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Harry Potter Question

My teacher won't let my class read Harry Potter because in her eyes it's "Murderous and Evil". Your thoughts?

What does your teacher teach ? Of course you cannot read literature in a history or math or chemistry or language class...
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
This was a survey question. My teachers are okay with HP. Don't hate me..
peppergirl30 posted over a year ago
@ peppergirl : I don't hate you. You ask our thoughts, I give you mine, end of the story. If you disagree with them, that's OK for me, as for me there's nothing personal. If you're afraid of other folks' opinions, well, don't ask for theirs then. Once again, nothing personal so no hate there involved, that's completely irrelevant.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
 peppergirl30 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

LadyNottingham said:
Your teacher is entitled to her opinion - whatever that may be, however you may think of it. That's why I won't say anything bad about her.

If she banned it from the classroom, well, so be it. She's entitled to do so. But what prevents you from reading it once at home or outside the classroom/the school ? (in case it may have been banned from the school grounds too). Your teacher has no jurisdiction over what happens in your home or even outside the school grounds.

I say this as a teacher myself.

That's an excellent opportunity for you to show a bit of independence ! You read it, you like it, end of the story. Do you really need other people to make your own opinion about anything, be they your teacher or even ourselves here ? Just read the books/watch the movies if you want to. Don't be afraid...
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to.
peppergirl30 posted over a year ago
What ? But you did not of course ! LOL You ask a question, I reply, that's all. Besides, I'm adult and a teacher, I think I can provide a bit of interesting insight and experience all along. Enjoy !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
I just had an idea : if one day you are asked to read a book and make a summary out of it or whatever, as an assignment, choose one of the HP books. That may be interesting.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
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dracofan001 said:
tell her to read it.
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posted over a year ago 
Lol, good answer. xD
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
^haha thnx
dracofan001 posted over a year ago
nice answer
samsongirl1438 posted over a year ago
codyo1 said:
That's stupid last year I had a teacher who loved Harry Potter.It was her favorite book to read to the class
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That's stupid last year I had a teacher who loved Harry Potter.It was her favorite book to read to the class
posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
Maybe you should ask her if she's ever read them. Because one of the things I've noticed about people who say that Harry Potter is satanic and evil is that they've never even bothered to read the books. They just see the cover and the plot summary and jump to the conclusion that it must promote witchcraft.
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posted over a year ago 
era_sana said:
neglect ur teacher's comment!!!
itz really not like tht at all!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
VampiresRevenge said:
She won't let y'all read it in class or at home, too?

If it's in class, then it does sort of make sense because of the religious extremists who might be upset that their child is reading it. But the "murderous and evil" part? Most good literature has a bit of death in it, so if she's trying to show y'all good writing, then finding something without death is going to be hard. And the whole series is about fighting against evil and embracing love, so I don't know how she got the "evil" tag. But, then again, she may be one of those religious nuts. (I'm not saying that everyone who's religious is a nut, just those who see Harry Potter on the surface and think that the readers are worshiping Satan.)
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posted over a year ago 
EalasaidWooster said:
That's a bit of an exaggeration. Even if you don't like HP I don't see how it fits either of these adjectives. :/
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posted over a year ago 
joe-kerr said:
Show this page to your teacher
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posted over a year ago 
thegoldentrio said:
Well, personally the books have a great plot and moral, which I think teachers should encourage to read. Books wouldn't bE fun without a little mix of fantasy and reality Which Harry potter DEFINITELY has.
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posted over a year ago 
waimea said:
Peppergirl, the world if filled with narrow-minded people. Narrow-mindedness = ignorance. It's wonderful when you can bring enlightenment, but when they are people in power, such as a teacher or boss, you learn to roll with it, keeping your own convictions true. Remember, someday you'll be the boss.
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posted over a year ago 
So true !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
What do you mean "won't let the class read it"? Do you mean she won't let you bring the book into the classroom at all, or she won't make it a class assignment to read?

There's a big difference between the two.

If she won't let you bring the book into the classroom to read on your own, (as in, when you have free-time), then I would go to the principal or the school board.

If she just won't make it an assigned reading, then that makes sense. For starters (as VampiresRevenge pointed out), there's a lot of religious issues with the book. Her comment about it being "evil" just highlights that. Also, English teachers (if she is an English teacher) can't just randomly decide to read a book series half-way through the year that wasn't on the syllabus to read. Especially not if the book wasn't on the approved reading list.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
To bad for her bring it in anyways. She can't tell you what not to read she's not your mom. She should be estatic that you even want to read!
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posted over a year ago 
kaboomgirl said:
Read it anyway.
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posted over a year ago 
ruti97 said:
She is sick. How can Harry Potter be evil??
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posted over a year ago 
kingdomheartsmm said:
HARRY POTTER RULES DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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posted over a year ago 
seekergal101 said:
She's murderous and evil. Harry Potter is about a war, and how it really affects people. If you don't get kids ready for the trajedies of war, they will not be prepared. Death happens in life. Harry's parents were killed because they tried to save him. Now why is that wrong?
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posted over a year ago 
BlackHound said:
Sounds to me like this "teacher" needs an education.

If you haven't read a book or seen a movie, you have absolutely no freaking business critiquing it. If she hasn't read the books, her opinion of the saga is irrelivent.
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posted over a year ago 
laylafly said:
Lol my teachers dont like Harry Potter too.they say if you read it you wont come back alive,last year my maths (we finished the book earley) teacher wouldnt let me do that,but i thout about the rules its not ilegle in your school,i told the teacher about it,she said you can bring it,but keep it away from me would you
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posted over a year ago 
"they say if you read it you wont come back alive"...are your teachers idiots?
BlackHound posted over a year ago
And the worst in all this is to think that some people are allowed to teach...
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
HPotter_THEBEST said:
my teacher is PERFECTLY FINE with the whole class reading harry potter. he even let me write: for journal writing, "My Time At Hogwarts" instead of "My holidays" and i get to read them to the whole class and they liked it :D
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posted over a year ago 
my holidays was boring so i wrote my time at Hogwarts instead ;D by the way, this was during my time in year 7
HPotter_THEBEST posted over a year ago
Can you post it here as an article ? I'm sure we would like to read it. Come on ! Don't let only your teacher and classmates enjoy this, eh ?
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
hp4eva7 said:
Unless you can prove that there is something truly bad (like, innapropriate content, language, etc.) teachers shouldn't be allowed to ban a book. But if she doesn't let you guys read it, just read it somewhere else, I guess.
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posted over a year ago 
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