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Harry Potter Question

who looks better with hermione...... ron or harry??

who looks better with hermione......                                          ron or harry??
It would have been more logical if this had been posed as a fan-pick question because the only answers you're going to get with this are either "Ron looks better" or "Harry looks better".
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
CamilaHMedeiros posted over a year ago
vicrich1989 posted over a year ago
 mushiboy posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

headblast123abc said:
Ron and Hermione are so cute together <3
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Ron and Hermione are so cute together <3
posted over a year ago 
Reyna4ever25 said:
Harry harry harry harry!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Harry harry harry harry!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago 
keke777 said:
hermione and ron look so cute together
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posted over a year ago 
-aliceCullen13- said:
Harry, of course!
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posted over a year ago 
carrieicecream said:
Ron <3
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Ron <3
posted over a year ago 
Agnas said:
We-ell, Ron and Hermione match, but Harry seemed like the logic choice. However, Ron couldn't LIVE without Hermione, cause then he'd probably do stupid things without her. She needs to set him straight! :D But I'm kinda with Hermione and Harry.
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posted over a year ago 
CharmChaser13 said:
I'm actually a Dramione shipper, but you said Ron and Harry only.. so yeah.

Both Rupert and Dan have amazing chemistry with Emma, but to be honest, the personality Emma matches more is Dan. And Hermione matches Harry's personality as well.

Ron and Hermione are constantly fighting, but, are also a good couple because despite that, they are still good friends.

Now since I'm a fanon shipper, I'm not going to be like canon shippers, who say, "Since Romione is canon they win". Both are great, but personality match would be Harry and Hermione and Dan and Emma. Rupert and Emma have great chemistry though, so that would also work out.

Ron and Hermione would be okay... but they'd fight a lot. I don't know, in the end, I'd just say a tie for this one, or maybe Harry/Hermione, I'm not sure.
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I'm actually a Dramione shipper, but you said Ron and Harry only.. so yeah.

Both Rupert and Dan have amazing chemistry with Emma, but to be honest, the personality Emma matches more is Dan. And Hermione matches Harry's personality as well. 

Ron and Hermione are constantly fighting, but, are also a good couple because despite that, they are still good friends. 

Now since I'm a fanon shipper, I'm not going to be like canon shippers, who say, "Since Romione is canon they win".  Both are great, but personality match would be Harry and Hermione and Dan and Emma. Rupert and Emma have great chemistry though, so that would also work out.

Ron and Hermione would be okay... but they'd fight a lot. I don't know, in the end, I'd just say a tie for this one, or maybe Harry/Hermione, I'm not sure.
posted over a year ago 
sarabeara said:

But if you must know, Harry obvs. Psssh.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah! Harry!
Reyna4ever25 posted over a year ago
rosemina said:
Ron definitely!
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Ron definitely!
posted over a year ago 
KlaineGirl13 said:
Ron definalty does!!!! :) RoMiOnE FoReVeR!!!! :) <3
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posted over a year ago 
Sallymagi said:
Well, I'm a Romione shipper, but I do think Emma and Dan looks cuter together :-)
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posted over a year ago 
karlyluvsam said:
Romione ♥
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Romione ♥
posted over a year ago 
kenzichu said:
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posted over a year ago 
Why should people vote for your "Ron" response as opposed to DreamyMuffin's "Ron does" response?
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
Face_of_Music said:
RON! Romione forEVA!
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posted over a year ago 
Ponygirl9 said:
Ron does no duh!!!!!!
My theory thing is
Movie/book 1-2: Harry liked Hermione
Movie/book 3-5: Harry liked Cho
Movie/book 6-7: Harry liked Ginny
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posted over a year ago 
ArcticWolf said:
In my opinion it's Ron.
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posted over a year ago 
owlgoddess123 said:
totally ron i mean you could so tell even when their 11 XD :3
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posted over a year ago 
juliusroot5 said:
Definitely Harry. You know I used to think that she and Harry were actually dating?
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Definitely Harry. You know I used to think that she and Harry were actually dating?
posted over a year ago 
alexisn10 said:
This is how I see it
HP 1=Ron
HP 2=Ron
HP 3=Harry
HP 4=Ron
HP 5=Ron
HP 7= Harry (very briefly) and then Ron (when he came back)
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
Ron for sure :)
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posted over a year ago 
maryksand said:
Well, I think if the question is about who *looks* better with Hermione, my answer would be both Ron and Harry, if judging from the movies. Dan and Rupert both have nice chemistry with Emma, although I feel like Dan and Emma don't have much of a romantic chemistry whereas all of her scenes with Rupert seem very passionate and bring the sexual tension Ron/Hermione had on screen.

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posted over a year ago 
sjafan456 said:
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posted over a year ago 
vicrich1989 said:
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posted over a year ago 
chinoraul16 said:
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posted over a year ago 
h2okid said:
Hermione so looks better with Ron than Harry
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Hermione so looks better with Ron than Harry
posted over a year ago 
Sophie78 said:
Harry. I'm not a huge fan of canon.
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Harry. I'm not a huge fan of canon.
posted over a year ago 
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