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Harry Potter Question

if you had a choice to have Professor Snape or Professor Mcgonnagal to be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, who would you choose?

Professor McGonagall 4 me.
MagicalGinny posted over a year ago
yepp. samee here.
lilylunapotter6 posted over a year ago
 MagicalGinny posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

esraa1998 said:
professor mcgonnagal is better.i liked her in book 7.because when harry and his friends get back to hogwarts .she tried to help them with all the possiple ways.i didnot like snape at all in any book or movie.he loved harry mom.but,we knew that so late.snape is a person that you can not understand what he thinks about.
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posted over a year ago 
lilylunapotter6 said:
I would choose McGonagall because I think Snape would feel tempted to get back into his old habits, and not to mention that McGonagall is incredibly nice and has better discipline methods. Also, she just downright rocks! Go Mcgonagall! I still have a huge amount of respect for Professor Snape, however, and It's hard to choose between the two because snape really knows what he is doing in that area and has a lot of experience. However, I see it not the best choice for fear that Defense Against the Dark Arts will become just the Dark Arts.
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I would choose McGonagall because I think Snape would feel tempted to get back into his old habits, and not to mention that McGonagall is incredibly nice and has better discipline methods. Also, she just downright rocks! Go Mcgonagall! I still have a huge amount of respect for Professor Snape, however, and It's hard to choose between the two because snape really knows what he is doing in that area and has a lot of experience. However, I see it not the best choice for fear that Defense Against the Dark Arts will become just the Dark Arts.
posted over a year ago 
lilylunapotter6 posted over a year ago
cunha27 said:
Snape would be good if I actually wanted to learn from the best and McGonnagal if I wanted to have an easier time in class, so I guess I'd go with Snape.
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posted over a year ago 
dobbyssocks said:
I would rather have Professor Snape teach me because he knows more about it than Professor Mcgonagall, who teaches transfiguration. He seemed to know more about the Dark Arts which really fascinates me. He would be one of those teachers that I was drawn to listen to.
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posted over a year ago 
Ng_Xinhui said:
Professor Mcgonagall 4 me 2!
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posted over a year ago 
s2l2d said:
Snape. He's the bravest charecter in the whole series. He knows more about DATDA than anybody in Hogwarts. I mean, I love Mcgonnagall but, he's so courageous and smart.
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posted over a year ago 
JWJ20 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
Snaaaaaaaaaaape. ;-}
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posted over a year ago 
Rizta said:
Proffesor Mc Gonagall
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posted over a year ago 
psychmacgyver said:
Professor McGonnagall.She's nicer and has a better method!
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posted over a year ago 
retrolove83 said:
Snape because he is the ULTIMATE expert. He is an expert at Occlumency(sorry if that is spelled wrong) and was able to live a double life for years. He was able to convince Voldemort (who is known to KNOW when a person is lying to him) that he was on his side. If that ain't "Defense Against the Dark Arts" at it's finest I don't know what is! You can say a lot of things about Snape, but the one thing you can't say is that he sucks at what he does, because he doesn't....he is THE BEST at what he does!!!! Even if he was a bully of a teacher, you will still learn more from him than you will from any other professor, I believe. He is an expert at his field because he has first hand experience. Which usually always helps to make a teacher great.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm not even a bug Sbape fan, but as an aspiring teacher, I have tremdendous respect for him in that area.
retrolove83 posted over a year ago
lilylunapotter6 posted over a year ago
7862 said:
hmmmmmm professor snape
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posted over a year ago 
thewanted4life said:
Professor McGonnagal because she would teach us in a better, KINDER way
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posted over a year ago 
rachfrog said:
professor McGonnagal. i would would be afraid that snape would kill me
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posted over a year ago 
02katy19 said:
professor snape since we can guarantee he knows a lot of stuff about dark arts and defending them.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
It's a tough question.

McGonagall seems to be the best teacher overall. She doesn't favour certain students like Snape does. And she's better at encouraging struggling students - compare the way she treats Neville to how Snape does.

We've only seen McGonagall teaching Transfiguration though. We don't know how much of an expert she is in DADA, though we have seen her fight.

With Snape, his DADA seemed more about the actual Dark Arts. Others have mentioned his Occlumency skill, but that isn't really DADA, and he doesn't seem to be able to teach it well. Or he couldn't teach it to Harry, anyway.
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posted over a year ago 
ladylana65 said:
i would choose Snape because i think he has better knowledge of dark arts, which means he must have better knowledge of defense against it. i don't exactly know what, but there's something about him that makes him perfect for this post. But he was rejected when he applied for the post, maybe because he was a master in potion too.
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posted over a year ago 
Zoe13Cimerone said:
Professor Mcgonnagal
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posted over a year ago 
jodarchy said:
apart from his time using the dark arts snape doesn't show that much knowledge besides he spent most of his time on the dark side at hogwarts teaching potions so i don't see when he would have really had time to use dark magic that often, jk rowling said that mcgonagall was an incredibly powerful witch with masteries in multiple subjects including defence against the dark arts so i pick her, also she is by far the most competent teacher of the two, she also doesn't allow personal feelings to interfere with her teaching which snape definatley does. i would want a teacher who is fair. so mcgonagall
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posted over a year ago 
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