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Harry Potter Question

Are you unhappy about how they are going to make the Deathly Hallows movie into two parts??

I'm going with a yes and a no in this question,its a hard one! People ask me this question often, and when I'm in a good mood I answer, "No actually, this way they won't have to leave out a lot of the details that make up the incredible ending!" And when I'm in a bad mood, "Yes I am! Who wants a 'TO BE CONTINUED' in the middle of an epic movie?!
Are you unhappy about how they are going to make the Deathly Hallows movie into two parts??
 truvu7 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

Irina92 said:
well yes i'm happy with splitting it.. i couldn't bear watching them ruining the last hp movie!! i think that in the DH almost everything is important! the director couldn't ommit harry's chase sith the broomstick, mad-eye moody's death, the wedding, grimmauld place, the whole ministry of magic plan, ron's and harry's fight, the godric's hollow's disaster, the horocruxes' destruction and that's just the beginning! so i'm glad they did that and i hope that they're going to be great films and be what the book deserved! :)
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posted over a year ago 
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halpertfan11 said:
I think it's a good idea to have 2 parts. So much happens in Deathly Hallows that if it were made into 1 film, a lot would need to be left out to keep the movie at a reasonable length. The only thing I don't like is that we have so long to wait for part 1 and then having to start waiting for part 2 will be really annoying.
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posted over a year ago 
Tazziegirl304 said:
No, I'm actually really happy they are dividing it, so that way, they can get all the details that are vital to the story (because there are a lot) Sure it sucks we will have to wait another year after part one, but it will be worth it.
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posted over a year ago 
hpSNLto16 said:
I'm really glad that they decided to make it into two parts. Theres almost nothing from the books that they can skip!! So I guess you'd either be in a theater for a 6 hour movie, have it split into two parts, or cut a lot out (and have a lot of very angry fans). But, it will be terribly painful waiting all of those months though....
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posted over a year ago 
Ellie_Manny_Fan said:
yes! it gives u something to look forward too. and that if was in one movie they would pobably have to leave somethings out. but it would be hard waiting for the next one, though.
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posted over a year ago 
Bethany_bigbird said:
umm no not really but i want to get both the movies at thr same time or that would just spoil it and make me sitting n the edge of my seat ;) IMG I CANT BELEIVE FRED WEASLEY DIES *SOBS* :( AND LUPIN AND YAY BELLATRIX DIES YES! she killed serius black >:(
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posted over a year ago 
scabbers said:
not really, it's good yes that they are dividing it but it's going to spoil the excitement and the thrill of the people who are going to watch it and we're going to wait for a long time before we see it's ending. xD
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posted over a year ago 
andrealovesshia said:
i'm actually really happy they that they are splitting it because then they wouldn't skip any part of the book. I think part 1 comes out in november and part to comes out in we would just have to wait six months for the second part and it is good to wait..because you realise Harry Potter is done if they just have it in one HP would last longer :D
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posted over a year ago 
e2mma2weasle3 said:
well i say is good and bad because it be more detailed as you said but it wouldn't be as good waiting a year for the other part of the movie like come on.
yea people ask me that all the time and i wonder if is really worth it doing two movies.
well i am looking forward to the movie but i am not sad or happy about the splitting i just wanna see if it was actually a good idea split it into two.

looking forward to see it.

lol :) xxx

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posted over a year ago 
chr1zt3ll3 said:
i am! it them like 1-2 years to make one movie and they are going to split (mainly) the most dramatic thrilling part of the WHOLE series. i mean common now poeple. DON'T leave me hanging! >:[ but at the same time they might leave some really good details that explain some of things so...i still think yes
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posted over a year ago 
volleyblue13 said:
no!!!!! it's great!! they will have so much detail and almost all of the events will be in the movie! :) and also, this way the series ends later! :D i'm happy about this 2 part movie

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posted over a year ago 
Mugglestar96 said:
i agree with the ppl who say its a good idea having it in 2 parts...cuz it makes it better and u r more excited about it... i hope each part is 3 hours long... :)
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posted over a year ago 
dolphinsrock8D said:
It's a good idea to split it into 2 movies because there will be a lot more details, and it will be easier to understand for the people who only watch the movies and don't read the books.
Also, they can make the action scenes much longer.
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posted over a year ago 
Kronous said:
no not realy
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posted over a year ago 
aitypw said:
Its good idea
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posted over a year ago 
iluvjamesphelps said:
no because with two parts they have no reson to miss bits out and they can give better and more details to those whoo havent read the books but if they do those whoo havent read the book will not know whats goin on.
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posted over a year ago 
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