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Harry Potter Question

What Hogwarts House do you truly think you would be in, not House you want to be in.

I recently answered a question like this, and I answered Gryffindor, but honestly, that's just where I WANT to be placed in. I bet the Sorting Hat would place me in Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. It might be hard to answer this question, but like Noah benShea said, "Our heart only knows what are mind only thinks it knows."
What Hogwarts House do you truly think you would be in, not House you want to be in.
damn that is so deep
percyjrulez posted over a year ago
i think i should be in gryffindor but i like slytherin more
yan-yan posted over a year ago
Go on Pottermore. I was sorted into Gryffindor.
lilyWOAH posted over a year ago
 truvu7 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

e2mma2weasle3 said:
Okay i guess slytherin or Gryffindor!!!!
i don't like Hufflepuff + i wouldn't be in it, and Gryffindor i am not as brave as i would like so i guess Slytherin or gryffindor!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
That adds up to 110, I'm confused...:S
SmithAndWesson posted over a year ago
no it doesn't it adds up to 100...............
oldmovie posted over a year ago
for smileeyy1019 thats not how you spell smiley and jezz i would be in Slytherin or Hufflepuff happy now you should understand it.!!!!!!
e2mma2weasle3 posted over a year ago
terhenetar said:
Where you want to be may be crucial :). If you like a certain house than you approve of some (if not all) its 'traits', which makes you somewhow a part of that house.

I honestly think that I would be a Slytherin. That's what most tests say and I believe it makes sense. I consider Ravenclaw as well, but I prefer to learn things which will be of some use and not learning for learning's sake. I certainly am not some brave fool who would jump into the fire to save others. Hufflepuff's traits don't suit me either.
Besides, I am on the evil side with my whole black (or silver and green in this case) heart, so the Noble House of Salazar Slytherin is the only choice :)
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Where you want to be may be crucial :). If you like a certain house than you approve of some (if not all) its 'traits', which makes you somewhow a part of that house. 

I honestly think that I would be a Slytherin. That's what most tests say and I believe it makes sense. I consider Ravenclaw as well, but I prefer to learn things which will be of some use and not learning for learning's sake. I certainly am not some brave fool who would jump into the fire to save others. Hufflepuff's traits don't suit me either. 
Besides, I am on the evil side with my whole black (or silver and green in this case) heart, so the Noble House of Salazar Slytherin is the only choice :)
posted over a year ago 
Nice. ;)
missdada15 posted over a year ago
Bookaholics said:
Ravenclaw. Honestly, I value intelligence higher than bravery, loyalty, or power. It's probably not a good thing, but it's true.

Slytherin. For most of my life, I've fantasied about being in Gryffindor. But then I realized that I'm not brave or chivalrous enough. Then I thought maybe Ravenclaw would be cool, I mean, I'm pretty smart, but I really dislike schoolwork, and I suck at staying on task. I realize that I often think of myself before others, love nothing better than being the center of attention, and have jealous fits. I want nothing more than to succeed by any means, and I definitely have a very evil side. I don't really think this is a bad thing, and compared to some of the Slytherins I've read about, I'm pretty tame. But I still think that Slytherin is the house I'd be sorted into. (I also think that Slytherin needs some good people in it.)

(The above answers are by TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. we make up The account bookaholics [this the s at tne end] who is kind of a weird fusion of our personalities)
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posted over a year ago 
Lunaste said:
Actually, any house but Gryffindor.

I've always thought I was a Ravenclaw (since I'm pretty clever and I can't stand not knowing things) but recently I'm kind of leaning towards Slytherin (I'm not as hard-working as a Ravenclaw would be and would rather use easy ways to get what I want).
But, I did the Sorting Hat Meme on Livejournal (where I commented with my username and my friendslist would tell me which house they thought I belonged in) and pretty much 100% of the flisters who sorted me (although there weren't that many) thought I was a Hufflepuff, which baffled me.

So yeah, anything but Gryffindor.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah i always get all the houses (depending on my mood) EXCEPT never gryfindor...which i liked.
ecpjll posted over a year ago
spikes_girl said:
Probably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I do think of myself as daring, not so sure about bravery. I have some characteristics that would place me in Gryffindor, but some I don't have. Ravenclaw is probably a tad more likely, because I do think of myself as very clever and smart, and I like to learn.
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Probably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I do think of myself as daring, not so sure about bravery. I have some characteristics that would place me in Gryffindor, but some I don't have. Ravenclaw is probably a tad more likely, because I do think of myself as very clever and smart, and I like to learn.
posted over a year ago 
SmithAndWesson said:
I am sly and determined, and I will do anything to get where I want to be.
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posted over a year ago 
yupp me to..slytherin
Cullen_Freak posted over a year ago
BellatrixFan said:
I have done many quizzes!some of them put me in gryffindor and some others in slytherin!But i did a big one with over 100 questions and the result was 75% slytherin and then gryffindor(i don't remember how much %)!I think slytherin suits me best!I'm cunning,ambitious and to speak for the wizarding world i love the dark arts and the Death Eaters and i would be the most loyal death eater to Lord Voldemort(after Bella of course!)
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I have done many quizzes!some of them put me in gryffindor and some others in slytherin!But i did a big one with over 100 questions and  the result was 75% slytherin and then gryffindor(i don't remember how much %)!I think slytherin suits me best!I'm cunning,ambitious and to speak for the wizarding world i love the dark arts and the Death Eaters and i would be the most loyal death eater to Lord Voldemort(after Bella of course!)
posted over a year ago 
Do you have the link to the test that you took?
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
why everyone have chos siytherin
Maria_1 posted over a year ago
can u please tell the url of the site in which u took the quiz??
sportylass posted over a year ago
Brysis said:
I will be sorted to the Slytherins! I´m sure! I can´t lie to myself, i´m definetly a Slytherin, I´m so sure of it that i have a tattoo of the Slytherin´s symbol in my arm so no doubts for me...
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posted over a year ago 
James13 said:
I would be in Griffindore the house Harry Potter is in!
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posted over a year ago 
Maybe you might be sorted into that house.. If you knew how to spell Gryffindor!
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
yes it is the best house
Maria_1 posted over a year ago
no way, slytherin is WAY better!!
sparkles3 posted over a year ago
maja3322 said:
I really want to be in Ravenclaw which is also were I think I would be sorted. It's not just that I am smart, but oneof the things I love most i life is learning, and therefore I think Ravenclaw really suits me.
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posted over a year ago 
Mallory23 said:
Slytherin :)
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Slytherin :)
posted over a year ago 
kat_hale said:
I probably wanna be in Gryffindor -cause in the books at least-well you know all the attention goes to the cool guys from there.But I would most surely be placed in Ravenclaw-it`s not that I don`t have courage or loyalty,it's just that I'm first and for most an individual-and pretty much a bookworm,eh...who am I kidding I'm a 100% weirdo -and yeah,it seems that Ravenclaw would be best for me... :)
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
I wanna be in slytherin, but i'd probably be in ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
I'm pretty sure Gryffindor
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posted over a year ago 
RupertFan101 said:
I wanna be in Gryffindor,because of the peeps, but i'd be in Hufflepuff. Well,like hagrid says in the first book, better hufflepuff than slytherin! ''Shuddder at the thought of bein in slytherin''
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I wanna be in Gryffindor,because of the peeps, but i'd be in Hufflepuff. Well,like hagrid says in the first book, better hufflepuff than slytherin! ''Shuddder at the thought of bein in slytherin''
posted over a year ago 
go hufflepuff lolz
CirqueDuFreak1 posted over a year ago
ashesandwine said:
You guys may think this is what I wanted but I truly believe that I would be a good Gryffindor:D

Brave, good heart, and I would follow the footsteps of George and Fred:P
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posted over a year ago 
And I'll be right behind you
HecateA posted over a year ago
and so am i
eyal10 posted over a year ago
volleyblue13 said:
Honestly, I think I would be in Gryffindor, and i'm not just saying that cuz i've taken a lot of quizzes and basically all of them but like, 2 put me in gryffindor.
PS they weren't the really obvious quizzes like: How would you discribe yourself?
A- brave
B- hard working
C- smart
D- evil
cuz you can practically PICK your house in those
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posted over a year ago 
by the way, i don't really think that slytherins r evil, i just couldn't think of anyting else :)
volleyblue13 posted over a year ago
nene72 posted over a year ago
hermionesmith said:
I think I will be in Gryffindor for sometimes I will be braver than my friends in some ways but I think I will be in Ravenclaw too for I am smarter than the others and I like to read books too. I will also love to be in Gryffindor as it is so cool.
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posted over a year ago 
beth1127 said:
I think I would be placed in Ravenclaw because I'm smarter than I am brave.
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posted over a year ago 
remmy_black said:
I think I would truly be in Slytherin, I am cunning and ambitous and not afraid to get it what I want.
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posted over a year ago 
harrypotterrox8 said:
My friend told me Gryfinndor because we r really brave we went to this really bad part of town and some man was following us and we hid in like grimy junk for like an hour
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, aren't you special. That makes you soooo brave. You going to a really bad part of town and hiding in "grimy junk" for an hour doesn't make you brave. It makes you stupid. Oh, and you spelled Gryffindor wrong.
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
Jezz will u leave ppl alone what is it with you bothering people and their answers get a life will you no one is critisising you for your answers so leave people alone!!!!!!
e2mma2weasle3 posted over a year ago
shiningstar22 said:
More than likely Hufflepuff I'm not mean and evil but I don't have much bravery or courage
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posted over a year ago 
farah4 said:

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posted over a year ago 
It's Gryffindor! Jeez, is it really that hard to spell?
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
some people are from other countries and thats how you spell them in some countries and why are you obsesed with spellings OMG!!!!!! and leave people alone!!!
e2mma2weasle3 posted over a year ago
back smileey u bitch
ronwesley77 posted over a year ago
linhousepotter said:
Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I value intelligence and loyalty a lot. I think I am not brave enough to be in Gryffindor and I am not very ambitious to be in Slytherin. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you, someone finally spelled Gryffindor right :P
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
shut up
ronwesley77 posted over a year ago
SP26 said:
I think i'd be in Gryffindor but i'm probably wrong
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posted over a year ago 
halpertfan11 said:
I'd like to be a Gryffindor, but I'm not sure that I'm brave enough. I think I would probably be in either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
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posted over a year ago 
That is exactly how I am.
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
hermione333 said:
I think is should be in Gryffindoor becuase my friends say that im brave and smart.
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posted over a year ago 
sunlightshadow said:
I`m not sure, but I think Ravenclaw or maybe Slytherin. :))
Of course I wish it would be Gryffindor, but I`m trying to be realistic.
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posted over a year ago 
baconisyummy said:
Well to get in Grifindor id have to be brave and I have as much courage as a rock (know idea how much courage rock has but sounds good)
To be in Slytherin id have to have a perfect and consistent and my familys mest up
I guess I could be in ravenclaw cause Im pretty smart and I highly value intelrgince
And huffelpuf takes evryone elce so either hufflepuff or raven claw but brobobly hufflepuf
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posted over a year ago 
You highly value intelligence, but you can't even spell the word?
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
again obsesion with spelling !!!!!
e2mma2weasle3 posted over a year ago
Irina92 said:
mm i don't like saying that but i think i'd be into the slytherin house.. not that slytherin is bad or anything i just don't like what u have to be to get in there!.. i'm ambitious and want my profit. i also think i'm a bit of a coward no matter how i don't want to be one! and i'm ironic many many times, but i don't think this is a slytherin's characteristic i just mentioned it! well i've been trying to improve all these things and now i'm kind, less afraid of stuff, not supressing the others.. but i'm still slytherin inside!!so i think this is the dorm for me!:))
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mm i don't like saying that but i think i'd be into the slytherin house.. not that slytherin is bad or anything i just don't like what u have to be to get in there!.. i'm ambitious and want my profit. i also think i'm a bit of a coward no matter how i don't want to be one! and i'm ironic many many times, but i don't think this is a slytherin's characteristic i just mentioned it! well i've been trying to improve all these things and now i'm kind, less afraid of stuff, not supressing the others.. but i'm still slytherin inside!!so i think this is the dorm for me!:))
posted over a year ago 
ziom said:
i would truly be in slytherin.for first=
i'm sly.for second=
i'm ambitious and cunning.for third=
i'd love to be a deatheater.for fourth=
i'm a pureblood.for fifth=
i'd love to date draco malfoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Wouldn't we all...I'd totally be in Slytherin for Draco :)
purplepower74 posted over a year ago
AdaLove said:
All the personality tests I've taken say the same thing:"...The Sorting Hat shouts...SLYTHERIN,cunning...ambitious...power-hungry"and I have to admit it,Slytherin`s for me.I am a Slytherin and pproud of it!I am smart,stubborn and I want first the things be okay for me and then I care about how the things `bout the others.I am not a bad girl though.
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All the personality tests I've taken say the same thing:"...The Sorting Hat shouts...SLYTHERIN,cunning...ambitious...power-hungry"and I have to admit it,Slytherin`s for me.I am a Slytherin and pproud of it!I am smart,stubborn and I want first the things be okay for me and then I care about how the things `bout the others.I am not a bad girl though.
posted over a year ago 
slughorn said:
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posted over a year ago 
AngelicallyEvil said:
I probably wouldn't really care what house I would be in. But if I had to be in one, I would probably be put in Hufflepuff. I've always dreamed of being in Gryffindor when I was little, but now I think I like Slytherin better. Is that bad? :P
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posted over a year ago 
Snugglebum said:
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posted over a year ago 
name_it said:
Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, but I prefer Gryffindor
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posted over a year ago 
That is exactly how I am.
smileeyy1019 posted over a year ago
CirqueDuFreak1 said:
Hufflepuff all the way ill still act like a fred a jon lolz
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Hufflepuff all the way ill still act like a fred a jon lolz
posted over a year ago 
yoyoder said:
I would say Ravenclaw and I would be happy with it. I'm definitely smart and work hard to learn just because, not to get an A on the coming test. Gryffindor is the good and brave kids but I also see them as a little stupid and rash. Slytherin would be a little more cunning and smarter but would not abandon anyone for my own gain. Which makes me loyal and kind of Hufflepuff, but no.
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posted over a year ago 
Sweeney-Pie said:
Honestly, i have no idea. Slytherin or Ravenclaw would be my tops.
I have a mental type of intelligence but not smart enough for ravenclaw
I have a clever and mysteriousness but not sharp enough for slythering.

So i dont know xD
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posted over a year ago 
greenteam said:
I have to say I'd be in Ravenclaw because I'm really intellegent.
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posted over a year ago 
iloveoshea said:
honestly, i am alot like hermoine.. no lie.. so i'm pretty sure it would be gryffindor.. i figure since hermoine and i share several similar traits, i would be placed into the same house she is in.. but thats just me..
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posted over a year ago 
JasperHLover said:
to be honest, im stuck between gryffindor or slytherin.
Gryffindor because i am honest , loyal and true
but i dont like school work much and sometimes not all f the time but sometimes i can be quiet sneaky and evil.
So i think slytherin
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posted over a year ago 
PiiXiiE said:
i think i would be placed in Ravenclaw, which i'm totally cool with. not to toot my own horn, but i'm pretty smart. who wouldn't wanna be in the same house as Harry, Ron, Hermione and the gang, right? but i know i'm definitely not brave enough for Gryffindor. i don't have that "win at all costs" Slytherin mentality, and though i do feel a deep loyalty to my friends, i'm too outgoing to be a Hufflepuff (but i wouldn't mind being in that house either).
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i think i would be placed in Ravenclaw, which i'm totally cool with.  not to toot my own horn, but i'm pretty smart.  who wouldn't wanna be in the same house as Harry, Ron, Hermione and the gang, right?  but i know i'm definitely not brave enough for Gryffindor.  i don't have that "win at all costs" Slytherin mentality, and though i do feel a deep loyalty to my friends, i'm too outgoing to be a Hufflepuff (but i wouldn't mind being in that house either).
posted over a year ago 
Amy-x said:
Personally i think i would be in Gryffindor if i compare myself with Neville then i would get in because he's brave but shy at the same time like me if not i would be in hufflepuff.
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posted over a year ago 
iluvjamesphelps said:
i know i wudnt fit in gryfindor as i am so not brave. i dont know bout the other ones though i think maybe hufflepuff or ravenclaw. i know i wudnt fit in sytherin either.
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posted over a year ago 
likatika said:
i would be in either gryffindor or ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
Taylor_Xo said:
I Think I would end up in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin
I wouldn't say I'm brave or hardworking to be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
However I'm a smart person and I always put myself before everyone else, so I'd probably be in Ravenclaw or Slyrtherin
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posted over a year ago 
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I'd want to be in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw as second choice. But honestly? If I were to go to Hogwarts, I would probably be in Ravenclaw. I say this because while I may not be strait A's (though I'm close to it. Just Spanish... ick) I am supposedly really deep. (Although sometimes I'm shocked at how shallow some people can be... lol). People say I think things really through and I think really deeply, much more than normal, and that is what made Luna in Ravenclaw. I guess that's where I'd fit, then. The Sorting Hat's second choice would probably be Hufflepuff (hey, that's where Tonks was XD).
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posted over a year ago 
abrandicourt said:
ravenclaw, cuz im smart, and i think im like luna a little least thats what i like! to think...
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posted over a year ago 
Ash24 said:
i think i would be in with slytherin or ravenclaw though i would love to be in gryffindor
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i think i would be in with slytherin or ravenclaw though i would love to be in gryffindor
posted over a year ago 
amymeymy said:
Ravenclaw; I'm more smart than I am brave...
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posted over a year ago 
clevercaoimhe said:
ethir griffindor or ravenclaw defo.
i love reading and i'm not showing off but im the smartist in my class ,but i could also could defo be in griffindor
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posted over a year ago 
BeautifulN said:
I think that Sorting Hat would place me in Hufflepuff. I'm kind and friendly just like them :)
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posted over a year ago 
mimifaith said:
Would be in: Slytherin.
Wants to be in: Slytherin.
Has a crush on a: Slytherin.
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posted over a year ago 
Slytherin's name:::::Draco Malfoy :) oh yeah!
purplepower74 posted over a year ago
Maria_1 said:
i want to be in gryffindor, but i don't know where i will be.

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i want to be in gryffindor, but i don't know where i will be.
posted over a year ago 
snapeislove said:
im actually torn, because i could be either of the four houses if i really wanted to..

my nature is in Gryffindor, I value bravery and i always make it a point that i face my fears. But i face my fears in the smart way, i love mind activities and i love learning so that makes me qualified in Ravenclaw. at times, i leave my friends and value bloodline than glamorous heroism, i love living in the dark light, where not so much eyes are at me, i get my self in situations that involves me, but if someone's dying and it s not on my account, heck with it, i'd rather sleep, and that sounds like a Slytherin.. I can also play the nice, mediocre but honest guy and be in the Hufflepuff common room..

to sum it all up:

I'll be in Gryffindor and be smart without having to be in Ravenclaw at the same time.. Slitherin-ish because i'll be really proud that im in Gryffindor.. and, just like Neville, play the nice guy part..

wow.. that was a crazy one.. i hope you understand it.. .. Cheers.. :D

but if a could choose.. i want to be in GryffinClaw.. *whistles* .. err.. is that counted??

EDIT: i took this test and i had been sorted to Slytherin as a result.. here's the link anyway..:

link Potter/Docs/Quiz-House.html

i took another test from another web and it says Ravenclaw.. darn..
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posted over a year ago 
deanna_xox said:
well i took a quiz on "which hogwarts house do you belong to" there was at least 20 questions i think but in the end i am a true GRYFFINDOR :)
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well i took a quiz on "which hogwarts house do you belong to" there was at least 20 questions i think but in the end i am a true GRYFFINDOR :)
posted over a year ago 
igradl said:
Ravenclaw.I would like to be in ravenclaw because i am smart and intelligent.head of house-filius flitwick founder-rowena ravenclaw ghost-grey lady
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posted over a year ago 
Fairy8346 said:
Hufflepuff or Gryffindor (it is kinda a choice thing 'cause Harry didnt want Slytherin but y didnt Hermione get Ravenclaw?)
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posted over a year ago 
pumpkinqueen said:
I did a question on the computer and I did it five times and I was in Hufflepuff every time. So I'm in Hufflepuff:)
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posted over a year ago 
RemRose28 said:
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posted over a year ago 
andy9283 said:
griffindoor no doubt
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posted over a year ago 
CQuinn said:
I would say most likely Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw - im not extremely brave or sly and im kinda smart but i don't know - so mostly hufflepuff / ravenclaw.
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posted over a year ago 
Fenrir said:
Hufflepuff is for the kids that don't belong in any of the other three houses that actually have talent...I have NO TALENT. So like it or not, I would most likely land in Hufflepuff...unfortunately X(
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posted over a year ago 
Are you saying you don't like Hufflepuff? I'm proud to be a Hufflepuff!
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
MadamOcta13 said:
Either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I'm thinking more Hufflepuff though I want to be in Ravenclaw.
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posted over a year ago 
LifesGoodx3 said:
I'd probably be put in Hufflepuff, but I'd want to be in Slytherin or Gryffindor.
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posted over a year ago 
dancequeen1013 said:
I would probably be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw maybe. Though I want to be in Gryfindor
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posted over a year ago 
ginny_potter_97 said:
i want to be in gryffindor. but the sorting hat would place me in slytherin or Ravenclaw
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i want to be in gryffindor. but the sorting hat would place me in slytherin or Ravenclaw
posted over a year ago 
Cecc_love said:
Hmm, well i would end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Seems like its a wish to be on Gryffindor, but thats not why i would end up there - for sure :) - im brave, strong wilded and i am a social butterfly who loves to win, but i don't strain for it with things that hurt others. Still im very ambitious and love to find out knew things, and many people would gladly call me hard working - but like a Gryffindor, it changes from day to day. So Gryffindor in the end :D
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Hmm, well i would end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Seems like its a wish to be on Gryffindor, but thats not why i would end up there - for sure :) - im brave, strong wilded and i am a social butterfly who loves to win, but i don't strain for it with things that hurt others. Still im very ambitious and love to find out knew things, and many people would gladly call me hard working - but like a Gryffindor, it changes from day to day. So Gryffindor in the end :D
posted over a year ago 
moonbabe11 said:
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posted over a year ago 
venvargie said:
Lol, I would prolly be in Hufflepuff. Because I don't think I have the traits to be in the other houses. xD
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posted over a year ago 
Guin90 said:
Probably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but more likely to be Ravenclaw.

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posted over a year ago 
YumiChan said:
Well if being honest.. I think I'd be in Ravenclaw...
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posted over a year ago 
6666666666 said:

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posted over a year ago 
fhghu said:
I would want to be in Gryffindor, but I truly think I would be in Ravenclaw.
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I would want to be in Gryffindor, but I truly think I would be in Ravenclaw.
posted over a year ago 
sundrop629 said:
I would definatly be in gryffindor or hufflepuff... yea one of those two
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posted over a year ago 
starwarsfangirl said:
I've taken a whole bunch of tests, and they ALL say that I'd be in Slitherin... So, there ya go!
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posted over a year ago 
kataraang45 said:
gryfindor,cause i have a brave heart like a certain someone! i love gryfindor and hate slytherin. the sorting hat will place me at hufflpuff,but in my heart,gryfindor is the best!
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gryfindor,cause i have a brave heart like a certain someone! i love gryfindor and hate slytherin. the sorting hat will place me at hufflpuff,but in my heart,gryfindor is the best!
posted over a year ago 
demitria_monroe said:
I think Slytherin is OK, and Gryffindor is Better!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lucius_malloy said:
I dunno, a lot of people call me smart.
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posted over a year ago 
harry-potter-10 said:
I would be in Slytherin because I am cunning, smart, and devious. Also I stand out as a "don't mess with me" kind of girl. I wouldn't be put in Hufflepuff, because I don't see them as strong, they strike me as pansy.
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posted over a year ago 
peanutgirl12300 said:
i think i would be more suited in ravenclaw. i'm very smart and creative!!!
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posted over a year ago 
wolfgrrl said:
I would want to go to Ravenclaw, and I think I would be placed there anyways.
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posted over a year ago 
zukosgurl said:
i belong in slytherin
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i belong in slytherin
posted over a year ago 
Mustang18 said:
Probably any of them, except Slytherian.
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posted over a year ago 
ronwesley77 said:
gryffindor because i am brave and loyal at heart

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posted over a year ago 
HecateA said:
I'm not sure.

Gryffindor = I'm not brave, I won't even go on scary waterslides or rides
Slytherin = I am clever, and not all slytherins are evil. I might just be a snaky!
Ravenclaw = I am smart, but I'm more creative then smart, sometimes weird. If Luna made it, I can probably.
Hufflepuff = I have more to do with slythies or ravenclaws more.

Slythy or ravenclaw.
I like green and birds of prey, tie braker questions dont work.
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowQueen013 said:
I would probably either be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
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posted over a year ago 
DiNozzosShorty said:
id be in gryffindor but i reallllllyyy want to be in slytherin but im just not mean enough
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posted over a year ago 
Dylain said:
Well I want to be in either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but that's not the question. Hmmm. I would guess Ravenclaw. I dunno, maybe I should put the Sorting Hat on. (Sorting Hat: -shouts- Gryyfindor!) Oh yay.
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posted over a year ago 
purplepower74 said:
So I know this question already has a ton of answers, but I found a really cool quiz online with truly good questions, and it was pretty long lol.

Out of 100, this is how I rate:

Ravenclaw: 88
Gryffindor: 82
Hufflepuff: 76
Slytherin: 60.

So I guess it'll be Ravenclaw.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
I'd like to be in Slytherin, but I'm more of a Ravenclaw person, I'm alawys the quite one and the first one done with work in my classes. Im in advanced classes. Everyone likes cheathing off my tests because I get good grades perticuarly in languge arts.
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I'd like to be in Slytherin, but I'm more of a Ravenclaw person, I'm alawys the quite one and the first one done with work in my classes. Im in advanced classes. Everyone likes cheathing off my tests because I get good grades perticuarly in languge arts.
posted over a year ago 
szitaliandude said:
wahhhhho gryffindoor all the way
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posted over a year ago 
MarauderForever said:
It would definately be Gryffindor. I never take crap from someone and always fight for what I believe in. And I can get to the point where Brave turns into Reckless. Including standing up against authority (adults)when what they do truly doesn't make sense. And not afraid to talk to authority. Besides, what goalie, who throws themself in the line of potential injuries, ISN'T brave enough to be in good ol' Gryffindor! haha.

Hufflepuff... my personality would stand out too much.

Ravenclaw is an option. I'm smart, but like Hermione, my Gryffindor qualities are stronger.

Slytherin same as Ravenclaw. Though I am Cunning. Slytherin is probably the 2nd house that the sorting hat would want to put me in.
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posted over a year ago 
amy_x_ben said:
Honestly, I want to be in Gryffindor. But I think I would be sorted into Ravenclaw.
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posted over a year ago 
hbrinks said:
id be in slytherin id do gr8 things in that house

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posted over a year ago 
BonesAddicted said:
Probs Ravenclaw :)
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posted over a year ago 
alizeh12 said:
gryffindor.Becuz i can do anything for other people and i think i m brave enough for grifindor.ravenclaw is cool too but i m not that hardworking and inteligent. i can never ever be a slythrin.

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posted over a year ago 
Gryffindork said:
If there was a cross between Gryffindor and Slytherine, I'd be in that. I have traits from both houses..and a LITTLE bit from Ravenclaw.
But I'm not really loyal like Hufflepuff, haha.
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posted over a year ago 
ecpjll said:
Ya know I honestly do not know. When I used to take the test I would get Hufflepuff, then for awhile i got Ravenclaw, then I kept getting Slytherin. I have all those qualities in me and they come out at different points in my life. But I have never ever, even once, gotten Gryffindor...guess i'm not brave...but hell I knew that!!! :) My heart belongs in ravenclaw though. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
I want to be in Gryffindor, but I'd most likely be in Hufflepuff.
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posted over a year ago 
ISABELLA92 said:
"You belong in wise old Ravenclaw because you've a ready mind. Those of wit and learning will always find there kind in Ravenclaw. You are in Ravenclaw because of your intelligence an the ability of quick thinking. You are in Ravenclaw with Cho Chang and Terry Boot."

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posted over a year ago 
unholytrinity said:
im most lkel to be sorted out in Slytherin... i mean.. i would love to be on gryffindor, but my attutude is most likely Slytherine..
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posted over a year ago 
LiptonGold said:
I would probably get placed in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw but I REEEEEEEALLY want to be in Slytherin. But most of those personality quizzes say I would be in Slytherin, I just don't think I would get in because I'm muggle-born.
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posted over a year ago 
fanjohncena said:
haha i would love to have the chance to go to all houses but i love griffendor because i wanna be harry , ron, and hermioe's friend i love them and i think me and hermione wuld love to study together !
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haha i would love to have the chance to go to all houses but i love griffendor because i wanna be harry , ron, and hermioe's friend i love them and i think me and hermione wuld love to study together !
posted over a year ago 
Mel4ever said:
I'm in Ravenclaw.<3
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posted over a year ago 
MarlenaLovett said:
Ravenclaw, I think. Maybe Slytherin...
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posted over a year ago 
Ladyrainicorn said:
i took the true sorting hat quiz and it put me in gryffindor and next i wouldve been in slytherine then hufflepuff and lastly ravenclaw (im a blonde) XD
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posted over a year ago 
glelsey said:
I honestly think I would end up in Ravenclaw. Strangely, years back when I'd only read the first Harry Potter book, my brother (who had also read it) was trying to work out what houses all his friends and family would be in, and he told me he thought I'd be in Ravenclaw. And while I wasn't particularly sure or unsure at the time, I began to agree with it as the years went on.

I think it would be cool to be in Gryffindor, but I don't truly think that's where the sorting hat would put me.
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posted over a year ago 
kary2289 said:
well my choice would be Gryfflindor, but probably i would be sorting in Hufflepuff I kind of fit in that house. I know I would never be in Slytherin, i´m not really the selfish or self center type, and i´m pretty sure I would not do what was necessary to achieve my goals. :D
Sorry if i made any mistake english is not my oficial language. :D
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posted over a year ago 
tomfeltonfan44 said:
Either Slytherin or Ravenclaw.......Maybe not Ravenclaw cause I hate schoolwork and can't stay on Slytherin I guess!
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posted over a year ago 
sevendeadlysins said:

I have taken a quiz that says I would be in Slytherin, and that is actually where I want to be, so I guess it works out. But I also think that I might actually be a Gryffindor at heart. It's hard to tell.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
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posted over a year ago 
Kylie90210 said:
I would love to be a Gryffindor, but I think most likely I would be in Ravenclaw. Honestly, I can see a little of all the houses in my qualities.
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posted over a year ago 
CatValentine09 said:
I would be in Ravenclaw. I am intelligent, and that is where i wish to be placed, and if you remember, the Sorting Hat placed Harry in Gryffindor because that is where he wanted to be placed! So, given I have a good amount of intelligence for the average person of my age, and I want to be in Ravenclaw, those together would put me in Ravenclaw!
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posted over a year ago 
WinterAmber said:
Slytherin, but I want to be a Huffelpuff.
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posted over a year ago 
I-Love-Candy said:
According to all the quizzes they'd all be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw (Hufflepuff usually more then Ravenclaw). Which I am completely fine with. I hate when people say "I HATE HUFFLEPUFF," or "I don't wanna be in Slytherin,'cause it's evil." I, personally, think every house is fine, and I wouldn't care which house I was in, as long I could fangirl about actually being in Hogwarts. I mean, you need people in each house to keep the balance right? So I'd be happy to be in Hufflepuff because they are loyal and kind, and that's how I have always molded myself, even before I read Harry Potter. I think that each of house reflect a house once you think about it, in at least some teeny bitty way.

Gryffindor is really cool, and it would be pretty epic to be there, but I am not brave. It's pathetic, and may be thought of as selfish. I don't think I could die for someone, I am not brave, just loyal. A coward some could say, I don't do well under pressure and don't have a sense of adventure, usually. I don't think I'd have the guts like [SPOILER] Fred and George['s ear] to die for Harry. If it came down to that, and I was my age or a bit older I'd probably break under pressure.

As of Slytherin, the same reasons (basically) of Gryffindor's reasons. Not many people do, but I think of Gryffindor and Slytherin as brother houses, yet they are rivals, both are brave and courageous, ambitious and curious. They just usually follow different paths. I don't think I have the bravery to kill someone or be killed for someone. I am not... brave.

I could've been in Ravenclaw second, because, even though I am not super smart I like knowing things, and learning [to play instruments] and value intelligence. It may not be likely as much as Hufflepuff because I am not super smart, like most Ravenclaws [probably] are. I have a pretty good imagination [or at least that's what I like to think] and would probably be able to be a Ravenclaw.

So... I think Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw, then Gryffindor, then finally Slytherin. Did you understand my lecture? Or did you just scroll down to read this because it's bolded. :)

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According to all the quizzes they'd all be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw (Hufflepuff usually more then Ravenclaw). Which I am completely fine with. I hate when people say "I HATE HUFFLEPUFF," or "I don't wanna be in Slytherin,'cause it's evil." I, personally, think every house is fine, and I wouldn't care which house I was in, as long I could fangirl about actually being [i]in[/i] Hogwarts. I mean, you need people in each house to keep the balance right? So I'd be happy to be in Hufflepuff because they are loyal and kind, and that's how I have always molded myself, even before I read Harry Potter. I think that each of house reflect a house once you think about it, in at least some [i]teeny bitty[/i] way.

Gryffindor is [i]really[/i] cool, and it would be pretty epic to be there, but I am not brave. It's pathetic, and may be thought of as selfish. I don't think I could die for someone, I am not brave, just loyal. A coward some could say, I don't do well under pressure and don't have a sense of adventure, usually. I don't think I'd have the guts like [SPOILER] Fred and George['s ear] to die for Harry. If it came down to that, and I was my age or a bit older I'd probably break under pressure.

As of Slytherin, the same reasons (basically) of Gryffindor's reasons. Not many people do, but I think of Gryffindor and Slytherin as brother houses, yet they are rivals, both are brave and courageous, ambitious and curious. They just usually follow different paths. I don't think I have the bravery to kill someone or be killed [i]for[/i] someone. I am not... [b]brave[/b].

I could've been in Ravenclaw second, because, even  though I am not super smart I like knowing things, and learning [to play instruments] and value intelligence. It may not be likely as much as Hufflepuff because I am not [i]super[/i] smart, like most Ravenclaws [probably] are. I have a pretty good imagination [or at least that's what I like to think] and would probably be able to be a Ravenclaw. 
So... I think Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw, then Gryffindor, then finally Slytherin. Did you understand my lecture? Or did you just scroll down to read this because it's bolded. :)[/b]
posted over a year ago 
MasterOfFear said:
I honestly don't know. I think i'm incredibly cowardly, i've been called stuff praising my intelligence, but i think i'm pretty mediocre when it comes to brains, and i'm very lazy. So does that leave Slytherin? Do you just have to be really ambitious and sinister to get in there?
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posted over a year ago 
roseteaxx said:
I would probably be in Ravenclaw.

I'm not at all brave, so Gryffindor is out of the question.

I really don't have any of the Slytherin traits, at all, so that's absolutely out of the question.

I could fit into Hufflepuff. I'm generally widely accepting of others, and I can work hard (if it's something I'm really interested in). I'm kind and, once the super-shyness fades, perfectly friendly. So Hufflepuff is certainly a reasonable pick.

However, I would probably be more likely to be in Ravenclaw. I'm a bookworm, a writer, and I often think about deep things. Besides the fact that I'm well within the top 25% of my class (just finished junior year of high school) and I'm an A student, I would also consider myself to be smart. Perhaps I'm not so much a Hermione Granger smarty, but I'm certainly a Luna Lovegood smarty. I'm quite creative, I have a huge imagination (although sometimes I get lost in it XD), and I have an odd, deep intelligence. I'm one of those people who can seem ditzy and dreamy and spacey, but then I come out with an idea that makes people go, "wow, that was actually really deep/smart."
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I would probably be in Ravenclaw. 

I'm not at all brave, so Gryffindor is out of the question. 

I really don't have any of the Slytherin traits, at all, so that's absolutely out of the question.

I could fit into Hufflepuff. I'm generally widely accepting of others, and I can work hard (if it's something I'm really interested in). I'm kind and, once the super-shyness fades, perfectly friendly. So Hufflepuff is certainly a reasonable pick.

However, I would probably be more likely to be in Ravenclaw. I'm a bookworm, a writer, and I often think about deep things. Besides the fact that I'm well within the top 25% of my class (just finished junior year of high school) and I'm an A student, I would also consider myself to be smart. Perhaps I'm not so much a Hermione Granger smarty, but I'm certainly a Luna Lovegood smarty. I'm quite creative, I have a huge imagination (although sometimes I get lost in it XD), and I have an odd, deep intelligence. I'm one of those people who can seem ditzy and dreamy and spacey, but then I come out with an idea that makes people go, "wow, that was actually really deep/smart."
posted over a year ago 
Livivee7 said:
Probably Gryffindor (more like Hermione, though). People say I should be in either one, but I'm too impulsive and I don't think before I act.
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posted over a year ago 
MrsEmmaPeel said:
I think I would end up being in Slytherin or Gryffindor, but it might be Slytherin I would end up in.
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
Either Gryffindor or Slytherin. Most likely Slytherin.
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posted over a year ago 
Irja said:
Gryffindor, of course, ;pp
I wanted to be Chasers ;)
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Gryffindor, of course, ;pp
I wanted to be Chasers  ;)
posted over a year ago 
lienemikelsone said:
I'd probably be in Ravenclaw, cause I'm the smartest in my class. Or Slytherin, cause I am a little arrogant sometimes and I can be mean if I want to.
I'd like to be - but I wouldn't - in Gryffindor. /I'm not very brave/

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posted over a year ago 
xjessxforevax said:
i know i would be in griffindor house
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posted over a year ago 
dragonsmemory said:
I'd either be in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. I have the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, and the bravery of a Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat sure would have a hard time with me. I'm not mean enough for Slytherin. Hufflepuff probably isn't the place for me, but if it's for all the rest, then it might be.
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posted over a year ago 
AuthorForPooh said:
Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw!
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posted over a year ago 
kenzie001704 said:
slytherin most probly

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posted over a year ago 
hazelnut4300 said:
I would probably be in Ravenclaw because I'm pretty intelligent but at the same time very strange. I think it might be kind of cool to be in Slytherin, but I can't be mean. Seriously, If I was a weapon, I would be a butter knife.
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posted over a year ago 
kaatie said:
According Pottermore and the other sorting hat tests, I am a Gryffindor. But I know that I'm a true Hufflepuff at heart!
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posted over a year ago 
werevamp246 said:
`~♥I Might Be Brave, But I'm Not Brave Enough. I Might Be Kind, But I'm Bot Kind Enough. I May Be Caring, But I Can Never Care Enough. I'm Smart. I'm Cunning. I Would Be Slytherin. If I Had To Choose, It Would Be Hufflepuff, But In My Mind, Heart, && Soul, I Would Be Placed Into Slytherin By The Sorting Hat.♥~`
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posted over a year ago 
saz19126 said:
I think I could be anywhere but Ravenclaw - I'm not smart.
Mostly I think Hufflepuff and I'd be happy to go there but I know I'm a loyal person so there's a possibility of Gryffindor and I am quite selfish so also maybe Slytherin
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posted over a year ago 
sparkles3 said:
I'm mean, cruel, spiteful, hateful, and a jerk. SLYTHERIN!!!
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posted over a year ago 
jadore_renard said:
Hufflepuff. I've always believed I was one and Pottermore only confirmed it for me C:
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posted over a year ago 
chipetychip said:
I think probably I would be put in Gryffindor, but not because I want to be, but because I am never afraid to stand up for myself or others if I need to. I'm not a shy person, and I can speak out for myself whenever.
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posted over a year ago 
chiyuuki said:
I'd probably be in Gryffindor. I'm not smart, not honestly loyal and I'm not seeking for power (sometimes). So, Gryffindor is my best bet.
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
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posted over a year ago 
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
sparkles3 posted over a year ago
MichelleWeasley said:
Really any house. You don't have to be evil necessarily to be in Slytherin, you just have to be ambitious and cunning. So I kinda fit there. I doubt I would be in Slytherin, but if I went to Hogwarts and the Hat put me there I wouldn't argue. The hat knows best!
Ravenclaw-I am in the Honours class in my school, so I'm not bragging, but I'm smart. I love love love to learn and I am also artsy. I don't just like to learn school subjects but art and sports, too. I am also a lot like Luna. I used to think I was a total Hufflepuff until I realized that 1)Luna is a Ravenclaw 2) I'm in Honours and 3) those two things would probably make me a Ravenclaw. So Ravenclaw house is the House I'd most likely be in, but not guaranteed.
Hufflepuff... I am Hufflepuff material although I am not shy like a lot of Hufflepuffs. I am loyal, patient and kind. I am 'unafraid of toil'. Also, I am really crazy and a lot like Luna, as I said, and I figured if Luna wasn't in Ravenclaw she would be in Hufflepuff. If I got sorted here, I would be proud of my House, and maybe even win us a Quidditch match for once! I wouldn't mind being a Hufflepuff, though I'd rather be a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.
Gryffindor- I would make a good Gryffindor. You could call me brave. I am not shy at all. I love to make friends, I have a good heart, and I would never become a Death Eater. I am funny and friendly, fairly smart also. There is a good chance I would be a Gryffindor if I went to Hogwarts. I also am a lot like many Gryffindor students. Even if I'm not the bravest, plenty of characters aren't in the beginning, but show themselves true to their sorting in the end.

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posted over a year ago 
ravenshy said:
i think ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
Haley97 said:
I think the Hogwarts House I'd truly be in would probably Ravenclaw. I think it's because I take things too seriously and I have good grades. Besides it's my favorite house and the Sorting hat does take the one you want into consideration.
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posted over a year ago 
mangie1995 said:
Well all the quizzes I've taken have said Gryffindor so that one I guess. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
07ambryce said:
probably ravenclaw.
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posted over a year ago 
Holz1700 said:
I think I would be placed in Ravenclaw I would say I'm reasonably intelligent or Hufflepuff that is just me patient and true I've done loads of personality quizzes on it and it always comes out Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I'm not cunning or ambitious enough to be in Slytherin and I would love to be a Gryffindor but the only trait I really share with that is loyalty.
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posted over a year ago 
ScaryCatfish said:
I have always seen myself as a Gryffindor. I think the qualities of a Gryffindor fit me extremely well and on Pottermore I was placed in Gryffindor.
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posted over a year ago 
retrolove83 said:
Hufflepuff because I have no special talents or traits that make me stand out, Helga Hufflepuff would have pity on me and agree to teach me magic despite my lack of talent and personality.
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posted over a year ago 
RealAmberEyes said:
almost all the quizzes i took put me in gryffindor, even pottermore, but i really like slytherin. So if i was harry, at the sorting ceremony, i would have asked it to put me in there.
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posted over a year ago 
missdada15 said:
Stereotipicaly,i would be a Slytherin(Mean,certain disregard to rules,wicked ..)

I can also be very cunning and have to win at everything if i feel like it.

But i also have some qualitis of a Gryffindore.
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posted over a year ago 
jester616 said:
I have no doubt I'd be in Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat would only need to look at me to know that.
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posted over a year ago 
ErnieHannah333 said:
I would be in Ravenclaw.
I'm always serious, always killing myself to get to class on time or getting my work done, and I can act like those snobby Ravenclaws too.
I used to think I was in Hufflepuff, but I realized, I'm just not very sociable and not always nice to everyone.
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posted over a year ago 
Manonx said:
I think I would be placed in either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I've done some sorting test, and it's most of the time a tie between these two. Pottermore put me in Hufflepuff, though.
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posted over a year ago 
Jenjen_bunny said:
... Hufflepuff *heaves a huge sigh* If not Hufflepuff then probably Ravenclaw...

... Not happy =_=;;
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... Hufflepuff *heaves a huge sigh* If not Hufflepuff then probably Ravenclaw...

... Not happy =_=;;
posted over a year ago 
fantasyboy said:
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posted over a year ago 
angelcap said:
Even without wanting to, (cos I want to be where Cedric and Nymph were housed), Id really still be in Hufflepuff.

For one, Im loyal, I work hard and want things done as honestly as I can, and I'm modest with my achievements.

I dont have to hear someone giving me a compliment before I get satisfied or feel fulfilled with my work,

cos I dont work to impress others, I do it coz I want to feel how's something's being done and be satisfied with it at the end.
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posted over a year ago 
Book-Freak said:
I would be a Ravenclaw.
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I would be a Ravenclaw.
posted over a year ago 
Leos_girl said:
I think I'd be put in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
Harpaw8 said:
I'm sure the sorting hat would place me in Hufflepuff for sure
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I'm sure the sorting hat would place me in Hufflepuff for sure
posted over a year ago 
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Double Slytherin on this one. If I was anything else it would be a Ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
JBaileySoprano said:
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posted over a year ago 
WinterSpirit809 said:
I have taken quizzes and I'm like Divergent in the Harry Potter universe. But for the longest time I got Ravenclaw, mixed with the occasional Gryffindors.
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posted over a year ago 
Siren-Lamia said:
I never really knew which house would suit me best, but after I was sorted into Slytherin on Pottermore and was able to read the in-depth profile for them, I thought that was the right house for me.
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posted over a year ago 
iyanna_ziear said:
I feel as though I am stuck between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as well... but I was sorted into Hufflepuff so I'll take it
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posted over a year ago 
anaswill said:
Well, Pottermore says Gryffindor, although personally I think I'd fit in more with the Slytherins.
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posted over a year ago 
hplover321 said:
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posted over a year ago 
alicepotter said:
I value bravery over everything
I wouldn't stop and think before saving someone
I would protect my friends before myself
I can't stand injustice
So yeah, I have Gryffindor qualities.
Ravenclaw qualities: Well...I love reading and learning about other cultures.
I think I would be in Gryffindor
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I value bravery over everything
I wouldn't stop and think before saving someone
I would protect my friends before myself
I can't stand injustice 
So yeah, I have Gryffindor qualities. 
Ravenclaw qualities: Well...I love reading and learning about other cultures.
I think I would be in Gryffindor
posted over a year ago 
edwardfan06 said:
Hufflepuff but maybe a ravenclaw
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posted over a year ago 
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