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Harry Potter Question

Who's your LEAST favorite character in Harry Potter? Sorry if this is a question that is overasked, I'm just curious.

Mine's Lavender Brown.
 peppergirl30 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

ArcticWolf said:
I'd say Peter Pettigrew. Not because he betrayed Lily and James, but because he didn't seem very important to me, personally. I know that he advanced the plot and was one of the main reasons Voldemort returned, and I usually like any type of interesting character like that, but there was something... off about him. He was a coward, which I didn't mind, but he had no pride in himself. Normally I wouldn't mind a character like that, but I guess there's something pathetic to me about a middle-aged man who whines like a child and grovels at the feet of his master without expecting anything of himself and who basically hasn't changed since his school-days. It wasn't really his betrayal that annoyed me, it was more of a weird whiny vibe that I can't really explain.
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posted over a year ago 
Yup he's a douche
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I loathe him too!
mandali posted over a year ago
Agreed >.<
Aliafernandes posted over a year ago
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zanhar1 said:
She killed Bellatrix
Sh's a nag
Sh tried to end Wizard Wheezes
She wasn't happy about Bill marrying Fleur
She judged Fleur wrongly
Shge killed Bellatrix
She's a nag
She's over protective
She seems to care more for Harry then her own children

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She killed Bellatrix
Sh's a nag
Sh tried to end Wizard Wheezes
She wasn't happy about Bill marrying Fleur
She judged Fleur wrongly
Shge killed Bellatrix
She's a nag
She's over protective
She seems to care more for Harry then her own children
posted over a year ago 
Agreed, Hate Molly! And Ginny, too!
Zalax posted over a year ago
How the hell did this get best answer lol?
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I hope you didn't take that as insulting i didn't mean it that way i still think Bella's epic ^^
Alchemistlover posted over a year ago
saraandjess2448 said:
My least favorite person in HP would probably have to be Percy.
1.He gave up his family to get a good reputation at the ministry.
2. As the twins said, he's "a pompous prat"
3. He's the only goody goody in HP
4. Did I mention he's a pompous prat?
5. He's sooooooo BOOORING!!!!!!
6. He cares too much about the ministry
7. Two words: POMPOUS PRAT
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posted over a year ago 
Aww, I like Percy. xD
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
my opinion is my opinion, yours is yours. If you like Percy, good for you.
saraandjess2448 posted over a year ago
Percy is awesome though!
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
fhghu said:
Ginevra. Molly. Weasley.
Please don't hate me for this Ginny lovers, but she irritates me to no end. First of all, I hate her sudden personality change that starts in book 5 where she's all of a sudden popular and great at everything. I hate that she insults Fleur and calls her "Phlegm." I hate that she thinks that she can do whatever she wants, including hexing Zacharias Smith, and how no one ever calls her out on all of that bull. Heck, she got REWARDED by Slughorn for hexing a student! That is ridiculous, just ridiculous. I hate how they are saying in the later books "Ginny did this best." or "What Ginny did was amazing." In my opinion, she is a mary-sue, and mary-sues are super annoying to me.
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Ginevra. Molly. Weasley.
Please don't hate me for this Ginny lovers, but she irritates me to no end. First of all, I hate her sudden personality change that starts in book 5 where she's all of a sudden popular and great at everything. I hate that she insults Fleur and calls her "Phlegm." I hate that she thinks that she can do whatever she wants, including hexing Zacharias Smith, and how no one ever calls her out on all of that bull. Heck, she got REWARDED by Slughorn for hexing a student! That is ridiculous, just ridiculous. I hate how they are saying in the later books "Ginny did this best." or "What Ginny did was amazing." In my opinion, she is a mary-sue, and mary-sues are super annoying to me.
posted over a year ago 
Nice answer.
Wolff posted over a year ago
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
yeah!! ginny was such a boring Character i've ever seen!
cutiena1325 posted over a year ago
Skyraven said:
Bellatrix, the main reason is because she killed Sirius and Tonks, but I also just can't stand the woman at all. Her love of Voldemort, her hatred of all non-purebloods, and how she is just plain evil makes me despise her. I like most evil people, especially the ones that have some good in them, but Bellatrix crossed the line greatly by killing off two of my favorite characters. Plus, her torture of Hermione and the way she mocked Fred's death only increased my hatred of the woman. I know so many people love Bellatrix and hate Molly cause she killed her, but I just applaud Mrs. Weasley for her quick killing of 'dear' Bellatrix. :3
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posted over a year ago 
*glares daggers* Molly can throw herself into the chamber of secrets and never come out. Bellatrix is freaking awesome.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Well I love Bellatrix, but I do think se had to die at the end. Just wished Neville would have been the one to kill her. I do HATE that she killed most of the good characters,
Sallymagi posted over a year ago
Would've been less embarrassing then Molly killing her...
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
thejokersgirl13 said:
James Potter.
He was a bully in school towards Severus. He was nasty to everyone BUT his friends. He stole Lily's heart. Dx
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posted over a year ago 
I agree
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Same here.
Haley97 posted over a year ago
agreed! i'v spent years thinking that James was innocent! IT WAS ALL A LIE! :'(
alexisn10 posted over a year ago
googlenikole000 said:
Whoever killed Hedwig.... and bellatrix because she technically killed dobby :(
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posted over a year ago 
*Bellatrix is amazing*
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Evanescence1313 said:
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posted over a year ago 
i love the backroud it is epic
lunaginny posted over a year ago
^ lol so do I
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
GoddessDemeter posted over a year ago
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
dark_angelXII said:
Dolores Umbridge! Siriusly I hate this woman with a passion. All through out the Order of the Phoenix I wanted to hurt this woman.
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posted over a year ago 
CloakMaurader3 said:
Easy, Easy, Easy. Dolores Freakin Umbridge! That hag drives me CRAZY! She tortures young children, and enjoys it. She is sick and repulsive, and every time I read the fifth book, I want to punch her in the face. Especially in the scene in the movie when Fred and George are comforting the little kid who's crying, and she says "Naughty children will be punished!" Hem-Hem! Gosh I hate her!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Hermione-Fan361 said:
Hmmm. That's a hard one. Because I LIKE THEM ALL!

I don't have a least favorite. I like them all for different reasons.
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posted over a year ago 
mandali said:
Peter Pettigrew!
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posted over a year ago 
junorox said:
cho chang one word b*tch
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posted over a year ago 
yes. yes she was.
JaseKS posted over a year ago
Why does everyone hate Cho!?
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I love Cho.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
How exactly is Cho a b****?
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
ever_blue22 said:
Percy....... cause he's kinda a traitor....
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posted over a year ago 
londonsrock said:
i don't like Snape's dad, most of the death eaters but most of all Pansy Parkinson. She is the classic High School Bwitch i had to endure.
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posted over a year ago 
JaseKS said:
Friking Ginny.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
cutiena1325 posted over a year ago
Sallymagi said:
I hate Marvolo Gaunt; he is such a pure-blood maniac; he hates everyone who is not pure-blood; and he is treating his daughter like filth, just because she isnt good at magic. I mean treat your child with a little respect!

And I hate Aberforth for giving up in the fight against Voldemort. Coward!
- but otherwise, I like him.
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posted over a year ago 
hedwig_wolf said:
Well I hate Voldemort and Bellatrix, they're both really evil and I'm glad they died. I also think Percy's a prat but I don't really hate him...and Cho's just a loser she doesn't deserve Harry!
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posted over a year ago 
Bellatrix did not deserve to die! She is amazing. Cho isn't a loser, she is just a poor teenage girl who lost her boyfriend. Really why dies everyone hate her, she didn't do anything wrong.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
xxhpgalxx said:

The word umbrage actually means offense or annoyance, so no wonder.

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posted over a year ago 
me too =D
ReibyKathBlack posted over a year ago
But you have to love the pink. XD
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
jennxoxo said:
peter petigrew.
because he isnt an important character
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posted over a year ago 
saz19126 said:
Percy - what a pompous prat!
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posted over a year ago 
lunaginny said:

he took cho to the yule ball when harry should have curse the dead person
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posted over a year ago 
lostandhp4ever said:
There are a lot characters I dislike in the series. But I think the worst is Peter Pettigrew. He is a coward and he betrayed his friends. Just discusting.
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posted over a year ago 
spockrocks said:
James Potter by far. He was such an a** to Snape. As Snape put it, James was "lazy, arrogent, and a swine (sounds like swang though when he says it. He stole Lily's heart, and Snape was left alone :(
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James Potter by far.  He was such an a** to Snape.  As Snape put it, James was "lazy, arrogent, and a swine (sounds like swang though when he says it.  He stole Lily's heart, and Snape was left alone :(
posted over a year ago 
NightFrog said:

She's the worst developed of all of the characters, and other than in the Chamber of Secrets, I didn't find her interesting. But at least before the 5th/6th books she was toleratable- once she entered the later books, her mother's bitching-gene started to kick in. She went from a shy, timid girl to popular, adored, talented, and social- all right under our nose, considering we don't see her change, it just sort of happens. I didn't like how she could be a grouch, and nobody told her off for it. She was admired, and I couldn't see a good reason as to why. The other characters are interesting in their own way, Ginny just seems to lack qualities I find interesting.

I don't hate her, I just don't care for her. I think she would have been better if she continued to be a little shy.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
maryksand posted over a year ago
sparkles3 said:
I detest Kreacher. He is flipping scary looking!
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posted over a year ago 
He is one of my favs! They leave his story out, in the movies.
CloakMaurader3 posted over a year ago
LadyTrancy said:
Hermione Granger. 8I
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posted over a year ago 
Hermione is awesome!!! I will fight for her!
CloakMaurader3 posted over a year ago
CainKnightlord said:
Voldemort because he killed Prongs and he's tried to kill Harry Repeatedly.
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posted over a year ago 
percyjackson701 said:
i'd have to say....................................................oh i don't know i love all the characters!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lil_lycanthrope said:
Alright I'm prepared for everyone's reactions. My least favorite character is Snape. I hate him as a person but I applaud J.K. Rowling for the character storyline. I have always hated him since the first book till the last.

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posted over a year ago 
Long as you don't hate Bellatrix :P
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
dalilee said:
PETER PETIGREW FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! the dude just about killed the potter parents hisself. if i was harry i wouldnt have let him live. i wouldve went "YAH TRICK" on him. you supposed to be James best friend and you sent Voldermart to kill him. i wouldve stuck that pointy nose of his up his own tail and made it come up his throat.
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posted over a year ago 
LavaDragon said:
Peter Pettigrew
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posted over a year ago 
bella_4_ever said:
Peter Pettigrew because i think he is sort of a stupid and pointless character, and he isn't really loyal to anybody and only listens to Voldemort because hes so afraid of him.(#2 most hated character is molly Weasley).
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posted over a year ago 
Hate Molly too.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
MoonshoesPerry said:
Ginny Weasley. She is the ultimate Mary-Sue: she's gorgeous, she's popular, she's clever and talented, she's athletically capable, and she can get any guy she wants (including, and most notably, the one and only Harry Potter). She is boring as anything, and her only truly interesting bit of plot is all of the Chamber of Secrets drama. And why doesn't she ever get in trouble for all of the rules she breaks? She can get away with anything. She is completely perfect, which makes me want to slap her in the face and bring her back to reality. (No offense to her fans, of course. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.)
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posted over a year ago 
I also hate Umbridge. Maybe even more so than Ginny. I can only respect her in A Very Potter Sequel.
MoonshoesPerry posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
Cho Chang. Yeah I know it's random but I honestly hate that girl. Tisk, tisk Rowling. Kill Fred, Sirius, Dobby, and Bellatrix, and Hedwig but you let that hooker live!?!? All she does is cry about Cedric and then try and strangle out information about Cedric from Harry. Poor Harry had to put up with that. I mean the kid already goes through enough but to have a stupid girl like Cho to bring him down *sigh*
I like AVPM Cho Chang though :)
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Cho Chang. Yeah I know it's random but I honestly hate that girl. Tisk, tisk Rowling. Kill Fred, Sirius, Dobby, and Bellatrix, and Hedwig but you let that hooker live!?!? All she does is cry about Cedric and then try and strangle out information about Cedric from Harry. Poor Harry had to put up with that. I mean the kid already goes through enough but to have a stupid girl like Cho to bring him down *sigh*
I like AVPM Cho Chang though :)
posted over a year ago 
I don't see how Cho is a hooker, she was with only two men; Cedric and Harry. And the only reason she had two men was because her first man died. I'm glad she lived I already lost Bellatrix and Tonks...
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
yeah, AVM Cho is so funny, ya'll
Flora_Swift posted over a year ago
Why is she a hooker?! This is just a blatant slut shaming I despise!!!! And even if she was, let's ask ourselves one question : Why do males go along with sleeping around, having many girlfriends? Nobody calls them male sluts (studs). But females are automatically labeled so! It's not that I condone senseless promiscuity, absolutely not, but sometimes such things happen to people, sometimes they make mistakes, let go relationships and move on, both men and women! It's despicable to see how being a Don Juan is OK just because he has a p...., but Dona Juana is automatically "slut". :|
Werewolf_Lupa posted over a year ago
anime-loverdvv said:
i like al the harry potter cast they al have there one unic why's and very interesting personality but if i had to choose i would say
RON *don't kill me let me explain*
i dont like ron in the first 4 books beacuase he is always jealous over harry and even abandoned harry in the 3 movie(and he really really is stupid somethimes).
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posted over a year ago 
maryksand said:
Hard to choose between Percy, Umbridge, Molly Weasley and book 6 (!!!) Ginny. I think the Ginny disappointment was huge because I actually liekd her during first 5 books and thought she had a potential to be a great and strong character. Her story, as I thought, was supposed to be about dealing with the lack of self esteem andworking through her issues regarding her immature celebrity crush on Harry. But instead her "development" ended up being about turning into a bitchy Mary Sue who insults her sister in law behind her back just because Flear "dared" to be beautiful, foreign and likeable (Molly's bitchy gene was definitely showing), who would physically assult people just because she can (Quiddich match, because of a stupid commentary she didn't like) and what was the worst and most annoying thing that no one called her out on that, everyone seemed to actually, for some unknown reasons, like the way she behaved and even praised her for bringing others down. Every next character had to say how amazing and popular and cool and sporty she is. She turned out to suddenly be good at everything despite gaining, in fact, many many unlikeable traits. We ddin't see the development of her, we saw her degradation that happened overnight and yet it was passed for her growth which annoyed me.

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posted over a year ago 
But I gotta say that Molly overall was worse. PS: sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker.
maryksand posted over a year ago
I hate Molly too bro.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Jenny_Sanders14 said:
Serious Black
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posted over a year ago 
Werewolf_Lupa said:
Percy Weasley - pompous, annoying *-*
Umbridge - it's obvious why!
James Potter - UGGHH! Typical bully! I just can't get into my skull why Ms Rowling made him with Lily?!
Arthur Weasley- don't get me wrong, he's a funny guy but I CAN'T believe he physically abused his son!!! I despise this kind of behaviour with kids, no matter what!! If I ever had children, this shit would be RULED OUT!!
Bartemius Crouch - Oh my God, that old humbug *rolls eyes* he acted EXACTLY the same way the Death Eaters acted. He basically made torture, death penalty and manipulation, three UNFORGIVABLE curses legal! Geez, how is he morally better than any Death Eater?! Clearly he's not. Plus, he had neglected his son, no wonder why he went against his father...
Pansy Parkinson - I HATE that despicable gal!!!
Rita Skeeter - busybody, liar, corrupted, puts her lil' nose in other people's business. >.<
Marge Dursley - :@ :@ Gaaaah, an utter b....!!!! FUUU meme
Gilderoy Lockhart - dumb but somewhat hilarious :D
Alecto and her brother. Sometimes Hermione gets on my nerves, the way she treated Marietta Edgecombe, for example. Seriously, Hermione, what the hell?! :|
Cornelius Fudge - Paranoid, power-hungry, corrupted political "affairiste" as French would say.
Bellatrix - Umm, she's mentally ill so I kind of feel sorry for her..... I disliked Draco, Narcissa & Lucius a great deal, but they're redeeming characters...

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posted over a year ago 
P.S. Oh, I forgot Salazar Slytherin. All this pure blood insane mania started because of HIM! :/ Are you happy now O Salazar, "greatest of the Hogwarts Four"? Twisted old loony, as Ron would say.
Werewolf_Lupa posted over a year ago
If I may ask, how exactly did Arthur Weasley physically abuse his son?
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
Yep. Actually Fred mentions once (I can't remember in which book, unfortunately) that his father was so angry at him for whatever reason that "his butt was never the same again," something along those lines. If my memory serves my correctly, it happened because of his mischief, but Fred still remained a prankster, man. No wonder ^^
Werewolf_Lupa posted over a year ago
Not that playing pranks are always harmless, of course not, but still..
Werewolf_Lupa posted over a year ago
Rainshadow999 said:
HARRY POTTER! Nah I'm joking, why would anyone hate Harry? Still though, his Dad was annoying, James Potter... Heheh, he reminds me of my friend's Dad...
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HARRY POTTER! Nah I'm joking, why would anyone hate Harry? Still though, his Dad was annoying, James Potter... Heheh, he reminds me of my friend's Dad...
posted over a year ago 
Makeupdiva said:
I have a few actually. Ginny Weasley, she is the one character in the whole series who I wanted to die, cruel I know but I just couldn't stand her especially how she ended up with Harry in the end, I hated that.How people can like those two as a couple is beyond me. She's like a replica of Harry's mother, it was like incest. Anyways, I also didn't really care for Molly Weasley, Hermione, Bellatrix, Cho Chang, Victor Krum, Lavender Brown, Pansy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy. I mean come on, he put his son through Hell, if he was any father, he and Narcissa would have not pushed him into this deatheater business, Voldermort, The Dursleys, Sirius Black, Percy Weasley, maybe all the Weasleys except for the Twins and Arthur and I think that's it.
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posted over a year ago 
rebecaleia said:
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posted over a year ago 
Alchemistlover said:
Dolores Umbridge: Do i need to say it?

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posted over a year ago 
iva098 said:
Ginny by far! I liked her at first when she was just Ron's shy little sister who always freaks out when she sees Harry.She was like that in 2 part.In 3 and 4 part she stoped beeing so shy but she was still ok. I realy thought she would be awsome character later,but after 5 book I start to hate her.In book 5 she started to act like she is so cool,like she can do what ever she wants and no one can stop her,while in movies she didn't had character at all.I hate characters who don't have their own personalityand who are just good or just bad in every book and movie (not just in Harry Potter) even more than some evil characters.In fact I like lots of evil characters.For example I love Draco Malfoy and I found Bellatrix awsome too,while Ginny is nothing but a boring Mary Sue.
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Ginny by far! I liked her at first when she was just Ron's shy little sister who always freaks out when she sees Harry.She was like that in 2 part.In 3 and 4 part she stoped beeing so shy but she was still ok. I realy thought she would be awsome character later,but after 5 book I start to hate her.In book 5 she started to act like she is so cool,like she can do what ever she wants and no one can stop her,while in movies she didn't had character at all.I hate characters who don't have their own personalityand who are just good or just bad in every book and movie (not just in Harry Potter) even more than some evil characters.In fact I like lots of evil characters.For example I love Draco Malfoy and I found Bellatrix awsome too,while Ginny is nothing but a boring Mary Sue.
posted over a year ago 
The only movies I liked Bonnie Wright in were one in wich she is playing young Agatha Christie (I don't know the exact name of the movie) and 2 and 4 Harry Potter movies (since she apeard very little in 1 and 3 part).
iva098 posted over a year ago
She is so cute in that picture tho!!!
Sadhali posted over a year ago
yeah!! ginny was such a boring Character i've ever seen!
cutiena1325 posted over a year ago
cupcake010 said:
Percy- He was a traitor to his own family, caused a lot of pain to his family and didn't care at all
Umbridge- She was just plain annoying and I was so happy when she got took away by the centaurs
Bellatrix- She killed Sirius Black. Also she must of been mentally insane to do those things to those people, especially to Neville Longbottoms parents.
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posted over a year ago 
iloveroses250 said:
I HATE voldermort but draco malfoy. I real life Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) is really hot
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posted over a year ago 
Sadhali said:
The real villain is not Peter or Ginny or Molly.
The real villain is Voldermort. He killed so many people, he was the reason why everyone was in this mess so thus making Voldermort my least favourite character.

Also the person that killed Fred, them too.
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posted over a year ago 
Augustus Rookwood killed Fred.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I know, but I dont really know him and anyway it was Voldermorts fault that the whole death eater theing happened.
Sadhali posted over a year ago
and that would be Ginny! badass!
cutiena1325 posted over a year ago
cutiena1325 said:
Well for me Ginny ,
Ginny is the most annoying Character at all!
I don't know why, but in every scenes in the movie She appears I was really annoyed at her!
In the Chamber of Secrets, she was Just a Big Fool! I don't Want Harry to save Her! I just Want to let Her Die!
In part 4 she does nothing she was just like an extra , like She was invisible!
In part 5 - she acted Like She was Cool,smart and Feeling Close To Harry!
In part 6- what potion Did she use to Harry to admire Her!? Tbh, Ginny is Not Deserving to Harry!!! I want her to Die !! Urggghhhh!
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posted over a year ago 
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