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Harry Potter Question

Which Harry Potter book is your favorite and why???

My favourite book was Chamber of Secrets as the challenges set for Harry and his friends were very entertaining. It had amazing graphics and the acotrs/actresses played the characters very well.
amethyst_doll posted over a year ago
 Twilightfan277 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

vanillaicecream said:
It's really hard to choose from them.
They are absolutely Perfect...but my fav is Sorcerer's stone cause it's the first book and there Harry discovers the world of magic and that magic is might..he befriends with Ron and Hermione, their first adventures are so touching..the only minus this book is too small:()

So next in my toplist goes Prizoner of Azkaban 'cause Harry comes to know that he has Godfather awww)
Third but not the last..Order Of the Phoenix...Harry's first kiss and this stuff...Dumbledor's Army gathering against Voldemort..blablabla...the worst part when sirius dies (i cried for nearly an hour)
Deathly's just amazing book (despite parts when Mad EYE, Dobby, Hedwig, Fred, Lupin and Tonks, Colin Creevey die)
this book is surely a-w-e-s-o-m-e, a lot of action and love line wooo;)
But still Sorcerer's stone is the best for me)I even can retell some parts from the dialogs and i know the beginning* Mr and Mrs Dursley were proud to say that they were perfectly normal,thank u very much.- Anything of the trolley dear?- No,thanx I'm all set)You've got dirt on your nose by the way :D NO BlOODY LETTERS TODAY, no sir. WE are going away far away..where they can't find us..You are a wizard Harry...I am a what? Never insult ALbus Dumbledore in front of me...and sooooo onn)
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It's really hard to choose from them.
They are absolutely Perfect...but my fav is Sorcerer's stone  cause it's the first book and there Harry discovers the world of magic and that magic is might..he befriends with Ron and Hermione, their first adventures are so touching..the only minus this book is too small:()

So next in my toplist goes Prizoner of Azkaban 'cause Harry comes to know that he has Godfather awww)
Third but not the last..Order Of the Phoenix...Harry's first kiss and this stuff...Dumbledor's Army gathering against Voldemort..blablabla...the worst part when sirius dies (i cried for nearly an hour)
Deathly's just amazing  book (despite parts when Mad EYE, Dobby, Hedwig, Fred, Lupin and Tonks, Colin Creevey die)
this book is surely a-w-e-s-o-m-e, a lot of action and love line wooo;)
But still Sorcerer's stone is the best for me)I even can retell some parts from the dialogs  and i know the beginning* Mr and Mrs Dursley were proud to say that they were perfectly normal,thank u very much.- Anything of the trolley dear?- No,thanx I'm all set)You've got dirt on your nose by the way :D NO BlOODY LETTERS TODAY, no sir. WE are going away far away..where they can't find us..You are a wizard Harry...I am a what? Never insult ALbus Dumbledore in front of me...and sooooo onn)
posted over a year ago 
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I love them all, but if I have to choose I'd definitely have to say Deathly Hallows. It was completely action packed, everything fit together so perfectly, there were all sorts of unexpected twists and turns, it was just a marvelously created story. The Gringotts scene was amazing, Snape's past and death was amazing, the Final Battle was amazing, Malfoy Manner was amazing... just all of it was amazing. Also, it was probably the most heart touching one as well.

Second favorite is Order of the Phoenix. Besides being the book Luna was introduced, it was really neat with all of the sadistically sweet Umbridge rulings and the mysterious Room of Requirement (even MORE secrets of Hogwarts revealed) and especially the Department of Mysteries. That was just fantastic.

Third favorite is Prisoner of Azkaban. Hogsmede was a fresh new place to be fascinated with, the Marauders Map was really cool, and the story of the Marauders themselves is just brilliant. It was nicely fast paced, but still detailed. This is the book where you start to realize that Harry Potter really isn't going to continue to be a children's story, that it will definitely mature to a point where it becomes a truly dark story. But you don't think much of this because of the fantasticality of the book.

Next would be Philosophers Stone. This is where you are introduced to everything, to the whole magical world. There is symbolism, but you have no idea that those little details would be so important. You are introduced to everything, and you are utterly fascinated by it.

Next would be Half Blood Prince. The Cave scene was really amazing, though very dark. This is a scary book, and you find yourself pitying Voldemort! Of all people! Dumbledore's death was very saddening, and the whole thing was well written.

Then would be Goblet of Fire. This is the first book where you really can see how Harry Potter is quite a dark story, not just light child's play. You have an idea before this book, but here is where it really hits you. This is also where the hormones really kick in for the characters. The books become more complex here and much darker.

Finally, Chamber of Secrets. This was really cool, and this is where the first Horcrux was destroyed, though Harry did not know it at the time. Another amazing story with amazing magical aspects to entrance you, and I loved it.

I love all the books, but my number one has got to be Deathly Hallows.
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posted over a year ago 
caralina100 said:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I think it has the most action and adventure, which is the kind of thing i like in a book.
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posted over a year ago 
LoveDraco123 said:
Mine would HAVE to be the Deathly Hallows. The thing is, when the date of the release came out, I was SO excited. The wait for the books was always awesome but that time, I was sorta dreading it too. I mean, it was the last book!! NO MORE HARRY POTTER BOOKS AFTER THAT!
Anyways, that's not why. It was just so different from all the other books. No more Hogwarts- don't get me wrong, I love that place- but that added to the feeling of it.
Then, there was so much going on. I know that some people might say that all the trio did was camp, camp and camp. But it was all so interesting. Then, there was betrayal- when Ron left Harry and Hermione. There was action, there was sacrifice, love, hate, loyalty and soo much more. So many things were answered in the last book and there were so many surprises. Snape being the good guy- the Malfoys better side showing.
All in all, it was amazing. I was just a bit disappointed with the epilogue but otherwise, AWESOME!! =)
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posted over a year ago 
potterandtdi said:
I like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because it's the only one where Voldemort isn't the main villan and it has a little bit of twists. It opens many doors and admits more on the past.
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I like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because it's the only one where Voldemort isn't the main villan and it has a little bit of twists. It opens many doors and admits more on the past.
posted over a year ago 
Mrs-Grint said:
I've chopped and changed ALOT. And I have to say that my favourite book is Deathly Hallows. I mean it is SO jam-packed full of complete awesome genius! The best book of the series. You find out more about Dumbledore, Harry and SNAPE. Good lord, SNAPE, The Prince's Tale was, no other words to describe it, PURE AWESOMNESS. Even though it's ever so sad when Snape dies and he asks Harry to look into his eyes one more time so he can see Lily's eyes before he dies.

And of course, the most heartbreaking statements in the whole frickin' series:

"After all this time?"


All the emotional parts. When the trio are at Malfoy Manor and Hermione is getting tortured and Ron is SCREAMING and going completely BALISTIC! And when Harry and Hermione visit Lily and James's graves and Harry wishes he was buried with them. Oh gawd, I cried then. AND when Harry goes into the Forbidden Forest in 'The Forest Again' and he asks James if it hurts to die. I was mentally screaming "OH MY GOD!! DON'T DIE HARRY! NOOOO!!"
Not to mention all the deaths! Hedwig (I loved that owl, SNIFF), Tonk's father, TONKS, Lupin (NOOOOO!! NOT LUPIN) , Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange (NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!), Voldy and lots more which I can't be arsed to mention. Oh yeah, and Fred. I still prefer George more though.


Best book EVER

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I've chopped and changed ALOT. And I have to say that my favourite book is Deathly Hallows. I mean it is SO jam-packed full of complete awesome genius! The best book of the series. You find out more about Dumbledore, Harry and SNAPE. Good lord, SNAPE, The Prince's Tale was, no other words to describe it, PURE AWESOMNESS. Even though it's ever so sad when Snape dies and he asks Harry to look into his eyes one more time so he can see Lily's eyes before he dies.

And of course, the most heartbreaking statements in the whole frickin' series:

"After all this time?"


All the emotional parts. When the trio are at Malfoy Manor and Hermione is getting tortured and Ron is SCREAMING and going completely BALISTIC! And when Harry and Hermione visit Lily and James's graves and Harry wishes he was buried with them. Oh gawd, I cried then. AND when Harry goes into the Forbidden Forest in 'The Forest Again' and he asks James if it hurts to die. I was mentally screaming "OH MY GOD!! DON'T DIE HARRY! NOOOO!!"
Not to mention all the deaths! Hedwig (I loved that owl, SNIFF), Tonk's father, TONKS, Lupin (NOOOOO!! NOT LUPIN) , Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange (NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!), Voldy and lots more which I can't be arsed to mention. Oh yeah, and Fred. I still prefer George more though.


Best book EVER

posted over a year ago 
spanky50 said:
They are all amazing...favorite though-The 7th.
It's just amazing how Rowling could think of everything and have it come together so perfectly. AMAZING plot, amazing, well-rounded, realistic characters, just...perfect! xD
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posted over a year ago 
mimifaith said:
Last book.
cause it's the best book.
simple as!
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posted over a year ago 
_kaaaaaay- said:
I'd have to say The Goblet of Fire. It's my fav. movie out of the series as well. I like it because there's alot of questions in it, like when Harry tries to figure out who put his name in the Goblet and so on.
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posted over a year ago 
Lackson4ever85 said:
My favorite book is 2,4,6 and 7,but 7 is my number 1;). because the are alot of love,Action and Drama:)and i love the end:)
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posted over a year ago 
ultimatehpfan said:
hard to choose hmmmmmm
but if i have to i guess the 3rd
i never once got bored and its just so awesome actually speaking all of them are awesome but still
he meets Sirius. and then would come the 1st and last they both tie for 2nd place
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posted over a year ago 
lydia405 said:
My fave book is the Philosephers stone cos Harry always keeps his eyes wide open and Hermione,Ron and Harry always look young and cute in it!And the movie,yes,is also great.One of my fave too!The movie Chamber of Secrets is kinda scary!
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posted over a year ago 
crystallenhart said:
The Very First Harry Potter, of course because thats where the magic began!!!
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posted over a year ago 
junorox said:
umm prisoner of azkaban i love buckbeak
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posted over a year ago 
iluvoganxxxx said:
i deffo think that deathly hallows part 2 was the best. i sat in the cinema shaking with fear....(good fear)!!!!!......
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posted over a year ago 
dragonsmemory said:
I'll never be able to pick one. Sorcerer's Stone touched my life the most, though.

To Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived
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posted over a year ago 
Charmedh2ogirl said:
I like all of them but the book that I like the most would be the Philosopher's Stone as we and Harry are introduced to the wizarding world for the first time. I think we all fell in love with Harry, Ron and Hermione as we knew that not only were they great characters but they also had something special that would inspire us for eternity.
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posted over a year ago 
anuaar8907 said:
My favorite book would have to be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because it is simply so good. It was such a thrill reading through the pages and finding out how the finale comes to an end.
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posted over a year ago 
hatelarxene said:
The Deathly Hallows is my favorite, for sure. It's just amazing! It's so epic and action-packed, all the loose ends are tied up, and it has some truly fantastic scenes. Malfoy Manor was amazing. The Gringotts scene was amazing. The entire battle sequence was amazing. Also, Snape's backstory and character development is just remarkable. The book is just extraordinary. Absolutely incredible!
All the books are masterpieces, though.
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The Deathly Hallows is my favorite, for sure. It's just amazing! It's so epic and action-packed, all the loose ends are tied up, and it has some truly fantastic scenes. Malfoy Manor was amazing. The Gringotts scene was amazing. The entire battle sequence was amazing. Also, Snape's backstory and character development is just remarkable. The book is just extraordinary. Absolutely incredible!
All the books are masterpieces, though.
posted over a year ago 
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