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Harry Potter Question

in the end of hp7 there's the ''19 years later''

i wasn't really satisfied with this and i felt a bit depressed.. i mean it was nice learning about what happened when the trio grew up, but telling their children all the secrets of hoqwarts and their adventures there, just made me feel... betrayed???? i don't really know how to express myself i'd just prefered emphasizing a bit more on what happened to the trio in the near future..(daily life, relationships etc..)does anyone feel the same way???
in the end of hp7 there's the ''19 years later''
hogwarts sorry...!
cleo7494 posted over a year ago
 cleo7494 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

gonnie said:
totally do. i thought there was alot of unanswered questions, little more detail rowling
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posted over a year ago 
right! :)
cleo7494 posted over a year ago
Face_of_Music said:
Well, ya!
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posted over a year ago 
dragonsmemory said:
Actually, I have read that portion of the book many times over the years. I have not seen any part where the Trio tells their full story. The only bit of their past they share is Harry's Sorting, and that not completely.
Now, as for what happens in the near future. The series was mostly about Harry fighting Voldemort, not a biography of Harry. After the Second Wizarding War, we can safely assume the Trio didn't have many more adventures. I highly doubt they've stopped "meddling in things that aren't meant to be meddled in." Basically, their lives after May 2, 1998 can be summed up like this: "And they all lived happily ever after." The epilogue mostly showed us that Harry got back what he lost in 1981: a family that loves him.
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posted over a year ago 
ok you have a dragon's memory!! haha! i get what you mean but i don't think the only reason we read hp is to learn about the 2wizarding war!!
cleo7494 posted over a year ago
From a historical perspective, nothing of interest takes place between those chapters
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
I agree with both of you, but personally, yeah, I would have wanted to at least read about their weddings. I mean, come on I get that Ron and Hermione liked eachother and that Harry and Ginny liked each other, but it might have been a little better of a background for them, if that makes sence.
love_bites posted over a year ago
It wouldn't be as much of a shock if there wasn't so much time between
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
SilverPatronus said:
I did like it, but i would have maybe liked it a bit longer, and maybe telling us about all the character to see what happened to them all :)
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posted over a year ago 
* character's
SilverPatronus posted over a year ago
harrypotteroks said:
I think they should make a movie about the kids in the next know, Albus, James, Rose, Hugo, Lily, and Scorpio. I think Rose and Scorpio should get in love with each other, because I really wanted Hermione and Draco to fall in love. Their kids being together would make a really cool Romeo and Juliet type of story! I would love it if that happened!!!
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posted over a year ago 
although i don't think i would really like such a movie to be made, i love your idea about rose and scorpio!!
cleo7494 posted over a year ago
I think it would be cool for another movie to be made, but I do have to admit, your Rose and Scorpio idea sounds a lot like Twilight. When Bella's daughter falls in love with Jacob. But I still love your ideas, I mean Hogwarts could very well have some more hidden secrets...You never know...
love_bites posted over a year ago
its ScorPIUS not SCORPIO!
LadyEmzy16 posted over a year ago
LadyEmzy16 said:
HarryPotteroks took the words right out of my mouth!!
Even the Rose and Scorpius (that's his name by the way) part!!

Additional Fact:
They should have showed us how George coped with Fred's death!!

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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, it was just like 'Oh well, my twin brother who has practically benn attatched at my hip since birth is dead...' I would have loved to see more of how George dealt with that, although I was really upset when Fred died...
love_bites posted over a year ago
i knw i knw...DX
LadyEmzy16 posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
Not really. After the war they probably worked, married, and had kids like normal adults. What more do you expect? I also thought it was good for the trio to tell their kids what happened so that they'd understand why their parents are so respected :) This basically summed up everything that happened after the war:
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Not really. After the war they probably worked, married, and had kids like normal adults. What more do you expect? I also thought it was good for the trio to tell their kids what happened so that they'd understand why their parents are so respected :) This basically summed up everything that happened after the war:
posted over a year ago 
When it's put like that, I really understand why Rowling left it like that... It puts the whole 19 years later into better perspective. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
love_bites posted over a year ago
yeah, i agree with you, but the fact that hp lived a normal life depress me a bit... like he doesn't have anything else to give... you know???
cleo7494 posted over a year ago
Most of Harry's life up until May 1998 was spent fighting for his life. He never really had a family, or the chance to be a normal kid. Of course, he'll want his kids to have what he never had: a normallife
dragonsmemory posted over a year ago
yeah agree with cleo7494, and LolzZ the pic is funny!
LadyEmzy16 posted over a year ago
cookie-nom-nom said:
i partially agree... i loved the end n i think it was awesome but i would have also liked to see the near future
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posted over a year ago 
sjafan456 said:
yes i do
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posted over a year ago 
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