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Harry Potter Question

Is Hufflepuff underrated?

Perhaps this is over-asked, but I was just wondering..
I simply can't understand why anyone would think that you are a loser, because you are in Hufflepuff!
Why? Really, we know many good people from Hufflepuff. Tonks for instance! And Cedric, he had the heart in the right place.
I don't like someone like Hannah Abbott, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchey and Zacharias Smith either... But really, I won't judge by that.

When you are a Hufflepuff you are good-hearted, loyal, hard-working and friendly. What is wrong with that?
 Sallymagi posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

ilovereading said:
There is nothing wrong with being good-hearted, loyal, hard-working and friendly.
But in the books, there were little Hufflepuffs and characters from other houses (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, ...) got the traits that were supposed to belong to them. In the end, we don't even know what the point of Hufflepuff is since Rowling used it as a dump for anyone that didn't fit as either brave, wise or cunning. This is one of the rare things I don't like about HP. :/

*But common, we all know Hufflepuffs throw the best parties. :D
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There is nothing wrong with being good-hearted, loyal, hard-working and friendly. 
But in the books, there were little Hufflepuffs and characters from other houses (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, ...) got the traits that were supposed to belong to them. In the end, we don't even know what the point of Hufflepuff is since Rowling used it as a dump for anyone that didn't fit as either brave, wise or cunning. This is one of the rare things I don't like about HP. :/ 

*But common, we all know Hufflepuffs throw the best parties. :D
posted over a year ago 
:D That pic.
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
Sallymagi posted over a year ago
Kadaj said:
Absolutely! Hufflepuff is the most underrated house of the four. But it also one of the houses that I would be extremely proud to be sorted into! In my opinion, loyalty should be valued as highly as bravery, knowledge, and ambition.
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posted over a year ago 
Agrre :D
Sallymagi posted over a year ago
BlackHound said:
If the school were burning, Ravenclaws would be the first to leave, having figured out the quickest escape routes mere moments after the fire started (if the other students can't figure it out, that's Fate's way of weeding out the stupid). Slytherins would be the next out, having trampled everyone in their way in their panic to save themselves (boasting that it's their Pureblood Superiority that places them above everyone else, don'tcha know). Gryffindors would be the next out, convinced they must first find & fight the cause of the fire to insure it never happens again. Hufflepuffs would be the last to leave, because they would have to make sure there was no one left behind. They'd never forgive themselves otherwise. That's just how the "House Traits" feel to me.

It is unfortunately human nature to regard kindness as weakness, and to put oneself before others. I understand completely why some people underestimate Hufflepuff and speak badly of members of that House, because really, in this dark, cynical world we've created for ourselves, if you're "good-hearted, loyal, hard-working and friendly", you're a fool wearing a 'kick me' sign. Or "the spare".


"Hufflepuff has produced the fewest number of dark wizards than any other house at Hogwarts. Their cheerful and friendly demenor can probably account for this property of the House. Hufflepuff firmly demonstrated its loyalty during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, when they were second only to Harry Potter's own house of Gryffindor in the number of students willing to stay and fight against Voldemort and his forces in the defence of their school."

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posted over a year ago 
EPIC ANSWER. love it. especially the quote @ the bottom.
TIME-TURNER posted over a year ago
Yes. Just yes. I love this.
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
emerald18 said:
There is nothing wrong with hufflepuff, slytherin is just way way cooler.
In fact i like any house except for griffindor
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posted over a year ago 
same as me, except that ravenclaw is my no 1 house followed by slytherin, and hufflepuff
ClaireVoyant posted over a year ago
yh griffindor just annoys me
emerald18 posted over a year ago
itsatrapy said:
yes of course
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posted over a year ago 
xltrue said:
There were three wizards who co-existed peacefully, but a fourth wizard that did not. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryfendor were the three that agreed. The fourth wizard, Salazar Slytherin, was somewhat of a loner. Yet there he was.
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posted over a year ago 
yet he had a giant pet snake.... which means he wins
emerald18 posted over a year ago
LadyEmzy16 said:
there's absoultley nothing wrong with being a HufflePuff infact if i would choose to be sorted into a house other than Gryfinndor i would defanitly choose Hufflepuff!

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posted over a year ago 
PrincessWillow said:
I myself am a Hufflepuff (or some Hufflepuff/Gryffindor mix, as most online tests I take will tell me either of those), and there is nothing wrong with being one. Hufflepuffs are just, loyal, and fair. Most people prefer Gryffindor because that's the house that Harry and Hermione and Ron were in, but Hufflepuff house is the voice of reason, they treat everyone kindly.
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
I agree with you i've heard many bad things about Hufflepuff and I never knew why...
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
I don't understand that either. Hufflepuff is definitely underrated. I myself would likely be sorted into Hufflepuff (on all the quizzes I usually get Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff). I like the kind of people who will take the time to show kindness and be friends.
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posted over a year ago 
KayKay19311 said:
There's nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff! It's my favorite house of all! Anyone who would make fun of a Hufflepuffer has some serious issues! C'mon people you can't argue with that!
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posted over a year ago 
KitKatLex said:
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posted over a year ago 
hisblueeyes said:
I'm a Hufflepuff, so I do get offended when people say it's a stupid house. It definitely is underrated but here's why. Gryffindor is for the brave. Ravenclaw is for the clever. & Slytherin is for the what's left? Hufflepuff is for the what? The kind? The loyal? There isn't anything wrong with that, but most people think the traits of a Hufflepuff to be boring. Although we aren't, we're a mix of many traits, but that's how others see us. After all, what is "kind" compared to brave, clever, and cunning?
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posted over a year ago 
I agree. Even though I am a Gryffindor, I totally believe Hufflepuff is underrated. Just because you aren't as wise, brave, or cunning doesn't mean you are an idiot.
TIME-TURNER posted over a year ago
snaperoxmysox said:
There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuff, it's just not very well defined. People who don't belong anywhere are often put there, which kind of defeats the purpose of it's traits. However, I definitely think that loyalty should be valued as highly, or more highly, than bravery, wisdom, etc.
But if all else fails, Hufflepuff has to get some points for being Tonks's House :D
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posted over a year ago 
TheHogwartsJagu said:
What the hell is a Hufflepuff?

(EDIT! My sister just came and told me that Hufflepuffs are particulary good finders! Intresting. I should spy on people more often. Then I will be able to FIND out if it's true.)
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posted over a year ago 
dragonsmemory said:
Hufflepuff House rarely gets any glory. The biggest rivalry in the school is that between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff do tend to side with the Gryffindors, unless something really awful happens.
Only once in a while do the Hufflepuffs have a chance at some glory. In Harry's seven years at Hogwarts, Hufflepuff had only two chances. Once was when their Quidditch team beat Gryffindor due to the dementors in his third year.
The other was the year of the Triwizard Tournament, when Cedric Diggory was chosen as school champion. Had Harry's name not come out of the Goblet, Hufflepuff would have finally had some real glory.
To answer your question, and to conclude, Hufflepuff House is not underrated. It has only been overshadowed by the others, namely Gryffindor and Slytherin, whose rivalry isthefiercest
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posted over a year ago 
lot_lloyd said:
why you saying that ilike luna
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posted over a year ago 
That has nothing to do with the question.
-Harmony- posted over a year ago
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