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Harry Potter Question

Some resons why i thought the prisoner of azkaban book was better than the movie...Do you agree?

Okay theres 1 big FAT AND HUGE RESON WHY MOVIE SUCKED and that is...Lots of things was the wrong order or it didnt include lots of stuff from the book

1.(movie)When Harry sees Ron and Herimone they are argueing cos ron thinks croshanks ate scabbers,but when its the book it say how hermione got croshanks and how they were argueing so thanks to that my step sister is completly comfused,She was saying in the prisoner of azkaban that it never exsplaned who croshanks was and when the movie had finshed she had to restart it.

2.Theres like only 1 quidich battle and that is it.In the book the finale is there and wood is saying how he wants to win cos this is his last year at hogwarts.Me and my mum loves twilight and i said 'Mum Cedric Diggory is in this,hes hufflepuff's seeker and the person who plays him is Robert Patterson (Thats who plays Edward Cullen!) and some other seeker in ravenclaw called Cho Chang (this is the first ive seen the harry potter dvds) and when the movie ended i just stared at it with disapointment.I wanted to see Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory.I also wanted to see what Lavender Brown looked like when she was a kid,(She dated ron in Halfblood prince).

3.They tried to make the movie as little as possabil.Thats what i dont understand cos when i was on the pick thing and i clicked on 'Whats Your Fave Harry Potter Movie' and most of ppl clicked was PoA.

4.(BOOK)Ron and Hermonie was argueing again for the 1st time in it cos when Harry got his firebolt Hermonie ran to Profeser McGongal to say maybe sirus black sent it and profeser M.G (lol)
said 'Oh it will have to be cheaked Harry im afraid' And it was gone and he couldnt play quidich.It never said that happened in the Movie

5.Everything that was like cut out of the movie went to globet of fire.Thats why most of Globet of fire was cut out cos the ppl who made it tryed to put in the other parts of PoA in.WHICH IS STUPID!!!!!!!

I cant rember anymore
I dont hate PoA movie
I just though
 7bella3 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

ArcticWolf said:
I see your reasoning behind it, but personally I don't mind any of the changes. I'm more of a "enjoy a movie for a movie and a book for a book" kind of person. :) Although I agree the book is still way better.
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posted over a year ago 
Sallymagi said:
I agree. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie, because you get all the details and more facts.

But then again, you can't put EVERYTHING into a movie. It would just be way too long and people would get bored.
I do agree with those reasons you mentioned; I hated that the Firebolt only showed up in the end of the movie, and I would've liked to see Gryffindor win. Although, they shouldn't use too much time on the final, maybe just showing it at the end, instead of the Firebolt scene.

Also, Hermione and Ron was supposed to be arguing ALL the time - in the movie, they were just friends. Nothing exciting about that.

I don't agree with Crookshanks though, he wasn't THAT important.. Of course, I would've liked to see the whole book as a movie, but there are more important things.

Well, PoA is one of my favourite movies, partly because of the discovery of Sirius and Lupin, but I think Alfonso Cuaròn did a great job!

What do you mean about Goblet of Fire??
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posted over a year ago 
I did like the discovery of sirius and lupin and when they time travel.I mean globet of fire cos thats when cedric and cho comes in and they were metioned in PoA the Book but i agree with it :)
7bella3 posted over a year ago
Well, I guess you're right about Cho and Cedric. But they weren't that importanat either. Only when it's about Quidditch, when Harry gets all distracted by Cho. That would've been fun to see :)
Sallymagi posted over a year ago
and u never saw cho on a broomstick
7bella3 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I always think the movies are better than the books.

1. How Hermione got Crookshanks isn't relevant to anything. Movies are only allotted a certain length, so when adapting a book from a movie, things that aren't important get cut out.

2.I have no problem with quidditch being cut out. It's boring to read and even more boring to watch. But, again, due to time, parts that aren't important are going to get cut. Only one game was relevant to the plot, so the rest was cut.

3. The third book is one of the shorter books. It stands to reason it's going to be one of the shorter movies.

4. That was not the first time Ron and Hermione argued. They weren't even speaking when Hermione went to McGonagall. That part wasn't in the movie because, for the sake of time, they had Harry get the fire-bolt at the end of the movie, and they knew who it had come from. They had no reason to go to McGonagall (because the movie was over, and they knew Black wasn't trying to kill Harry).

5. I have no idea what you're talking about.
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posted over a year ago 
2.Some people do like it.Hardly NO ONE thinks its boring,How do you think watching a tapdrip is more exsiting? 5.I do have a point and they are importened bits abit SO SHUT UP D:<
7bella3 posted over a year ago
You asked a question. Did you honestly think you weren't going to get people who disagreed with you. And I never claimed that everyone hated Quidditch, but, quite obviously, there are people that do. I have no idea what you're even talking about with 5 or about watching a "tapdrip."
bri-marie posted over a year ago
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