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Harry Potter Question

Which caracter would you most like to go on a quest with? Harry Potter or Percy Jackson

Percy. He'd be more fun. There's no explaining it. I'd rather go on a quest with Percy than go hunting horcruxes with Harry.
Percy I love harry Potter i've read them multiple times but After Reading Percy Jackson and The Heroes Of Olmypus so far I have To say percy and maybe I could be a child of Applo
KeyC21 posted over a year ago
Percy. More fun and come on, demigod over wizard? I'd pick demigod
Icestorm238 posted over a year ago
 loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Leos_girl said:
Percy. Hands down. He's way cooler than Harry Potter. And besides, I might be able to meet some of his friends, i.e. Leo Valdez, which would only make it that much more epic! Also, I don't think Harry's ever been on a quest, so how would he know what to do? I mean, he goes on adventures, true, but they're mostly inside the castle and aren't assigned to them by someone of higher authority. The only one I can think of is the gathering of the Horcruxes, which started from Dumbledore in the sixth book, but he was only able to complete it because of Ron and Hermione, of whom I am neither. Percy, on the other hand, is able to go on quests with anyone and still be able to lead and succeed at them, as represented in the Son of Neptune. I honestly do not know where I'm going with this, probably just trying to prove my point in a way that isn't from a percy-is-awesome-omg standing. So yeah. I say Percy Jackson lol.
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posted over a year ago 
Yay! Someone agrees with me!
loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
Oh yeah. Totally. If you need more, my sister says Percy as well. :)
Leos_girl posted over a year ago
Percy is way cooler than harry but I still love harry
loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
Leos_girl posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
Harry, because that implies I'm part of the Wizarding World, meaning I have a wand. xD Plus, JKR bases some of her creatures on mythology (ex. Fluffy), so I can fight ancient mythological creatures AND whatever else Harry is facing (not to mention fighting with a wand is much easier than fighting with a sword).
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posted over a year ago 
Jenna4093 said:
Harry, easily. He's been through more (emotionally and mentally, I mean. Percy's been through more physically) and is wiser. I've never found Percy to be very funny. His sense of humor stays at the age of 12, while Harry could make anyone laugh. I'd love to go on an adventure with Harry.
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posted over a year ago 
t_direction said:
i will like to go with harry potter cuz always i admired harry more than percy ♥
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posted over a year ago 
FashionistaLys said:
Of course Percy Jackson, he is way cuter and is funny, and plus he knows how to use a sword and has his own magic.
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posted over a year ago 
trentsst said:
Harry potter
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posted over a year ago 
you107845 said:
Harry! duh.... Percy can control water. So what! Harry is the chosen one! He can do powerful magic! Harry can so beat Percy. Sorry Percy but
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posted over a year ago 
They're not asking who could win in a fight lol :)
Leos_girl posted over a year ago
unaiza said:
Well..I think Harry but I would love to go with Draco :P
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posted over a year ago 
rosedawson1 said:
Percy Jackson and Annabeth. Percy is no good without her.
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posted over a year ago 
loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
rachfrog said:
Harry potter
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posted over a year ago 
andysilverstar said:
Percy Jackson. He's just kind of awesome. Had a dream I was Annabeth once. Got to use her hat. It was pretty cool. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Shaffe_124 said:
PERCY JACKSON ALL THE WAY! not only can he fight like crazy over and over (as Harry Potter) but he is a half blood which of course means HELLO... way cooler adventures!! I'd rather fight monsters then look for horcroxses...
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posted over a year ago 
me too
loonylovegood7 posted over a year ago
fangirl128 said:
I love Harry Potter but still I think it would be Percy Jackson coz I think he will be a cool company!! :))
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posted over a year ago 
hannaawesome said:
Harry Potter

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posted over a year ago 
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