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Harry Potter Question

What exactly went through your mind when you first finished reading or watching The Deathly Hallows book or Part 2 movie?

I felt for the first time in my life a thing I always strived for- Peace.
 Catalunya posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

dracofan001 said:
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree! I was really angry about it.
casmira posted over a year ago
dracofan001 posted over a year ago
Eilleen said:
when I finished reading last book I just sat quietly for some time. I remembered every character in all books and... I realized how great was my journey with them and... how long. 10 years - all my childhood. And then I felt emptiness just this my live period ended with last book page, but I really can start the journey again and those good memories will never leave me.UNTIL THE VERY END OF MY LIVE HARRY POTTER BOOKS AND FILMS WIL BE PART OF ME.THE JOURNEY WILL END ONLY WITH THE LAST MY BREATH

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posted over a year ago 
So true
Catalunya posted over a year ago
So true
Catalunya posted over a year ago
Thank you very much guys :)
Eilleen posted over a year ago
hpotterforever7 said:
My mouth was just hanging open the whole film (I watched film first)! IT WAS SOOO EPIC!
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posted over a year ago 
frenchie143 said:
i felt empty --' i thought it would last forever (well, i knew it would end but still i was a lil sad :s )
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posted over a year ago 
Empty yeah- but I didn't feel sadness. I felt satisfaction.But still a lot empty.
Catalunya posted over a year ago
sure. but i knew nothing would be as great as hp was
frenchie143 posted over a year ago
I agree knowing i won't be going to the cinema again to watch a new Harry Potter film or Reading a new book it's very sad but nothing lasts forever
keladz posted over a year ago
sure. but it will last in our hearts <3 forever :)
frenchie143 posted over a year ago
Sevaiza said:
Harry Potter is a happy ending.but, i feel so feels like someone left me,it feels like i was lost,not knowing what to do or what i really feel.i feel so terrible.i feel hurt because it ended but even though, i know that it will always stay with me,it's just that,it's still sad that it has to end and i'm still hurting. I still can't move on...
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posted over a year ago 
peppergirl30 said:
Even though Harry Potter has a happy ending, I still didn't think about the end of it until I was sitting in the theater during the credits. I guess I always knew it would end, I just thought that it would last a little longer than it did. Those 10 years sure went fast for me....
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posted over a year ago 
jazzhands01 said:
Why would Bellatrix kill Dobby I hate her and I'm glad she's dead
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posted over a year ago 
dracofan001 posted over a year ago
Laura_T said:
Oh my God!! Fred!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
^ikr *sobs*
dracofan001 posted over a year ago
Caloria said:
"Oh my god... It can't be over. It CAN'T be! DX"
Yeah, I overreact a lot xD
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posted over a year ago 
that was my reaction....exactly
peppergirl30 posted over a year ago
casmira said:
I was a little disapointed..... the ending could've been way better - not that it wasn't good! They just could've just added more!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lilysev1134e said:
I'm gonna cry!!!! Snapes dead omg. Voldemort the fucking twat!!! How could he???????*sob*
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posted over a year ago 
akeena said:
the only thing i thought about when it was over were... snape love lily potter? and ron and hermonie kissed <3
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posted over a year ago 
rere14 said:
that's the end of my childhood
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posted over a year ago 
MrsEmmaPeel said:
I was like "Oh no it's over!!!" and "Oh no Sev's dead!!!" Plus "Finally some peace and the war is over!!". lol. xD
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posted over a year ago 
laylafly said:
I was feeling wired one moment thinking a bout the sad moments and the other one thinking of the happy moments then I felt so bad it ended
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posted over a year ago 
bulby said:
I'm felt like my heart was empty. I thought my friends separated from me.I miss the classrooms,the library, the whole place.
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posted over a year ago 
LunaLHerself said:
I felt for a second like it was over forever and like i wished we could've gotten to know the characters better but i think now that's over because there's still fanfiction and pottermore and the hp encycolpedia, and i realised it will never truly be over but it will be in our hearts forever.
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posted over a year ago 
NightFrog said:
I felt sort of empty. I finished the book in a study hall- all I did after that was stare at the last page. I honestly couldn't bring myself to read another book for a few days. I couldn't even bring myself to re-read it.

When I finished the movie (recently), I had the same reaction, except I had chills running through me. ..It made me want to fight in a battle, to fight for something important.

J.K. Rowling, look at what you've done to me.
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posted over a year ago 
RD_Blue_demigod said:
Tears began to ran down on my face,,'cause i know that its the end,but at the same time i was happy because voldemort is dead and everything went right again. . .
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posted over a year ago 
FlightofFantasy said:
My thoughts exactly: "I can't believe it's over."
And then I thought, "HP will never be over, though. It'll live on in our hearts and minds forever. But still... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER."

So there was an odd mixture of sadness, happiness, satisfaction and, most of all, catharsis.

And I had an additional thought when the credits of the final movie started rolling: "13 years of my life have gone by since I first read HP. 13 years! Harry Potter has been a part of my life for over half my life!" It was a strange thought, strange but beautiful.
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posted over a year ago 
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