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Harry Potter Question

Questions about Veritaserum...

Obviously, I know that Veritaserum forces the drinker to tell his/her secrets. But what happens if that person is, say, an infant with no normally intelligible form of communication? Will he/she temporarily gain the ability to speak in order to clearly state the truth? Or will the potion only cause him/her to babble on in "baby-talk" that no grown person can understand? Likewise, what if the drinker can only communicate using, say, sign language, because he/she is literally unable to speak (due to some sort of a medical condition)? Will he/she be forced to relate information using his/her hands, or will he/she acquire the use of spoken language in order to answer questions? Or will he/she simply remain unaffected?
Keep in mind that everything mentioned in the question is purely hypothetical. Sure, these situations would probably not occur, but I want to know what would happen if, somehow, they did. So, if, for some bizarre reason, a baby was being interrogated, what would happen? And if, despite magic's obvious potential for curing such an issue, there happened to be a wizard/witch with the inability to speak, how would the potion work?
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
 MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

dragonsmemory said:
From my extensive research, I have not come across any specific instances of these things happening. In the case of the signer, it can be assumed that the secrets will be told through whatever means of communication allows him/her to communicate said secrets. As for the baby, there is virtually no reason to administer Veritaserum to a baby, as they don't understand what is going on around them just yet. For a wizard at least fourteen years old, three drops will have them spilling all their secrets. That same dosage could do irreparable harm to a baby. And I am fairly certain that a lower dosae is not as effective.
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posted over a year ago 
waterfall2000 said:
Well for Veritaserum, it would, as I would think, force the drinker to tell the truth no matter what, but what would anyone want from a baby that it would know in the first place? A baby probably doesn't even know what was going on at the questioned time. As for people with dissabled speech, they're wizards for peats sake! Don't you think that someone could have cured them by now? If Skele-grow exists in their world I think they can cure that....
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posted over a year ago 
Popcornfan said:
Great question! I think neither the baby nor the mute would speak.

The potion's effect is to tell the truth, no matter how much you wish to conceal it. But I don't think it matters what way of communication you use. The mute would use their hands, as you said, as for the baby... first one would have to ponder if the infant can undestand questioning in the first place. And I don't mean the idea of questioning, but merely the words used -it would depend on how old are they and how much language do they comprehend, even before being able to speak it. (And by the way, did you know that "infant" means "the one that doesn't talk" in latin?).

If there was a potion that allowed you to use words you don't know, or something like that, maybe a baby would speak. But since that's not the effect of Veritaserum, I'd say neither the baby nor the mute would utter a word.
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posted over a year ago 
I didn't know the fact about Latin, but that's quite fascinating!
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
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