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Harry Potter Question

Do You Hate James Potter?

I know a lot of people that hate James Potter so much. So do you hate him.
I for one Don't Hate him I have some problems with him but I don't hate him. I know some people hate James for what he did to Snape and for "Taking his Love" but he was a teenager and like a lot of teenagers he acted stupid, and arrogant, but from what I get from the reading HP it sounds like James grew up into a loving father and husband while Snape hung on to that grudge. Yes Snape had a reason to grow up into a bitter man but Since he was bullied I would think he wouldn't pick on somebody else especially not a child who never even met his father. Snape yes he had to build up appearance to be a spy but it sounds like all the anger he had toward James he took it out by bullying harry. As for those who believe James "Took Lily from Snape" he didn't take Lily from Snape, Snape ruined his chances with Lily . Snape was very attracted to the Dark Arts and called Lily a Mudblood so Lily of course stop hanging out with him and that's understandable. Lastly to those who say James could never Love Lily as much as Snape How do you know, James adored his wife and child and he dies protecting them so it sounds to me James loved Lily just as much as Snape Did. I'm sorry if I offended any Snape Fans, I don't want to start a huge argument. in fact despite what I just said I do love Snape's character but Like James I dislike somethings about him as well, and want to defend James a bit.

So after my long Rant
tell me what is you're opinion of James Potter

Do You Hate James Potter?
 HPfan236 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

ComoLoca said:
I don't like him. I don't think he was a nice person. I dislike him not because he "stole" Lily from Snape, because I agree that she was never Snape's. Yes, JK said that if not for Snape's interest in the Dark Arts Lily would have probably fallen for Snape, but the point is she never did.

I don't like James because his big flaw was a pretty major one. Yes, everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect but James' "mistake" (bullying Snape) lasted for at least 7 years - that's not a mistake, that's ingrained behaviour. His "flaw" wasn't something benign such as being a know-it-all, being a bit of a snob or being disorganised. No, his flaw was being someone who tormented another person simply because they looked different and wanted to belong to a different house. He was someone who ganged up with his friends to inflict pain and humiliation on another person simply because he was bored. That is a pretty big flaw and one I find very difficult if not impossible to excuse. Some people say he could have changed, but I find that hard to believe. Remus pointed out that James saw Snape as a special case. From Sirius' and Remus' actions towards Snape after they were adults, it was pretty obvious that they still reacted towards him the same way as when they were at school, so I couldn't see James having changed either.

Snape hanging on to his grudge and becoming a bully himself has no relevance towards James' character. It doesn't negate or excuse any of James' flaws. But since you brought the point up: Snape held a grudge because he was bullied by James and the marauders. Snape's background, upbringing and experience's at school certainly contributed to him becoming the person he was. What was James' excuse?

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posted over a year ago 
I agree, very well thought out answer, by the way!
trixieKitten posted over a year ago
Thanks :)
ComoLoca posted over a year ago
I completely agree.
avatar_tla_fan posted over a year ago
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ReibyKathBlack said:

you're 100% right ! I know that he's a jerk. He has a lot of flaws, he makes mistakes . but don't we all make mistakes ? didn't all of the Harry Potter characters have flaws ?

also , the fact that Snape is awful toward his students (other than Slytherin of course) and especially Harry. Harry didn't know a lot about his father, he only knows that his father's name is James Potter and he died when he tried to PROTECTED his wife and son . (I'm talking about when Harry's in first year)

and James taking Snape's love ? Really ? Lily never become Snape's girlfriend, isn't she ? So, I feel it's weird to say that. Did Snape ever tell Lily about his feeling ? And what does her answer ? If only Snape is Lily's boyfriend, then I'll be angry at James .
Snape blew up his chances with Lily, like you said , or rather write, he called her Mudblood. I know some of you keep comparing her reaction with Hermione's reaction. At the time, Hermione doesn't know about what Mudblood means and it's her enemy who say it, not her bestfriend . Lily, on the other hand, know about what the meaning of that word and her bestfriend was the one who called her that. The bestfriend, who's been her friend before she went to Hogwarts, the bestfriend who's been always defended by her. I'll be mad too if I was her.

Anyway, I'm sorry . My answer is very long, I just love James xD
and I don't hate Snape. At first yes, I hate him. but, after I know what he had done, the hatred that I felt before a bit muffled. Only a tiny bit though xD
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree with you
Thecharliejay posted over a year ago
thanks :D
ReibyKathBlack posted over a year ago
I agree with everything you sayed
Mrspotatohead posted over a year ago
DaydreamTonight said:
I don't hate James, but I don't really like him, either. He's not one of my favorite characters. I prefer Snape's character, but I guess James is all right. I'm not saying that Snape is perfect or morally superior. Like James, he has definite flaws. Snape may be an excellent potionsM master, but he is a terrible teacher. I guess that Snape is just the kind of flawed character that I want to read about.

As for James "stealing" Lily away... that's not what happened. Lily has her own mind. She's not a brainless treasure who gets "stolen" by boys. Lily made her own decisions. Besides, I'm the kind of person who doesn't believe people can be stolen away. They go willingly... Unless they are kidnapped by Voldemort or something! Still, I love Severus/Lily. It's fun to think about what might have been.
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posted over a year ago 
InkyDarkness said:
No, I don't hate James. In fact, I absolutely adore his character. Of course, you cannot justify his bullying against Severus. But, guess what, people? It was merely a school-boy grudge, a petty fight. Some of you might say, well, what about the 'Whomping Willow' incident? I think you are not entirely clear about the facts, then. Because, it was NOT James Potter who told Severus Snape about the secret passage way. No, it was none other than Sirius Black - he is one of my favourite characters, too, by the way, and I will explain it in a moment.
You see, Severus thought that it was a plan devised by James, but it wasn't. He thought so, and that is why it appears like it is. He was a victim of the whole affair, after all, and he might have said a lot of stuff that was far from truth.
James SAVED Severus, and while it might have not been out of pure empathy for Severus, but because of the danger Remus was in, James saved his school-nemesis, nonetheless. He chose to save him that night, and no one made him. And as we all know, it is our choices that define who we are. Everyone deserves a second chance, and James got one, and made use of it.
He did not TAKE Lily from Severus, she chose James herself. Lily Evans, or any other living being is not someone's possession to be taken away. Severus himself drove her away.
If any of you failed to realise, the ever-so tragical Severus was a bully, too. He hated his school-nemesis' son, and didn't hide it. He held that grudge for many years, and that was what made him so bitter and miserable in the end.
James, on the other hand, let it go. And he had a good life, - up until his death, of course - he loved his wife and son, more than anything in the world. He DIED, so that his family could live, does that sound like a horrible person to you? I think not.
Don't get me wrong, I love Severus's character, and the very intriguing story behind the flawed man. It's just, I think people are very wrong to hate James. Especially in fanfiction, people just love to bash him. He is made out to be abusive, and - pardon my french - a complete arsehole.
All in all, I advise you to re-think your opinion of him. His greatest weakness was his son, and he was a very compassionate and loving person. While, he might have been an absolute idiot in his childhood, he grew up to be a better man.

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posted over a year ago 
Storkofstorks said:
YES! I hate that JERK. While many believe he did nothing WRONG, except Bullying Snape he is still a jerk. Firstly, he stole his friend Lily and started talking shit about his being in Slytherin.Seriously it ticks me OFF how he doesn't respect Snape's opinion of the house Slytherin. Next, James Is a coward because he attacks Snape 4 against him. What the Heck he has no balls to attack Snape without his friends. I wonder why He is Even in Gryffindor. He is an arrogant show off. I don't care if he changes later the point is NO ONE LIKES A SHOW OFF. I repeat James is a coward, I can't believe he even tries use Snape as a hostage to make Lily go out with him. Snape may have lost his chance with Lily but, you can't blame him for that. The reason he called Lily a mud blood is because he doesn't want Lily to help him stop getting bullied by James. He felt like she feels pity for him getting bullied. Nobody wants someone to feel pity for them. To me, that's like losing my honor. Snape felt like he lost his honor. So, stop blaming Snape for losing his chances. Blame Potter for that. Lastly, Snape has reason to feel hatred for Potter can you imagine someone you hate getting married with the love of your life and even the thought of them having sex and resulting a Child. You can't blame him for hating Harry. Remember Harry is the result of Lily and James having sex. Snape probably thinks of that result when he see Harry. You probably didn't think of that. Remember Harry even looks like James so he feels hatred. In conclusion, People should feel hatred for James. Thank you all for reading this
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posted over a year ago 
I completely agree
LunaLovegood16 posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
No, I'm indifferent to him.
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posted over a year ago 
mr-cullen said:
i feel Nothing.......yes,he was arrogant,but a good father...
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posted over a year ago 
nessie-eska said:
I agree with everything you wrote.
And just one more thing:If there wasn't James, Harry wouldn't be born.
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posted over a year ago 
i like the last thing u added!
TheLogicalwitch posted over a year ago
thanks :)
nessie-eska posted over a year ago
Doesn't change the fact he wasn't a nice person. Harry's nice personality came from his mother
ComoLoca posted over a year ago
rheacullen said:
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posted over a year ago 
Charmedh2ogirl said:
I don't hate him I think when comes down to his relationship with Snape he acted without thinking as James was a good person he just didn't do the right thing when it came to Snape.
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posted over a year ago 
laylafly said:
The answer is Yes! and No! in the same time

Yes:cause he gave birth to Harry and that where the Harry Potter story begins.

No:cause he was a big time bully, he was bullying Severus all the time,and I'm sure he never felt sorry for it, beside he took Lily from Severus.
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posted over a year ago 
ItComesToThis said:
I completely agree with you...I adore Snape´s character, but there´s one more thing...yes, Snape loved Lily, but I just can´t imagine it as nothing more (plus it would ruin one amazing aspect of HP books) as this pure, sacrificing kind of love....I think if JKR ever wrote about Lily/James´s relationship, I would like it...he for sure isn´t my favourite character, but I don´t hate him...and this is said everywhere where they defend James, but it´s true - Lot of teenagers are like James was in his teenage years plus he for sure died protecting his family
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posted over a year ago 
Incantus said:
"James Potter died for his wife and son!"

He wouldn't have if he had told Sirius, "great idea mate, but I'll stick with Dumbledore's plan."

It's amazing how people have managed to take the little bit of information JKR gave us about Lily and James and blown it all out of proportion.

For me personally, I really don't care one way or the other about him; he's just another character in the story.
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posted over a year ago 
Thecharliejay posted over a year ago
i think he doesn't think straight at the moment. you know, with his family in danger like that. i think, Sirius's plan is actually good, if only Peter is loyal to James. Damn that rat !
ReibyKathBlack posted over a year ago
dancingninja said:
Not that interested in him. I agree with Incantus, he's just a side character.
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posted over a year ago 
MyronPwnsBella said:
Though I am a Snape/Lily shipper, I don't hate him and I do agree with you.
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posted over a year ago 
pasdoll said:
No, I don't hate him. Don't understand why people hate him though. Just because of what he did to Snape? because he wasn't innocent too. And I don't think James stole Lily from Snape; she was never his to begin with. They were just friends, and she was never in love with him or wanted to be with him like that. Just to be clear though; I don't hate Snape. The opposite, actually, I think he's brilliant. But I still think it's quite stupid to hate someone because he married a girl that someone else loved.
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posted over a year ago 
Micki_x said:
no hes not he sounds like a nice bloke
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posted over a year ago 
Veronica24 said:
I don't hate James Potter!He was Harry's father.
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posted over a year ago 
TheLogicalwitch said:
I like him. HE was a good father and a husband.Perhaps a perfect friend too. HE WAS arrogant, i don't deny that. BUT HE got to be a good man,whatever he had been in his adolescence. As for him getting married to Lily,he didn't know that Snape loved Lily as well. Snape never even told Lily. so why do we keep blaming James and Lily for something they were not even aware of? Lily always took Snape as a friend,which too,came to an end when Snape called her a "mudblood". Ofcourse,we can't always control our emotions,so i'm not blaming Snape. But why blame Lily for breaking friendship with Snape? she had emotions as well right? As for James,he grew up to be a very good human,not to mention brave and dark arts-hating,so naturally Lily fell for him. I see nothing wrong there. Apologies for so long answer. I like James Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
saz19126 said:
I don't like him when he was young because he really did seem like a prat but obviously he grew out of it and seems to have a become a decent person so no I don't hate him
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posted over a year ago 
peppergirl30 said:
I don't HATE James Potter. I mean, without him, there wouldn't be a Harry. I can see Snape/Lily but since Lily chose James I guess I live with him. He's just not one of my favorite characters.
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posted over a year ago 
Prawls8612 said:
I like James! I think he was a great man because he was a great father and died trying to protect his son and wife. People look down a James because of what he did to Snape. Some say that Snape loved Lily more but James died for her. Snape did not. If Snape loved Lily enough, he never would have called her a mudblood and he never would have became a Death Eater. Snape also trusted in Voldemort that he would not kill her, but he would let Voldy kill James and Harry, which would leave Lily to be miserable and terribly heart broken. I don't see that as Snape showing love at all. If he loved her enough, he wouldn't want to see her sad and heart broken. He would want her to be happy.

I like Snape but then I don't like him. I think that James was perfect for Lily.
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posted over a year ago 
Severuslily7 said:
I did think he was arrogant, especially as a teenager (I did hate him when he bullied Snape, though) but, on the whole I dont hate him. But I am a Lily/Severus shipper (see my username), and therefore hate him a bit for marrying Lily. sorry if that sounds confusing...
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posted over a year ago 
Sthwicked said:
I love him!

First of all, I think that all the arguments from those who don't like him are terrible:
He bullied Snape. HE WAS A TEENAGER! Those scenes were from the time they were 15/16. Come ON! When you were 15/16 I bet you did a bunch of stupid things as well, holding grudges from people you barely knew. You seem to forget, though, that one year later Lily started dating him. And who's thick enough to say she would have dated him if he hadn't changed?
Now Snape's the big pain of the story. Not only he was a terrible person when he was 16 (Admit it), he kept on being. He mistreated Harry just because he was his father's son. He was the bully then. And guess what? Snape was 30!! So, please, saying he was a bad person because of that one thing and utterly ignoring Snivellus' attitude throughout all 7 books is just... you know.
And then there's the fact that he became an awesome father, who got himself killed to save his son. I was actually surprised when someone mentioned the fact that he accepted Sirius' suggestion as if that was something bad. He had no idea Peter was a spy. He trusted Peter, and if Wormtail had been reliable, that would have been the best plan ever.

I think every one's entitled to have their own favorite characters. I really don't like Snape and I love James, but there's no connection there. And that's my opinion. If I'm going to talk about this, I'm going to say why I love James, and not why I hate Snape. I don't care if someone likes Snape, but I'm not going to say nasty things just because I don't. =)
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posted over a year ago 
Jillyfan said:
I so agree with you.
so many people have made big mistakes in their life and James bullying Snape was wrong and i wouldn't defended him on that but think about it. he did change and grew up by his seventh year and was made head boy. and about Him stealing lily. How could James steal Lily if Her and Snap wasn't even dating yeah he might of love her but he never told her or anything. She didn't know maybe if she did it might have been different. He matured and turn into a man and died trying to protect his family. everyone can change if they want to and i really don't think Lily would have dated him if he was the same bullying toerag
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
I agree with everything you've said, word for word. I don't get all the James hate while glowingly flying over each one of Snape's flaws.
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posted over a year ago 
TDDD said:
Something that people have to bear in mind is that the only time we ever actually see James is from behind the eyes of his archenemy. People only seem to remember what we saw of James rather than what we heard. They forget how affectionately Remus and Sirius spoke of him and how he, without a moments hesitation had thrown down his life for his wife and son. Hagrid had pronounced him and Lily as being the best Head Boy and Girl of Hogwarts in a long time. Dumbledore made James Head Boy for a reason and he wouldn't have done such if James hadn't changed. The James we saw in fifth year would not have been a good Head Boy. He must have changed.

We only ever saw James in a negative light - we saw how much Snape suffered at his hands but we never see it from the other way around. We never saw the terrible things Snape did to James (and we were told that Snape gave as good as he got). We never knew exactly what happened to Mary McDonald - something that made Lily horrified but that Snape laughed off, saying it was just a bit of fun.

People make James a villain due to what he did to Snape but really they were just as bad as each other. The difference between them in the end though is that James grew up. He became Head Boy then went on after school to constantly put his life in danger, fighting for what he believed was right and sacrificed his life for the people he loved.

Snape, on the other hand, never grew up. When he was over 30 years old he was just as much a bully as James was when he was fifteen. And he was cruel and malicious to people far less able to defend themselves than he was. He traumatized Neville so much that Snape was Neville's boggart. Not any of the Lestrages or Barty Crouch Jr. who tortured his parents to insanity. But Snape, his teacher. Someone else said that Remus never got over his grudge against Snape because he dressed the Boggart in Neville's grandmother's clothing. But what else was he supposed to do? It's Snape's fault Neville was so afraid of him and the way you fight a Boggart is to make the form humorous. No matter how he did it people were going to have to laugh at Snape if Neville was to learn how to fight that creature.
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posted over a year ago 
Alchemistlover said:
James was horrible to Snape i agree and it make sense people would hate James for that. But like a bunch of people have said he grew up! Also another thing: i find it funny a lot of people hate James when he bullied Snape and can't look past it yet with Draco they love him. A lot of death eater/slytherin fans make the Marauders out to be completely horrible but have no problem with Slytherin's bullying others and think "There to vilified" . So i'm okay with James i guess he's actually not much of a character if you think about it we only see him in flashbacks and as a ghost plus he risked his life and died for his family.
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posted over a year ago 
SentinelPrime89 said:
He was a little dick as a kid going on into teenhood. He's better as an adult.
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posted over a year ago 
Mrspotatohead said:
I love James Potter so much. I know he have flaws and stuff but I'm sure he grew up at some point. Lily wouldn't married him otherwise and without him Harry Potter would never born. I dislike Snape,through. I can't forgive him for his actions towards Neville and Hermione. James 'bullyied' Snape when both were 15. Snape bullyied 11-year-olds when he was 31. Sorry, I just can't.
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posted over a year ago 
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