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Harry Potter Question

Don't you think the pairing up of Ron-Hermione and Harry-Ginny is simply perfect?

Don't you think the pairing up of Ron-Hermione and Harry-Ginny is simply perfect?
Thanks to all for the answers.
TheLogicalwitch posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter  best answer

roseteaxx said:
I think RonxHermione is simply perfect.
Even in Philosopher's Stone, there were signs that they liked each other in a way which was more than that of friends. However, they were eleven, and they weren't mature enough for love quite yet. As the books progressed, however, Ron and Hermione grew closer and closer, their connection deeper and deeper. They didn't have a passionate love, as most teenage relationships tend to be. No, Ron and Hermione loved each other far more deeply. They were perfect, I think <3

But I really can't stand HarryxGinny. (If you love them and will be insulted if I bash their relationship, you'd better not read the rest of this XD)
I feel as if Harry only ended up with Ginny so that he could be a part of the Weasley family. Harry never noticed Ginny before, only thought of her as Ron's little sister. Out of nowhere, Ginny had this drastic character change (and certainly not a good one; I really loved Ginny through the fourth book; after that, she became obnoxious). She became very hot and very strong (although this strength, as well as her sense of humor, had to be shown through her bullying her peers, which doesn't seem to me like something Harry would be into; Harry had hated his own father for a while for being such a bully). Suddenly, Harry was in love with her. It was all very unnatural to me.
Also, Ginny never made Harry happy. It seemed to me that every time Harry was with Ginny, he was annoyed with her (unless they were snogging; then they were happy. Which is fairly shallow. Or if Ginny was making one of her "hilarious" jokes, all consisting of making fun of others, or discussing how she hexed another person because they were annoying her, which is very out of character for Harry).
Also, it seemed they were into each other for all the wrong reasons; Harry never took interest in Ginny until she became hot and popular, and Ginny only seemed to like Harry because he's the Chosen One. People say Harry was comfortable with her, but I didn't find that. I found that Harry could never be himself around her; he was always too busy trying to impress her. He could never talk to her; she always had to guilt him into communicating with her. Honestly, if Ginny hadn't had that drastic personality change, and had stayed the sweet, shy, awkward girl she was in the beginning, I wouldn't have minded Harry and Ginny together quite as much. It wouldn't be ideal for me, as Ginny only ever really liked Harry for his fame, even then (which is why she should have found deeper love with another character). But the way it is, HarryxGinny is completely forced.

I think Harry should have ended up with Luna. Or if JK Rowling were totally against that (although they seem perfect together in my opinion), Harry should have ended up alone, like Sirius. But I'll always be a HarryxLuna fan <3
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I totally agree with you, very well said!
HPHarmioneF101 posted over a year ago
You just turned me against HarryXGinny... Impressive! Well, it was never one of my favourite pairings anyway.
ImAnEasel posted over a year ago
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19thdayminis said:
Actually this answer won't be a popular one (please don't get over-excited and hate me for saying so!) but honestly I always thought the pairing was strange. I think the pairing of Ron and Hermione is just as uncomfortable-feeling to watch as it was for Rupert and Emma to kiss in real life. This is not a man she would have chosen for herself in real life and even on a movie it's not realistic. The chemistry isn't there and never was. Even with as good of an actress as Emma is, you can still just tell the distance between herself and Rupert. They are clearly just friends. As hard as she tries to portray a love for him in the movies, if you know real love in real life you'll know these two don't have it and never would :( This would be why it was just plain awful for them to have to kiss on screen and they both dreaded it really badly.
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posted over a year ago 
Its the pairing-up of Ron-Hermione I asked about ,not Rupert-Emma. Personally, I feel Rupert & Emma look perfect with each other, however, I'm well aware that they are good friends and were really embarrased shooting for that kissing scene. But I must say that u have missed the most perfect chemistry if u say that u didn't find chemistry between Ron-Hermione. THEIR pair was the most obvious thing ever since they first met at the train and Hermione says"u've got sth on you nose". Anyways, I don't HATE u ofcourse as i asked the question and u have the right to answer being a fan. But Romione are very very cute together!
TheLogicalwitch posted over a year ago
Actually, I haven't felt any chemistry between Ron and Hermione either. I agree with 19thdayminis - this is not a couple that would have worked in a real life. And it's also my least liked couple in the whole series. I'm indifferent to Harry/Ginny though.
lilith84 posted over a year ago
well that's why they are actors. they are SUPPOSED to be ABLE to portray that love on screen.
delamico posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
Not at all.

I like Romione in the books, but not so much in the later movies. It seemed like Rupert and Emma (most especially Emma) had a hard time putting that "brother/sister" mentality aside to allow the characters to be a couple. It ended up feeling forced and uncomfortable on-screen.

The Ginny-Harry coupling I never cared for. Ginny was this little nobody, and all of a sudden, Harry turns sixteen and, not only notices how hot Ginny is, but that she's perfect for him in every way. And I completely agree with Lord_Darling about the Oedipus Complex.

And the movies were even worse. Bonnie is a very wooden actor, and there's just zero chemistry between her and Dan, making the already awkward couple more awkward.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes I agree with this as well. On paper it's perfect, in the books it works fine. In the movies, the akwardness between the actors stifles how it should have worked out. Remember these are very young actors and they let their personal feelings toward their co-stars get in the way of how it should have looked and felt. Since they are young they couldn't help it. It's difficult to act like you love someone you never would in real life. I personally always felt Emma had a stronger connection to Daniel in real life if only a firmer affection as a friend that made their interactions more realistic. I feel she loves him more as a friend and that affection shows in their acting.
19thdayminis posted over a year ago
I agree.
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
Yea, I saw absolutely no chemistry between Dan and Bonnie in the movies. LOL! There was nothing there XD
GoldnSnitch_96 posted over a year ago
lililc said:
Harry and Ginny as characters are perfect together ,their personalities match (my problem with them is the way the were handled)
Ron and Hermione are perfect to me ,they balance each other,but i understand if some people thinks the oposite
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posted over a year ago 
I think this is the best answer on here.
GinnyT posted over a year ago
eeuhnn said:
no ithink hermioneis to harry and ron?dont think so.
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posted over a year ago 
Lord_Darling said:
I agree that Ron/Hermione is lovely, yes - though I don't read fic for it (or any het pairings for that matter, heh heh). I also agree with an earlier poster that the two actors had zero chemistry, which made it awkward onscreen. Ron and Hermione are a good match - he's loyal and reliable, ahe's intelligent and quick-witted.

I really don't like Harry/Ginny though, I'm afraid. I never really saw past Ginny's initial introduction as a shy stalker. It seems a bit unhealthy. The singer Gary Numan married one of his fans but I don't like the dynamic. It was also weird how much Harry/Ginny looked like James/Lily in the film - it was all a bit 'Oedipus complex' for me (like he was dating his mother).
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posted over a year ago 
'Sorry to know your thoughts'??
Lord_Darling posted over a year ago
You asked our opinions! Do you only want people to reply if they agree with you? I thought the wonderful thing about debate and asking questions was that you can get so many different answers. I wouldn't ask a burger fan, 'Aren't burgers cool?!' because they're only going to say 'Yes!' and it gets predictable. I don't know why you'd ask if you don't want opposing viewpoints - maybe that's just me. I know JKR likes Harry/Ginny (she wrote it, after all) but I don't have to agree with her. I'm not her acolyte. Anyway...never mind!
Lord_Darling posted over a year ago
^^^ I second that. Besides no one really has the right to decide what makes a 'true' Harry potter fan. Every fan is diffrent and views the story a diffrent way.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
hp_maniac said:
yes of course!
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posted over a year ago 
Tigerlily888 said:
WELL I adore Hermione/Ron-they're perfect but I despise Harry/Ginny because I can't stand her! She's a bitch in my opinion!
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posted over a year ago 
She is though ;)
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Lol^ I second what Zanhar said
GoldnSnitch_96 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
Actually I don't I like Harry/Hermione and Ron/Fleur

I usually hate canon and love noncanon couples.
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posted over a year ago 
where's the answer to my question??
TheLogicalwitch posted over a year ago
It was 'actually I don't it's the first thing I said, right befirei like Harry/Hermione.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Think zanhar1 meant 'Actually I don't." then the new sentence separately. I will admit that I actually believe Harry/Hermione more that Ron/Hermione....though, my favorite pairing for hermione is very non-canon. I also like Harry/Luna and Ginny/Neville.
karenmiller1972 posted over a year ago
darkwave said:
Ron-Hermione only...
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posted over a year ago 
karenmiller1972 said:
I'm ambivalent to the Harry/Ginny connection. I really could care less about that. I agree that Ginny morphed a little to rapidly from obsessed infatuated fan to 'perfect' girlfriend material, but I wasn't too worried about it. The way JKR was writing the stories, you could see that as being the only outcome that JKR was considering.

Now, Hermione/Ron. On a child's level, I could understand that JKR would match up Hermione and Ron. It was the inevitable outcome of her plotline. But, I really didn't agree with the epilogue showing them still together. Yes, it was sweet. Yes, it gave a HEA to the series. But, logically, it was a high school relationship that I couldn't see lasting to adulthood based on the personalities that JKR had made the backbone of the characters throughout the series.

The only way I have been able to reconcile the Hermione/Ron relationship is to assume that Ron changes a whole lot between graduation from Hogwarts and becoming an adult. Changes that we are just to assume have happened based on his comment of getting a muggle's license.

Yes, the actor is cute. Yes, the character of Ron is interesting. But, it has just never fit in my perspective of Hermione except as a childhood crush that every young adult assumes should be the ultimate end to her HEA. But, I can't reconcile that into a long time stable relationship that would be successful.
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posted over a year ago 
What you are saying here about the difficulties of Hermione/Ron is interesting to me because I can see where you're coming from. It's been a while sonce I read the books, but I can remember at several points when I WAS reading them tjat I'd find myself getting a little annoyed on Hermione's behalf because of Ron. Sometimes he'd do or say something a bit crass or bullish & Hermione would get irritated or upset & I'd think, "He's only going to worsen with time". This didn't happen in the films as there was less character development for time purposes. I know couples who, many years down the line, have morphed into the 'nag' & the 'oaf', driven apart by their oppositional personalities. I did wonder in the Epilogue if Hermione/Ron is going to stand the test of time. I suppose I like the pairing because it's 'sweet', it's symbiotic (as in: they rely/depend on each other) but I still do wonder about the longevity of it, myself. I'm finding everyone's answers intriguing!
Lord_Darling posted over a year ago
For me, the pairing only works in the insular enviroment of school. Once past school and having to deal with work, workplace relationships, responsibilites for hearth and home, family, and still try to keep a relationship together.....I don't see that working. At least, in my opinion, I can't see it in the long term. At some point, unless Ron's attitude evolves, Hermione will eventually get tired of being the 'adult' in the relationship. She was the 'adult' all through the trio's school year, taking care of keeping everyone on track with homework, with responsibilities, trying to make peace among her friends maturely. Eventually she's going to want a partner, not another person she is totally responsible for with out any help in return.
karenmiller1972 posted over a year ago
I never felt any overwhelming love or passion between Hermione and Ron from reading the books. It was more of a reaction to the circumstances they found themselves in as the 'trio' and I still feel that once they left Hogwarts they would have grown out of those relationships and into more adult ones. Romantic iInteractions between Hermione and Ron seemed more as things that were forced into the last books to lead to an expected HEA for everyone instead of a relationship that was built up through the whole series. JKR spent such a great and intrinsic time piece by piece, hint by hint, building up the background of Severus Snape's great reveal of his character. There was never any touching moments of a romantic nature or ones where Ron actually treated Hermione as a girl/woman for me to base their relationship on. It all came to a head in the final stages of the battle that they came together. And thats what made me always feel it was a reaction to being in the famed 'trio', in the midst of adrenaline and battle, based on love and affection for one another, but not having 'fallen in love' with each other.
karenmiller1972 posted over a year ago
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
idk...I think Harry could have done a little better than offence to Ginny or anything...besides, I always imagined Harry and Hermione being together, didn't you?
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posted over a year ago 
Silverdoe said:
Short answer - No.

I agree with what other people have said on this question. In the beginning Ginny was shy and quiet and was never really noticed. But when Harry suddenly turned 16, he noticed Ginny and she became popular and brilliant and all the boys noticed her too. It was unrealistic. I might have been able to believe their relationship if Ginny's whole personality hadn't changed. Also I hate the simularities with James/Lily. It's weird and wrong.

I dislike Ron/Hermione too. My opinion on them is unpopular but I don't care. People say that Harry and Hermione have a brother/sister relationship but I don't see that. I see the sibling relationship between Ron and Hermione. They act like brother and sister. They fight constantly and I did the same thing with my brothers when we were younger. We acted the same. So, in my mind, Ron and Hermione are like brother and sister so I have trouble in seeing them together. It's odd.

In the movies, I don't like the pairings either. There is no chemistry on screen.

I believe Harry/Hermione, Ginny/Dean, Ron/Muggle should have happened. I expected at least one of them to end up with someone not in the book, just someone unknown.
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posted over a year ago 
I can roughly see Harry/Hermione. I see that outcome more than the Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione outcomes. Harry/Luna works for me as well. I briefly considered Ginny/Neville cause it reminded me of Molly and Arther Weasley's relationship. A bossy and domineering woman and a man who was loving and agreeable but with a backbone of steel for when it truly mattered.
karenmiller1972 posted over a year ago
And I agree that Ron and Hermione had more of a sibling relationship, or so it seemed to me.
karenmiller1972 posted over a year ago
Apart from being intimated by Harry (understandably so) Ginny was never shy or quiet. The other boys had been noticing her all along. As far as similarities between James/Lily go, I agree that there are a few, but that's not unrealistic. I completley agree that the movie pairings were AWFUL!
GinnyT posted over a year ago
kvolk said:
Yes! Ginny was allways my favorite... but at first I thought Hermione would marry Harry
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Yes! Ginny was allways my favorite... but at first I thought Hermione would marry Harry
posted over a year ago 
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Ginny gets on my nerves.
Elsewise, certainly.
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posted over a year ago 
DR76 said:
Yes, it is.
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posted over a year ago 
GinnyT said:
The more I think about it, the more perfect Hinny seems. As far as Ron and Hermione go I can understand all the reasons people are against the pairing (unlike Harry & Ginny where they seem to be petty and ridiculous) yet I can still get behind Romione :) Also, J.K. said Harry and Ginny were soul mates, so of course they are perfect for each other!
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posted over a year ago 
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