sense?

Basically, it's just because she hurts him
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posted over a year ago 
volleyblue13 said:
Well I don't know about other poeple but she just annoys me in the movies. It's basically Katie, the actor who plays her that bothers me. She's not really how I imagined Cho and the way she talks is weird to me... but in the books I sorta like her :)
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posted over a year ago 
ravenclawgirl5 said:
I definitely see what you mean, and I agree with you. You can't blame Cho for being so emotional.
But then again, she shouldn't have jumped into a relationship so soon after Cedric's death.
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posted over a year ago 
duncylovescourt said:
she complaiend to much... and she bugged harry botu being good friends with hermione saying that hed rather spend time with hermione than her
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posted over a year ago 
MissKnowItAll said:
I actually quite like Cho- just not with Harry. :D
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I actually never thought of her in any way. She was just there.
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posted over a year ago 
lol I agree
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
ShadowQueen013 said:
HATE is such a strong word...oh what the heck...yea I hate her. I just find her really annoying for some reason.Dont ask why I just dont like her much at all.
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posted over a year ago 
Angel-Trix said:
I don't hate her. But I think some people do because she went out with Harry and broke his heart.

But she was confused. And in all honesty, I don't think she could bare to be in a relatioonship with Harry at the moment. She truly did love Cedric.

In a way, I kinda admire her. She's so loyal, yet kind when she isn't so emotional. Actually SHE'S ME!

So, all in all, I think she's nice and sweet, but they don't like her for being dating Harry when she obviously still kind of like Cedric and because she supported her friend Marietta Edgecomb. In all honest, I would have supported my friend too. So I don't hate her at all.
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posted over a year ago 
TheLiineGirl said:
people hate her because she was the first to kiss Harry - not who ever they wanted him with..

i like her and i really don't get the hate either. I mean i prefer Hermione, Ginny & Luna over her - you know only girls xD - but if they not were there she would prob. be my fave girl xD

and btw get over yourself people, Cho is sweet and kind and lost the love of her life everything she does goes there..
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posted over a year ago 
uniquezandy said:
I like her. For some reason I don't know how to explain. I think her character is emotional coz of the tragicness which is powerful to portray.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
I dont hate her, I actually think shes pretty cool.
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I dont hate her, I actually think shes pretty cool.
posted over a year ago 
bessmarvin1 said:
I was really annoyed at her in the 5th book,but she was nice in the 4th.In the fifth,she was a real cry baby.She was such an idiot to say that Harry preffered hermione over herself.
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posted over a year ago 
Hermione30 posted over a year ago
Stanroxsox said:
There is no real reason good enough for me anyhow for one to hate Cho. She didn't exactly do anything wrong. Her boyfriend broke up the year before she wanted to be with Harry. You can't blame her for feeling confused and upset. She has every reason to be emotional. How DARE you cry over your dead boyfriend! Really?? Crying is not a good reason to hate someone, but that's just me. There is nothing wrong with Cho Chang.
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posted over a year ago 
SaveWord_Apples said:
I don't know! I acctually kind of liked her
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posted over a year ago 
semexx said:
Because of her "love for Cedric". I don't think she loved Cedric at all. Would people (fans and the books) please stop overblowing the shallow fling she had with Cedric? She was making coweyes at Harry before, during and after she dated Cedric. "Her love" was barely buried before she made her move on Harry. I wouldn't be so annoyed if everyone stopped acting like her feelings for Cedric were so deep, it was just a typical shallow teenage romance. Plus her crying was a mirror image of how I experienced emotional manipulation. She was so sad- wrong, she was demanding things from Harry and using her tears to force him to give in. Harry was traumatised by what had happened, but it's not like Cho cared about his trauma instead it was Harry who "didn't understand girls" (Hermione). It was aggravating. Also she was shallow: looking down her nose on the unpopular kids like Neville and Luna and only wanting Harry because he is famous. Harry turned into an OOC jerk for her just like he did with Ginny. Further she was just A LOT like Ginny. Whom I hate even more. Plus, what is OP going on about it was Harry who wanted nothing to do with Cho after Marietta screwed them over, she was all eager to show him to her common room in book seven and got into a fight with Ginny over it.
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posted over a year ago 
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