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Harry Potter Question

How do the prophecies work in this universe?

'Cause I think there's contradictions with them in the books. But surely something like this must have been thought through. I just can't quite grasp it.

Obviously, the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort was self-fullfilling as it only happened because Voldemort heard of it and chose to act on it out of fear, and even without knowing the full contents. This was self-fullfilling by positive feedback.

But then, the prohecy that ended up being about Peter Pettigrew returning to Voldemort's service.
This could be almost be seen as self-fullfilling by negative feedback, but if memory serves right, Harry was the only one who heard it and never told anyone about it.
Though Harry probably realized in the Shcak that the phropecy was about Peter, and he tried to prevent it by having the Dementors take him...It was still Remus who provided the crucial circumstances for Peter's escape. Sure, Remus saw Peter in the Marauder's Map and thus hurried to the Shcak but the point is - he didn't know about the prophecy and had no reason to think Peter would try to return to Voldemort, and in the book Harry didn't tell him about Peter on the Map.
So, this prohecy isn't purely self-fullfilling by negative feedback because the key character in it's fullfilmment didn't know about it.

I read somewhere a Rowling quote that went something along the lines that prohecies only come true because they are made. That would seem to work for the Pettigrew one, but why then the books make such a big deal about the Harry/Voldemort one having been heard and forwarded to Voldemort and then also about coming true because of Voldemort's own choices? I mean, those are huge events in the storyline right down to Dumbledore specifically and lengthily telling Harry that it was Voldemort's own fault that it came true.
And if really all it takes for a prohecy to come true is that it's made, that it doesn't need to be heard by and acted upon by that person, why is it made at all? If no one knows about i
If no one knows about it, it might as well happen without being uttered if it is supposed to come to pass. Especially as with some bigger predictions even the Seer making it apparently doesn't remember doing so.
bendaimmortal posted over a year ago
 bendaimmortal posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Flickerflame said:
I think some of the prophecies are meant to be self-fulfilling, or indicate futures which can happen/are likely to happen, not certain. Dumbledore stated that not every prophecy recorded in the Department Of Mysteries has come true.

I don't think Harry was deliberately attempting to prevent the second prophecy in the Shack. I don't think he actually remembered it til later, when something Dumbledore told him reminded him. He was just trying to prevent Remus and Sirius from becoming murderers, and he might have also remembered that Pettigrew could be a candidate for the Dementor's Kiss. So I don't really see the negative feedback self-fulfilment.
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posted over a year ago 
I don't really see the contradiction either. Just because one prophecy is self-fulfilling, doesn't mean they all have to be. It's not like a character claims that all prophecies are fulfilled and then you have one which isn't.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
But then, come to think of it, all prophecies that are meant to happen, are self-fullfilling in one way or another. I mean. if everything is predetermined as in free will is only an's not like Voldemort *really* had any choice in the matter but he did it because he was supposed to. And in that other case everything leading to the escape happened because it was supposed to come true. I think true self-fullfilling or self-defeating prophesies would exist only in a universe where there was truly a free will. So, I guess the prohecies are happening in different ways or not happening because someone up there wants them to happen differently...Hm...I do find that predetermined events / fate aspect kind of faschinating but on the other hand it kind of limits the possibilities...But then again, must be remembered that the stories are lived through the eyes of the characters who don't know and could never grasp the idea of Fate and instead view life as if they could totally affect the future...Hmm...yeah, okay. I guess there's not much point doing this as the PoA set the universe unavoidably to be like that so it can't be changed unless one wishes to delete the scene where Harry and Sirius get attacked by the dementors...Which I personally wouldn't want to do because it would probably somehow effect the full picture as Rowling seems to have decided on this aspect early on...
bendaimmortal posted over a year ago
The prophecies aren't meant to happen. Remember, Dumbledore said that the majority of the prophecies recorded in the Department of Mysteries hadn't been fulfilled.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
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